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View Full Version : Technological Uses of Metals

  1. Metal Detector Accessories (5 replies)
  2. Art (0 replies)
  3. Making Rings from coins (2 replies)
  4. 3 D Print a car = now viable technology (7 replies)
  5. Harvesting Zinc... (11 replies)
  6. Solar Power Battery Storage: New chemistries and old (9 replies)
  7. Nexeon tips magic dust into our batteries (0 replies)
  8. Another use for silver [team creates palladium-like alloy] (0 replies)
  9. Gold and Platinum For Medical DDevice Market (0 replies)
  10. China demand for Silver (0 replies)
  11. Metal Needles Deform Drastically After First Uses (3 replies)
  12. Cut Phone Radiation (3 replies)
  13. (gold tipped) Nano antenna increases the intensity of light by a factor of 1,000 (0 replies)
  14. Metal-vapor lasers (1 replies)
  15. backyard foundries (3 replies)
  16. Silver - Medical uses (6 replies)
  17. Palladium: The Ultimate Hydrogen Membrane (10 replies)
  18. Uses for Silver (7 replies)