View Full Version : Gulf Oil Disaster
- Drilling expansion dead in US Congress
- Public opinion turning against Obama on oil spill
- O
- Gulf of Mexico especially chosen for spill
- Cutting pipe live now
- BP Shares
- BP Oil Leak May Last Until Christmas in Worst Case Scenario.
- Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Economic Impact
- Gulf Oil Spill: Relief Wells Are Risky, Could Actually Make Spill Worse
- BP live feeds link
- Goldman sachs sold 44% of its B.P. Stock 3 weeks before the spill
- BP's New 9/11 in the Gulf of Mexico
- BP Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Lessons Learned and Needed Actions (this is good)
- MAP OF THE DAY: The Most Frightening Oil Projection Yet
- Oil Could Reach Atlantic Coast
- Director James Cameron says BP turned down help offer
- Jindal Challenges Obama Drill Ban, Cites Loss of 20,000 Jobs
- How big is the oil disaster? in your area?.........
- Breaking: Coast Guard confirms oil sheen in Florida Keys;
- 30 Shocking Quotes About The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill
- Obama Regime: Nuclear Option on Gulf Oil Spill? No Way, U.S. Says
- oil volcano...several live feeds here
- Jim McCanney Show (covers oil spill)
- Gulf oil gusher conspiracy cover-up
- BP's Top Two Officials On Rig Are No-Shows At Crucial Hearing.
- Now A Natural Gas Well Is Spewing Uncontrollably In Pennsylvania!
- BP's television ad blitz $50,000,000.
- The blow out of the oil well was on........
- Florida coast suffers first impact from oil spill.===the beginning.
- Obama: "I Will Not Rest Until That Hole Is Plugged. Now Watch This Drive."
- Coast Guard Forms Panel for Ideas to Mop Up Oil Spill.
- Since there is now plenty of tar on the Gulf beaches....
- Holy cow, check out the ammount of oil coming out...........
- A Series Of Lucky Coincidences Involving Goldman Sachs And BP plc
- Sarah Palin claims environmentalists caused the Gulf oil spill
- BP oil spill is nothing new
- Breaking: BP Gulf Oil Spill Toxic Rain Falls on Cars, Ground, Central Texas
- Ex-oil official: Agency is a 'culture of corruption'
- Oil leak is supposed to be less than rear end.
- The Cover-up: BP's Crude Politics and the Looming Environmental Mega-Disaster
- Senator confirms reports that wellbore is pierced; oil seeping from seabed in mu
- BP buys Google, Yahoo oil spill search terms
- Dems intend to repackage cap and trade in 'BP Spill Bill"
- Flames in the underwater volcano (Gulf Oil Disaster)
- 2nd hr Rense tonight (8PM PT): From FL Juliyanna The Huge Oil Impact
- Goldman Sachs owns dispersant company poisoning the Gulf
- This oil spill is Humpty Dumpty
- FOC Oil Boom
- BP stock falling into the ABYSS
- Why Did The U.S. Refuse International Help on The Gulf Oil Spill?
- Approaching the point of no return on the oil volcano?
- BP tests oil in gulf... Ocean not saturated enough... more oil to come
- Jesse Jumps on BP
- Journalist dives into Gulf, can only see oil
- Crisis in the gulf.
- Attorney: Deepwater Horizon Managers Knew About Oil Rig Problem Before Explosi
- Matt Simmons on BP: "about a month before they declare Chapter 11"
- Bullets Shatter Glass at BP Gas Station
- Thinking about BP and chapter 11........
- 4,000 Active Oil and Gas Platforms in Gulf
- Witness statement says bosses knew Gulf oil rig disaster was 'gonna happen'
- BP faces a new nightmare as oil causes Florida swimming ban
- CNN "100+ residents admitted to hospital for oil fumes"
- Can we privately start deploying microbes to the Gulf oil disaster?
- Olbermann "doomsday scenario with oil leak"
- Gulf Oil Spill ‘Could Go Years’ If Not Dealt With
- Vatican Official Tied To BP, Goldman Sachs And Media Censorship In The Oil Fiasc
- Lindsey Williams speaks about BP Oil Catastrophe Part 1 of 4
- Why they cannot cap the oil well.......
- Team says much more oil may have flowed from well
- Appeasing the oil gods - it's all clear to me now, brute force is the cure
- FAA is closing down the Gulf of Mexico to 'unauthorized' aircraft
- Additional BP Tankers Aren't Expected Until July
- national guard staging for mass evacuations from oil catastrophe
- Naples, Florida and the oil catastrophe
- Oil Spill Health Dangers Benzene
- BP Spills Coffee
- BP can't understand why their stock is falling??? Please help!
- Which is the greater disaster? Chernobyl or the Macondo well blowout disaster?
- This guy says its not an oil spill
- Containment boom effort comes up short in BP oil spill
- Big Oil races to drill deep in the Gulf of Mexico
- Progress on BP Spill Containment, But Is It Safe to Swim?
- Boycott Big Oil? Prepare to give up your lifestyle
- The BP Deep water horizon, Macondo Well Blowout. and what we are facing in the G
- US says 13 nations and UN offering oil spill help (AP)
- aerial pictures of gulf disaster
- Freedom Domain on the BP oil disaster
- Dylan Ratigan & Matt Simmons "Oil could flow for 30+ years"
- BP cleanup cost soars as spill estimates double.
- BP Official Admits to Damage BENEATH THE SEA FLOOR.
- 30 Shocking Quotes About The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill
- unofficial "choose a date for BP Bankruptcy"?
- BP Disaster - Disaster Capitalism at its "Finest" (Worst) ?
- Black is white, up is down - do not question us concerning that!
- Just as we expected, end game!
- Evidence indicates damage to subsea wellbore (per BP)
- Heads up: Gulf states and Florida
- Disappeared body counts means -- disappeared liability for BP
- the canary in the coal mine
- Florida - summer of 2011
- MARTIAL LAW ALERT: Gulf Coast Evacuation Scenario.
- The BP Oil Spill May Be Bad, But This Cover Up is Far More Deadly
- ROV films oil leak coming from rock cracks on seafloor.
- I do not see large scale forced evacuations before August
- Live cam from oil "leak" ............anyone?
- the real reason we are in afganistan...........1 trillion in unmined deposits
- Could the oil spill actually stop a hurricane?
- Gulf Evacuations
- Schlumberger and the Gulf Oil Syndrome (GOS)
- Tenth Circle of Hell being delayed by BP oil disaster!
- One ton tarball. Perido Pass Florida.
- - WHY NOT oil eating bacteria?
- They're not capping this one and it's been on fire since 1971!
- BP Death Clouds Already Onshore! Benzene-3400ppb & Hyrdrogen Sulfide-1200ppb TOX
- Oil spills are all the rage
- Obamatron says come on down... nothing wrong in gulf...
- Data released by EPA confirms lindsey williams
- BP Spraying Corexit over populated areas?
- Boston Molasses Disaster - 1919
- more info on the oil volcano
- BP hires private security contractors to guard ‘black water’.
- The Pirates of Dark Water
- Oil Disaster Will Be End of Life As We Know It
- The situation begs the question: Why isn't someone like Gen. Honoré in charge???
- Okaloosa County isn’t taking oil spill orders any more.
- Richard C. Hoagland: the oil catastrophe hasn't begun yet
- Power Blackouts And Water Shortages Threaten Florida
- BP Suspends Oil Spill Recovery After Ship Fire
- The short film BP (and the USG) doesn't want you to see
- HAM Radio info for the Gulf
- BP gulf oil spill dual valve adapter for broken BOP riser flange.
- Dr. Masaru Emoto's Healing Prayer For The Gulf
- 120,000 bpd; 40% Gulf covered; Need to nuke
- Inhabitants of the Earth... Get Out Now!
- Ron Paul: Oil and Gold
- About the nuke option
- Jones Act Slowing Oil Spill Cleanup?
- Halliburton Buys Boots & Coots a week before the Gulf Disaster
- No way to stop it, end game in sight
- Citi Plans to Halt Some Foreclosures Near Gulf Spill
- NASA Satellite Image of oil along the coastline between Miami and Virginia
- Oil Odor in Mobile
- If it can rain fish then what about tar balls?
- Alex Jones' disappointing oil crisis coverage
- Gulf Oil Disaster Picture thread
- BP “horribly negligent†when completing well
- Follow the oil spill here with a lot of maps and sats photos...........
- “Billion potential barrels of oil†under BP’s ruptured well"
- Senator Bill Nelson "there’s reports of oil that’s seeping up from the seabed…"
- Possible Motivations to Create Environmental Mega-Disaster
- BP, Nalco Sued Over Dispersant Used in Gulf Spill
- Gulf Oil Spill "Could Go on for Years and Years" ...
- Judge favored by BP has financial ties to oil industry
- Oil disaster by the numbers
- First dead whale found
- ...And In the On-Deck Circle for the BP Compensation Trough...
- Trustees for America filed Lis Pendens against Crown re: BPetrol at Hague 6/15
- Jindal tries to save LA beaches, USCG stops it over extinguishers, vests regs
- Disposal of tainted sludge (BP saying waste is not toxic)
- What is worst name to call a oil rig
- Dead whale found near oil spill..........
- 3 articles - "ecological disaster beyond comprehension" - and then some
- Foreign flagging of offshore rigs skirts U.S. safety rules.
- BP scaring the crap out of people: dispersants having laxative effect on Floridi
- Air quality - Gulf Coast
- Asphalt volcanoes & speculation
- saw multpiple convoys this morning
- Florida Gov visits microbe plant
- BP Aware Of Cracks In Oil Well Two Months Before Explosion
- BP exec says relief well within 200 feet of blown well
- BP Oil Spill - One step ahead of the end game - Thinking outside the box
- Tony Hayward relieved of day-to-day responsibility for spill
- Scientists Warn Gulf Of Mexico Sea Floor Fractured Beyond Repair
- CNN's Larry King to host 2-hour telethon Monday to aid victims of the Gulf of Me
- Oil-Gate: New Facts Diabolical
- Kevin Costner Kicks Obamas ASS
- is Florida about to Die?
- BP hosing populated coastline with Corexit at night
- Gulf Oil Showing Radiation In New Test
- sickness follows spill workers home to texas
- Rikki Ott reports residents falling ill (6/14)
- wave & wind finder for gulf
- As oil spews in Gulf, BP chief at UK yacht race
- As oil spews in Gulf, BP chief at UK yacht race
- Who Died And Made BP King Of The Gulf Of Mexico?
- North America faces years of toxic oil rain from BP oil spill chemical dispersan
- How the ultimate BP Gulf disaster could kill millions = 3 pages.
- Oil spill cleanup aid from overseas comes with a price tag
- Many foreign offers to help with oil spill still hanging, website indicates
- Did White House Shake Down BP for $20B Fund?
- Philosophical view of BP oil spill
- Oil Cleanup Workers Not Paid On Time.
- BP Oil Spill: As Pay Czar Promises Money, Workers Turned Away From BP Claims Cen
- Matthew Lynn - BP Needs to Tell Whining Americans to 'Take A Hike'
- Death cloud followed by tsunami
- Joel Skousen debunks Lindsey Williams
- Palm Beach Florida to post signs warning of oil in the water
- Marine Center Director: “Never seen anything like thisâ€; 10 whale 23 miles....
- Internal BP Document Confirms Matt Simmons' Worst Case Prediction Of Spill Rate
- BP Executives And US Regulators Bushwhacked All Forms Of Life
- Behold A Pale Horse
- In 1903, Cabalist Banker Prophesied Gulf Apocalypse
- Very high level of concern for the integrity of the well
- Corexit = 2-Butoxyethanol, a neurotoxin, along with arsenic, cadmium, cyanide
- Could aliens clean up Gulf spill?
- Oil Found in Oyster at Restaurant?
- Webbots and the oil spill
- Oil reported just offshore Cuba.;
- God's Work? Luck? Or Lawbreaking?
- MSM (HuffPo) talking about Methane/Tsunami worst case scenario
- BP's First Nightmare Is Now Named Alex:Tropical Storm Heading For Gulf Of Mexico
- BP is burning endangered sea turtles alive.
- One has to wonder about the BP thing....
- Obama Administration Knew About Deepwater Horizon 35,000 Feet Well Bore, Green-L
- Good Article on Economic Effects of Gulf Oil Spill
- John Stossel on Bill O'Reilly - BP Shakedown
- 1
- The Gusher Camera Viewing thread
- Each day, another way to define worst-case for oil spill
- Bashing BP (For Doing Exactly What Government Led Them to Do)
- Cap is off the blowout oil well in the gulf
- Ron Paul calls $20 billion BP escrow fund a 'PR stunt,' 'suspicious'
- Oil soaks miles of Pensacola Beach
- Methane
- Deadly Fumes from T.S. Agatha to hit FLA
- Fisherman's Wife Kindra Arnesen Takes On BP Over Spill Health .
- Will the Rothchilds owned Zionist Puppet, Peter Mandelson be the next BP chief?
- suspicious oil spill, suspicious suicide
- "FEMA has prepared an evacuation plan for Floridians..."
- virtually all valdez clean up workers dead, avg age 51
- Several clips, interesting video
- Judge Napolitano on the Shakedown of BP 06/24/10
- Oilpocalypse: Divers' underwater video of BP oil spill disaster
- Relief may not come soon for BP's runaway well
- Matt Simmons "we need to evacuate the Gulf"
- Benzene And Hydrogen Sulfide: The Real Dangers From The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill
- Methane in Gulf "astonishingly high": U.S. scientist
- Urgent - Radioactive Oil From BP Blowout!
- Judge Napolitano v. Shepard Smith on the gulf oil spill
- EXCLUSIVE! OIL SPILL IN GULF - Hand of God? Connection to Israel?
- weather channel special tonight on oil spill(evacuations discussed)
- Blood of Earth....BP oil spill....
- Interesting pic of the Surf
- Sen Lemieux "Govt is refusing help with oil spill"
- Oil on Pensacola Beach
- Gulf Coast Toxicity Syndrome (very good)
- Panama City FL - People Vomiting, Respiratory Illnesses
- listen live to Gulf Area fire and rescue calls (sick folks)
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