View Full Version : General Discussion
- Tornado Of Fire Caught On Tape In Australia Fire Twister
- bank of japan announces 80 trillion QE
- 'Proof' Jesus was married
- 302 pairs of Y-fronts to regain his world title
- Harvard Losing Out to South Dakota in Graduate Pay: Commodities
- NSA super surveillance center being constructed in Utah
- UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco
- If One Had A Crystal Ball ....
- french magazine does cartoon of mohammed naked (gas to the fire)
- Lies, Damn Lies, Statistics – and the Republican Party Platform
- Mittens implodes, what's next?
- max keiser implosion before Apr 15 2013
- SGT Report "the federal reserve, the end is near"
- U.S. Sucked into blackhole in October
- S. African miners go on strike again
- Obama: CLUELESS when it comes to debt
- Sprott: No Economic Recovery
- In the Shadow of Hermes by Jüri Lina (2011)
- Global Governance and the Future of the United States: Henry Lamb
- Silver: The Trade of a Lifetime, But Leads to a Life of Crime
- Optical Illusion of the Globalists: Al-Qaeda Attacking US Embassies Across the World
- What Did Rand Paul Gain ?
- New Study Finds GM Corn and Roundup Causes Cancer In Rats at levels permitted in drin
- The sons of the fallen
- What Mitt Romney Also Said: A Glimpse Of The Endgame?
- silver is the most undervalued asset ever
- US Citizens & Their Property Collateral for US Debt
- I searched for "Innocence of Muslims" and got nothing?
- Download Antiterror training presentions
- Officials investigate Three Mile Island shutdown
- Cyborg cockroaches under development as spy weapons
- we could all take a lesson from this guy...
- National security officials: Cyber-attacks on websites of US banks are being carried
- Pro Israel, anti Muslim ads on N.Y. subways.
- Secret Service investigating Texas man...for 'lynching' a chair in his front yard
- Republican Party ‘Cranks’ Threatening Growth, Swan Says
- 'Dark Knight' sicko James Holmes shows up in court with normal hair
- Children born to parents who eat GM wheat may DIE before age five, warn scientists
- Federal regulators launch probe of JPMorgan's energy trading in California
- Fluoride toxicity - Protect yourself with selenium
- i have had 3 people call me about buying silver in the past 3 days
- IT'S OFFICIAL: It's Been Announced That 'Currency Wars' Are Back On
- Jim Rickards interview Currency wars w/Max Keiser and a screaming sheep
- General Motors Is Headed For Bankruptcy -- Again
- 21 Facts About America's Decaying Infrastructure That Will Blow Your Mind
- Getting a non-interest bearing checking account w/o a SS#
- What If Only 3% of Adults Wanted To Purchase Physical Gold And Silver?
- GMO, Global Alert
- Senior ATF Agent In Charge Of Fast 'N Furious Gun Running Program Was Also Working Fo
- Raw Milk Police Defeated As Jury Finds Minnesota Farmer Not Guilty
- Change You Cannot Believe IN!
- Israel's Secret Weapon
- Dr. John Christy’s testimony before congress: Record heat, meh!
- Luci's Trust
- Cartel Dumped 2x Annual US Silver Production on Market in 15 Min to Smash Silver Unde
- Girls beat up Iran cleric over dress code
- The hands-free automatic sperm extractor
- Ex-CIA head of Bin Laden Unit speaks out
- Leroy quits politics, becomes a stand up comic.
- The Principality of Hutt River, Sovereign Land within Australia
- More Jesse
- Man Spends $20K Cleaning Abandoned Lot Near His Business– City Threatens Legal Action
- Illuminati and the Vatican connection: Control by secret orders
- What's it all about?
- Now tell me who the fvck are you?
- Israel seeks war on Iran to keep lid on 9/11
- Take the Test to See If You Might Be Considered a “Potential Terrorist” By Government
- USCIS Clarifies That Phony/Stolen SSNs Need Not Be Disclosed in Deferred Action App.
- Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion........more than the Protocols.
- Jim Sinclair: QE3 To Infinity-The Final End Game
- Using trash for fuel?
- Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair.
- Mortgage Cops Taking Tough Stance.
- The $69.00 $4,000 book Kindle Touch Tablet.
- Forget the Dollar- 1oz. of Silver for 45 Acres of Land!
- Iran Accuses German Siemens Of Sabotaging Its Nuclear Plant As Turkey Sends Heavy Wea
- Fort Worth Man Gets 80 Years For Buying A Hot Dog With Fake Money
- Germany Eyes Gold Standard
- the power of visualization
- US Senate votes 90-1 to prevent nuclear Iran....
- 25 missing on Manaslu (8000 m peak) from avalanche
- I had a very realistic dream about the coming pole shift
- I told ya, the FEMEN bitches are a jew funded organization
- How the Hell Do I Calculate The Way Home???
- Wealthy Welfare: UK to freeze benefits as inflation bites .
- Equation of Time
- CAF "Did bernanke just order the banks to buy even more derivatives"
- GSUS Donations
- Nigga roll
- Just curious, Thur & Fri massive chemtrailing in Los Angeles
- Holocaust denier extradited to Germany for prison term
- Synchronised Toilet Flush To Clear City Sewer
- C.I.A. no al-qaeda ever existed - BBC documentary the power of nightmares
- Everyone who attended #OWS with a cell phone had their identity logged.
- dream about war coming
- Brad Pitt holds Movie Option on role re: IBM's Holocaust role aiding Nazi's.
- 20,000 Year-Old Aluminum ‘Vimana’ Aircraft Landing Gear
- massive bank runs in Spain, collapse imminent
- celente "the first great war of the 21st century has begun"
- Criminal/Civil charges filed against Washington.
- Gold Seen Luring Wealthy as Central Bankers Expand Stimulus
- War With Iran A Terrible Idea - Here's Why
- Anti-Soviet Warrior puts his army on the road to peace [propaganda]
- Potential vs Reality
- We Are Change UK - Phil Hayton (BBC reporter who pre-reported copllapse) and WTC7
- The License Sets The Standard
- Free Energy - Nuclear Engineer M.T. Keshe
- Just got back from the VA hospital......and you say, SO WHAT? lol
- Ahmadinejad says Israel will be "eliminated"
- tungsten gold coins coming next
- "Mystery" SARs like virus emerges... guess where?
- Tsunami debris washes up in Hawaii
- Ahmadinejad Defends Holocaust Denial at UN; Israel Walks Out, U.S. Sticks Around to L
- 25 Most Famous Women To Appear On Playboy’s Cover.
- David Hudson at Enota
- Chinese Firm That Promotes & Sells Gold Plated Tungsten Online!
- Snake Found With Head on Each End of Its Body
- Well yom kippur starts today I wonder if the jews cause any trouble
- Why everyone should own a good dog
- Vote for Vermin Supreme!
- Breaking: Afghanistan – America’s “Total Lie War”
- do not go anywhere far before nov, u will not get home
- Freemason Semi-Truck Hauling FEMA Coffins? in Wisconsin Sept. 2012
- San Fran Fed Chairman "QE3 likely needs to be expanded"
- UN live.......
- Pravda Forum Attacked Destroyed , Big Free Speech Site
- Isreli lobbyist announces "we need a false flag to get Iran rolling"
- Guess Where These Beautiful Pictures Were Taken …
- Is JP Morgan Shorting Paper Metals While Acquiring Massive Physical Stockpiles?
- About 50 Taiwanese vessels entered waters near a group of uninhabited islands
- National Register to Vote Day
- In California, 'birth tourism' appears to grow
- AIPAC's sickening reach to corrupt another generation of "leaders"
- Educate me on binoculars, please.
- 19 Signs That The US Is Being Systematically Transformed Into A Giant Surveillance
- You Know You Are a Conspiracy Theorist If
- The height of Rothschild Israeli propaganda: Ahmadinejad pushes new world order
- Police Start Violence! Massive Protest Erupts in Spain! Sep, 25, 2012
- My new video about the Cooper case (wrongful conviction in NC)
- Happy Yom Kippur!
- Horse and cart driver's fine withdrawn
- Amazing Mind Reader Reveals His 'Gift"
- U.S. Presidential Candidate "Israel did 9/11"
- The Digital Revolution & How Books Will Be Banned in the 21st Century
- me ranting about the nfl referee bull****
- Batman Shooter James Holmes Was On Hardcore Pharmaceutical Drugs
- A Surprising New Risk Of The U.S. Dollar And Other Fiat Currencies
- Jim Willie "Dollar Death Knell"
- silver shield "the mask of sanity"
- US Military puts Assange on Presidential Assasination list
- New comet might blaze brighter than the full Moon
- Where's Awoke
- I'm a racist ! Behold my racism !
- Rockefeller Global Tentacles Exposed in 1959 by the Soviet Union MADSEN
- PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT - Buy a heavy duty screen door
- Israeli leaders meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in NYC.
- Chemtrails in Boston during Liverpool soccer game
- US Bank Run Imminent as FDIC Expanded Deposit Insurance Ends Dec 31st.
- Busted! US Government EXPERIMENTS on US Citizens!!
- everybody in cleveland got obama phone
- spanish police open fire on protestors in subway
- The Morning 'Gag' News
- US’ Bernanke declares war on Canadian economy
- 32,000 Year Old Alien City Found In India (?)
- Yahu at the UN.
- Saving 100 Year Old Oak
- Let's discuss the Mysteries! (a place for Magnes and me to stop derailing threads)
- cartoon interview with JP Morgan's Global Head of Commodities Trading, Ms B.M.
- Questions about a given loan.......$140,000
- John Rubino interview (dollar collapse)
- California man behind anti-Islam film arrested
- Help me decide (Knife purchase)
- Declare em dead and harvest those organs
- Interesting, none of my Iranian peers know about the USS Liberty etc
- Caption this Netanyahu pic
- Cyber attack takes down PNC website for second day
- Stern Interviews Obama Supporters
- Dang... Just dang!!
- Impending Catastrophe: Spain Has Entered A Full-Scale Collapse
- Buddhist Statue Discovered by Nazis is Made of Metorite
- A Real Shocker: Gold Dinar - Islam and Future of Money
- Ferguson "QE will fail, and gold will be revalued"
- Now we're cooking with gas!
- Police gun down 83 year old woman responding to 9-11 call she dialed.
- Police Gone WILD! - Women & Children At Gun Point - 19 Cars Stopped & Cuffed.
- India Exchange launches 1KG silver bars for delivery
- Man Dies in Police Raid on Wrong House.
- David Icke: Quantitative Easing Depression
- Woman got loaded gun past TSA: report.
- 9 Year Old Autistic Child Beat By Police, Arrested for Aggravated Battery
- Connecticut Teacher Didn't Know He Shot Masked Son Until Police Identified Body
- If it bleeds, it leads - FOX broadcasts suicide LIVE!
- Car dealer makes clerical error of $5,600, charges buyer with automobile theft
- rship apologizes for error, customer arrest
- Pastor James Manning: "I Stand with Israel" - WTF?
- Rabbi predicts that Anti-Semites will be Murdered by IDF Special Forces.
- The Zionist Matrix of Power
- entire congress and Obama leave D.C. in time to attack Iran
- For the Romney voters you might know.
- Virginia man kills whole family
- Quigley Comments From 1972
- Taiwan wants Yuan not dollars for reserves
- The surprising truth about what motivates us
- tax payers spent $1.4 billion on Obama family last year
- Austerity "spanish officials locking up trash cans, prevent foraging"
- Gold is going Parabolic from here
- Beer Paradise!
- Time is a creation of life in response to gravity
- beyond treason
- Milgram experiment
- Agenda 21 show on C2C tonight 9/29/2012
- Somalis torture set teen on fire and leave him burning to die at Stockholm
- Hate the Muslims, hate the Arabs...the brainwashing of me.
- Drug Forfeiture May Lead to Seizure of Township.
- NAM demands that Israel join the NPT without further delay.
- U.S. Removes ‘Mujahideen Khalq’ from Black List.
- Gaddafi was killed by French secret serviceman on orders of Nicolas Sarkozy.
- World's biggest hedge fund = Apple?
- Traitors in Spain
- Know your land rights....
- G. Edward Griffin on Quick Fixes, the Looming Great War and Loss of TPTB Moral Author
- how much K is 8 oz of $100 ferns?
- Chinese hackers break in to White House military office network in charge of the pres
- Mum's just washed the cat': Kitten survives full cycle
- Gold & Silver Down on Monday Asian Open As Banksters Given Naked Shorting Green Light
- PrintCrime - Story about the future of 3d printing and the men who want to stop it
- Brightest Comet in Human History Coming! Comet 2012 S1
- Former employee reveals CNN is paid by foreign governments to produce "news"
- PressTV - '7,500 US officials serve Israel interest, Tel Aviv biggest threat to US'
- Perot: Fiscal nightmare means USA could be taken over
- do you wear glasses?
- Predicting America's Future Courtesy Of Ancient History
- As college student, Eric Holder participated in ‘armed’ takeover of Columbia UN ROTC
- McGrath: “You Better Look at Reality… and Understand What’s Coming Next”
- commodity exchanges frozen at same time, London, NY & paris
- What's in that Chinese buffet?
- Water, the real reason for Israels attack of Iran
- A History Lesson from Madonna
- Space Junk
- Presidential Debates Lose Sponsors Over Exclusion of Third-Party Candidates
- WikiLeaks' And Pirate Bay's Web Host PRQ Raided By Swedish Police
- DSM-IV is set to classify 'internet use disorder' as a mental illness
- The Global Spring
- Making standing waves
- mossad snipers shooting americans
- Army scientists secretly sprayed St Louis with 'radioactive' particles for YEARS
- Gunney goes fishin
- Obama=Amnesty, Romney=Amnesty.
- Ex-TSA Agent: We Steal From Travelers All the Time
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