View Full Version : General Discussion
- Ghost Elevator Prank In Brazil
- Summoning Barons
- Lindsey Williams trillions of unwanted dollars are coming home to roost
- the silver Saga
- Saudi King Abdullah has died
- Mammograms : Medical Hoax
- Silver Eagle Fisches are here
- Government Plans Retirement Heist
- Obama Spin Reveals Elite Roots
- The Police State Looms Larger
- Silver "Teabag" Purifies Water
- China falls for Onion joke about dictator
- One step closer to necrophilia?
- Fess up, who's playing the $500M powerball? And a proposition
- Brzezinski: US must stop following Israel “like a stupid mule”.
- Goldman Sachs senses future threat and acts.
- INCREDIBLE: Cop protects Free Speech
- The Lotto thread has me thinking, what would be your perfect home
- Undisputably Alloidal
- Site crash
- more states look to legalize marijuana
- NO!
- Stae representative joel boniek-calls court to prove their duly authorized to rule-
- unbelievable press conference from jerusalem
- So I was away at the time can anyone explain why Beefsteak left
- Mississippi County Jails Kids For School Dress Code Violations,
- Post Sandy, Raw sewage still streaming into new york harbors
- mike adams "how to turn around the economy"
- scientists discover new technique to remove flouride from water
- "Fifty Shades Of Grey"
- Ryan Dawson v.s. Pat Condell
- mossad planning nuclear christmas for america
- COMEX ships out 2.3 million ounces of silver monday..... wooohooo
- Will Congress Target 401K Plans In Fiscal Cliff Debate?
- Is Income tax legal or not????
- Israel Is Seeking A Modified Palestinian UN Draft.
- Animal welfare: Germany moves to ban bestiality.
- an epiphany i just had on global warming
- PLO Rejects US Demand to Prohibit War Crimes Charges Against Israel.
- Anaconda Vomits Cow: Enormous Snake Regurgitates Lunch.
- Christmas trees on their way
- 5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Count On A Generator When T-SHTF.
- Florida man pleads not guilty to shooting teen to death over loud music
- Post-US world born in Phnom Penh
- The most compelling "evidence" I've seen for the existence of Bigfoot
- Why They Don't Allow Guns in China
- Australian Freemasons come out of the Shadows
- Ant death spiral...
- This guy should killed
- High Blood Pressure Damages Your Brain.
- Another one
- A question for anyone who puts any stock in the Mayan calender 'ending' 12/21/12
- Presumption of Trust
- Documentary Channel: The End of The Road: How Money Became Worthless
- Presumption of Life
- Presumption of Ignorance
- Giant 100-meter sarcophagus being constructed over Chernobyl
- The Silver Series Infographic Part 2: Supply and Demand
- Royal Canadian Mint’s Tungsten Twostep?
- Donut munchers w/ badges = license to kill with impunity, NO repercussions
- Glen Beck getting desperate for attention...bottles a turd in his own urine - $25,000
- Hunters In Tree Stand Meet Bear
- Germany disses Israel...
- what a wonderful world
- U.S. overseeing mysterious construction project in Israel
- Should the UN govern the internet?
- EU rejects Séralini study linking GM maize and cancer
- Lawyer Defined
- How far does your food travel.
- 400-Year-Old gold/silver Playing Cards Reveal Royal Secret
- A vote for Palestine is a vote for freedom... from me.
- Silver backwardation getting too much to bare...
- 2013 Coin Debasement Formally Announced: When a Nickel Won't Contain Any Nickel.
- Get a license to steal (as a ghoul) - become a state trooper!
- Leroy who said Guam was going to tip over wants free speech removed
- Israelis to build mysterious 'Site 911'
- The Cashless Society is Almost Here – And With Some Very Sinister Implications.
- Debt: The First 5,000 Years
- Why Is The US Building A $100 Million Underground Facility Outside Tel Aviv?
- "I didn't agree to discuss the surveillance state."
- WOW, the jews are proud of this - American Birth Control Movement
- Jim Willie interview...
- Syria disconnects the entire country from the Internet
- Something we all should have....... from me.
- New Acronym, OFV - Oye Fucking Vey
- Call hime "butt face".......cop shot himself on the ass.
- Debunk this! Cop commits act of Generosity and Compassion
- Mauro Biglino: Unexpected Bible - Translating it literally
- Assange on the 'net and 'turnkey totalitarianism'
- Man sues glaxosmithkline saying drug made him gay
- need some help finding a silver item
- Country Music Singer Defends Confederate Flag Earpiece
- Mitt Romney- Secretary of State?
- 57 Maggots Removed From Nursing Home Patient’s Ear.
- ....Congress looks at doing away with the $1 bill.
- Mind Control and Mass Murders ... the Truth Will Out?
- All the Fear-Based Memes in One Place
- Device exploses at Ariz, Social Security building
- Another way of looking at life and law (Frank O'Collins)
- Catalonia Votes For Independence, Press Lies As Usual
- Casper College Attack: 3 Dead (Something different) No gun used!
- The First Holocaust ................ (of the Goys) #2 one coming up.
- American Households Hit 43-Year Low In Net Worth
- The Freemasons....satire
- Hey, I'm a cop, do as I tell you NOW or I will do my BEST to F*CK YOU UP!
- 19 people having a worse day than you
- Obama Is Going Dictator!
- Harvey Organ "the gold shortage" (good one)
- DNA is directly photographed for the first time
- Penny and Nickel Coins to be Phased Out in 2013.
- Why Tixati is the best BT client
- Alex Jones - biggest sell-out whore ever????
- Just a thought regarding ObongoCare. Cut up your company into smaller companies
- Some things you probably don't know about fracking
- You have to see this - FedEx almost collides with Chemtrailing KC-135
- Megastorms Could Drown Massive Portions of California
- This whole makeup thing is getting out of hand....
- Adventure around my Micky Mouse town....... by me
- Britain and US condemn Israel's Jewish settlement plan.
- Mexico bans GMO corn
- Modern wheat is a "perfect, chronic poison
- Letter to Alan Simpson, Senator from Wyoming
- Dr. Oz has sold out
- New Carbon Network EV Batteries Charge Up to 120x Faster
- In case there is any doubt about the true color of a "Watermelon".
- Underground shelter.......lots of good picture and repeats.
- solar-powered public chargers
- Shooting The Largest Rifle Ever Made
- gordon duff & jeff rense
- Anyone else listening to this LIVE stand-off with a internet radio host?
- Silver Contact Dressings
- Burns his own kids with cigarettes
- Little boy saves his family
- China.......the house in the middle of the road.
- Multi-million gold heist from boat in Caribbean
- December 2012 !!!! can i get some DOOOOM!!!!
- Keiser at his best/worst
- ZOMBIE ATTACK in Waco man eats dog like cannibal after strangling
- Japan Sasago tunnel: Collapse traps cars
- Roger Waters UN Address - Nov 29, 2012
- Time is A'Wastin'
- "Give us your tired" Poem writtern by a jew
- Building a Tiny House......
- NSA Whistleblower: Everyone in US under virtual surveillance, all info stored
- Boeing develops EMP drone.
- Restaurant in Dallas has put up Xmas decorations
- Documentary - Roadmap to Apartheid
- Sports writer blames 2nd Amendment for Jovan Belcher murder/suicide
- Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation!
- Alex Kosher Jones
- Sunday Evening Chat!
- Idiot of the Day
- Appropriate 'NO TRESPASS' Notice
- New World Order Pledged to Jews
- what a deal: give us your gun, we'll give you a free flu shot (and a gift card)
- Somebody allowed Michele near the drapery.
- Gog & Magog, Protectors of London
- Daryl Bradford Smith
- Judicial-inc
- Turn in your guns, get a free flu shot, and a Wegmans gift card!
- PCR: Our Collapsing Economy and Currency
- Another Palestine Resolution
- a 'grove' of 54(!) Christmas trees in the Whitehouse
- Right-on Roger Waters!
- London restaurant owner batters rat to death in the middle of environmental health i
- Iron Poisoning & Copper Deficiency
- Eating Atlantic salmon, and shrimp
- The Real Reason Why Jews Can't Accept The New Testament
- Trigger happy killers with badges execute unarmed couple
- I'd hate to be these kids
- Over 20 Million Houses Sitting Vacant in the US
- Caller Claims Family Brutalized By negro Jovan Belcher who offed himself and GF
- The Christmas Tree and the Mushroom Cult
- Amsterdam to establish Ghettos' for the SCUM
- UN calls on Israel to open nuclear program for inspection, backs talks on nuke-free M
- Lets just say you were going to build a Republic, what are the laws?
- Who Cares Why Jews Can't Accept The New Testament
- Osama Bin Laden hunt and kill movie wins Best Movie before release
- Pol Pot- Inside Evil
- Moroccan youth soccer players beat assistant referee to death in Amsterdam
- Get a college degree the easy way!
- China prepares to grow vegetables on Mars.
- Anti-Soviet warrior puts his army on the road to peace
- Senate Dems to vets: fu*k you very much
- 'it is cheaper to intercept every individual rather that it is to pick particular peo
- Anyone seen this - 911 Coincidences
- China Uncensored........Nail House
- Ontario lab's licence pulled by Health Canada
- Chicagoland cop shoots puppy, then cops tell owner "F*ck you very much!"
- OK, So - Merry Christmas !
- Obama: "America is poised to take off!"
- PETA Crashes Biker Gathering…
- New IRS Headquarters Building
- well, don't that beat all...
- Turmeric...who's hitting it?
- Volvo develops the 'no death' car
- Iran captures US drone.
- Goldman Takes Over the World?
- Again Anonymous Ends Up on the Side of the US Government
- What About Wealth Redistribution?
- Serbian NATO envoy jumps to death at Brussels airport
- Facial Recognition?
- Fifty-seven percent of Mexican immigrants on welfare
- CARLO MATTOGNO The Myth of the Extermination of the Jews
- Security-Cleared Population Tops 4.8 Million
- States to limit ALL Private health care under Obamacare
- Shhhh…It’s Even Worse Than The Great Depression
- Man calls 14-foot canoe on Boston Harbor his home
- French bank governor calls for City of London to be sidelined as E.U. financial hub
- The first to fall asleep?
- No Comment...
- Khazar gets windfall of 1.2 billion
- Keiser Report Recession Robbery: 'George Osborne should be arrested!'
- The Best Article I've Read All Year
- Sex with a child is not the stuff of the school curriculum
- Obamanation family values
- Trainers teach dogs to drive cars
- Mother of dead Quebec children charged with murder
- Nice Scam
- Exercise in Logic
- The Illuminati Explained
- Handbreak (video)
- Who is this Guy? Another debunker challenge for GSUS
- The Sandwich
- Bombshell: Deutsche Bank Hid $12 Billion In Losses To Avoid A Government Bail-Out
- 1% Wall Street sales tax solution to stablize US federal budget
- late conecctoonws
- Leaked FBI docs suggest IL PM linked to nuclear smuggling operation
- More wackiness from from France.
- this "lincoln" thing is getting out of hand.
- The Terminator movies were documentaries
- Christmas want list:
- interactive map that shows every bomb dropped on London during The Blitz
- Gun-grabbing legislator busted with handgun at airport
- Marines expanding use of meditation training
- world's shortest cycle lane with 8ft path barely longer than a bike
- The Total Animated, Annotated US Debt
- Typhoon resistant housing for the poorest of the poor
- Police baffeled by brazen 11 Million Dollar Gold Heist off boat
- Alex Jones taken behind the Woodshed
- I'd Jump On This One
- Saw it today, chemtrailing planes not showing up on Flight Radar Software
- Fmr. Thatcher advisor Lord Monckton evicted from UN climate summit after challenging
- David Cole in Auschwitz Full Documentary
- One Third of the Holocaust Documentary. 4 hours worth
- Happy Holidays
- The Trials of Henry Kissinger
- 7.3 off coast of Japan
- Sudan captures vulture with Israeli spying device, Sudanese media
- How an African tribe deals with crimes.
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