View Full Version : General Discussion
- Vatican Introduces "RFID Microchip" ??
- Holy crap! Background checks
- SHRINKAGE ! - At December Rate, World Economy will be 0.1% of Current Size in 1 Year
- My Personal Pledge of Resistance Against Any Attemp to Disarm Us
- Gun Control = Gun Violence
- That POS limey Prick Morgan discovers bumpfire
- 12 Gold Bugs Bring Christmas Cheer
- Official story spins out of control
- How LA Regulated A Burger Stand Out of Existence
- Using the AIDS virus to cure cancer
- Q Dunblane, England school shoot was cover-up of pedophile ring , what is Sandy Hook?
- Newtown United: Gun control advocacy group with a clear cut agenda
- Ecuador has first nationwide voice/face recognition systems
- Turbocharger testing on dyno
- Danm you made me cry :(
- Petition: Deport British Citizen Piers Morgan for Attacking 2nd Amendment
- Santa negotiating Australian immigration laws
- Tiny gold bars latest rage for jittery investors
- Odder than oz
- Engineered Fish Moves a Step Closer to Approval
- Thinking about teletransportation.........
- The Astonishing Ron Paul
- CSIS Director Richard McFadden Was Right About Pernicious Red Chinese Spying in Canad
- Pakistan mob burns man accused of desecrating Koran alive
- 12 Gold Bugs Bring Christmas Cheer
- The 300 Million Dollar Question When AWB v2.0 is in place is.............
- "men in black" Russian ufo documentary,
- "do you want a receipt?"
- Try buying ammo right now, lol
- David Sirota: (Just about) only white men commit these massacres
- Reviewing Cititenship
- Why did his administration just purchase 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
- whiskey still
- Extreme Urban Gardening: Straw Bale Gardens.
- NRA LaPierre vs. Rahm Emanuel- is LaPierre 'Controlled Opposition' or The Real Deal ?
- Making a case FOR gun control
- Iran, a love story
- Sunday Evening Pre-Christmas Chat!
- Big H kills Taliban chief
- Working out of my WTSHTF emergency power.........
- NBC Anchor David Gregory May Have Violated DC Gun Law On ‘Meet The Press’ [Video]
- 3 Leroys arrested after deaf NC man killed during robbery
- The Truth About Coconut Oil
- Gravity Light
- WTF?!?!?!?? Mittens' son says: "He desire to run"
- Rand Paul planning campaign trip to israel
- Saturn Death Cult
- Sandy Hook - Far too many questions than answers
- Fiji Unveils New Currency Without Queen Elizabeth's Portrait
- Wind-Powered E-Car Goes 86 mph
- How The First Rothschilds Created Modern Finance And A Vast Fortune That Has Lasted F
- Zoom into Everest
- NYPD to probe internet to detect future shooters
- Any student who does not accept the new morality will be placed in mandatory counsel
- The coming drone attack on America
- SSRI List
- Arms and Weapons
- Teaching Morality vs Teaching Authority
- Liberals Attack Hotel Conglomerate Over Discounts to NRA
- Freaking 21 degrees........
- Wrong dinner.......hahahahaahahah
- Government Security is Just Another Kind of Violence . ron paul
- Gun Control Obscenities
- Merry Christmas GSus
- WH petition calling for NBC's David Gregory to be charged with FELONY over 30 rd. mag
- Big event coming up.........
- One gun control move you can count on, done deal, no doubt about it
- Today's mass shooting, 2 firefighters killed in Ambush in NY
- Heads up, Yahoo alert
- Look at this shit, Church of Satan Outpost, Newton CT I kid you not
- VisionBox Crisis Actors -
- Can anyone fully describe the scene in my avatar?
- Latest laws going into affect ....California, 800 new ones !
- Sen. Dianne Goldman Feinstein Is A Loaded Gun Out to Destroy America
- Some Xmas DOOM - alert pole shift news breaking we found the link
- Innocents Betrayed the story of gun control
- Cassandra (Marc Faber) Versus Pollyanna (CNBC)
- Why the Gun Control Movement Is Doomed
- It's Not a “Fiscal Cliff” … It’s the Descent Into Lawlessness
- How does Ponce confronts a bear?............
- .One Hundred Million Dollar Penny.
- Jews alleged a "holocaust" of "6 Million" Jews in Romania, Poland and Ukraine in 1919
- Nightmare Scenario (Michael Rivero).
- Jesse Ventura Takes on Government Mind Control
- Had an interesting conv. w/a guy that remembered the RP sticker on my truck
- K.I.S.S..door locks would have saved lives in Sandy Hook, per survivor.
- Legal Gun Owners in New York Outed Like Sex Offenders
- It’s Not a “Fiscal Cliff” … It’s the Descent Into Lawlessness
- 40% of Israelis thinking of emigration: Haaretz Survey
- Snakes in a cuboard...........
- Celebrities Call to Ban Guns
- Christmas Trivia
- Graphic: The world’s nuclear missiles
- U.S. Holiday Sales Rise 0.7% as Washington Hurts Confidence
- The Rifle a christmas story
- I need help VOIP to mobile
- Guard your books!
- Shot For Being White
- Why I Am Hopeful
- I heard John Kerry is suggested as the new sectretary of state!
- No one DARE attack our servicemen! OR ELSE they can expect BIG TIME PAYBACK!
- This thing could hear a meteor land on pluto!
- U.K. Doctors group wants a ban on "long pointed knives" !
- The ultimate in fffuuuuuuuuu!!!! gift wrapping
- The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion eplainged
- Prospects are looking good for less evil in the world soon
- establish Gun Free Zones around Politicians - I LOVE IT!!! LOL
- Swann on the feinstein/Lee admendment
- Maybe you also want one of this........
- The helical model - our solar system is a vortex
- The 500 phases of matter: Entering a new phase. One step closer to quantum computing
- What does this shit come from????
- check out the ammo prices
- Russian Senators Propose Legalizing Handguns
- Chemtrailing gone bad? Did a nozzle break perhaps?
- Civil war: Senate to go for handguns
- Penn & Teller on Gun Control
- Dockworkers Strike Looms
- At the end of the day, the Queen and the pawn are put in the same box
- Vijay Singh....golfing like a boss
- Time to ban subways
- Gravity Light
- Who am I ???
- NSA-Front "Facebook" Purges Truth, Pro-Gun Accounts
- 3 officers injured, gunman dead after NJ police station shooting
- If You Are On This List You May Be In Grave Danger [ irony ]
- Feinstein's Gun Control Bill Will Trigger The Next American Revolution
- Total electric generation last 11 years
- Israeli Dual Citizen Dianne Feinstein Forced to Resign as Chairperson
- VIDEO - Treasonous Dual Israeli Citizens Control US - Author John Kaminski
- Wetter water
- Matt Damon: ‘Game is rigged’
- Friday Humor: Top Ten Reasons Why Fiat Currency Is Superior To Gold
- About nothing and me.
- Want a Raise?....Underperform
- Hell freezes over! On CNN yet!
- Academy, Cabelas, and Pro Bass Shops have quite selling AR-15s
- US Navy Seal Commander, Who Killed Osama Bin Laden, ‘Apparent Suicide’ In Afghanistan
- Fiscal Cliff is a Red Herring
- Cops: Woman, 50, Battered Boyfriend, 32
- Interview with Martin Armstrong
- Hundreds of girls aged 14 or under are having 'designer vagina' surgery
- Some of the tripe the gungrabbers are pushing
- harvey-organ
- Newsweek is KAPUT.........
- Passenger Steals $238,000 Via Airplane Toilet.
- Cummings seeks dismissal of Fast and Furious suit against Holder
- Got an update from supplier regarding an ammo order
- Gun Control Tramples On The Certain Virtues Of A Heavily Armed Citizenry
- Jet rolls off Moscow runway, splits apart
- Michael Pento on King World News
- Another Petition .... Government Debt and CAFR
- wow, are they telling truths here?
- omething Wicked Comes This Way
- he NRA's Sorry Tale ...
- I Told You So! Of Course Washington will Steal Your Retirement Benefits
- Elite Neo-Nazis ... Is Russia Today (RT) Part of the Controlled Media Matrix and the
- Republicans Rage as the Great Burning Arrives
- November 2012 Seminar ... MP3s
- Interplanetary Global Warming
- Child Sex Rings Reveal Unspeakable Acts of Power Elite
- Turtle Murder!
- ON THE AIR NOW! Michael Rivero on-air guest of John B. Wells on Coast 2 Coast
- "For God's Sake, Please Stop the Aid!" says Kenyan Economist
- HR 218 ... Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act
- Rules For Survival ... From a LEO Forum
- 1421: The Year China Discovered America? .
- Yes, Virginia, the Jews Stole Christmas
- Manias of our time
- Honest Reporting on Fiscal Cliff?
- How to save youtube videos?
- Strategic Relocation: Continued discussion on living in Wyoming - Idaho - Montana
- White genocide video.
- Prayer alert
- Kyle Bass - AC2012 The Entanglement
- What is an assult rifle ?
- Going for the Guns: Possible Martial Law in Early 2013?
- Obama give them a raise.
- Sonic Warfare
- Moronic 'gunowners' and their boneheaded short-sightedness
- DHS Insider on Martial Law in 2013
- Is Your Recovery Drink Toxic?
- Gun show in Vegas - Panic Buying
- Greenwich Village Jewish couple busted with cache of weapons, bombmaking explosives:
- Interesting interview - Going for the Guns: Possible Martial Law in Early 2013?
- Sandy Hook - Ritual Satanic Forces
- 1 million fps Slow Motion video of bullet
- Why Ex-Feds and Wall Street Execs Are Going Into Hiding
- Obama and Ayn Rand
- What In The World Is Going On In Texas?
- ha ha fuckers, I just won the jackpot. Happy New Years to ME
- What you'll see if theres insurrection & rebellion
- "No Vote in the House Tonight - U.S. Will Go Over the Fiscal Cliff" just tweeted
- Happy New Years Ni**ers!
- Happy new years to gsus!!
- Back to Eden garden interview
- Gun Control in Germany, 1928-1945
- Army embeds psyops soldiers at local tv stations
- Derren Brown The Experiments - The Assassin Documentary (Full)
- The notion of gun control is an extremely dangerous fantasy
- America Defaults
- Bus 1 - Dozer 0
- Forecast 2013: Contraction, Contagion, and Contradiction By James Howard Kunstler
- Coke and Pepsi ... The Cheapest Pesticide Available
- What Are Your Plans For New Year's Day?
- On The New Definition Of "Rich", A $620 Billion Tax Hike Offset By $15 Billion In Spe
- Video Mocks Celebrities' 'Demand A Plan' Gun Control PSA
- Two new state laws affecting immigrants go into effect in 2013.
- Recognizing the mindfuck
- Another goal of the gungrabbers they're not talking about, just yet anyway
- Profiting from the Gold Clause
- RIP 75 Watt light bulb
- How To Prepare Your Car To Handle An EMP And Why You Shouldn’t Bother
- Healthy and wholesome content from CNN
- Agenda 21 being implemented: Removal of Rural Populations
- illinois senate president to introduce bill banning ALL modern firearms
- Any Justintv folks ?
- Court of International Claims
- Automated garden
- Stupid is what stupid does! Let's cops into his pot grow house!
- Looks like Hollywood made out OK.
- Viewpoint: A Letter to the Country from an Emergency Physician
- Indications of our imminent demise
- Americans never give up your guns
- Sesterce
- The Constituion is downright evil, time to give up on it
- New voluntary program tracks students with GPS, increases attendance.
- The Matrix Movie; A Jewish Metaphor?
- Every human emotion now classified as a mental disorder.
- Back in your bunker!
- 'Tsunami bomb' tested off New Zealand coast
- Glenn Grothman Slams Kwanzaa: 'Almost No Black People Today Care.. Just White Left
- 19.6M NICS background checks by FBI in 2012
- Gun control doesn't survive Christmas
- Why Jews CANNOT reject the New Testament
- CNN's Dr. Gupta: SSRIs cause many mass shootings
- Registered Email ... with Proof of Delivery
- This kid's Christmas went into the shitter pretty quick
- Anon WH source: Obomber to move quickly on gun control
- White House wins fight to keep drone killings of Americans secret
- Magazine Ban of 2013
- The Water Cure
- Bobcat caught in a trap...
- Anyone else finding themselves becoming semi-obsessed with the truth these days?
- Colorado retailer quits selling semi-autos and magazines
- Truck Carrying Millions in Silver Crashes
- Fraud Alex Jones just covering up for the real PTB
- Sandy Hook police won't return to work - PTSD cited
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