View Full Version : General Discussion
- Texas Attorney General to New Yorkers: Come on Down, With Guns (Hookum Horns)
- What the heck is this?
- The list of semi-autos the gungrabbers want in the NFA registry
- Spain’s catalonia region has just declared independent sovereignty from spain
- Somebody pick the wrong girl................. V
- TR3B photographed in low earth orbit from the ISS
- NRA boycott kills nation's largest outdoor/sporting expo
- eBay joining gun control fight
- Nigel Farage on appointment of new EU Parliament President Martin Schulz
- What could change to confuse migratory birds so profoundly?
- Housefly dumps largest housefly turd EVER
- Hilary graphic image must see!
- Joe Biden Confused About Gun Control - What a complete buffoon
- Social Security Sucks!
- Glock releases new pro gun commercials
- piers morgan falls ill after getting flu shot with Dr. Oz
- FL Deputy Threatens to Shoot Concealed Carry Licensee and Arrests Him
- Jew CEO of CollapseNet "Prepper's Organization" Advises all Members to Dis-Arm
- Piers Morgan with Newt G.
- The Death Throes of the U.S.
- Bibi gets re-elected with a new party that doesn't support Iran attack...
- The "Majority Opinion" Is An Illusion
- Land Patents 102 - How To Reclaim Your Alloidial Title
- Newt takes on Prick Morgan and VIGOROUSLY defends TRKBA
- Poll: Will AWB 2.0 become law?
- .Armed 11 year old Girl Defends Home from 3 armed Burglars: Armed Citizen ........ V
- switzerland wants all its gold back from the FED (WOW!! TSHTF Now!!)
- sinclair Alert "last big move is here for gold....."
- The banksters have devised a new way to skim
- America Again
- If the cops recover your stolen guns don't expect to get them back
- ...and the crowd went crazy when (the gungrabbers) took the stage
- Are Those Who Believe in Conspiracies Undermining the Fabric of Democracy?... V
- U.S. bank run in progress, as deposits are emptied, as bad as 9/11
- Are the presidents kids more important than yours? NRA vid
- New Strain of Norovirus from Hell.
- FedGov doesn't even use the USPS .
- Massive Squeeze Coming As WGC Confirms Gold-Backed Yuan
- Wisconsin sheriff urges citizens to get gun training.....for chad ;)
- Rupert Sheldrake dismantles scientific dogma
- Alex Jones giving away free money with your cup of cow sh-t
- Question: what to do to those with no criminal background who commit violent crime?
- Bad Lip Reading - Inaguration 2013
- I don't know what to say?
- Warning on stealth gun confiscation
- [Thesis] Beyond the Scientific Method - Shifting into the New Age
- [Confession] Inside the Mind of a Conspiracy Theorist
- Sandy Hook Shootings: Israeli Operation?
- Amazon RQ-1 predator drone (Toy). Please read amazon comments! Hysterical
- NY gunowners grow a pair, en masse
- Is "Anonomous" a government operation?
- Yisraeli Senator Rand Paul opens his cock holster.
- Tnb
- dollar collapse accelerating
- San Bernardino bankrupt, start packin'
- The Gold Guarantee Blowing Up In Singapore?
- The head of counter-terrorism for Kunduz province has been killed in today's attack.
- Anonymous takes over U.S. Justice site, tribute to Aaron Swartz
- networking to survive
- Gary Franchi: Communist in Chief purging patriots from DOD command structure
- When you can't feel your chin cause its all tingly and shit
- Criminals Line Up to Register Guns - Satire
- Father Coughlin speaks against the federal reserve and two party system
- The time for talk is almost over.
- Naked Church Shitter Discusses the World Agenda
- Andre the Giant drank beer...
- Explosive NEW video of Gene Rosen
- James Turk: Central Banks are Losing the War to Suppress Gold & Silver Prices
- This Belgian MP hits harder than Nigel Farage.
- Reality Check - "Apples to Apples" Comparison of U.S. vs U.K. Violent Crime Report
- The number just keeps on growing
- Citizens League ... Help Drive Out Bad Government
- Chicago woman loses 4th child to 'gun violence'
- My act of kindness today
- Foreign training?
- Israel Syria Strike: Chemical Weapons Transfer Could Bring Israeli Military Attack, O
- Israeli Official Hints Pentagon Plans May Make Lone Strike on Iran Unnecessary... V
- chemtrails and depopulation, an insider speaks
- The ARGUS array is made up of several cameras and other types of imaging systems
- Peak Oil Bites the Dust
- Hillary's Meme Falls Apart
- £40million on offer
- Brazilian nightclub fire
- Would you wash her car? Kate Upton washes her car! ;)
- Iceland’s President interviewed
- There's that number 6 again?
- Bamking 101
- Warning: giving this shirt to your girlfriend mayl get you slapped!
- s about to get MORE real.
- Gerald Celente - Metallwoche - January 21, 2013
- Gerald Celente re: Piers Morgan...was this posted?
- Foam from storms in OZ
- Local control is mandated by our laws, but we need people to take action.
- The Future of Food
- The Mogambo Guru Lives!
- Olafur Ragnar Grimsson Iceland president "We let the banks FAIL"
- Seattle Gun BuyBack Get’s JACKED! Turns Into a Gun Show
- Law prof. JEW says Washington should stop deferring to 'ancient' U.S. Constitution
- Nationalize Banking? Or Apologize for the Suggestion ...
- Once More Immigration Reform on the US Federal Agenda, Like a Bad Penny
- James Jaeger on Gun Control, Nikola Tesla and the Inevitability of the Internet Refor
- Barack Obama: 'I go shooting all the time' (Bullshit Detected! Take Cover!)
- The top 10 breakfast cereals most likely to contain Monsanto's GMO corn
- ...................
- Explosion at Fordow: Israeli propaganda or Iran’s biggest secret?
- The Hitler home movies: how Eva Braun documented the dictator's private life
- Pedophilia: The talmud's dirty secret
- DOJ COMPLAINS: 'The Untouchables Was A Hit Piece'
- Wisconsin Land Patents
- Queen Beatrix to abdicate....on the anniversary of Hitler's death
- Rupert Murdoch apologizes for ‘offensive’ cartoon of Benjamin Netanyahu using blood-r
- Government to Dispose of Radioactive Waste By Putting It In Our SILVERWARE
- Question about presented Checks/cheques
- Holy shit! - Lil' Joe Biden negates Delaware Sheriffs' power to arrest
- The Event Not Held – Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show
- This is your Brain.......This is your brain on Mercury
- Journalist Accosted By Security Over Mayor Bloomberg Gun Control Question
- Swiss Want Their Gold Back- All 1040 Tons of It!
- Potty training? Try whistling! Vietnamese families credit it
- Man takes wifes surname FL DMV charges fraud
- The US just suffered its worst humiliation ever as a nation on Eastern global stage
- The western MSM needs to do a better job of reporting the news
- Canned air for sale in China as smog returns
- Highway tank terror: T-90
- Will You Submit & Obey?
- The Last American President
- The Corporation
- SPLC - Communist-Zionist front/Fifth Column (Know Your Enemy!)
- Father of 6-Yr-Old Sandy Victim Gives Powerful Testimony: The Problem Is Not Gun Law
- A very sad video
- The Lord of the Flies On Fire: Obama/Antichrist Connections
- San Diego’s Top Cop: We can disarm Americans within a generation!
- Chicagoland: school drill includes firing blanks in hallway
- u.s. mint breaks another record on silver sales for Jan (WOW)
- Bill Murphy "cartel in attack mode, Silver is about all gone"
- flase flag for Feb 7, new madrid fault
- Hong Kong fund mgr "we are going to burn all the paper gold"
- 5 y.o. threatened with suspension after making 'gun' out of Legos
- Saudi Arabia orders walls in shops to divide male, female coworkers
- U.S> planning chem weapons attack on Syria
- $217
- My dog likes my jacuzzy.........
- how jewish is the new world order?
- Most 9/11 Commissioners Don't Buy Official Story, Why Do You?
- Scalia berates school children visiting court: Constitution is ‘dead, dead, dead!’
- From me, thinking about the future............. V
- “I’m surprised that, magically, the money has shown up”
- Preppers in NY......... V
- 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out
- Words for Teenagers....from 1959
- I Give Them the ‘Worst Mothers of the Year’ Award
- Machine gun fire from military helicopters flying over downtown Miami Fl.
- this is how you know you are buying too much ammo
- mint continues to break records for silver, day by day
- Details about Sonia Sotomayor’s college past that you won’t find in her new book
- Mag Pushes Fake Picture of Obama Skeet Shooting
- Is your gun listed here?............ V
- Shill-tackular!...sniffing out the Shillfish....
- Watching "The Walking Dead"
- New Bill Requires Gold & Silver Registration ................ V
- Obama Administration Repositioning Homeland Security Ammunition Containers... V
- Today's news
- Fed keeps $85 billion-a-month bond purchase plan
- Syria confirms Israeli jets bombed military site
- Another 'mass' shooting!
- Who Runs The World? Solid Proof That A Core Group Of Wealthy Elitists Is Pulling The
- Police state gone wild
- Oh No!
- Assault Weapon Ban is Unconstitutional
- Fluoridegate: An American Tragedy
- Peak Silver?
- Made a good deal today.................. V
- Avoid Doctors to Protect Your Health
- Running site of doom: Daily Listing of Layoffs, Closings, Bankruptcy
- How psychology undermined western civilization
- Lumberjack style? Guys gussy up in Minnesota threads
- Muslims to march on White House next September 11th
- Sink hole swallows house
- Largest glacial calving ever filmed
- Do You Have Any Political Powers?
- Now for something totally bizzare!
- Larouche "Federal court indicts Obama, he is on his way out of office"
- Comments on Existence
- Importance of Scissors
- PBS's Frontline Report - The Untouchables
- Gold Above 5000, Inflation Raises Gold Mine Costs -Doug Casey interviews Peter Schiff
- War Hero faces weapon charges in NY
- War Hero faces weapon charges in NY
- County prosecutor killed outside courthouse in N. Texas this AM
- Corporal Punishment in Montana
- Alanta Ga , School shooting-----------And the list grows.
- Ban ski masks! THAT will stop crime!
- Basic Instinct prank TV interview on Serbian PM
- Hostage standoff going on third day in Alabama, One dead.
- everyone in the industry knows the U.S. has no gold
- Iran threatens Israel over syrian airstrike "expect grave consequences"
- al quaeda promises "earth shattering attacks"
- Fineswine lets domain lapse, gets jacked by pro gun dude, lmfao.
- Russia Issues “Critical Alert” For US As Billions Flee American Banks
- The Rise Of America’s Lunatic Fringe
- Keiser Report: Bond-Pocalypse Now (E400)
- Craig Jackson's garage
- Some progress at work!
- Ides of Something
- IRS: Cheapest Obamacare Plan Will Be $20,000 Per Family
- Fast v.s. slow thinking
- 22 people who look worse than you in swimwear!
- Jesse Jackson wants to raid pensions to "invest" in minorities
- UK Burger King admits to selling beef burgers and Whoppers containing horsemeat
- Children from Sandy Hook Elementary Will Reportedly Sing at Super Bowl XLVII
- 5 Broken Cameras
- Gold tops in Yen
- Decorated Combat Veteran Arrested In New York: Charged With 5 Felonies For Possession
- China fireworks truck blast causes highway collapse
- US considers firmer action against Chinese cyber-espionage
- False flag at US Embassy in Turkey?
- superbowl 47 false flag?
- Jobs Report out shortly
- Are Wall Streeters War Criminals?
- new david duke video "CNN, Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix!"
- In Amerika Law No Longer Exists: The Extermination of Truth
- On Rape and Pragmatism
- Obama defaulted on forged documents charges
- In hearings, Chuck Hagel expands on ‘Jewish lobby’ apology
- How cops think
- 224-foot-long U.S. warship will have to be cut into smaller pieces to get it off a Ph
- Hispanics will soon surpass white population in California................ V
- Suicide bombing at U.S. embassy in Turkey kills 2
- Have Hiccups? Here is a Cure!!!
- Amerika!
- The Linchpin Lie: How Global Collapse Will Be Sold To The Masses
- Interesting Quotes
- Security experts on Java: Fixing zero-day exploit could take 'two years'
- Lifting the Veil: Obama and the Failure of Capitalist Democracy
- “Jon is GONE” (Nadler)
- My trip to the big town,,,tragic day and funny day..... V
- GMO A Go Go - Truth about GMOs explained in new animated cartoon
- Secret Service director to step down, announce retirement
- 16 Open Carriers vs Several Police Officers at a Steak and Shake
- Clitton leaves State 'confident about the direction that we have set'
- Rambo comes out in support of an AWB
- Looters steal $200K in coins after hoarder's death...a silent fallen GSUS'er no doubt
- Why not sue us: What Barclays told an 85-year-old man
- Gun control in the illuminati card game
- Gold Run? 43 Tonnes of Gold Stand for February Delivery on 1st Notice Day
- A slap on the wrist?
- Israel refuses to appear before UN human rights review
- Ingo Swann, the father of scientific remote viewing, passes
- magnet motor video trolls
- State of the gun biz
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