View Full Version : General Discussion
- Is getting closer..........get me........ V
- Bilderberger Queen Beatrix of Netherlands to step down after exactly 33 years
- Why The Elite Want Riots In America
- The cult of frackers
- FED Printing $4 Billion in New Money Each Day Helping juice the stock market "Magic"!
- ‘SNL’ Lands in Hot Water With Anti-Defamation League Over Hagel Sketch
- Is it me or is eveyone on the internet freaking out right now?
- Women in Combat
- New CIA chief converted to Islam
- Interesting, my last show on VoR from 2 years ago still holds true today
- Totally new facts about dorner
- Christopher Dorner in gun battle with authorities, in big bear calif.
- JFK body swapped after death
- The Cargo Cult
- Year of the Snake is a year to buy gold
- Richard Daughty & Chris Waltzek
- Warning To American Gun Owners From Canadian News Anchor Brian Lilley
- Relationship therapy
- Maker’s Mark Waters Down Its Whiskey
- The Last 4 years of Planet EARTH (as we know it)... already started.
- Litmus Test
- Evidence of a pre-paid Treasury account?
- Scientists Discover Way to 'Turn Off' Sensation of Feeling Cold... V
- Olympic Arms to New York State – Take Your Business Elsewhere
- Impeach Obama - A National Imperative
- guy selling silver dollars for 99 cents (no takers)
- Stare The Bastards In The Eye And Defend Yourself...J.Sinclair
- It's time to do your laundry.
- Before You Freak Out About This
- Warning To American Gun Owners From Canadian News Anchor
- OMFG DHS Insider again? DHS Insider: Obama’s cyber warriors & preparing for collapse
- Chistopher Dorner has inspired thousands
- Damn, I didn't know the Rothschilds purchased The Weather Channel
- Hey North Korea we can hit you too....from SK
- Homeland Insecruity Security video advises Americans to use scissors to defend themse
- New US Senator Once Initiated Black “takeovers” Of White-owned Restaurants
- Prisoner X.
- NATO uses the public school approach with Afghan army.
- Just keep saying "Recovery"
- Using, trading or selling what you have....WTSHTF..... by me......V
- 64.4 Million Gun Purchases Since Obammer took office!
- Mass. man charged with taking gold from dead grandmother's neck
- Missouri Dems introduce bill to give Gun Owner 90 days turn in Weapons
- Matt Taibbi on TBTJail: Rule of Law Isn’t Really the Rule of Law if it Doesn’t Apply
- My Land Patent came handy today....
- The most expensive fighter jet EVER...
- Anyone else feel a bit jittery/overactive/edgy atm?
- Abby Martin discusses military enlistment
- We need gun control now, dammit!
- Geoengineering: The Real Climate Threat
- Fire bombing of Dresden - 67 year anniversary
- Obama suggests he’s open to getting rid of the penny ......... V
- Military-coup-in-the-works-enlisted-will-revolt......... V
- Smarter than most!
- Meteors reported in Central Russia.
- Invasion!
- Brady Campaign
- Murder most foul....
- A hero broken by war: Afghanistan veteran Jake Wood admits he's a walking timebomb
- Lawyers Were Banned From Legislature for 498 Years
- The 8 hour sleep conspiracy, it's natural to wake up during the night.
- Report: $2 billion spent annually for Medicaid emergencies, largely for illegal babie
- Pouring granulated sugar on wounds 'can heal them faster than antibiotics'... V
- Building your word power, today's word is 'capture'
- SGammo has 7.62x39 Golden Tiger available, better hurry though
- Pentagon creates new medal for cyber, drone wars
- Homeland Security and its cache of bullets
- German Automaker Reportedly Hoarding As Much Physical Silver As it Can Acquire
- i am the best cousin ever
- Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. charged
- CA Police Chief: Guns Are Not a Defensive Weapon
- Ships are Feminine
- Establishment Desperate as GOP Civil War turns in favor of the Grassroots
- KGB Map of Alien Bases on Earth
- USDA respecting its "cultural transformation" training session, WOW
- US Supreme Court To Hear Case Against Obama Fraud In A Closed Door Hearing
- 20 Dark Predictions for 2013-15
- Something else to blame the jews for...@#$%
- Watched Atlas Shrugged 2 yesterday
- Gun control for dummies
- Middle East Running Out Of Water Faster And Faster.......... V
- More worthless information.
- Sons and Daughters of The Republic Look and Learn.......
- Was Dorner a Sign of the Times?
- Fulfilling Prophecy, Church Considers Peter the Roman as Next Pope
- Conspiracy Theory
- Gun ban would protect more than 2,200 firearms
- The one milliom dollar reward for Dorner
- RFID Implants Found to Cause Cancer Tumors
- Stay out of Tennessee...
- Photo of Palestinian children killed by IDF wins World Press Photo award
- Cash Controls
- Nothing Is Real In Markets Any More, This Will End Badly
- Meet the future Mrs. GoD
- Everything I have learned hear eventually turns up in the Public Arena !
- Texas preps for going it alone
- THE PEOPLE v THE BANKS: Conviction beats Eviction
- Best Propaganda Film (OSCAR 2013 SPOILER! LEAKED CLIP!!)
- Canadian Parliament: 'Canada Will Never Become a Safe Haven for Zombies'
- Your Surname Places You In Commerce
- The People vs. the Banks
- Virtual HoloHoaxianity™ – Survivors now being projected as holograms
- President's Day
- A Logical Reason For the Gun Buyback Program
- I have no surname. Just address me as Dennis.
- Claim Jihad Seeker’s Allowance
- Well it might be really happening.
- Now this is a gun show!
- Its Official: Obama Impeachment Starts Here
- sunday night chat
- Gun dealers report shortages of ammunition
- Amazing images of the sun by backyard enthusiast
- Retail Apocalypse: Why Are Major Retail Chains All Over America Collapsing?
- Bug Out Vehicle challenge
- The difficulties of 21st-century dating
- Guns And Ammo Production Maxed Out: “This is a Society Preparing For War”
- NH lawmakers kill Agenda 21 ban
- Meteor sightings
- OT - Music that relaxes you
- Probably nothing to worry about?
- Washington state proposed AWB bill calls for warrantless searches of homes
- 25 Signs That America Is Rapidly Becoming More Like Nazi Germany
- Alan Watt
- Misstep in gun bill could defeat the effort
- When you don't know what to do, what should you do?
- Apocoalypse - non giant corporation
- Gungrabbers open new front
- Guerrilla surveillance camera destruction hits the U.S.
- Colorado House of Representin' passes gun control
- When vital systems will you fare????
- Hannity Exposes Obama's Secret Plan to Confiscate Guns
- Age old argument finally settled, womens farts smell worse than mens
- has Solid returned?
- .308 Prvi Partisan available at Sportsmen's Guide-$140/200 rd. battle pack
- Another mass shooting
- Information in the 1950s Attacking Comic Books Was Falsified
- What We Can Expect: Ten Top Elite Memes for 2013
- The Government Flu
- Undeniable proof that Obama is in the bible
- Wolf Military Classic 7.62x39 in stock, two sources
- Demoncrap: "Women afraid of rape can't be trusted with guns"
- Dees man does not give a phuc!
- Right now the Bitcoin price is at par with Silver Spot price...
- Unbreakable Alliance.
- Riots in the great depression...... V
- The Chronology of the JFK Assassination PT. 1 w/ Dr. Walt Brown
- Pizza shop offers 15 percent discount to all gun owners
- Plan to Allow Police to Search Gun Owners Homes Without a Warrant... v
- You and the law, and the coming DEVOLUTION........ V
- No More Hesitation- Pregnant Woman Threat,Old Man,School Girl.....
- Mercy Halal Islamic Slaughter
- Papal Suicide
- Buy A Shotgon, Buy A Shotgun
- The inside scoop on why James Holmes didn't kill more people
- WOW - The Zombie Apocalypse is upon you
- U.S. Army Traffic Control Point Operations Smart Card....... V
- The 'Robocop' headset that lets police see through walls and identify suspects just b
- Homeland Security
- If you own an AK-74, it's unlikely you'll ever find more ammo for it
- SGammo has 7.62x39 Golden Tiger available, HURRY!
- Can we get along without the penny?
- YourMovieSucks: Cyberbully
- Cliff is talking silver
- Why all the love for the tub o' lard RINO???
- Pushback
- Counterfeit Walnuts in China...
- Just found out I'm destroying my teeth with toothpaste
- What To Do When Denied A Permit ....
- TSA does it again to a 3 year old wheelchair bound little girl!
- silver prices...
- Bicycle tax.......... v
- Police murder man with down syndrome at Zero Dark Thirty movie
- Wow! I think I am rich!
- Why is the Washington Post Surprised at High Gas Prices?
- Infantry Battalions Commanded By Females
- Minting Coins Cost U.S. Taxpayers $436 Million....... V
- The Great Depression- The Road To Rock Bottom
- Black Knockout Game Player Killed by Armed Homeowner
- GUNS (Virtual State of the Union 2013)
- The Jews Who Murdered Tsar Nicholas II
- Obama supporters say the darndest things
- A most interesting book…
- LOMBARDI Crisis Alert February 2013
- Who Paid Lenin?
- Big Money Clients Buying Physical Silver!
- Tyranny Requires Equality
- Best place in New Zealand.......
- Zimbabwe radio receiver ban
- St Patrick Chased The Snakes From Ireland and ...
- What is wrong with racism\prejudice?
- The Miracle Worker
- zio-persecuted Canadian Arthur Topham interview podcast
- Bottle of water......only $300.00 Euros......... v
- 10 Enormous Gold Reserves
- maps that explain the world... very interesting! must view!!
- Harvesting of Big Game Animals to Be Legalized? Oxford Mathematical Equation May Appr
- Credit Suisse Says Governments Are Discouraging Gold Holdings – And What It Misses
- How Fascism Grows? Prison Company Buys Boca Stadium Naming Rights
- Rand Paul Speaks Truth to CNN Power
- Surname is Death
- Can someone come to Pasadena CA and shoot me in the face with a bazooka?
- Best Dog treats
- Heads up to everyone on the forum
- Bro Nate - Civil War Coming To America
- Reaching Nirvana....... by me........... v
- Super Sleeper 72 Nova
- Farewell Eng£AAA And: Moody's Downgrades The UK From AAA To Aa1
- Virginia Father Shoots and Kills Two Men Who Break Into His Home
- Jimmy Carter: U.S. at the ‘Forefront of Killing People With Guns’ Because the NRA
- Six tanks now said to be leaking at contaminated Hanford nuclear site
- 8 LAPD involved in mistaken Dorner shootings
- Got a stupid call today
- Boeing's Phantom Eye
- Men Who Lack Female Supervision
- Iran to hang four bankers
- A day made of glass
- Russians.......
- A Remarkable Tribute to Nelson Mandela
- Everyman's Right
- Closing the police loophole
- Fort Chaffee - spooky happenings and even spookier history!
- Dem Mayor Claims He Was Too Stupid To Know Stealing is a Crime
- "Truth speaker" Rand Paul votes for 2013 NDAA
- What's Really Going on with Mike Delaney (Prothink) and ZionCrimeFactory (ZCF) ?
- purium starts tonight
- Another Rapper dead in Vegas shooting
- Nascar Fans Injured
- Houston Man Shoots Home Invaders, Saves Mother and Father
- The Right to Bear Arms
- The Primer Fields
- “Catholic Power: Irish American Politics” series
- W.A.N. Radio 2-13-13 hr1 with Michael Rivero
- Al Qaeda Does Not Exist
- A solar flare, and rain on the sun
- The single most important nutrient for mental health
- Minority Rule - The Rise of Political Correctness (video)
- Celente "World war 3 here we come"
- All Wars Are Bankers' Wars
- R.I.P Hunter
- Why Did 'The Hobbit' Become the Most (Unjustly?) Ignored Movie of Awards Season?
- The Secret to Black SUV's
- Police raid home after man posts image of toy mortar on Facebook
- Survey shows China manufacturing at 4-month low
- Why do we give Billions of dollars to other Countries?
- One Peoples Public Trust, UCC Forecloses on the World and Frees everyone!
- Temp hire company to kill existing workers to place more workers
- We're all slaves until we buy our freedom.
- The Biggest Hips In The World
- Pat Robertson: Islam Is Demonic, Not A Religion
- Race Relations during SHTF
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