View Full Version : General Discussion
- "Let's stockpile toilet paper!" campaign
- Removing Any Doubt
- Christian Zionism The Tragedy and The Turning
- Former CIA agent and Obama critic Jim Garrow arrested in Canada
- NATO IS DEAD ! Jim Willie 31st of August. American black ops team captured in Ukraine
- $3 million Federal Study wasted!
- They sure don't waste any time
- Asian Property Prices Are Falling "As If There's A Global Financial Crisis"
- Holiday is over!
- Why is...... all jews .......written on isis flag
- Ben Fulford, September 2, 2014: China asked to stop financing US based Nazionist orga
- SALTWATER: Vehicle goes from 0 to 60mph in 2.8 seconds - and has just been approved f
- Man kills himself by decapitation in the Hunts Point section of the Bronx
- David Stockman interview
- Eric Cantor get job with the people he served as House Majority Leader
- Western Ukraine is a "repository of Nazism" since 1945 ?
- Edgar Cayce a
- Prophecies 2014 - 2015
- Funerals, ghost towns and haunted health workers: Life in the Ebola zone
- Predictions Thread- an educational experiment
- Anybody know about Cannabidiol?
- Fidel Castro compares NATO to Nazis, lashes out at US
- Body of Ukrainian soldier found hanging from high-voltage overhead cables
- The Mutawa.....Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice
- Putin: You better not come after a nuclear-armed Russia
- CDC warns Ebola is 'out of control' ......... V
- What You Can’t See on the UN’s Maps of Gaza - Propaganda
- Jim WIllie: Saudi's are on the verge of joining Russia in non-dollar oil sales
- How Can You Tell Whether Russia Has Invaded Ukraine?
- Prepare for propaganda Report: Dozen Commercial airliners missing ahead of 911 annive
- Bosnian Pyramids Built With Man Made Cement
- RIP Congressman George Hansen - IRS Exposer
- Суровый Челябинский Дисней. russian dash cam
- philanthropist of the year
- Fed: US consumers have decided to 'hoard money'
- List of foods by protein content
- Wild ram headbutts drone out of the sky.......... V
- U.S. levels new Iran sanctions as nuclear talks in limbo........... V
- Mind Control Techniques
- Horny Enzo Training 9 -2-14
- The Sport of Gentlemen
- Adolf Hitler The Speech They Don't Want You To Hear.
- Seventeen fake cellphone towers were discovered across the U.S. last week,
- Drone Intrusions: Apple's New Headquarters
- Wall Street Admits That A Cyberattack Could Crash Our Banking System At Any Time
- Who is putting up ‘interceptor’ cell towers?
- Cme will arrive friday sept 5th at midnigh
- there numbers where not even on the arrivals board.......
- Philadelphia Police are Seizing People’s Homes and Not Because they Can’t Pay
- Drought leaves up to 2.81 million hungry in Central America: U.N
- France 'still building' controversial warship
- 9/11: Russia Presents Evidence Against US, UK And Israel Co-Conspirators
- 45 ft digital billboard to show WTC7 collapse in NY
- Look at these tactics to get you
- Joan Rivers is dead
- The jewi$h gas chamber and the Holohoax 2014
- Surgery on ailing Great Dane yields 43 ½ socks
- George Galloway 'beaten over Israel comments' by pro-HoloHoaxer
- DUI in Lousiana LOL - video
- Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid!!! Ebola spreading like Wildfire............... V
- Lawrence Krauss Eats Crow
- As far as a person can go on Zionist TV without mentioning the dreaded "J" word.
- Watch movies Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) online for free
- Astana looks like a lovely place.......
- More hands on deck in shipping industry
- Yoda is dead
- Lost Cat Found
- My, how times have changed...
- The Covert Origins of ISIS - Must Watch
- Your Car .... Isn't!!!
- Why complex civilizations tend to disintergrate
- Hitler’s Nightmare Come True: the ‘Kinderladen’ Movement
- Bill Murphy
- Good news for Roman Catholics
- The robots are coming to your home
- Ebola deaths pass 2,000 as Liberia shuts down............. V
- $1 Trillion Trove Of Rare Minerals Revealed Under Afghanistan -.......... V
- Rich People Trucking Their Own Water Into Drought-Ridden California...V
- Common core
- Standing on the edge of a Revolution
- CDC Autism Scandal: Tsunami of Anger is Brewing and About to Explode
- So the weather controllers are ruining our crops.
- If it quacks like a duck ... it must be a turtle
- Planet earth faces 100 YEARS of killer strikes starting in 2017
- With Big Al On Board ... How Can We Fail ...
- Just to Help You Out a Bit
- Israeli spy device blast kills Hezbollah man in Lebanon
- Oklahoma policeman accused of rape while on patrol released on bond
- Woman 'found beheaded' in London garden
- A Lie that Serves the Rich
- China Economy Unraveling: How Soon? How Fast?
- Surprising Rise of the Club of Rome
- Dr. Kissinger on the 'New World Order' – Editorial or Policy Statement? - See more at
- This is bad: Russia 'abducts' Estonian officer after Obama says US will defend Estoni
- Grim Ebola prediction: Outbreak is unstoppable for now, doc says.............V
- Seven reasons why this Ebola epidemic spun out of control
- Scientist Fired After Soft Tissue Found On Dinosaur Fossil
- 10 ways to use tampons for survival, put them in your bob ......... V
- Jurisprudence and Persons
- LT, did you do the ALS bucket challenge?
- This is Nimbin: inside the “refugee camp for the war on drugs”
- The End of the Dollar System - Karen Hudes
- Texas rancher: southern border is wide open
- Caption this photo
- More Fuku Hype
- Master Number 11 Numerology
- IN YOUR FACE you honky asshole racists
- British female jihadis
- Bizarre lung virus
- AUSTRIA: Senior citizens being thrown out of their homes to make room for (mostly Mus
- Bizarre lung virus hospitalizing hundreds of kids across the Midwest..... V
- French far-right 'at gates of power' - PM Manuel Valls
- What If 20 Million Illegal Aliens Vacated America?........a must read---V
- Meet Russian Yacht 'A', a 300 million dollar boat.
- Here's a stupid business idea for someone that welds
- cancel your cable / satellite Now! Roku= Stop giving Hollywood your money
- Ukraine truce represents a triumph for Putin
- 11th Little Horn = Israel for the Bible thumpers
- It’s YOUR Fault: Fed Says Americans Who “Hoard Money” Are To Blame For Poor Economy
- Is California getting any of the rain Phoenix is?
- Beating up on crackers is FUN!
- I pushed US Bank, did they give up because they committeed fraud? Should I persue?
- Interesting Photos of Stonehenge being built
- Fuck you jews, Croatian Marin Cilic wins the US Open
- Snowpocolypse
- I might be a radical
- collapse of the Petro-dollar
- Lots of interesting info in this video
- Oregon Man Arrested for Recording Militarized Police Raid in Neighborhood
- 11 Ways You Know You Live In A Country Run By Idiots ...
- Mob of Teens (AKA naggers) Try to Violently Rob Concealed Carry Holder, Get Shot DEAD
- Yesterdays trip to the
- There are 300,000 homeless veterans sleeping on the streets
- Illegal Aliens Bussed To Social SS Office In Memphis, Tn To Get SS# and Passport
- If you like the old more than the I do...V
- Free Cell Phone Service
- Kevin Annet on Alex Jones – Global Secret Society Sacrifices And Traffics Children
- About foreign new kids in the
- newest info coming to light about what caused Joan Rivers
- Wall Street Journal Poll - the people want war!
- Report: More Africans Entered US in Last Decade than During 300 Years of Slave Trade
- $100,000 Teacher Pension...Wow!
- Terrorist attacks imminent, says expert
- iWatch question?
- Secret Space Program & The Black Budget
- Boy Charged For Desecration Of Jesus Statue
- Prepare for a direct hit!
- How to Test for Fake Gold and Silver
- Strong economy or fleeing the stock market before the crash?
- Separatists Around the World Draw Inspiration From Scotland
- Not a good time to buy your wife that pressure cooker she always wanted...
- Leftists: print money & give it away to stimulate economy
- Way too cool not to share - Bear Cub Plays With Flag on Golf Course Green
- Why the US Govt. needs a major war in Europe
- One Third of Nurses Are Leaving Their Jobs and Losing Faith in Vaccines
- The Pentagon Was Hit By A Cruise Missile From The US Military Arsenal
- The Era Of Widespread Biometric Indentification And Microchip Implants Is Here
- 11 ways you know you live in a country run by idiots.
- 7 charged in gang-related machete attack caught on camera in Chicago
- New Michael Brown shooting witnesses describe scene
- 5 takeaways from Obama's ISIS speech
- More single americans than married now.
- How 9/11 hastened the decline of the American empire
- 10 Things the Elite Are Planning for You in the Next 4 Years (2013-2016)
- Something 'never seen before' is coming to america (global pandemic)
- What do you do if you forget to report for jury duty?
- TSA Demands to Conduct Full Body Pat Down on Man After His Plane Already Landed Read
- Josie and the Pussycats: Blueprint of the Mind Control Music Industry
- Jim Willie: U.S. Plans to Collapse Europe - Part 1
- Fracking Company Sues Man For Lighting His Water On Fire
- How's this for a bug out location?
- Check out Barry Horns
- Surprising Discovery that Ashkenazi Jews Descend from Europeans... V
- Cop accidently kills another police officer
- 'Real risk' Ebola virus will mutate to become an AIRBORNE disease, expert warns... V
- You don't need a smartphone
- Two Navy F/A-18 Hornets just happen to crash in ocean
- Mike Tyson Flips Out On Live Canadian TV
- Billionaire Allen backs gun control while trying to buy German tank
- Mysterious disease in Kazakhstan
- Nearly fifty senior commanders opposed to ISIS killed
- As I see it...........Contagion........the movie............. V
- Fuk u, fuk ur 'smart gun' & fuk the horse u rode in on
- Venezuela where lightning has raged almost EVERY OTHER NIGHT for thousands of years
- The sandstone chambers of La Maná, Ecuador gush with a sacred springwater
- New 9/11 Survivor Provides New Evidence
- Manipulation of Gold and Silver Definitely Ends This Year-Harvey Organ
- Slant eyed jew arrested for feeding girlfriend her own dog
- A letter to all useless eaters from the counsel of elites
- Undeniable Footage Of Jet Aircraft Spraying
- Containment Is Not Possible, Ebola Is Already Airborne
- When DRONES attack.................
- It's NOT my (our) fault!
- You guys getting dizzy as I am? it my old age?... me... V
- Petrolify®: Don't Just Seize the Day, Seize Life
- As if there wasn't enough reasons to deport illegal's and shut the border
- US Gov: Boston Bombing NOT "Act Of Terrorism"
- You know what, i would have made a great cowboy.
- Navy Volley Fires 3 ICBMs
- Meanwhile the new death machines prosper...
- Uber Style - Mclaren 650S
- 26-year-old Seattle woman Chantae Gilman is facing rape charges
- Buffalo Bill cheerleaders sue for wage theft
- The Genetics of Black Violence - MAOA Gene
- ‘Sons of Guns’ star Stephanie Hayden Ford: My father sexually abused me, others
- Evidence Lost Civilizations Really Existed.......... V
- Walmart Shooting: Lone 911 Caller Admits Lie, Crawford Never Pointed ‘Gun’
- Welcome to new poster Crime Think
- Martin Armstrong Interview - September 14, 2014
- CIA Mystery Plane Busted With 35 Kilos Of Heroin
- Gold Apple Watch Could Cost As Much As $1,200
- Hidden Chinese dragon wants to be Simba of the global gold market
- Sunday delivery!
- Are we being monitore?
- "Comcast Declares War on Tor?"
- The Colombian women's cycling team unveil their new uniform in Italy
- How To Create A 'Politician'
- "Spreading Democracy" and "putting food on your family"
- LMMFAO - Colombian women's cycling team causes stir with unfortunate 'naked' jersey
- Hildabeast pretending to grill a steak that had been pre-cooked for her for photoop
- "Swatting" A fun new game for Gamers!
- My trip to the big town, V
- US spy base in NZ?
- Chinese are the ones behind the very high open interest in COMEX silver
- the “Strong” Dollar Illusion
- Free Matt Hale
- Germans Gave Passengers Advance Notice of Lusitania Sinking
- My experience with Video Surveillance so let me share my limited knowledge
- State Department Orders 5,000 Body Bags For Ebola Outbreak............... V
- Personal request to Hypertiger?
- What can I say........." and many will die"..... V
- How much $1 used to get you
- Bagpipes
- Bank of England Panic! Scottish Independence Bank Run Already Underway!
- Canadian Government WARNS It's Citizens About Criminally Corrupt U.S. Police
- The Shmita prophecy
- Promissory notes - who knows
- Liam Neeson, gungrabbing superstar
- Odile Poised to Bring Catastrophic Flooding to Southwest US
- This must have sliped Midnight Ramblers mind.....
- Submersible pump knowledge anyone?
- ther a difference V
- Ted Cruz on his knees doing what he does best
- footage found on old digital camera, WTC7 Destroyed by 'Controlled Demolition'
- Ebola outbreak: UN says $1bn needed to contain epidemic.................. V
- Hows that DIEverSHITY working out - 3 men questioned over murder of British tourists
- Anyone receive the "American Community Survey" in the mail?
- Regime Change In America! By Jim Kirwan
- Ft. Detrick Lab Missing 9000 Virus Vials; Scientists Still Dying from Unnatural Cause
- US police get antiterror training in Israel on privately funded trips... V
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