View Full Version : General Discussion
- Dahboo77
- Retired general on jade helm, & the coming chaos;
- Lake Mead About to Hit a Critical New Low as 15-Year Drought Continues in Southwest
- The Fed Bailed Out The Comex With Hypothecated Gold
- Whatever happened to?
- Couple vow to divorce if Australia legalises same-sex marriage
- 'Unlawful Killing' Princess Diana Banned Documentary 2011 (FULL)
- Sex abuses by UN peacekeepers: 'Tip of the iceberg' -
- Anne falls off stair rail, backwards and down next stair case... Did she Died?
- Aus Round Table ausroundtableDOTcom
- Max Igan - Deprogramming the Collective - The Rediscovery of the Self
- INDIAN SILVER IMPORTS: On Track To Smash All Records
- Drought + DeSalinated Fukushima Water for California = ?
- Big Pharma Revealed As Puppetmaster Behind TPP Secrecy
- What’s REALLY Behind this Billionaire’s Recent Announcement?
- Federal judge finds Brady lawsuit against Kansas gun laws without merit 6/09/15
- "Even Coin Collectors Have Given Up on Gold" YEEHA love the anti-Gold Propaganda ...
- Police Shut Down Girls' Lemonade Stand for Ridiculous Reason
- Use of force questioned after video of Salinas police beating surfaces
- Constitution Check: Are gun rights withering away?
- Mexico finds large shallow water oil fields
- Hungry FBI Creating Fake Terrorists
- Gerald Celente: All Hell Is About To Break Loose In Saudi Arabia
- Mother Faces 30 Years in Prison for Using Cannabis to Treat Crohn’s Disease
- Hellish New Statue Unveiled in London
- Should transgenders be allowed to compete in women's sports/Olympics?
- Lindsey Lindsey Lindsey Williams...................pencils ready
- Princes of the Yen: Central Bank Truth Documentary 『円の支配者』
- A couple weeks back I saw a show about a guy's dog dying. Touching loss. I cried.
- It's all ready been decided. 2016 Elections Are For Jews Only....
- Black Civil Rights Leader Exposed for Having White Privilege
- Sinkhole Swallows Police SUV in Colorado
- Margate Shell Grotto
- Marching to Zion OR The Jews and their lies?
- Zimbabwe Demonetizes: Offers US$5 Per 175 Quadrillion Zimbabwe Dollars
- Hackers can remotely kill hospital patients
- House Rejects Trade Bill, Rebuffing Obama’s Dramatic Appeal
- Santa Ana pot shop raid sparks investigation....cops eating pot edibles
- Another reason to get your LAND PATENT.....yeah, me again...... V
- Get your freaking Land Patent.......yeah, me again.......... V
- During A Routine Remodel, This High School Unearthed A Shocking, 100-Year-Old Secret!
- set for life here in Zimbabwe to not being able to afford a loaf of bread in 2 days
- Denver LGBTWTFBBQ Ad Insert - sponsors include MillerCoors, WalMart, Comcast
- Happy 100th Birthday Satan
- Dallas Police HQ attacked
- Inbreed Impregnates 14 Year Old Cousin- Beats Her To Induce Abortion- Then Cooks Baby
- CNN Crisis Actor Caught AGAIN --- 4th Time!
- Hillary ad...............
- Texas Gold Bill Becomes Law
- Controversial Cannabis Treatment Helps 9-Year-Old Boy Speak His First Words
- Canada's Aptly-Named High Court Just Legalized Edibles And All Other Forms Of Medical
- Police Seize 6 Children Simply Because Family Was Camping
- Great new song!
- Why come to America.....V
- 787-9 makes vertical take-off at Paris Air Show rehearsal
- Stone Cold Steve Austin Confronts Jewish Snake About Total Jew Domination of Earth
- Origin of the Birth Certificate
- We've thrown out the rule now anything goes!
- Free Speech on Trial: IRS v. Hendrickson
- If Police Action Figures Were Realistic
- The best witness, ever.
- Missouri = Greece????
- Ponce VS V
- Merck mumps vaccines are a total fraud
- 100 in less then 6 months!
- Greek 'barbaric' healthcare cuts, Merkel ready to discuss Greece exit
- Neurons to Nirvana
- Re Elect Roosevelt
- Iowa Supreme Court Says Porch Drinking Is Not a Crime
- Want to buy a Colt? Not just one, but the whole company! Starting bid $0 (zero)
- Community leader discourages protests to LMPD shooting
- Russia says will retaliate if U.S. weapons stationed on its borders
- Highway Robbers to Assemble in Idaho
- Attack of the Dust People!
- Irish slaves
- Dave McGowan-update
- From our friend Rand Paul
- Liberty round, what is it?
- How are they going to get rid of the Donald?
- 50 Hospitals are marking up treatments by 1,000 percent
- We will be utilizing at least 45, 400-ton driverless trucks
- California Water Cuts Leave City Days Away From Running Out Of Water
- “Discussions at Bilderberg Centered Around Capital Controls, Abolition of Cash”
- Prisons Without Walls: We’re All Inmates in the American Police State
- Saved myself from a BIG hurt earlier today....... V
- Logic puzzle from Chinese primary school exam stumps adults but 6-year-olds can crack
- Hillary Charged Kids’ Charity $200,000 For Speech
- Gotta love what Texas is doing!
- Happy Ramadan GSUS
- Whatever happened: The knockout game
- Texas no fly zone Circa 2011
- Vatican speaker and California Governor in push for massive depopulation
- Do NOT become an organ donor!
- Mind Reading Technology Takes a Huge Leap Forward
- Catholic Priests call for a nation-wide exorcism of Mexico
- Maine Legislature Overrides Governor's Veto to Legalize Industrial Hemp
- Woman going to be put on $10 Bill soon sez Treasury Secretary Jack Jew
- Suspect Shoots up Dindu Church in Charleston, SC
- How the “Waterman of India” Revived Five Rivers and Brought Back Water to Over 1,000
- Has the real estate collapse begun?
- Eight O’Clock in the Morning by Ray Nelseon
- Senate Panel Doubles DHS "Jewish Earmark" to $25 M
- Small help needed.....not that important.......... V
- The cinema popcorn with five days’ worth of sugar
- Russia calls investigation into whether US moon landings happened
- The Queen ~ Upset
- Turned on HAARP
- Jun 17, 2015 - LAKE ONTARIO: Within one hour, strong swimmers can die
- brother natan is a fisherman
- Brian Williams, giant douche
- " You can only see, what you know ".......... love it.........V
- Homemade 40W LASER SHOTGUN!!!!!
- 2015 New AARP Commercial Announces Martial Law Declared!
- Caption contest , winner takes all..........................
- Documents Surface Proving That Michelle Obama Never Gave Birth To Malia And Sasha
- amount of silver required by China to meet its 5-yr plan to install 100 gigawatts of
- Peace at Last in the GMO War?
- Solar Rooftop Energy Harms Minorities, Claims News Outlet Tied to Utility Industry
- The Sting
- Sixth mass extinction is here: US study
- Peacekeeper, The Alternative to 911
- Mass killing in Austria.
- 'Political re-assignment' camps are for real
- Darwin was wrong!
- Being tracked by an Android...............
- Wow, ever have a conversation with people from the UK?
- Strange White Vans Following And Attempting To Kidnap People In Multiple Cities And S
- Mount Sinabung .........amazing photos
- Mysterious large reddish sphere appears over California, Arkansas and South Africa
- Fukushima Fallout: Bird Mutation, Possible Tokyo Evacuation?
- Because he deserves it...................
- Cat in the hat........
- Ross Ulbricht was jailed for life
- the Hyksos...............
- Free For Kindle Reader, "The History of Guns"
- Snowden files encryption cracked by Russia, China; US & UK spies vulnerable
- Why “Assault Rifle” Sales Are REALLY Booming
- Krazy Karl Rove: "Repeal the second amendment"
- Paul Craig Roberts’ address to the Conference on the European/Russian Crisis, Delphi,
- Total Emergency Alert: Elite Now Evacuating ....
- UK Government Study Finds: If Nothing Is Done, Expect Civilizations' Collapse By 2040
- More whale deaths near Alaska
- More BS from Jon Leibowitz (Stewart)
- Double Bubble Flare Warning
- Whitest Kids U'Know - Anarchy
- Ukrainian Desertion galore... 10K so far
- Walmart Accused of Stashing $76 Billion in 78 Foreign Tax Havens
- Selective Service System WTF?
- The devil is in the details!
- Tips to Be Victorious in Verbal Combat
- Back to the wall
- Try Finding Holohoax-Free Business News without Video Ads EVERYWHERE
- Campaign slogans for those in the race
- The Ultimate Confirmation .......Theodore Butler
- Police Killed More Americans In 2014 Than All U.S. Mass Shootings Combined
- Pond in Canada Explodes
- Alive After The Fall
- Paul Joseph Watson: The Truth About Trans-Everything
- Like Spiders? Have we got a job for you!
- Chrome Bugs Allow Sites to Listen to Your Private Conversations
- 'triple whammy' geomagnetic storm
- Surplus to requirements...........
- The VATICAN Holocaust
- The War on the Confederate Flag
- 30 Year Old Trial Finds Organic Farming Outperforms Conventional Agriculture
- Mitsubishi can make GOLD!!!
- ISIS Leader Admits: We Are Being Funded By The Obama Administration
- UN Admits it is Coming to Take Our Guns by Force
- What's with these web hosting plans?
- Anaesthesiologist caught out mocking and insulting sedated patient
- Valerie Jarrett's family "hardcore Communists"
- Charleston shooter gets to 'have it his way' directly after arrest
- Wow, cell phone battery thing
- This Is What Russia Really Wants
- More Dangerous than ISIS?
- Keeping Government Bureaucrats Off the Backs of the Citizenry: The Supreme Court Resp
- The Trans-Pacific Partnership Violates Free-Trade Principles - See more at: http://ww
- Evaluating The Left's Madness On Gun Control
- 100 Year Old Scientist Agree's With Steven Hawking & Warns About Artificial Intellige
- NASA Working With National Nuclear Security Administration On Plan To Use Nukes On Do
- Everyone blames mental illness for mass shootings. But what if that's wrong?
- Samsung's 'see-through' trucks aim to reduce risk of passing on highway........ V
- #Whoops: Canada cops accidentally broadcast blowjob conversation from helicopter... V
- Outsmarted by Hate: Racist White Abuses Innocent Black Gunmen
- US Nuclear Target Map !!! Do You Live in a Death Zone?......... v
- Britain faces FREEZING winters
- Ron Paul curriculum. 40 lessons free
- Congress Just Granted Obama Sweeping Trade Deal Powers – Climate Change “Trade Bill”
- A four-hour erection and then death:
- pistol-packing suburban soccer mom ....“realistic military training,” or RMT,
- Dr. Simon Atkins
- Aluminum Poisoning of Humanity From Geoengineering
- Comex silver open interest exceeded 200M contracts yesterday, settling at 200,273.
- A glimpse into the world of Genetic Enhancement
- Three-mile high ‘pyramid peak’ spotted on mysterious Ceres dwarf planet
- Grand Dragon Says "A Lot Of The Whites In The U.S. Are Starting To Wake up."
- Free For Kindle Reader, Books on ww1 and 2
- The Most Alien-Looking Place on Earth
- The most dangerous Cops on the planet...
- Federal Reserve System a Run Away Machine-G. Edward Griffin
- Kids Create Salt Black Markets in Cafeterias Due to Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules
- Collapse, Part 4: Loss Of Faith In Public Institutions
- Walmart charges suppliers as its costs mount
- I didn't think Matt Damon was capable of this
- Why I Joined GSUS
- DARPA’s Brain Chip Program
- Can The Jews Really Exterminate The White Race?
- Silver for 99c an OZ,,,,,,,,,,no thanks
- £12billion of welfare cuts.... UK Police clash with disabled protesters
- Desperate debt graffiti daubed all over Athens
- How the Feds Asked Me to Rat Out Commenters
- Cop wins Darwin Award
- Black culture matters, save black culture
- Big win for sodomites, faggots and perverts!
- U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of gay marriage nationwide
- Vote for equal constitutional gun rights in the US
- Nothing
- What Exactly is Racism?
- SCALIA: The Supreme Court is a 'threat to American democracy'
- The 30,000-pound bomb that could be used against Iran's nuclear facilities 'boggles t
- Tunisian terrorist
- Ducth City to experiment with a universal, unconditional ‘basic income’
- The REAL Age of The Sphinx Revealed
- Body of Doctor Who Linked Vaccines To Autism Found Floating in River
- Three Corporations run the world: City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City
- Device that harvests water from thin air
- Ellen Brown
- Pentagon Paying ISIS-Linked “Rebels” $400 Per Month to “Eventually” Fight Assad
- The Lincoln controversy…
- Bugging Out to the country (excellent article by Survival Mom) .......... V
- Google Plans Global Free WiFi... starting NOW in NYC
- Keep the Tinfoil Handy
- Awe, you're not special're just like everybody else
- Greece is Doomed
- Ugh...trannys are extra-creepy
- Korean Jew Says Antisemitic Stereotypes in Korea Are Actually Just Compliments
- Almost $200 Million Donated to Representatives to Pass TPA
- On the receiving end of a US Cobra Attack Helicopter
- Taliban Fighters Equipped With Humwee And FN SCARs Capture ANA District HQ
- SpaceX Rocket Explodes After Launching
- That was FAST: Yesterday it was gay marriage; Now look who wants “equal rights”
- Trump's strange appeal and a glimpse into how dangerous he really is
- Next time you pick up a box of Tylenol...
- Gold is beginning to make a move!
- AI gets testy with its programmers
- Obama: Rockefeller’s man in the White House close to total victory
- natural man Bill Bunting drops some serious common sense
- Jewsmedia Freaking Out About Racial Awakening on Internets
- “Greek Fire” Contagion Spreads Through Europe
- The Criminality of The Comex
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