View Full Version : General Discussion
- Liberal Journalists Plotted to Protect Obama From Rev. Wright Scandal
- The New Doom
- Oakland pot farms approved
- Its going to be a very sad day for the indebted when they realize the endpoint.
- Zio-Poodle Mahmoud Abbas
- Canada ponders pulling the plug on the penny
- Over 5,000 anti-school bookmarks found in books at libraries in Dover, Portsmout
- Jews get jewed by American Jewish Congress
- "Displaced Foreign Traveler"
- Cool Hand Luke
- Arab guilty of rape after consensual sex with Jew
- Maybe the earth is cracking!
- Sheriff's deputies' disdain for Constitution captured by their own recorded....
- Man Finds Son Dead, Ends Up Brutalized By Cops
- Official GSUS Best/Favorite Movie Thread!
- UN urges global move to meat and dairy-free diet: Now we know what to do
- Casey Research Guide on Expatriation - Got Some Good Info
- Benjamin Freedman
- Clinton's wedding to ruin a peon couple's wedding
- Auschwitz was so secure & nasty this guy just walked out with his Jewish GF
- MUSIC: Prepare For War, Pray For Peace
- How the US economy is being deliberately destroyed
- Israel Zionism
- Americans coming to terms with U.S. bankruptcy
- Remember the CONgressman worried about Guam tipping over? He got nominated AGAIN
- New food storage item for Ponce: the Candwich
- Jim Willie tidbit RE: $600 bullion sale 1099 rule
- problem with AU + AG i'm having problems reconciling
- Bank Failure Friday, July 23, 2010
- The Scariest Unemployment Graph I've Seen Yet
- When Will Consumers Start Spending Again? Try 2013
- Suppose There Were Food Insurance
- Congress Ranks Last in Confidence in Institutions
- Righteous and honorable jews
- In interview, Joel Skousen bring up a point that most, even in the truth movemen
- 2011 W-2 Tax Forms and Obamacare
- Unintelligible contract = NO contract
- Bailouts up to $3.7 trillion
- Newark: bring your own toilet paper
- PARTY TIME! U.S. Department of Defense Announces Latest Contract Awards.
- IDF: We don't have to promise not to hurt civilians.
- Optical-illusion
- Bernanke Warns of Uncertain Outlook,
- a militia member of the "Restore America Plan"
- British financier Anthony Ward behind £658m cocoa trade
- Test your wingmanship
- Statistics
- Remember That Part of Independence Day where the UFO Blows Up the White House ?
- Snail Mail: San Francisco to Stockton, CA, only 73 years
- invisibility cloak
- Obama Is Preparing to Bomb Iran
- Jim McCanney covers oil disaster, and new oil/rad/chem water filter
- Florida Dengue Fever Outbreak Leads Back to CIA and Army Experiments
- Question for you guys
- US jobless claims, housing data point to worsening economy.
- Jew puts Holocaust on trial.
- Why We Need A 3rd Party In 2012
- The Cost of Israel to US Taxpayers.
- Technician: Deepwater Horizon Warning System Disabled... (video)
- China: The US Is "Insolvent and Faces Bankruptcy".
- Censored Gulf news: People bleeding internally, millions poisoned says 'EPA
- Big Storm to Hit Gulf of Mexico ... All Oil Relief Operations Will Be Suspended
- Max Keiser No62
- Great Firewall of China allowing porn as of TODAY
- Screw the National Debt - You Are Not the Nation!
- Cali Schools - ~$10k per pupil - 50% drop out rate
- German Giants Flee Wall Street
- Congress' Food Tab
- Be careful how and what you post..
- off to ontario
- Gordon Brown: Saddam Hussein Had to Be Removed for New World Order
- Pentagon workers tied to child porn
- Job seekers' latest hurdle: Credit checks
- India unveils prototype of $35 tablet computer.
- Ok ask away!
- etc.
- Getting ready for what is to come.........
- Scam central
- F-18 Hornet fighter jet went down about 1 mile from here today
- Whale's 'yacht landing' caught on film
- More "hope" for the "we can vote them out!" crowd
- Goldman, the Movie. By Goldman
- House OK's possible Israeli raid on Iran
- 11 New Tax Hikes Coming In 2011
- 4th amendment shredded MUST WATCH VID
- Hearing on Arizona immigration law begins
- * - That Domain Name is Taken !
- The Firmament
- Do you see what I see?
- 15 Killed at German "Love Parade"
- Virginia Senator Webb Calls for End to Diversity Programs
- Aussie govt censors web censor plans
- Rothschild Zionism
- At least SIX ‘seeps’ found near Rigel methane deposits southwest of BP oil blow-
- Russia plans $29 billion asset sale - ministry sources
- OMB's Latest Projections Estimate 250K Jobs Created Each Month Through End Of 20
- Radio interview w/Gordon Duff, Henry Makow MP3
- fun with politicians
- U.S. Government's Message to Americas vets "drop dead"
- Moving back to the UK...
- No new recession, let tax cuts die: Geithner
- The jew Trifecta
- Stupidity
- Linux for the masses - India develops $35 laptop...
- Answer: Vomit; Question - What do you think of APMex' Website Re-Design ?
- Trying to report vandalism
- Mexican Assassins Let Out Of Prison To Massacre 17
- Sunday Evening Chat
- Report: NZ boy survives 16-story fall
- Palin, Brown, Obama (Joker), Madoff, Etc. Action Figures
- So it's a go then ..
- The War Nerd Returns: Be Famous Or Be Shot Tryin’
- 5 Pieces of Advice for the New Paupers
- CO Senate Hopeful: Tea Partiers questioning Obama's citizenship 'dumbasses'
- Obama African Birth Certificate!
- Oil rises above $79 as stocks extend rally
- Know Your History: Colonial Scrip (The Corbett Report- MP3)
- Bart Chilton on Latest financial reform just passed....
- LBMA Closes Off Public Access To Key Bullion Bank Trading Data
- DBS & rafeeq
- When Will the U.S. Go the Way of Rome?
- Ever Wondered How You Know You Are In A Depression? David Rosenberg Explains
- whats the largest % holding of your net worth
- Blogs and Military Information Strategy
- The death of paper money
- Fascinating - The AGI Manhattan Project
- Warren Pollock Warns Of Emergency Drug Shortage As EMTs Told To Go To "Alternate
- Dumbing-Down Society Part 3: How to Reverse its Effects
- Oliver Stone: 'Jewish-Dominated Media' Prevents Hitler from Being Portrayed 'in
- Goldman reveals where bailout cash went
- the corbett report "the real 9/11 terrorists"
- The United States remains a British colony
- Freedom of photography: Police, security often clamp down despite public right
- Boom in yard sales as migrants sell off belongings
- TOXIC BLACK RAIN FALLING IN THE GULF..... (and many will die).
- New Tax on Gold Is Hidden in Obamacare.
- One percent transaction tax is proposed.
- Home sales surge in June with inventory at 42-year low
- David Icke-Message for the uniforms and dark suits
- New SHTF Series on Discovery- " THE COLONY"
- AntiTerrorist~big business of being behind bars..
- Plastic Bottle Island
- Retailers Pay More to Get Cargo, or Not Get It
- Recommended Youtube Channels
- Iowa country side
- Ron Paul Questions The US Mint
- Empty Store Shelves Coming to America
- The Obamanation is after your shower heads
- World’s Rich Are Hoarding $10 Trillion in Cash (expecting deflation?)
- Industries Find Surging Profits in Deeper Cuts
- Wikileaks’ War Logs Highlight Global Intelligence Facade Of ‘War On Terror’
- cliff High/Webbots interview from last night (coast to coast)
- Tehran Times - 911 Is An Unsolved Crime
- Consumer confidence retreats further in July
- 'US psywar plan includes 2 hot wars'
- 222
- Thoughts on Republic Broadcasting Network
- Cops Charge Irish Government With Treason
- Audit: US can't account for $8.7B in Iraqi funds
- Experts: Health Hazards in Gulf Warrant Evacuations.
- Local Governments To Cut 500,000 People In 2010 And 2011
- red alert gold is in backwardation!
- 30 Year Fixed Mortgage Yield Plumbs Fresh All Time Lows
- Max Keiser No 63 - Keiser Report – Markets! Finance! Silver!
- It's the Hillary Caption Contest!
- Opting out of Property Tax?? - UPDATE
- Nice Garage sale find
- The Year America Dissolved
- Communist subversion of the 'Free World Press'
- GUN LAWYERS..........
- POINT BLANK Question re: Property Taxes
- Oliver Stone forced to apologize for saying Jews control the media by the Jews w
- Steve Wynn, the Casino developer, is taking on Washington
- Mexico justice means catch and release
- Louisiana well emitting oil, gas after vessel strike
- Rense and RealZionistNews Reclaiming America - Excerpts
- Fraud? -- Oz, NZ & Canada are not Independent
- Oil pipeline leak pollutes major Michigan river
- 7 Secret Ways We Are Being Poisoned
- People Begin Living Without Electricity and Water in California
- Mad Max 4 Filming Delay - Desert Too Green
- Jew Lawyers Declare War on Mel
- Jim Rickards interview 7/26 parallal US to collapse of Roman empire
- Are the nicad batteries for your cordless tools dead or dying?
- Collecting rainwater now illegal in many states as Big Government claims ownersh
- Road Trip Australian style
- DBS & Ognir
- Israel breaking records around the globe
- Another Day, Another Worsening In European Interbank Lending
- Albert Edwards Sees Stocks Under March Lows As Bond Yield Go Below 2%
- Tree of Liberty forum taken down...
- Global Cyber-Guardians hold the 'Keys' to the Internet
- "US orchestrated a mass leak of confidential files" (to Wikileaks)
- Fallen Soldiers' Families Denied Cash as Insurers Profit
- Word power/word for the day - bissextile
- Unemployment rises in 75 pct. of metro areas
- It’s Now Legal to Catch a Raindrop in Colorado.
- AZ law blocked
- 5.3 magnitude earthquake hits off coast of Oregon
- NWO Watch out! Tennesse might have a REAL new Governor.....
- Chelsea Clinton shops for Honeymoon
- Europe freezes out Goldman SachsShocked
- No fear of Sovereign Debt Crisis in the US.
- China's rise matches US fall...READ THIS ARTICLE...Ponce
- Major Chinese Government investments in Australia.
- The ADL assault on Internet forums (MUST READ report)
- 5 Ridiculous Gun Myths Everyone Believes (Thanks to Movies)
- Phoenix PD cop who brings suit over 1070 steals from children?
- Hutton Gibson on patriot dames tomorrow night
- wikileaks is a CA/Mossad operation
- Gov. Schwarzenegger reinstates worker furloughs
- UN declares clean water a 'fundamental human right'
- Put up or shut up, it's time for us to start running for office
- White House proposal would ease FBI access to Internet activity records
- Joogle, CIA Invest in ‘Future’ of Web Monitoring
- Bank Failure Friday - July 30, 2010
- TheAntiTerrorist on The Big Business of Being Behind Bars
- Minnesota's charitable gambling jackpot shrinks
- Corbett report interview on chemtrails (G. Edward griffin, Michael Murphy)
- When Jail Threats Don't Work: Greek Government Punctuates Case Against Strikers
- Fallen Soldiers' Families Denied Cash as Insurers Profit
- Hank Paulson tells Congress he threatened Ken Lewis
- The Last Gasp Bubble of
- The Rot from Within: Character Disorders of the Republic
- Max Keiser No 64
- Essence Magazine defends choice of white fashion director
- Cover Up of Michigan Oil Spill?
- President Obama calls African-Americans a ‘mongrel people’
- Ethnic cleansing in the Israeli Negev
- Defense Sec. Gates Accuses Wikileaks Guy of Having Blood on His Hands ...
- Defamation the film/documentary
- 'Snotty' Man Gets Tasered
- Time for more Q.E.?
- Schwarzenegger to speak at Bohemian Club conclave
- BREAKING: Rapist On The Loose!!!
- Guilty! Of calling technical support while stupid
- Bollyn 9/11 & Nine Years of Deception and War
- Jim Mccanney Covers ongoing "Oil Attack" of the U.S.
- Willie: Kindergarten Double Dip Economics
- Jim Willie: Banking Crime Syndicate, Corruption, and Gold
- Obama's Collapse - Israel Pisses on another American President
- The Crucifixion of Mel Gibson
- FDIC flashes SOS -
- Commie takeover
- Insider Yuri Bezmenov Reveals How Communists Take Over
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