View Full Version : General Discussion
- Rhodes Scholars - Record Number Of Blacks
- Kurzweil: AI is uncontrollable
- #BlackXmas - boycotting and disrupting white businesses
- muzzie tries to assassinate multiple cops, gets killed
- video - preacher arrested for preaching in public (disturbing others)
- Pro-Communist Antifa protester wiped out by truck at ‘March for Jesus’ in Portland
- Be Thankful And Prepared
- Hungary: We Will Make Our Country Family Friendly Without Mass Migration
- Merry Christmas all!
- Los Angeles freaks out over ‘UFO’ sightings
- Liberals Behind "The Young Turks" And Vice Apologize For Blatant Sexism
- "Chrislam" - Europe Folds To The Islamization Of Christmas
- Wife Of Fusion GPS Founder Admits Her Husband Was Behind Fake "RussiaGate" Story
- He is............
- splc trackng hate: far right using #Christmas, #Jesus
- affirmative action story of the day
- Congressman Reveals Ops To Help Clinton Out Of Email Scandal With A HQ Special
- “Exquisite Human Leather” Products, Wallets, Belts, Shoes, Being Sold Online
- coooommmmcast internet problem
- report hate speech here, focus: antisem
- This creature filed sexual assault charges against Corey Lewandowski
- Acme DIY at home DNA editing kit
- "As Good As It Gets" - What A Difference 11 Months Makes
- Amazon And Google Employees Busted In Asian Sex Trafficking Sting
- The Anatomy Of Hillary Clinton's $84 Million Money-Laundering Scheme
- 5 years have passed, police still hiding sandy hook report
- Black Women win National Debate
- Ron Paul: "We’re on the verge of something like what happened in ‘89"
- "Most Admired Woman"
- Disney hotels eliminate 'Do Not Disturb' signs as part of new security policy
- body doubles of people in the news/recent history
- Mike King on Q-anon
- Sheila Jackson Lee’s Long History Of Being An Entitled ‘Queen’
- Is This Why The Status Quo Disdains Bitcoin? - The "Wrong People Are Getting Rich"
- 3 Carolina Reapers and a 5th of fire ball
- Five Things Professors Actually Said In 2017
- SPLC Designates #Christmas As Sign Of Far-Right Extremism On Its " Hate Tracker"
- a THOUSAND strong chimpout at nj mall
- Trump Sends Fewer Mexicans Home Despite Deportation Talk
- This Is The Single Most Important Chart For the US Financial System
- disturbing message i got from zerohedge
- cspan holiday theme: because hate speech, must s/d free speech
- Why Do Israel and Russia Love Each Other?
- Today’s history question
- West Bank School Attacked by Israeli Army during Midterm Exams
- The Return of White Farmers
- MyPillow suckers!
- The jew is after UC Berkley over professor
- Housing Bubble 2.0: U.S. Homeowners Made $2 Trillion On Their Houses In 2017
- A Wall Street Pro's View On Bitcoin, Blockchain, & Bullion
- Zionist "Britain First" EXPOSED by Muslim, Christian and Jew
- Eggs up 1.21 ??
- the math behind the slave trade, and why it was doomed
- The Vampire Watch
- Trump
- Fake News: MSM Claims That White House Intern Is Racist For Using ‘OK’ Hand gesture
- A Stunning Look Inside The World Of South Korea's "Bitcoin Zombies"
- Italy sending almost 500 troops to fight migrant flows in Africa
- MVARs ... Get In On The Ground Floor
- free speech re izrael under attack by congress and dept of edu
- Bacon day
- The greatest theorized version of American History never told.
- Nikki Haley: The De Facto Agent of Influence
- (((Spontaneous Protests))) in Iran
- huma's emals - searchable
- Wikileaks: Proof of New York Times Colluding with Hillary Clinton
- How To Analyze a Bent Stick
- Goodbye 2017
- Thousands of Homeless People Given One-Way Bus Tickets to Leave Town
- Progressives demanding 'equity'
- Taco Bell/Illuminaughty commercial in slow mo so you don't miss all the subliminals
- lmao! set new record on getting banned -
- Walmart’s facial recognition & law enforcement databases are unified
- Germany: Shock as Safe Zones Fail to Protect Women From Child Refugees
- Federal agency makes it clear: Even legal marijuana users can’t buy guns
- The Moon tonight
- Sanctuary State Signs Pop Up on California Highways for the New Year
- Dueling New Year messages - Putin v. Chumpstein
- dc: blacks and mexicans highest welfare rates, by a mile
- Bannon unleashes on Chumpstein
- Arkansas to have the hottest, coolest governor ever?
- What happens when the deranged have children
- EPIC piece on the slave trade
- Chumpstein to Kim: My (dick) is bigger than your (dick)!
- radio station prank calls jewish parents, parents freak out
- video: case from australia shows how far things can go
- Israel orders negro savages go back to Africa
- Russia probe grand jury looks like ‘a Black Lives Matter rally,’ says witness
- billion dollar fund being used for black lives matter promos, get-whitey
- white guilt fading: 55% of whites say they are discriminated against
- Washington state sues Motel 6
- Today's Trump Supporters
- Sedition! Barack Hussein guilty of many counts and the investigation into his treason
- The Sheeple - 5G
- Chumpstein threatening to sue Bannon
- Pot Stocks Tumble Jeff Sessions Rescinds Policies Allowing States to Legalize Weed
- baltimore city pensions feel the black lives matter
- Major Intel, Arm chip security flaw puts your PCs, phones at risk
- Was Huma Abedin The Ultimate Spy
- Noah's Ark
- Greg Hunter - Weekly News Wrap-Up 1.5.18
- Black Ops Agent Claims He Was Paid To Bomb OKC in the 1990s By Deep State
- Mark Zuckerberg admits Facebook is broken
- JooMasons blocking police reform? UK leader says no!
- Tech question, Selfkey
- Criminals Abandon Bitcoin As Privacy Weakens
- High taxes and bad gun laws cause exodus...
- Just political cartoons and rebuttals...
- Starving Cancer to Death By Otto Warburg
- New Trump book "Fire and Fury" by Michael Wolff- Full PDF
- Do you question the Presidents stability?
- Bitcoin IRA
- Former Reagan Economic Adviser: Are Whites Being Setup For Genocide?!
- Liberal Student Makes The Case For Killing Two-Year-Old Kids As Pro-Choice Extremism
- Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer
- Thug State of "Israel" Blacklists the Quakers
- Unbelievable!!!!
- Niggers will never be happy
- Netanyahu family corruption...
- Yippee, we are #20, and we are proud.
- Clinton house fire was room filed with computers
- Whole ocean is frozen
- LEAKED MEMO: DREAMers Are ‘Critical’ To Dems ‘Future Electoral Success’
- Russians defeat sophisticated drone swarm attacks @ Syrian bases
- Feminists v. Trannies: Who Wins??
- Bitcoin isn't the bubble — the global financial system is
- The Birth of Zero
- generation zyklon kicked out of youth league
- Trump: "I’ll take the heat. I will take all the heat" to do amnesty
- Why We Didn't Return To The Moon?
- Why this year's flu season is so bad and what you can do about it
- And Here Is How To Create A Government
- WTF is this?
- The Truth About Oprah Winfrey
- tasered & tear gassed
- Tax time follies.
- child labor 100 years ago
- Twitter shadow banning “shitty people” aka conservatives
- Florida man who claimed his girlfriend choked to death during oral sex
- I don't often praise Trump...
- chump going extreme left, first amnesty now release prisoners (blm)
- texas capitol releases list of prohibited items
- WTF? This site is no longer authorized to provide GOES East imagery.
- after deleting 100 pages, sandy hook report set to be released
- Israel to tell African migrants: leave or face indefinite imprisonment
- Kats
- What World-famous Men have said About da Joos
- Report: Trump lawyer arranged $130K payment to keep adult-film star quiet
- SCOTUS to revisit Quill v. North Dakota
- Trump Creates 21 New Jobs at 7-11
- panic in hawaii after gov declares emergency of incoming missile
- video: chimpout tears up store because monkey ad
- Chelsea Manning Files To Run For Senate In Maryland Transgender for
- Watchdog Experts urges discharge of Fukushima radioactive water into ocean
- Air Raid Pearl Harbor This Is No Drill - Oh, Wait
- Nat Geo determined what Americans will look like in 2050 and...
- Alright, which one of you faggots is going to be 1st to adopt latest fashion trend?
- teacher fired for associating with richard spencer group
- colin flaherty's youtube channel gassed
- tell me about this image of nancy lanza
- HAITI OFFICIAL DEAD Slated To Testify Against Clinton Foundation Corruption Next Week
- the eternal victims
- A millennial job interview
- Google takes invasiveness to an entirely new level
- M Moore So Angry About Destruction Of Environment, Plans To Destroy The Environment
- ‘Global Warming’ In The Sahara Desert:
- Mohammed Is Most Popular Name For Newborn Boys In Holland For 2nd Year Straight
- Clinton Triggered, Denies Foundation's Haiti Funds Were Used For Chelsea Wedding
- The Truth About Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Dr William L. Pierce - The Lesson of Haiti
- Gas attack...
- P.Veritas: Twitter cashing in on your sex chat; joogle/FB even creepier
- HUNDREDS of Twitter Employees Paid to View “Everything You Post Online”
- affirmative action news of the day
- Fmr. Facebook Exec: if you feed the beast, that beast will destroy you
- Documented evidence proves Ashkenazi Jews absolutely will use medical procedures as w
- Do you buy Penzeys Spices? DON'T!
- Candidate For Illinois Attorney General Mugged At Gunpoint During Chicago Photo Shoot
- "Keeping Muslims Safe Online: Tackling Hate and Bigotry".
- German State TV Encourages White Families to Convert to Islam
- Trump's Fake News Awards, Wed Jan 17
- 100 brawl at mlk parade, comment section is best part
- Living in gated community = false sense of security
- What happens when a nigger is in charge
- Arrests & Prosecutions Coming for Elite - Dave Janda....greg hunter
- Trump’s revenge on California: The Census
- Six foot three and 239 pounds, our President...
- Now, this is a boating accident...chilling video at link.
- Question: Is Au/AG considered income in the US???
- What’s the very first thing you do when you find out you won’t be nuked?
- SCOTTeVEST CEO Says He Advertises on FOX News Because Their Viewers are "Gullible F*c
- The £1billion stealth fee racket
- Crypto-Bloodbath | Venezualan Cryptocurrency backed by Oil
- Pope Francis Honors Dutch Abortion Activist with Pontifical Medal of Knighthood
- Missiles, mad scientists, and mad politicians
- California pair had $2.3M worth of marijuana in motor home when deputy pulled them ov
- UKRAINE ON FIRE: The Real Story, by Oliver Stone (full doc)
- The Soviet Safeway
- Why some African Americans are moving to Africa
- Mel Gibson & Neil Riordan, Ph.D. on Stem Cells
- "Gun Theft Is Sweeping America...and law enforcement doesn’t know why"
- Anyone up for some Sushi?
- Shock! The Pope Is Now Openly Attacking Child Sexual Abuse Victims For “Slander”
- Detroit Businesses Are Being FORCED To Pay To Allow Police To SPY On Their Customers
- Professor Is Using Software To Provide Private Details On American Patriots To The D
- Current shit storm, who will blink first?
- How to tell if your country is a shithole
- Zimbabwe Opposition Dies in NM
- illegal aliens being flown/relocated around the US
- New Ad: Democrats ‘Complicit in Every Murder Committed by Illegal Immigrants’
- Why not go nuke...Trumpster asks?
- Silver as a Strategic Metal and Why Prices Will Soar Jim Willie CB
- ALL Intel processors since Centrino have had their development managed from Israel
- You Will Be Completely Controlled — You Are Wetware — Implanted Devices and Mind Cont
- North Korea as a nationalist socialist Racial State
- Massive flu outbreak? Here’s the real story the media won’t touch
- The Secret Navy behind the Ballistic Missile Attack on Hawaii
- LV coroner cremates ‘Paddock’, brother furious
- Charles Schumer Received $500k Donation From Pro-Illegal Alien Group Just Before Vote
- Antifa Violence ALERT: 56-Year-Old Man Hospitalized After Being Attacked By Antifa
- Deep Weeds Beyond “The Big Ugly”…
- Why does Israel have fake flags in the background with purple tassels?
- Any Doubts That British Are Insane?
- Trump's ICE locks up heinous criminal
- FBI Agents Threatened Physical Harm to President Trump In Missing FBI Texts & Other
- Stop the crime...........
- Globalist Davos Summit Buried in Snow as Elites Gather to Discuss Global Warming
- Blonde German woman transforms herself into a “negress”
- Distilled Water
- conan goes to haiti to troll trump, meme gold
- wolf blitzer sacrifices his father for illegal aliens
- Oh dear the egg is red.
- We All Have Morgellons From Chemtrails?
- We’re in for Another Kosher Super Bowl
- Black Ops Operator Comes Forward And Tells All:Cody Snodgres
- Breitbart labels Trump 'Amnesty Don' over DACA plans
- NBCFakeNews
- Cape Town, Black Africa about to run out of drinking water
- We are a "Top Ten" nation...
- This is interesting...... upstate NY.
- WWE’s Vince McMahon to Announce Launch of Pro Football League
- First lady, Melania vs Porn star, is she pissed ?
- Bono Crosses the Line as U2 Calls Trump Voters Klansmen
- VIdeo exposing the pre-meditated murder of Levoy Finnicum.
- Disinformation Is Becoming Unstoppable
- Face2Face: Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos (CVPR 2016 Oral)
- Secret Societies, Satanism and Communism in Government
- "Missing" fbi texts
- ha! never get carjacked again
- 'Amnesty Don'
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