View Full Version : General Discussion
- video of black college lecture - get whitey
- White nationalism = white supremacy
- Chips Ahoy Mother's Day Ad Features Man In Drag Encouraging People to 'Get These Cook
- lol...atlanta denny's - 3rd world hellhole
- Jon Rapport blog taken down
- OY VEY: Microscopic remains of jew victims to be buried in Berlin
- The Digital Asset Bull Run has begun
- Mad Libs (Buzzfeed) YouTube’s Newest Far-Right, Foul-Mouthed, Red-Pilling Star
- Most clever hack I've ever seen
- David Icke on money: It doesn't exist
- Life in prison for abortion doctors
- How they reprimand the hired help in Saudi Arabia
- Freudian Slip - Pete Buttigieg "took the lad"
- TRAITOR Alex Jones EXPOSED by Rev. Ted Pike
- Stone age nigger invasion force just across the border
- Sheboon shoves elderly white guy off bus, kills him
- Adam Green: C J Bjerkness talking about Jewish censorship.
- Biden tops Trump by double digits in new Pennsylvania poll
- How babies are made
- ET does sky writing
- 'Serial Killer' Healthcare Worker In U.S. Illegally Suspected of Being Involved in a
- WE'RE FUCKED...ICE to transport 225,000 migrants to shelters across the US
- Giant machines in earth's orbit
- Disarm Hate Act Introduced: Would Permanently Revoke 2A Rights for Misdemeanor Hate C
- Liberal gets attacked in South Africa
- Clown World - Our Interestiing Times
- Austrian Government Collapses After Two-Year-Old Video Dropped on Far Right Leader
- newly released fbi docs expose the dancing israelis of 9/11
- San Joaquin 49 growers set to lose 60% of their labor force in one fell swoop
- The invaders bring us cultural enrichment, be grateful
- Madonnas satanic ritual in Israel.
- Georgia Peach - long time AM radio host red pilled, fired by joo station
- Switzerland YES ! Swiss Voters Approve Tighter Gun Laws
- Christian/Missionary Couple Posed As Orth Jooz To Convert Joo Neighbors
- Texas Speaker Bonnen Set to Kill Statue Protection Bill
- Mel Gibson's new "Rothschild" movie TRIGGERS (((Hollywood)))
- wikileaks releases unused moon landing footage
- I’m special
- Girlfriend has a lump in her breast
- Long range mooooslim goal for America exposed - TOTAL TAKEOVER
- What would you do if someone started swinging a hammer at you?
- AI will kill us
- indy newspaper: lack of hate crime laws making people move out
- Report from NM border with Mexico
- 25% of Americans in debt paying for necessities
- Jerry Nadler is out to get Trump...will he succeed?
- Pure science: More guns leads to more violent crime
- Flu shot that lasts for a lifetime.
- Why does US gov consider Assange hack as espionage?
- Caitlin Johnstone How you can be 100% certain that QAnon is bullshit
- German Jews warned not to wear kippas after rise in anti-Semitism
- Army Virtue-Tweet Backfires: 1000s Expose "Heartbreaking" Horrors Of War
- ADL to exonerate Leo Frank
- Woke Gillette Back for More. Shaving Trannies Now.
- Moozies no longer feel the need to conceal their agenda
- Weekend EU elections: Nationalism wins
- Brennan STILL has his security clearance, but Trump revoked it last summer
- Trump orders declassify and the bureaucrats say no.
- Atomic Soldiers
- TRU News interview on the USS Liberty That's very good
- top 50 companies for diversity
- East Congo villagers kill Ebola health worker, loot clinic
- Word Play ... District Court of the United States
- FL Gov DeSantis Signs FL AntiShlomoism Bill in ISRAEL
- Social media double standards
- RED ALERT - we're well into the Twilight Zone at this point
- the jew gives out scholarships
- Treasury Sanctions Foreigners for Israel
- Co-founder of 'Rolling Thunder' says bikers will descend on Washington...
- 11 Dead, Six Wounded in Virginia Beach Shooting
- Traitor Trumpstein nominates hardcore gun-grabber to head BATFags
- Gotta hand it to John Cleese, he's got balls
- Lyme a US bioweapon? (Yes) Rep Chris Smith Pushes Trump To Investigate
- Why have we white cacusians turned into such a weak race?
- Makita re-invents the wheelbarrow
- remember this -- it was foreplay
- Lol - Meuller report fraudulent.
- Collapse of a city that's lost control': Shocking new pictures from downtown LA!
- "SHELL GAME" A Military Whistleblowing Report to Congress
- "SHELL GAME" A Military Whistleblowing Report to Congress
- FOR SALE: Small ~100 y.o. frame house on small lot - $2.65M
- Kenneth Copeland: Jus' doin' the lawrd's work
- 11 year old girl hit by car, targeted because she's white
- Segregation is diversity.
- Female Trump Supporter Destroys RINO Justin Amash
- You watch - jootube will not be banning this hate filled video
- US Navy P-8A Recon Plane Intercepted By Russian Su-35 Fighter Jet Over Mediterranean
- Anyone know anything about open heart bypass surgery?
- The border crisis set to go to the next level
- Trumpstein is a Trojan horse gungrabber at heart
- Rothschild and Trump hegelian dialectic.
- I'll have you know that I'm a well known, well educated sheboon!!!
- DeBlasio: "White Supremacists Attacking Jewish People"
- John McAfee sends a warning shot acroos the bow
- white coach racism: cut your hhair, pull up your pants
- UK Column News - 10th June 2019
- Hundreds of illegals from ebola-ridden congo dumped in texas, 350 more on the way
- Anyone from Ohio?
- pepe the frog sues alex jones
- Top execs of 180 companies: Abortion necessary to be successful in business
- Oregon's latest nonsense - arrest white folks who call 911 on POCs
- Murder – Suicide Timeline, June 2 – 9 SPEAK UP REPORT
- hearing on 911 responders bill
- Light-powered nano-organisms consume CO2
- Centipede nation - Curated news - good site
- Black Pigeon Speaks
- Every nigger life matters...every single one!
- Are the tankers the fuse?
- Church hosts summer camp to teach kids to be Antifa
- They're just like us except they live in Africa
- CIVIL WAR 2 in America - WHO WOULD WIN? In-Depth Analysis
- Accepting diversity...what's not to love???
- Real or deep fake video...what do you think?
- how many yids?
- dayton ohio kkk rally
- The Christian Zionist Deception - Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Adam Green
- Trumpstein is a total con
- Dicks sporting goods getting rid of guns and stuff
- 22 y.o. assaults Federal courthouse in Dallas, dies
- Heads up 8 chan users
- Trumpstein vows to deport "millions" of illegals starting next week
- Gold chart looking bullish; Pd to lead new PM surge?
- (((Immigration Hypocrisy)))
- What demonic possession looks like
- Charles Koch teams up with Soros
- Facebook worldwide digital currency Libra coming!
- delivering pizza in london
- Flying cattle car
- Reparations
- "Migration Is Part Of The Model": The Real Roots Of Central America's Migrant Crisis
- Charles in Charge - Scott Baio has a point
- Will you buy a Holocaust survivor lunch today?
- Game Over
- Donald Trump on Iran... 06/21/2019
- The population growth in the 21st century is jews and negros (and fags)
- Terrible crash in NH, Marine JarHeads MC - 7 dead
- Oregon Issues Arrest Warrants For Multiple GOP Senators
- Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent "Trump situation" in 2020
- Trump's latest rape accuser
- Merrill Lynch Caught Criminally Manipulating Precious Metals Market
- Comey Hid ‘CLINTON EMAILS’ Binder In His Office Safe and Had Hillary’s Backup Device
- Image of dead father, daughter at US-Mexico border draws reactions from around the wo
- Sharp black dude
- Donald J. Trump 1 hr · BORING!
- Demrats debate technical difficulties
- Supreme Court halts citizenship question on 2020 census
- Don't try this at home
- Here's the Democrat that killed the college student in Utah
- Trump To Unleash Hell On Europe
- Niggers hate white people more then ever thanks to the liberal MSM and Democrats
- Smithsonian admits to destruction of thousands of giant human skeletons in early 1900
- The liberal progressives are coming for our children...
- The Coming Cash For Not-Clunkers
- Boeing Outsourced Its 737 MAX Software To $9-Per-Hour Engineers
- Everyone has a civil right to have a mental illness
- Nigga, join the club! Next!
- Medical marijuana users ‘have 30 days’ to turn in their guns, police say
- Dublin-Based Exchange Bitsane Vanishes With Users' Funds
- MSNBC puts deepfake pimple on Tulsi's face during the debate
- The zuckerberg dossier
- Xi will not be putting up with this shit
- Are you fucking deaf??
- When do the guns come out?
- 35,000 more African nigger invaders headed this way
- Pretty powerful video
- Failure To Appear
- CLEARLY a symbol of oppression and slavery
- Face Book and AI
- Dennis Prager admits Jews behind Marxism, Socialism, Feminism...
- Use Alligators to make a wall, release alligators every 50 miles into Rio Grande
- Travesty
- Look at this filth
- Food Tampering Is A "Thing" Now.
- Orange man bad, white man bad.
- 123
- They must never get control again
- Civil War 2 in America - detailed analysis, factors, likely scenarios
- One very unhappy lil' niglet
- TR3B caught in July 4th flyover
- lol
- Cipher
- Amazing how many people hate California
- Jeffery Epstein arrested for child sex trafficking
- Financial collapse 2.0 Deutsche Bank
- A good time a Disneyland, the happiest place in the world
- Poll: Majority of Americans Want Mass Deportations of Illegal Aliens
- Pepe the Frog Creator Forces Neo-Nazi Website to Remove Cartoons
- Tnb
- RIP Ross Perot
- Is Bill Clinton going to be taken down this time?
- FBI Reveals Murdered Arkansas Senator Planned to Expose Child Pornography
- Afrofuturefest charges whites double.
- California becomes 1st state to give taxpayer-funded health benefits to illegal immig
- Has the Red tide of diversity ebbed?
- Seized ship with $1.3B in cocaine aboard reportedly owned by JPMorgan Chase
- Gov. Ron DeSantis Wants To Replace a General With a Civil Rights Activist Monument
- Hahaha Bill Clinton 'knows nothing' about financier Jeffrey Epstein's 'terrible crime
- Trump/Bitcoin tweet storm
- Remember this? Killer Cop Rehired, Gets Pension for Murdering Innocent Unarmed Dad
- What other very prominent thing is blue and white?
- This aught to endear the Mexican people to Americans
- The raids start on Sunday, ICE needs your help
- Pelosi Rejects U.S. Sovereignty
- U.S. Coast Guard cutter, the Munro,
- BREAKING! Joe Biden Planning To Drop Out Of 2020 Presidential Race
- They're like zombies...
- Out of Africa theory debunked...
- Most stupid thing ever
- Who the fuck are you to question my entitlement??
- Chabad mafia
- "TRUMP IN ASIA" — A Bad Lip Reading
- Sure to be the next blockbuster!
- That poor, poor Irish Mexican will do anything for attention
- Styx might have something?
- BOMBSHELL: Lawsuit Outs Fox News Ellen Ratner as Source for Seth Rich Intel
- Chimp Out
- Racist
- I think a 1.25M bond is too high
- lmao! dont mess with the old man
- Colin Kaepernick's Nike commercial is nominated for an Emmy Award
- Hacked Emails: Hillary Campaign Monitored News about Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton
- CSU: the word 'America' is not inclusive
- Iran's Revolutionary Guard seizes two UK-operated tankers in Strait of Hormuz
- Ron Paul: Socialism Rests On Force & Violence It Is The Enemy of Voluntarism & Peace
- Safe deposit boxes aren't safe
- The Connection between 9/11, Anthrax and Iraq
- Liberals control Austin, TX now
- Communists now a protected class
- Iran Legalizes Crypto-Mining As "Official Industry"
- John McAfee missing?
- Senator Ted Cruz calls for investigation into Antifa under RICO
- Is she dead yet?
- Jim Stone: how they are going to shut down the alt web:
- Another Smollett that needs to be prosecuted for a fake hate crime
- Shocking! And less than 2,500 views
- Globalism is dead, what comes next?
- Exposed: Truth about Russia Hoax – How Demorats tried to fix the election
- Chrisitian answer to The Onion
- Man-hater designs chair specifically to torture men in public
- Federal court: Semi-autos ‘indistinguishable’ from m-16s
- Supreme Court paves way for Trump administration to use military funds for border wal
- 16 US Marines Arrested for Alleged Crimes Including Human Smuggling and Drug-Related
- Yay! Diversity is our strength!
- Jootube bans keyword 'Christian'
- What do you suppose the kid in the photo is thinking?
- Maureen Dowd rips progressives
- EXCLUSIVE! Inside ICE torture facility!
- rochester, mn county fair shut down, somalis running wild
- Night Shadows, Is POTUS Trump in Real Danger?
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