View Full Version : General Discussion
- David Morgan interview
- How to Prepare for the Bond Market Bust
- Swedish man gets sick benefits for heavy metal addiction
- John Williams Warns Of "Severe And Violent Sell-Off In Stocks"
- German "heatball" wheeze outwits EU light bulb ban
- TTCotton prices set all-time high on supply fears.
- German multiculturalism has 'failed,' Merkel says
- FraudZilla
- R.I.P., Benoit Mandelbrot
- College to introduce scheme that pays A-Level students £5,000 for FAILING their
- Neighborhood in shock over planned homeless camp.
- 5 times we almost nuked ourselves by accident
- Drunk Father Forgets Where He Left 3 year-old Son
- BREAKING FOX NEWS: Bin Laden and PatColo Hiding in Pakistan
- U.S. is currency war's "tomb maker": China economist
- Banks buying tax debt and seizing property with LLC proxies
- France's gas stations start running out of fuel
- whatever happened to that reinhart guy?
- Going Postal-2 killed in Tennessee
- Yosef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews
- Insider Selling To Buying Update: 2,019 To 1
- Bank of America Secretly Asking Congress for a Banking Industry Bailout
- Pace University football player was shot and killed by police
- Taking the brain for a walk.......
- Just for Ponce!!
- Brian and Ilsa Said To Their Bank: “Show Me The Note" - by Gonzo Lira
- New Party says will Arrest and Execute Govt Traitors
- The Rot Within: Our Culture of Financial Fraud and the Anger of the Honest
- you guys see this? SPY flash crash at 4.15 today
- The Mother of All Shorts
- Well, it's been nice knowing all you fine people...
- Hyper-inflation – Here We Come?
- Video: Silver volatility increases. Bullish for price to go higher.
- Could a Dollar Crash Be Coming Soon?
- If they want us to recognize them...
- Armstrong's Latest: A must read! "Nice Try But No Cigar!"
- Pilot to TSA: 'No Groping Me and No Naked Photos'
- Death by Fluoride
- Top U.S. Exports To China Are Waste Paper And Scrap Metal.
- Milky Spots on silver: pics included
- Larry Edelson - Maybe He Should Stick with TA?
- Corbett Report audio: What is the Essense of Money? Gold, etc
- CFTC Judge Admits Case Rigging
- Coming to America: The Benefits of Open Immigration
- The Secret Of Oz - new vid from Bill Still (The Money Masters)
- The Loss of Trust and the Great Unraveling To Come
- Total Information Awareness
- More Inflation Fears
- gold and silver
- Despite budget cuts, bigger county tax bills coming .............
- America's new poor: the end of the middle-class dream
- The Rents Too Damn High Party!
- Max Keiser No 87
- I think all here should read this site...
- This is the cause of today's selloff: "Geithner promises strong dollar".
- OTB: Officer Bubbles
- Kitco charts broke this afternoon
- The Normalization of Sociopathology in America
- The way we do things round here.
- One nation, under fraud
- We've lost a giant - Joan Veon passes
- BREAKING - Israeli forces, tanks invade Gaza
- Tom Bosley of "Happy Days" dies at 83.
- A classic - Barbara's social security check
- Rage spills out on to the streets of FR as Sarkozy and Carla Bruni live it up
- GS-USisms!
- WTF is going on with this Rand Paul guy?
- "Officer Bubbles" Story: Toronto Neighborhood Responds to G20 Policing
- website with a wealth of info
- And now, for something completely... er... different! :)
- Eustace Mullins: Surviving the Court System
- Why U.S. can't find Osama bin Laden
- Report delayed 8 years - Hormone therapy linked to increased cancer risk
- If You Were Looking For A Reason To Keep Fit
- Fed: We Are In A Liquidity Trap Which Can Only Be Cured By Inflation
- Secret human RFID implanting how and why (video)
- The monster known as Kinsey
- Will the Federal Reserve Cause a Civil War?
- Best SONG EVA - Lyrics include stab you in the dick
- Here's a fun picture...
- What is the meaning of the lime-peel helmet on avatars?
- British gardeners dig up hoard of American gold coins
- Dollar Breaks As USDJPY Falls To 15 Year Low Of 80.84
- The Illuminate Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave
- theories on stupid ass entertainer names?
- Epigenetics
- Only in America hahahahahahahah.
- You Can't Beat the Man!
- Musical crack
- How to resist Big Brother's snooping
- The real reason big Hard Drives beat out Floppy Disks.
- kanye west replaces his teeth with diamonds
- Silver back over $24, I don't think TPTB can stop it's climb
- Turned down my friend for a loan........from me.
- Airport body scanners
- ah leah
- If This Is True...... KaBOOM
- Help me: I need historical info on commodities priced in gold
- Justice Thomas' wife says healthcare law is unconstitutional
- Nobody at the helm
- Mortgage/forclosure mess explained by Jim Rickards
- Republicrats Waffling on repealing Obamacare, and Contract with America
- Pulsescan talking about flash crash, gold, dollar, nasdaq
- Robert Kiyosaki: "Silver is the biggest sleeper of all"
- The US.........ten years from now.
- Piglosi speaking on PBS now
- The Eternal Jew
- Silver Bars
- 20-year-old woman student is police chief of violent Mexican town
- power elite playbook
- Fannie And Freddie HAVE NO NOTES EITHER?
- Market for Existing Homes - is it Bifurcated/ Split ?
- NAACP Racist Hypocrisy
- Pace Univ. students allege police brutality after shooting
- iDepression 2.0
- To The Tea Party: Go Screw Yourself
- And so it Begins – Chicago Sheriff Says NO to Enforcing Foreclosures
- Recommended web site
- Bank Failure Friday - October 22, 2010
- Forums To Discuss Legal Issues
- i just read this comment on zerohedge an had to share
- Alright, which one of you lot JUST sold your silver?! You bastid!
- Gordon Duff When Stupid Becomes Dangerous
- Keynesianism Loves the Total State - JM Keynes
- sell! sell! sell!
- Baby brain? No, having a child makes you more intelligent........
- Report: Los Angeles spent $70 million in stimulus funds to create 7.76 jobs
- Willem Buiter: The US Must Prepare For Savage Austerity
- China cuts off the US from rare earth metals
- Things Will Unravel Faster Than You Think................
- Dolphin Has Sex With Woman
- 10 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than a Flu!
- Say goodbye to traditional free checking
- recap of Pastor Lindsey Williams' interview on AJ show 10/21/10
- NASA says, there's silver in them there crators.....
- Florida foreclosure mill owner (JEW) who chucked out 70,000 families in 2009
- That's right, I'm singing in the rain
- Because everyone loves a good exorcism
- How default mortgages are worth MORE to certain 'players' than good mortgages
- Falling life expectancy and the collapse of the United States.
- DeMint Threatens To Leave GOP If Agenda Is Not Limited Government
- Intended Map Of 'Greater Israel' On Back Of Shekel Coin
- Israel lottery draws same numbers as 3 weeks before, 3 win £666,000 each
- Another jew - Fla. money manager sentenced to 14 years in prison
- Great Chinise movie with Inglish sub........
- "Officer Bubbles" from G20 is suing youtube for 1.2m
- The Hate Mongers Among Us (great vid re propaganda!)
- CFT Commission judge says colleague biased against complainants
- Israel vanquishes Iran... on the chess board
- Quick Question about 2010 Silver Eagles
- Planes you've never seen before
- Is the FED secretly buying gold?
- Time Traveller Caught On 1928 Charlie Chaplin Film?
- Stephen Broden "Violent Overthrow of the Government is on the Table"
- Is this more conditioning for a cashless society?
- DBSmith & A Salbuchi discuss Jews buying up Patagonia
- SWAT team storms wrong house
- News of the Wierd
- Satanists Hold Ritual To Parody Christians
- LMAO - Bank Teller wants to pay me 10 cents for a silver one
- Proof That Men Have Not Evolved All That Much!
- Kay Griggs talks
- U.S. Dollar Flash Crash After hours
- Jail employees fired for tasing each other
- South park Jersy Shore episode
- The Keiser Report 88 - with Peter Schiff
- Why are FRNs not dollars?
- Voting irregularities in Texas
- In 15 of Last 25 Months, Treasury Needed to Borrow Money
- ZeroHedge now reporting the DXZO FLASH CRASH in the Dollar!
- White Americans the new Islamic Threat to America (TV programming)
- Finally shot my .999 Troy Silver 1911
- Tom Woods at Nullify Now, Ft. Worth
- This Cooking Oil is a Powerful Virus-Destroyer and Antibiotic…
- Trades Hall president Kevin Bracken stands by his 9/11 conspiracy; Online poll
- What would a unilateral revaluation of gold do for the US Dollar
- Vatican - jews are no longer a chosen people
- Wow, Michael Hudson tells all about the parasite Banksters.
- Bulldozer driver testifies in Israeli trial over Rachel Corrie's death
- The Israeli Spy Ring in USA
- US woman drove mummified body around for months
- gold mineral rights on BLM land
- 250000 Year Old Mastodon Hunter From Puebla.
- Big Problem for Banks: Due Process
- Bayer Exposed ( HIV Contaminated Vaccine )
- Get your Coconut Oil here...
- Looks like one of my neighbors was drinking and driving
- WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange walks out of CNN interview
- Snow mixed with the rain???????........
- Gold Will Soar as the U.S. Dollar Bubble Bursts
- The US Dollar Is Doomed
- California Pension Promises May Top Taxes by Fivefold
- Elite Postpones Earth's Demise?
- The Day the Earth Shook; China Dictates to G20
- The Gulf of Mexico A Crisis that Must Be Resolved
- The U.S. Public Is About To Revolt
- Fraudclosure: The End Run
- At Least 7 of the 9/11 Hijackers are Still Alive
- The 12 masonic signs of recognition
- Inside the Illusory Empire of the Banking Commodity Con Game
- On Maher, Rob Reiner Equates Tea Party to Hitler: ‘All They're Selling is Fear
- Holy smokes, and I thought I was pissed
- Pilot Refuses Full-Body Scan
- Housing Cartoons
- Wall Street focuses on the 'three Es.'
- Barbara Boxer...I Worked So Hard To Get That Title
- EU to Italy: Clean up Naples trash or face fines
- It would be nice is there wasn't so much violence
- Quake felt in NW Wyoming; AP reports landslide
- Jack London?
- UT shooter: overwhelming response, 2,300 in 19 minutes
- Debasement Leading Britain Down Another Path to Catastrophe
- GSUS Zombie/Sunday Night Chat
- Sunday night jitters again! Nice moves!
- Very insteresting NVD anomaly
- APMEX running out of 10oz silver bars. Get them now before you never see them!
- How to Stop Absorbing Other People's Emotions
- I can only imagine what Matt Simons would be saying right now...
- Power went out me.
- 32 States on path to pass Cap n Trade
- SHOCK REPORT: "60 Minutes": The Real Unemployment Rate Is 17% (video)
- A right to your own reality?
- Dumbass: He Bought A Cabin On "Washaway Beach"
- Here are our 5 best countries for Americans to escape the decline:
- natural gas solicitations
- Woman Pays For Coffee With Gold Coin
- Welcome to IllumiCorp: Initiation Video
- Treasury Draws Negative Yield for First Time During TIPS Sale
- MUST WATCH - Chinese Professor
- 'Government Doesn't Suck' march planned
- Is the universe a big hologram?
- David Duke new Video Top Rabbi Exposes Jewish Racism!
- Who is Lindsey William's "elite" source?
- On The Ongoing Saga Of Pittman vs Goliath
- A celebration of halloween, neighbors say is satanic...
- Semi-trained, unhousebroken monkeys playing with the toys the state gives them
- OMG.. I was almost involved in a midnight altercation... YEESH!
- American al-Qaida spokesman urges attacks in US
- 99ers
- Did APMex Go Out of Business - or is their website just down ?
- Brokers Flee Brokerages as Declining Assets Show Broken Model
- RED ALERT! RED ALERT!......Treasury Sells Bonds With a Negative Yield
- U.S. Falls in Corruption Ranking as Crisis Hits Confidence
- The threat of Social Security revolt looms..........
- Democrats' excuse is that voters are just dumb
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