View Full Version : General Discussion
- But the economy is going just great........
- Increible.......upsssssss forgot my English, and so will you.
- "Giant Fireball" Lights up the Night Sky - Iowa
- BREAKING: Russia says Iran reactor on track for August launch
- Rebel Yarr
- You Tube Requires Phone Numbers Now
- Two Kinds of People
- Shocking Sugar Content of Common Food Products
- Ok Boys BEND OVER! ITS THE 15th!
- Iceland volcano
- US Library of Congress to archive all messages sent on Twitter
- Ron Paul To Bernanke: Where Would The Money Come From...?
- March Foreclosures Surge To Absolute Record, At 369,491, 19% Jump from February
- The war on Christians begins
- Paramedics show up to help burned toddler, get raped - SA NEWS
- best don harrold video ever
- NYC to stop paying teachers to do nothing
- Question about this article...........
- McCain: Time to 'Pull the Trigger' on Iran
- Today from .......SURVIVAL BLOG.
- NASA weighs in on 2012
- Future jailers of Americans in America......
- Don't be a donkey in the state of Israel..........
- Another disappeared site:
- It's Impossible To "Get By" In The US
- Out of this world.......
- Declaration of Nullification
- Trend alert: The Great Slowdown of Fall '10
- The Day we Reach Monthly Foreclosure Filing Record Banks Announce Record Profits
- We got deathstar!!!
- Going for broke in L.A.?
- One Day Soon, We’ll All Be “Homegrown Terroristsâ€
- 484,000 Lose Jobs...DOW Soars over 11,000
- I think Obama owes some taxes.
- War Between Israel And Hizbollah "Imminent" Syria Warns US
- Video - Security beats up fan at Dodger Stadium 4-13-10 Opening Day
- Does anyone have any contact with MarketNeutral?
- Retribution for Krentz or have agencies started caring about illegal immigration
- How bad is it?
- Adrian Salbuchi - Second Republic March 29th 2010
- 43 Percent Of Americans Pay No Federal Income Tax,
- Sign in my front yard for the past seven years......
- Do you prepare your own taxes??
- Senate health committee voted in favor all Members and their staffs to enroll
- I went to a Tea Party Event Tonight
- Interesting rumor
- Corrupt IMF says high unemployment to persist
- Where's MN's First Series...
- Bayer admits GMO contamination out of control
- 99 Weeks of Jobless Benefits
- Mother of Hell - Got the damn XP Internet Security 2010 virus today
- Iran to Host Own Nuclear Summit Saturday
- Will the Bad Economy Cause Crime to Increase?
- 12 Reasons Why Millions Of Americans Are Incredibly Angry About The State Of The
- A good friend Byron Jost has passed away
- The system is built to be gamed."
- Medvedev: Israeli strike on Iran could spark global catastrophe
- In Israel, reality hides under a 'top secret' stamp
- Who are the world's richest Jews?
- Anat Kam: I stole IDF documents to expose West Bank war crimes
- Syria: Israel itching to launch attack
- Project Camelot Subterfuge?
- Invisible Empire - FULL MOVIE (1/14)
- Lawyer: Laptops took thousands of images
- Bank Failure Friday - April 16
- SEC Charges Goldman Sachs With Fraud On Subprime Mortgages
- hilarious. michelle visits, farm, keeps farmer riff-raff out
- Bishop convicted for denying Holocaust
- Volcano could build into major business problem
- OK, WTF, Gold and Silver getting smashed
- Oil prices plummet
- Look For Gold Selloff If Paulson Needs To Shore Up Liquidity On Negative PR
- U.S. Treasury Seeks to Ease Path for Bank Seizures in Dodd Bill
- Blackeye for
- GE Faces SEC Review After Paulson’s Account of Talks
- Clinton draws parallels to Okla. City
- thank you for adding pd and pt to the ticker
- This Guy Has A Point Ya Know
- $4M to stop using company jet for personal use
- Miami Beach cops are paid up to $225K
- Justifying an Iranian attack - PCR on RT
- Wachovia's Way to Save Program
- Jordan's King Says Israel-Hezbollah-Lebanon War "Imminent"
- Global Warming - What the Government isn't telling you 1/12
- Morgan Stanley Warns Germany May Decide To Secede From EU
- Bank Failure Friday ~ April 16, 2010
- Cat VS ipad........and the winner is????????
- Silver DOWN DOWN downnnnnnn.
- I've Found The Enemy, Case Study Lenny Dykstra
- The destruction of local food producers
- Another item from the 'Cannot Possibly Be True' news category
- Made in Israel
- "Marijuana is Safer" is FREE! TODAY ONLY 4/20
- Poetic Justice for the Congress Critters?
- NBC Reporter To Black Man At Tea Party: "Have You Ever Felt Uncomfortable?"
- Some Friday night p0rn
- SEC charges Goldman Sachs with fraud
- Planning for Disaster
- The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution
- U.S. Dollar – Grave Concerns Remain
- Princely Finance and Taxation
- Food stamps
- Don’t Drink the Water
- Iceland Volcano's effect on the Economy & PM Prices
- Question about the Vertically Striped US Flag
- 10 Facts All Americans Must Know Now
- Jordan's King Warns Mideast War 'Imminent'
- To understand the Goldman case, it helps to first understand the "Magnetar Trade
- Pre-Thinking US$ Bank Holiday individual Preps.
- Eyjafjallajökull volcano
- EnzoTV - It gets every single TV channel plus Radio for free
- Maintaining Handles on Different Forums
- Last nights VoR show with yours truely
- My trip to the BIG TOWN........
- Counteracting US Gov. Censorship of Websites like GIM
- More census BS.
- Long Term Capital Management - Death by Naked Gold Short, 400 Tons Worth
- Weird Number combinations and Weird Occurrences
- Goldman warned of SEC suit 9 months ago: report
- The End is Nigh: How Goldman Sachs Triggered the Apocalypse
- (Chipless Mark Of The Beast?)Invisible RFID Ink Safe For Humans, Cattle, Co. Say
- peak oil, the next big 'scare'?
- It is good to prevent disease but ......
- Arizona Illegal-Immigrant Law Draws Strong Opposition
- Any Veterans here .......
- "Anonymous Sources"
- Domestic terrorists as big a threat as al-Qaeda, says FBI head Robert Mueller
- What is your all-time favourite article?
- Earthquake Prediction Models
- Max Keiser and Alex Jones
- Arizona to allow concealed weapons without permit
- Arch Crawford, major planetary alignments this summer (uh oh)
- Its a shell game....
- Pot enthusiasts gather at California cannabis expo
- Too tired to stay awake at Microsoft
- Question about race and school integration.
- Iceland volcano from space: The dramatic ash plume engulfing Britain and 'nightm
- Spraying Again; What Is It?
- Sex fuels earthquakes, says Iran cleric
- Unbelievable, man commits suicide after racis' joke backfires
- Is the Goldman Prosecution a Show Trial ?
- Police: 700 To 900 (black yoofs) Involved In Plaza Disturbance
- Weekend & After Hours Oil Trading Exchanges
- New Orleans and Detroit make the top ten most dangerous cities in the world list
- Sinclair has spoken. So is gold about to tank?
- Bird rescued from chimney........
- MOVED: Riding lawnmore help needed.........
- MOVED: Eating to get ready for WTSHTF.........
- Vampire Squid, Meet Ravenous Piranhas by Charles Hugh Smith
- PTSD sucks
- That Moment Just Before the Pain Begins!!!
- Military Fly-Over Denied By Obama After 42 Years/Video
- FOIA request shows government stores body scanner images
- Globalzionation...........helll of and article.
- simple terms.
- Must read and most popular.........
- CHAT Tonight!!
- The Story of your Enslavement.........
- Depleted uranium is destroying life
- 1000
- Nikker 225 got POUNDED down 217
- No VAT.......
- California in deeppppppppp doodoo.
- George Washington's $300,000 library book fine
- Obama to fly in Russian helicopter........Marine One.
- Why talk with a looser?.........
- More on the Goldman Sachs SEC probe
- FBI has "Sovereign Citizens" on its radar
- Second Mortgages - coming back to haunt after the sale
- MOVED: Some threads don't fit my screen
- MOVED: Who Here Has Had Their Nuts Cut?
- Another farmer murdered, wife gang raped and daughter assaulted in South Africa
- Texas - Hudspeth County Sheriff tells Citizens to Arm Themselves
- Short notice - Gadsden Flag campaign - Frontsight sponsored
- In honor of Patriots Day, April 19th
- Why does Obama use a Φ (phi) in his signature?
- How Did We Get Here? Stott on Washington
- citigroup stock accounted for 20% of all volume today
- Is all poletics.........
- Oh- Oh Recent census indicates 1 in 3 Americans Failed to Return Census Forms
- Who will be next?.........
- Administration to Tea Parties: We're on Your Side
- Did Glenn Beck just post a new ratings low for 2010?
- Holding Canadian Dollars
- My suggestion for The Final Solution
- Constitution guarantees freedom, not a cushy life
- MOVED: Hot pants
- Web Coupons Know Lots About You, and They Tell
- Another nail in the global warming scare coffin...
- LMAO - Holohoax survivors no longer have accents.
- News Anchors SCARED after hearing Richard Gage Architect talk about 911
- Dylan Ratigan Discusses The Great Financial Con Job With Alan Grayson And Bill F
- Another lawsuit against Goldman erupts. Could be all smoke and no fire though.
- McAmnesty NOW wants troops on the border - I'm not kidding
- Reverend Manning is upset!!! I'm tellin' ya!!!!
- OKC 15 years ago today
- NBA player pisses away $87 million by "investing" in Detroit, among other things
- Drugged Warriors: Sharp Rise in U.S. Military Psychiatric Drug Use and Suicide
- "NO USrael" Tribute to Ponce and the pictorial story of America
- Suspects Identified in East Bakersfield Beating Death
- MIR: Deporting Gandhi from Palestine
- Hello!
- Canada's brewing debt storm
- YouTube: George W. Bush to Champion Internet Freedom!
- Jewish groups oppose Arizona immigration law
- How to pronounce "that volcano in Iceland."
- They are getting scared.......
- One third of Americans say own govt a threat
- Our next idiot president traitor?..........
- Total of 8 banks closes in Calif., Fla., Mass., Mich., Wash.
- Getting ready for the new world currency.......
- Absolute Proof Most Jews Are Not ‘True Jews’........
- New $100 Note Design Will Make Its Debut on April 21
- Meet the Patriots...SPLC garbage
- They're drugging kids under 1 yo with psychotropic drugs?
- It just hit me about the Patriot Act
- You may be an extremist
- Happy 4\20!!! America's Most Sonted Cities article.
- Civil Rights For White People?
- More Explanation of the Goldman Sachs Charade that's going on now
- CNN interviews Catherine Bleish of Liberty Restoration Project, Stewart Rhodes o
- Lizzards Among Us
- Recession is ending? Some Americans don't buy it
- Eye (spy) in the sky........
- To big for the common law.
- A Cuban "holocaust" I remember.
- Man receives life sentence for stomping (2 year old) girl to death
- "I was never fully American, I am jewish"
- The Tea Party divided, just like it was supposed to be.
- Here it comes, US to DEFAULT on its debt by JUNE!
- Khazarian Empire II
- "Average adolescent sends / receives 1,500 texts per month"
- Would the U.S. Shoot Down an Israeli Jet? Top Officer Won’t Say
- jewish satanic rituals on Oprah Winfrey Show
- Now we know the truth. The financial meltdown wasn't a mistake – it was a con
- Resource Stock Rally: Will Treasuries Spoil the Party?
- "Sovereign Debt and Major Markets"
- German Windfall Profits From Exiting The Euro
- Fraud, It’s Much Bigger Than Goldman Sachs
- Israel is trying to deceive the world
- Lieberman: US Must Plan to Attack Iran ... This is Treason
- Praise for Spy Trade:Israel's Lobby Undermines America's Economy
- George W. Bush 'knew Guantánamo prisoners were innocent'
- The Major Jewish American Organizations Defend Israel’s Humiliation of America
- Kyrgyzstan: Business, Corruption and the Manas Airbase
- Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau
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