View Full Version : General Discussion
- Doctor Feelgood
- Hyperinflation Special Report (2011)
- ex green beret John Moore
- Five year old Leroy brings gun to school, 3 kids get ride to hospital
- OKC Bombshell Implicates Feds In Murrah Blast
- Fed unveils proposal on mortgage standards
- Silver Shield article in Survival Blog......
- Single-Wheeler Bicycle Trailers.
- Why You Should Buy U.S. Treasuries
- I didn't know that Gaillo was into rollerblading
- Todays random news topics (google)
- Precious Metals Storage Scam: 'Sorry, Delivery Is Not Possible'
- Goodbye $44
- Plane with Michelle Obama had to abort landing because of mistake
- 50 Factors Launching Gold
- Hotspots with Max Keiser - Ireland
- Just watched Trump's speech; made much sense.
- Reuters chief FIRED after Japan disaster-related jokes in company chatroom
- 'mileage tax' makes headway, was 'tested' in Oregon, now in Minnesota
- Job center blasted for giving capes to unemployed
- Michigan State Police deploy new rectal searchlight
- Michigan: Police Search Cell Phones During Traffic Stops
- My trip to Wlly's and the $ store.............. by me
- If you live in America ,dont click this web site.....
- Hey Ponce
- Dollar falls off cliff
- Alfred Adask on trusts discovers our law declares us to be animals
- The Aurora, as You've Never Seen It Before : Video
- Police: Baby cut out of pregnant Kentucky woman
- KUHNER: The coming Balkan war
- national guard radio ads
- iPhone keeps record of everywhere you go
- If you have nothing to hide . . .
- CBS refuses to release hot MIC audio of Obama refering to Americans as "slugs"
- Warning Signs of a Coming Currency Crisis
- What’s Really Worrisome About Treasury Debt: Not Its Rating—Its Interest
- three US crises which will cause the Very Serious Breakdown of the global econom
- Autism and Vaccines Researcher for CDC, Indicted for Fraud and Money-Laundering
- Interview: Jim Sinclair on Gold and the World Financial System
- Police Continue Search for Suspect in McDonald's Hiring Day Melee
- Drudge Headlines Burns Obama Wed April 20 2011
- It’s Official: China Will Be Dumping US Dollars
- Ueli Steck speed solo Eiger record.
- Obama Officials Tried to Convince S&P Not to Issue Credit Warning.
- ‘bacon,’ the New Cologne for Men
- Otter Signs Order Banning Health Care Reform
- 25 year old "Entrepreneur" obituary ulitmate in PC
- Fried Chicken is now and entitlement!
- Hey Silver Art........$45.73 : )
- Mall Gunman was Actually Carrying an Umbrella
- How long before we close above 50?
- cash for silver stores coming
- scotia moccata reduces physical silver by 45%(oops... where did it go?)
- Harry Bertram, A3P Candidate for Governor of W. Virginia
- The most horrible video that you will ever see......
- What If Precious Metals ‘Mania’ Hits India Or China? Part I
- Is the Truth Movement False Opposition?
- Oil Crisis Just Got Real: Sinopec (Read China) Cuts Off Oil Exports
- Cops Have Device That Steals ALL Information From Your
- Some good thinking…
- Jim Rogers Comments On Triple Digit Silver, Issues Warning: "Parabolic Moves....
- Bernanke's QEx Box
- Find the value of your Weight in Gold
- Easter Bunny, events renamed 'spring' to avoid offending anyone.
- It’s GAME OVER For the US
- How does using silver with an IRA work
- Where's the cheapest place to get physical silver?
- Oil Crisis Just Got Real: Sinopec (Read China) Cuts Off Oil Exports.
- Big Pharma set to take over Medical Cannabis Market
- Black people are the most unfairly castigated group out there
- The unstoppable silver rocket
- Gadget secret powers.
- Police arrest man INSIDE his house for taking cell phone video of traffic stop
- Israeli Ambassador Leaves Cairo Amid Speculations of Opening Egypt’s Border with
- Homeless Mom Charged With Stealing $16,000 in Education Expenses By Lying About
- Putin pokes fun at US economic situation
- White House readies ‘US Shake Out’ to prepare citizens for earthquakes
- a total psycho from the Ukraine
- Fatal Beating In St. Louis Was Result Of Knockout Game
- Don’t Buy Gold…Sell It! To pay off your Debt
- Jim Grant on Wealth Track
- Judas was a Silvertard like Us
- Slant eyed jews literally steal Fellowes manufacturing plant in China.
- bought $1600 in yuan today.
- "Compliment"
- Western Wars Are for Oil?
- Budget Cuts Are Meaningless Without Fed Transparency
- The BRICS Take Over
- Silver surge prompts conspiracy theorists -
- FBI Raids Chuck E. Cheese For “Undermining U.S. Currency”
- Forum intelligence test: Did we make it to the moon?
- Bernard von NotHaus: Liberty Dollar Trial Update
- A liberal tries to explain why she wants to make gun ownership illegal.
- WHY I HATE COPS--reason #487...
- Firm hired by Mexico to sue American gun companies, has link to Obama judge
- What is a "Three Percenter"?
- Some Thoughts from Sipseystreet Irregulars blog
- With inflation here, I think I'm going to beef up the Doom Diesel
- Toyota: Car production disrupted until Nov. or Dec
- The implications of $5 a gallon gasoline, and what you can do to prepare
- Diversity Video
- Your Pick, Ben, But One Goes Off The Cliff
- The Case Against Government Debt - PERIOD
- An Irish Easter Message on T V
- BlackRock Issues Refutation Of SLV Fraud Allegations
- The Six Chicks You'll Date In College
- opps, another accidental taser death
- Termites eat millions of Indian rupees in bank.
- A Government of Monsanto, by Monsanto, and for Monsanto
- Silver at $47.73......
- St. Louis man killed in game targeting innocent people
- Woman walks into a pack of wild cheetas
- A Year After the Disaster: Curious and Debilitating Illnesses Abound.
- This is what happened when the Mrs. asked me to trim my beard...
- France considers suspending Schengen amid migration pressure
- Bob Chapman - Disc Gold Silver Trading - 04-22-2011
- Total BS... why is GSUS not in this list?
- LED GROW LIGHTS Greenhouse Lighting
- Drinking with Bob
- Brother, Can You Spare A Trillion?: Government Gone Wild!
- Emily Fennell - Successful hand transplant
- Fruit Nazi Showdown
- radioactive milk in arizonia. its ok though
- Lets melt money!
- Brother, Can You Spare A Trillion?: Government Gone Wild!
- National Security Agency Releases UFO X-files
- It is a crime in America to tell the truth about Zionism.
- My God.........horrible, horrible.....a must see.
- $50 silver - The Price Point of Liberty.
- Mocking Jesus on Israeli TV
- Ultimate SHTF House
- Why Investors are buying Silver as if there is no tomorrow
- McNugget spat spurs woman to smash drive-thru window
- The Next Wave....M.Armstrong
- Killing Pat Tillman
- Man "Keystered" Cellphone, MP3 Player, Headphones, Cash, Pot Into California Jai
- A New Paradigm for Silver
- Doug Casey on “The Donald” for President
- The strange case of the Dyatlov Pass incident.
- Mt. Carmel 4/19/11: "Inside the chapel you could hear the cries of the children"
- NEW Hypertiger
- Silver Set to Soar as Paper Folds?
- Its not always black on white
- A little something for those who post chimp-out videos
- Happy Easter, everyone!
- talk about incentive to start gardening!! 650yr old treasure found in back yard
- Gold is Money, and Silver is Not.....?
- George Gordon's History of Silver
- UK releases royal wedding guest list, Canadians celebrating with tea parties
- China Proposes To Cut Two Thirds Of Its $3 Trillion In USD Holdings
- 7 Surprising Things You Can Buy at Costco.
- Victim of McDonald's beating speaks out as fast-food giant goes into damage cont
- Brains of Buddhist monks scanned in meditation study
- US Weapons Sales to Israel.
- Flippin' heck: The dolphins that can jump as high as a double decker bus
- Jim Trafficant "Israel has used USA like a whore..."
- Calif. gangster's tattoo of crime scene helps solve murder
- CPS Kidnaps Children From Parents For Free Speech Activism and Exposing Police C
- The Celestial Computers of Ancient Greece.
- The Gods must be Crazy II......
- Incredible! "New Face On Mars Discovered"
- The opening (silver)
- How Will the Talmud Worshippers Avoid Consuming Radiation Food & Radiation Water
- Sunday chat 4/24
- Dead-Missing-Jailed BP whistle blowers
- Silver jumps .84 at the open of world spot market on new China debt policy
- Should I Trade/Sell My Core Gold Position For Silver?
- I'm Back!
- We are on the verge of $5 up days for silver
- I think that I'll stay up tonight and wach silver go past $50.00 :)
- Almost 500 Taliban prisoners tunnel to freedom
- Supermarket opens with no staff causing free-for-all or does it?
- Personality Tone scale...This thing is awesome!
- Giant Ant Hill Excavated
- megadosing Vitamin C protects against radiation damage
- Into The Economic Abyss
- 911 First Responders to be Screened as "Terrorists" Before They Get Benefits
- Copper Crimes: Worldwide Theft of Copper on the Increase.
- Police beating of Las Vegas man caught on tape
- China’s economy will surpass the U.S. in 2016.
- State Dept. wants to make it harder to get a passport.
- Four Scary Words: "Silver Delivery Not Possible"
- Asian Buyers Will Take Silver Over $100.
- Silver Surges to All-Time High on Inflation Hedge, Industry Use.
- sometimes i love banks
- explain to me the dtcc
- Silver Musings XLIX
- The "Matrix" in real
- MOVED: Ban Assault Clips (called magazines to the idiots of Sarah Brady's Group)
- MOVED: Zinc poisoning...
- MOVED: "Virgin Mary shows herself in center of gleaming sun on April 20, 2011, in Ivory
- MOVED: Vaccine-Autism Researcher Indicted for Fraud
- LAPD chopper makes emergency landing after being shot
- New Graphene Material is Paper-Thin and Ten Times Stronger Than Steel
- Ron Paul on The View
- New York Allows Same-Sex Conjugal Visits In State Prisons
- CNBC Reports Dollar Crisis
- IMF Bombshell: Age of America nears end
- More silver than you imagined
- APMEX offers over spot for US MINT items
- Even the Federal Reserve is Broke
- American Hellholes
- Peter Schiff on CNBC Fast Money 4_25_11
- Seriously p'd off here.
- where should i sell 100oz in socal?
- Seeks To Buy "Any Quantity" Of Silver From Clients At $3 Over Spot.
- Military to Supply 'Courtesy Patrols' in Columbus, Ga.
- Apmex wants my metals!!
- If you are going to jog, you got to pay.
- Judge OKs Ticket Scheme Taking Payment Upfront.
- The dirt on 0bunghole and Elena Kagan
- Guerrilla Jurors
- DBS and Rafeeq
- James Turk - Silver Still in Backwardation, Headed Higher
- Rothschilds Conduct "Red Symphony"
- Glenn Beck's new "End Times" documentary: Scary Moozlemismists behind the NWO
- Imagining worst-case scenario if United States comes close to default-
- Pimco's Observations As The US "Reaches The Keynesian Endpoint"
- Rep David Price questioned at Town Hall about CAFR - "uh...."
- Never bring a sword to a gun fight
- Killed on camera: Horrific execution of man in New York street is caught on vide
- royal wedding false flag?
- Lobby, lobbification and the lobbified: the corruption of the USA’s elected repr
- PM Floors Established?
- Police target homes
- Thorium Energy and Hydrothermal Vents
- Non-Doom-Related:...............Any genealogists/family historians here?
- Silver Correction?
- Live Webcam: Decorah Bald Eagles from atop their tree at the fish hatchery in De
- World Economy Collapse explained in 3 minutes
- Man Opens Fire on Reality TV Crew
- My trip to the VA Hospital and the dollar store.......... by me
- The Cancer Treatment So Successful - Traditional Doctors SHUT it Down
- The ups and down of silver.......
- Free Education for Illegal Aliens but Homeless Americans Go to Jail
- Boycott Israeli Company = Anti-Semitism (London boycott closes store)
- Atlanta cop, punches woman in face at IHop
- White House releases Obama birth certificate
- High radiation levels found at Ohio nuclear plant
- CME Margin Cold Water for Red Hot Silver.
- i have to brag a little
- Short Sellers Now Screaming About a Buy Side Silver Cons.
- Arrest of Homeless Connecticut Woman for Enrolling Son in School Illegally Spark
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