View Full Version : General Discussion
- World's 'Elders' Claim All Is Well in Ivory Coast
- How Global Elites Steal Resources & Technology
- look at this poll
- 2011 American Eagle One Ounce Gold Uncirculated Coin
- Engineer Behind Iranian Saucer Technology Comes Forward (Anti-Gravity developed)
- BitCoins: Loosely Managed Digital Currency, hard to block
- Disect the Matrix - Neo was an agent working for TPTB
- Fukushima Radiation: A Soft-Kill Operation
- Top US Senator Assassinated As Obama “Weather War” Plunges World Into Chaos
- 6 Massive Secret Operations That Are Hidden All Around You
- 33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person Should Know
- War and the Global Economic Crisis: Collapse of the American Standard of Living
- Osama dead 2001 CBS report
- Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County
- Zion 2012 - Iranian concern rings true
- Recipe for Mother's Day
- 5 "UFO's" over Hawaii.......
- Tony Kushner row deepens as supporters renounce honorary degrees.
- Language - The need to express new concepts and ideas is limited only by languag
- Retiring Orlando Sentinel journalist Charlie Reese's Last Column- 555 People
- Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange's 1 Kilo Gold Contract To End Comex
- Gold Mining - Placer Mining in 1869 & Centrifuge Separation Today - How it Works
- Overseas oppening for silver... up or down?
- What Is The Best Place To Live In The United States To Prepare For The Coming Ec
- Sunday chat 5/8
- Excellent video on jewish hypocracy (These nation wreckers need to be exposed)
- A gold mine for scammers
- Steps to Calm Volatility in Silver Take Hold
- Schumer " No Fly List For Amtrak Trains "
- Why never talk to police........great long video.
- New DNA evidence links Osama Bin Laden to Adolf Hitler, Isaac and Abraham
- What a great site this is..........
- Who needs college? Complete university for free
- Famous Image doctored - Whitehouse watches Osama take down.
- Grizzly drug lords: Black bears found guarding 1,000 marijuana plants in British
- Alien Abduction Filmed On CCTV
- Americans, Everything You Do Is Monitored
- Osama Bin Laden: Pakistan's scepticism over videos
- David Icke ☼ It's Truth Time! radiation agenda
- Silver's Paper-Driven Sell-Off to Be Confronted by Continued Physical Demand
- Creeping Tyranny Meets Creeping Sovereignty
- Maunder Minimum 1740—replay in 2020?
- Hillary Clinton too sexy for Situation Room
- Kosher Smartphone
- Interesting comment from ECU Silver Corp. CEO
- web of debt intro (audio)
- Who is the representative for the UNPO, in your country?
- smart meter rebellion begins
- Senate Seeks to Create Caesar
- Towns flood at high tide after shift; Japanese coastal communities moved down in
- April is Adolescent Immunization Month,win an ipod or laptop
- modern art was cia weapon
- Enterprise Corruption—the act of lying about money on a large scale
- Texas Senate approves bill to allow guns on college campuses
- Silver-Backer Sprott Still Believes. Deeply.
- Glenn Beck in Israel
- Silver Goes to 50, Then Cruises Through 55, Media Sleeps
- Rense & Celente - Fascism arrived while we watched TV
- War by Deception 2011 The shadow government and shadow economy (movie)
- Costata's Silver Open Forum
- weimar comparison to the U.S. (good video here)
- OMFG trading platforms, Trade Wall Street
- Anyone care to speculate what made Trump STFU?
- Demand destruction will drive oil to USD 90
- Detroit and Hiroshima, then and now.
- Florida approves far-reaching cuts to unemployment benefits
- NATO ships, planes left African refugees stranded in Mediterranean to die
- Cops bust teens' root-beer kegger
- Obamnesty
- In a Deep Sleep, an E.V. Ancestor Awaits a Jolt
- The Turd expects a pull back to 36$
- For all you Skype users...
- Probe to Reveal Link Between Vaccine Settlements and Autism
- PLAN: more intrusive nonsense from the Feds.
- Maybury Speech
- We only have another eleven days of GSUS Love
- Italians evacuate Rome over 'big one' fears (May 11th Prediction)
- Postal Service reports billions in losses
- Predator Cop ALLOWED To Stalk Citizens Of Seattle! SPD: "Nothing We Can Do"
- Missouri witnesses report aircraft 'shooting at' UFOs
- Keiser Report: Economic Euthanasia (E145)
- The Alternative Vote Explained
- Launch an underground economy - help define a unit of account!!!
- Underwater home-debtors eliminate 2nd's in bankruptcy: declared "unsecured debt"
- along my conspiracy minded 401k confiscation mindset comes this
- Forbes Predicts U.S. Gold Standard Within 5 Years
- A Greek Debt Scoresheet
- cme just halted energy trading
- Obama Approval @ 60% ?! Where, in Kenya ?
- Recycling Business Booming In CA, Unlikely People Cashing In
- Where will silver bottom?
- Obi-Wan Kenobi Is Dead, Vader Says
- SWAT Team kills again.
- US Treasury: Winning The Future, One Math Failure At A Time
- "The People Vs. Goldman Sachs" - Taibbi's Magnum Opus
- Absent a Jasmine Revolution, China Cracks Down on Jasmine
- FEMA to confiscate food from local farms in emergencies?
- Health Ranger unveils The God Within documentary, exposes the false philosophica
- Soil microbes are the immune system that protects plants, crops from disease
- Seven Reasons to Embrace Rossi's Energy Catalyzer
- Isabel Garcia and her Communist minions in AZ......
- Why OBL couldn't possibly have been brought to Justice....
- Jet pack man eight minutes flight over the Grand Canyon.
- Angry Mob Chases Would-Be Flag Burner Off LSU Campus
- What is a Communist? you.
- Every Six Hours, the NSA Gathers as Much Data as Is Stored in the Entire LoC
- Sam Vaknin, an expert on sociopathy
- USDA program photographs and tracks school lunches in Texas--to reduce obesity
- Behind the Holocaust (Debt-free currency, the real reason Hitler is vilified)
- Rand Paul: 'Right to health care' is slavery
- Cruise ship during storm
- German court convicts Demjanjuk of Nazi war crimes
- The West Is Trapped In Its Own Propaganda
- sheeple guns for food ?
- 'Explosive bullet' used on bin Laden?
- Middle Class living nightmare........
- Jim Rogers: Silver rally was a 'gigantic crazy spike,' didn't quite reach parabo
- lindsey williams will be on the patriot radio news hour today
- is it time to abandon ship?
- Man admits driving 51 miles with wife on van hood
- Bed bugs linked to 'superbug' bacteria Experts say no need to panic
- Wikileaks - Canada, USA & Mexico to merge
- When the world trembles, China blogs
- Irate Man Living in Japan - "We Want to Know the TRUTH!"
- The Dark Side of the Anti-Defamation League | Full Video
- Operation Plowshare-40 years before 911
- Fed warns politicians to raise US debt ceiling
- High Tech High Students Expose Flaws in Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate
- No DOOM, just video of my shepard watching a dog training video
- Statement Introducing the Industrial Hemp Farming Act, HR 1831
- Radiation “Storm” Continues as Data is Suppressed
- Rene Caisse, who brought the world, Essiac- her herbal cancer cure
- Ron Paul for President
- The Fall of the U.S. Empire and the Breakup of the Geopolitical Matrix
- Premiums rising quickly
- Babies given anti-obesity drugs in the womb
- Toy Company Unveils Obama SEAL Team 6 Action Figure
- your electric bill and your power meter
- The People vs Goldman Sachs - Rolling Stone article link
- Supercomputer predicts Total financial collapse by May 15
- Court: No right to resist illegal cop entry into home
- The conundrum of removing Obama/Soetoro from office
- Florida BATF starting to push hard.
- Max Keiser guest Eric Sprott on commodities prices [gold,silver] (12May11)
- Japan now worse than Chernobyl........
- Jury Rejects State Charges against 7/7 Ripple Effect’s Muad’Dib
- Today is the 63rd Anniversary of the Terror State of Israel
- Denver Coin Expo - Report 05/13
- IMF chief Strauss-Kahn arrested in US
- The Patriot is a Scarce Man
- Open-sourced blueprints for civilization
- Cry Baby Boehner- give me a break!!
- 50 Things Every American Should Know About The Collapse Of The Economy
- A must and owl best buddies.
- 6 Years In Prison For Legally Video Recording A Police Officer?
- Now then, silver up or down overseas?
- Preparing for Economic Collapse
- NIA - College Conspiracy released
- Zimbabwe Pushes For Gold-Backed Local Currency ! (not a joke)
- Military Pay Cut in 1/2 after Killing Osama bin Laden.
- Syria just invaded Israel
- How important is cultural diversity at your school?(satire)
- It turns out, the US is #1 in all sorts of ways.
- Sunday chat 5/15
- Smile, kids! You're on calorie camera
- Cannes: Diana film slams UK royals as 'gangsters'
- Forensic "Holocaust" Evidence
- Incredible Cache Of Stutz Automobiles Found In Barn, Outbuildings
- Tornado-proof car going for $100,000 on eBay
- Calling All West Virginians and All Patriots...Harry Bertram Needs Help Now!
- MP3's of Clay Douglas with Luis Ewing
- Oh Hai Guise! R.T.M. Chow?
- Australian Politician claims vote rigging by Electoral Commission employee's
- Sell Fort Knox’s gold, some say
- America Is Rapidly Bleeding Wealth And Jobs
- Treasury Confirms Debt Ceiling To Be Breached Today; Will Tap Pension Funds
- Morganza spillway (shocker here)
- Another one of my ideas down the drain.....
- UAE Hires Blackwater to Establish 800-Member Mercenary Battalion.
- Stephen Hawking: 'Heaven is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark'.
- "We need to stick together" against whitey
- Letter Re: Nickels or Pennies?
- Midstate Police Profiting Off Drug Trade?
- A 1980 copy of Playboy Predicts the Future for Silver.
- Geithner Admits: There Are NO Trust Funds
- Saudi diplomat assassinated in Karachi
- to vote on legislation that authorizes the official start of World War 3.
- Donald Trump out of presidential race
- New Technologies Lead to Major Achievements in Health Benefits
- this kinda freaked me out.......
- Man tased execution style in his own home by police over an Ipod.
- Supreme Court gives police a new entryway into homes
- Ron Paul Warns U.S. Could Become Like Middle East
- The People vs. Goldman Sachs
- BART Cleared in Police Shooting of Passenger.
- Russia: Speaker of the House Threatens to Destroy the World Using Secret WMD
- The Good, The Bad And The Ugly - Part 3
- UK decends yet again (privacy, tracking)
- Comet Elenin
- Apparent Immunity Gene ‘Cures’ Bay Area Man Of AIDS
- 60 minutes hit piece on Sovereign Citizen (an oxymoron) from the morons at CBS
- Who Will Take the Radioactive Rods From Fukushima?
- Arnie's love child broke up his marriage
- Man who clashed with cops over legal gun was also armed with audio recorder
- TSA backscatter radiation safety tests were rigged
- NATO Gunships engage in firefight with Waziristan border guards
- The Secret Sharer
- It's Now Easier to Enter the US than it is to Leave
- Israel: Black Jews Undergo Stringent Birth Control Measures
- "How To Get Diplomatic Immunity"
- "To Serve and Protect" the state
- Adask on AJ?
- IN Sheriff: If We Need to Conduct RANDOM HOUSE to HOUSE Searches We Will
- Israeli media reveals U.S. president's forthcoming Mideast speech
- SILVER - wanted at $50, not wanted at $35 - TIME TO CALL IN THE PSYCHIATRISTS...
- Ron Paul introduces bill to legalize interstate sales of raw milk
- Arrest of IMF boss......
- Growth chemical-filled watermelons bursting in China
- Brazilian Woman, Legally Entitled To Masturbate At Work
- Here is an Alfred Adask piece that is clear concise logic and truth.
- Osama bin Laden killing could justify killing Col Gaddafi
- Too Big To fail (the movie)
- Random Thought - Arnold & Tiger would make GREAT Room-mates !
- Cop Breaks a Kid's Arm and Tasers Him. His Offense? Saggy Pants.
- meet the new boogyman!
- Lawsuit: Whites told they can't teach blacks
- Assailant suffers injuries from fall (Oldie but Goodie)
- Help, I'm (under)employed!
- Wicked Witch Osama and Wizard Obama! - Good video
- Rusty cars that could be worth millions
- Dumbest shit I've ever seen: Planking
- Giant list of documentaries. Many topics by different authors.
- Comex monopoly on gold futures ended 3 hours ago
- Don't get all worried...
- I am very sad that the American way is dying...
- Cocaine Economy
- Taiwan Animation of US Reaching Debt Limit
- Mexican town fights back against loggers, cartels
- Did The Hawaii Department of Health Steal A Dead Baby Girls Birth Registration?
- The End Of History
- Patriots ready for war in Indiana
- Depression: Rare colour photographs
- PETER SCHIFF: "You are going to see riots in the streets"
- this is somewhat disturbing
- Giant snake flees Mississippi floods
- Harry Dent: “Major Crash” Coming for Stocks, Commodities Already Topping Out
- PIMCO's Bill Gross: Continue to Short U.S. Bonds Unless Double-Dip Happens.
- Driving and shaving just don't mix
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