View Full Version : General Discussion
- Child's Father Puts Cops in Their Place - Police Officer Kidnappers
- Get Ready for a 70% Marginal Tax Rate
- Austin Driven to Drink Keynesian Cocktail
- 10 Signs That The American People Are Starting To Freak Out About The Economy
- Since they Run American Foreign & Domestic Policy - Who Are the Neocons ?
- My spidey senses are tingling
- No message necessary
- Who is Max Keiser?
- FREE ENERGY Home Generator Zero Point Energy Off the Grid
- Dog bites shark.....send then all running.
- 48 hours to save the euro as greece deal stalls
- Great Depression Comes Knocking
- Conspiracy's Longer Timeline
- Banker X on Gold, Real Estate and Residency Diversification in Troubled Times
- Ron Paul We Need To Stop Allowing Secretive Banking Cartels To Endlessly Enslave Us
- Gene Simmons: "That's what Gentiles are for"
- Egan-Jones Downgrades US From AAA To AA+
- Get A Subpoena
- Giant Elephant [PIC]
- Department of Transportation Sets Sights on Farmers' and States' Rights
- Police officers shoot each other
- Dennis Craig Discussion
- Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism
- Where did the Towers Go?
- We don' t need no stinkin debt ceiling.
- LOL - Hacked DOT Road Sign Reads "Impeach Obama"
- Borders Says It Will Shut Down All of Its Stores for Good
- Desperate airlines resort to sign twirlers as fed-up Americans reject TSA tyranny
- 2011 World Series of Poker
- Wetiko – Cognitive Infiltration of the Third Kind
- Thank You For Your Service?
- Scientists Gagged From Interpreting Study That Links Climate Change To Cosmic Rays
- 131 Children Vaccinated At Gunpoint in Malawi
- Junior tsa screener badge stickers for the kiddies
- Ron Paul: "We Need To Stop Allowing Secretive Banking Cartels To Endlessly Enslave Us
- anti-TSA stickers ideas ?
- Bank of America Selloff Accelerating On Heavy Volume
- Murdoch Hearing
- Stop It!! - An Open Letter to Speaker John Boehner From Judge Andrew P. Napolitano
- Burn Bans
- Almost got killed by a flat flying beer can.
- Senate Nears Debt Ceiling Consensus Which Revolves Around Changing CPI Definition
- Hiding the truth from you.......
- Banning smart meters…
- Ron Paul: Default on the Fed, House floor speech, great stuff
- Alan Sabrosky on PressTV - Israel & 911
- WTF just happened to Gold and Silver?
- Woman eaten by escaped lion in own home
- Ponce I found a chick for you.
- EU On Verge Of Systemic Collapse
- Sun Tzu - forage off the enemy
- Online jew activist indicted for data theft from M.I.T.
- The Revolution Business
- White Child is Beaten and Has His Hand Broken and Stepped On in China
- New house, new pool
- Maafa 21 Black Genocide In the 21st Century
- Oops: Boehner Says Gang Of Six Proposal "Appears To Fall Short"
- Groundbreaking Interview With Lee Harvey Oswald’s Girlfriend Judyth Vary Baker
- Rapture Ready: The Christians United for Israel Tour
- Paco The Chihuahua Attacks Armed Robbers And Chases Them Away!!
- Next: They Steal Your Gold.
- Ponce on GIM radio tomorrow.
- Man stabbed after hitting/killing child
- The Road Not Taken
- Official confirms ‘carrier killer’ is being developed
- Looks like Ladi Di WAS assassinated - Great & Short Talk by ex-MI5 Agent
- I guarantee that a lot of Amerikwans see Obongo like this
- The Bond Vigilantes Are Here:US Net Notional CDS Outstanding Surpasses Greece
- Iran Opens Oil Bourse – Harbinger of Trouble for New York and London?
- Identity theft may have been Israelis' goal.
- Venezuela surpassed Saudi Arabia in oil reserves.
- Pentagon Warning Order: ‘Prepare for War’ (By September?)
- Small Arkansas Town Wants To Ban Free Speech And Freedom Of Assembly.
- The Growing Backlash Against Electromagnetic Contamination
- HKME & Silver
- Wednesday, July 20, 2011Storied US military hospital to close its doors.
- High-end prostitution ring that catered to Wall Street clients.
- How you guys holding up in the heat?
- Gold Confiscation Act in the Works I just received information from an inside source
- Odd carcass on UK beach
- conspiracy of silence
- Who's sorry now? Heirs Lose Fight With Gov't to Keep Rare Gold Coins
- Tea Paty Tweet
- htMan's call for Obama assassination is free speech, not crime, court rules.
- Fed Preparing For US Default
- About my radio talk show tonight........
- Stick in the eye
- Court refuses trial by combat, though law is still on the books
- Check out the ADL Website - not Everyone is a Zio-Idiot !
- New Terror Report Warns of Insider Threat to Utilities
- It is possible to be Jewish without being a Zionist...
- Something everyone should be using in their browser
- new Thievery Corporation album has lots of conspiracy type songs
- Anyone getting attacked?
- Watch Ross Perot v Al Gore about NAFTA - Larry King 1993
- 'Mythical' beast shot dead by teenager
- See something say something...
- The Wall Street gang must be pricing in QE3?
- FEMA Partners with Homeland Security on Psyops Campaign
- Are you on the list to get a Smart Meter?
- Corporate Tax Holiday in Debt Ceiling Deal: Where's the Uproar?
- Visualization - $114,500,000,000,000. - US unfunded liabilities
- Criminal COMEX
- Ron Paul: ‘Freedom Is a Young Idea and We’re Throwing It Away’
- Total Bond Market Chaos!
- The Federal Reserve: Our Policy Is To Steal From You
- With budget tight, Sacramento County DA cuts unit monitoring police shootings.
- The Fed Audit - Socialism for the Rich
- Woman Sent to Jail for Asking for Officer’s Business Card Wins Her Lawsuit
- Explorers find bizarre, spaceship-like object at the bottom of the Baltic Sea
- How many brothers and sisters do you have?
- Strange looking ICE BALL
- Now Two Murdoch Whistleblowers Dead
- Ninja dog
- Seven Jacksonville women arrested for inciting a riot
- A story K-os would enjoy
- I just invented a Forum time machine!
- Dash Cam: Canton PD "Notification" Arrest & Officer Goes Berserk / Threatens
- Turkish PM to Israel–”Apologise for flotilla deaths or I go to Gaza”
- Hackers to FBI: 'We are not scared anymore'
- Shitting in the swimming pool is a constitutional right
- F@#$NG classic!!!
- 1 MW cold fusion station based on E-Cat to go live in October
- 9/9/11: "Contagion" - Hollywood telegraphing PTB plans?
- Supreme Court: Generic drug makers cannot be sued in state court for permanent damage
- UN may switch blue helmets to green, then launch climate change peacekeeping wars
- Macy's fitting rooms are see-through
- Happy Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange launch silver futures day!
- Fed Audit Reveals 16 Trillion in Secret Bailouts
- Norway Terror Attack?
- USC scientists contribute to a breakthrough in quantum computing
- How are the banks hiding the commercial real estate collapse?
- This is so great and how true!
- Could You Survive Another Great Depression?
- Glenn Beck: "I am a Jew!"
- One Good Cop
- Ron Paul Appeals To America: "Default Now, Or Suffer A More Expensive Crisis Later"
- 500 Million Debt-Serfs: The European Union Is A Neo-Feudal Kleptocracy
- One reason to Join Facebook - so you can Write on the ADL's Wall
- Happy Default Day America!
- Gaining perspective: Disney, GM, and Monsanto describe our glorious, carefree future
- ..Return of Mass Layoffs a Grim Sign for U.S. Workers.
- Bucks backs off on power cutback in prison.
- Patches the dog on death row saves his own life by singing Happy Birthday.
- Sheriff: Man nearly decapitated dog (WARNING GRAPHIC PICTURES)
- BREAKING!!! Obama: Top Republican Breaks off Debt Talks
- A ? on silve cost
- Book responds to forum criticism
- 150 human animal hybrids grown in UK labs: Embryos have been produced secretively for
- Death Star ....Gaga
- Shootings by Chicago cops soar in 2011
- Pierre Lassonde - Coming Mania in Gold Will Dwarf that of ‘70s
- Kinda crazy, on 7-21-11 guy predicts something to happen 7-22-11
- be-kool
- Florida sinkhole swallows building.
- Rothschild Dynasty Slams Obama; Calls for Centrist Movement in U.S.
- George Soros, Feds Seize Control of America’s Flooded Farmland
- Feds Want Every Home ‘Metered’
- Food, Inc.
- Globalists call for ’big war’
- Amy Winehouse found dead
- The CIA & the Military’s Mind Control Research
- Imagine taking him for walkies! George the Great Dane is 7ft long
- The List Everyone Is Talking About
- 9 Safe-Haven Investments In Case Politicians Destroy The US Economy
- Israel keeps killing Iranian nuclear scientists
- 9/11 and Israel: Alan Sabrosky’s Shocking Press TV Interview
- Holy Moly, Gold is 1600 and Silver 40
- Forget About Black Swans, the One Floating Ahead is Neon
- War By Deception
- Welcome to Salishan
- Scientists may eventually create talking apes.
- If this doesn't move you, then the beast system has killed you inside
- Top secret: Terminators of the Soviet Union.
- Comet Elenin Matches "Deep Impact" Events
- Cops taking pictures of my place.......
- Rise of Consumer Credit in Chile and Brazil Leads to Big Debts and Lender Abuses
- 'Super Congress': Debt Ceiling Negotiators Aim To Create New Legislative Body
- Sterling Allan's #1 Free Energy Breakthrough: Solid State Generator
- World's largest dog is terrified of chihuahuas
- Was Sinking the Titanic an Insurance Scam?
- Great Dane is 7ft long, weighs 18st and is the world's biggest dog...
- Superman's ethereal Arctic lair found.
- OK, for you Christians out there, am I reading this song wrong?
- Secretive Banking Cartels Enslave Us Rep. Ron Paul
- China And Iran To Bypass Dollar, Plan Oil Barter System.
- Canada has much to gain by embracing immigrants
- Sunday chat 7/24
- Your 'Antiques Roadshow' fantasy - those old cups = $1 million
- It's not what we do, it's who we do it for!
- 500 Million Debt-Serfs: The European Union Is a Neo-Feudal Kleptocracy
- Bollyn is Back!! "is Gadaffi a rothschild"???
- directly arming the drug cartel Los Zetas
- $15,000 to detail your car,,,,,,,,SAY WHATTTTTTT,
- Make your dog go poopoo on me :)
- Freak weather forces waterfall to flow UPWARDS
- Inside LSD-Full Length Documentary
- Gates Foundation partner forces vaccines on Malawian children at gunpoint
- Gettysburg Ghost -- Most Authentic Video to date?
- any webbots updates ?
- Don’t Get Caught Holding Dollars When The U.S. Default Arrives
- GE moving X-ray leadership team from US to China
- You know you live in a banana republic when....
- 100 Basis Points to Armageddon.
- Debt! Debt! Debt!.
- David Morgan on Silver Price Manipulation.
- Bill to allow DHS to seize authority over U.S. coastlines.
- San Francisco Considers Legal Protection for Criminals.
- Chance of rioting this year just went down
- Ted Butler.....A Nervous New World
- Dangerous levels of lead found in many garden hoses
- Man wakes after 21 hours in morgue fridge
- After Oslo: Time to Crack Down On Mossad Terrorism
- Police Beat Man After He Finds Out His Son Committed Suicide.
- 911 dispatcher abuses/harasses teenager in fear as father lay seizuring.
- Amazon vs. City Hall
- We Print Bonds - Not Money
- The 4 horsemen of the middle class apocalypse
- The Door Sentinal
- Black man speaks truth to whitey
- The Dynamics Of Doom: Why The Eurozone Fix Will Fail
- "Among The Truthers", Straus, the Protocols, and the Chutzpah Maneuver
- George Gordon on Jobs and Debt
- Oh Smite!!
- Israeli's love kosher hot dogs... (kids burn dogs alive)
- murdoch is mossad
- Jealous WT woman tortures husband to death
- Video On Gold As Independent Money - Return to Gold Standard Advocated in Print/video
- Which CITY and which STATE will be the First to Default?
- Rothschild Bank/Goldman Sachs Are Both On The list Of Bondholder Getting U.S. Tax $$
- California "Dream Act" approved for illegal immigrants.
- Asian Buying to Fuel Massive Short Squeeze in Gold.
- Microsoft lays out plans to unleash ‘altered parasitic organisms’ on humans.
- As Washington struggles over debt crisis, Obama stays mum on veto threat
- Are America's Best Days Behind Us?.video..good one
- Soros to return outsiders' hedge fund money
- Very interesting insight on the creation of (what passes for) 'money'
- rothschilds, HK merc Exchange & silver
- Wild Bill Speaks Again
- A question about the debt ceiling impasse
- Woman with concealed pistol prevents robbery, sexual assault, maybe more.
- Senator Kerry spokesman stripped of Silver Star
- No longer deniable: Under runaway debt burden, America's currency is headed for total
- Matching Travelers
- Obama tells La Raza that passing dream act on his own is very tempting.
- Right Out of Atlas Shrugged’: an Exasperated Alabama Businessman Tell the Feds –
- What Role Might Israel be Playing in the Impending US Gov. Default ?
- Ukraine "gets it" about the Holocaust (reaction to guilt-mongering)
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