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  1. another site spawns http://forums.keepthis.net/
  2. Lap top bargain.......I just ordered one.....
  3. Death of 'Caveman' ends an era in Idaho
  4. The ANZAC Day Thread
  5. The very first U.S. federal monuments...
  6. $338.3 Billion Paid to Service America’s Illegal Aliens
  7. Russia - the NEW Nigeria?
  8. GM In Hot Water With FTC Over Misleading “Repaid Bailout” Ad
  9. The Rules of the Gold Standard Game
  10. British leaders join forces against Pope
  11. Why libertarians suck.
  12. The Story of Your Enslavement
  13. Home Prices In Gold
  14. Have You Stopped Counting Banking Closings Yet?
  15. Generation Y: The Broke Generation
  16. Muslims and Amish Exempt From ObamaCare
  17. Absolute Power & Centralized Governments
  18. Video I Wanted to Share ^,..^
  19. Greek Debt Crisis: Lehman 2.0?
  20. Keiser/Denninger - Topic SEC/GS/CDOs
  21. AZ truck driver forced to show birth certificate to prove citizenship
  22. Massey: No time off for miner funerals
  23. Patriots Like Deer 'Frozen in the Headlights'?
  24. Harry Browne's book on freedom
  25. Senate probe says credit raters helped spread risk
  26. Israel Turns Gaza Farms into Waste Land
  27. Austria's 'Reich Mother' presidential candidate caught singing SS anthem
  28. Russia Wiping the Floor with Rothchild Rockefeller
  29. Mortgage Madness: Financial Fraud in the Housing Market
  30. How the financial markets create hunger and make huge profits
  31. Privacy Groups Challenge U.S. Airport Body Scanners
  32. Israel Controls Turkmenistan Gas Resources
  33. The US Congress is Actively Pushing for War on Iran
  34. Collapse of the Standard of Living in the USA
  35. Tony Blair, Very Close to being Indicted for War Crimes in Malaysia
  36. Former Russian Air Force Commander Slams US 'Space Plane'
  37. Iraq Becoming Center Of Kidnapping, Prostitution, And Human Trafficking In Middl
  38. Afghan ‘Exit Strategy’ Won’t Involve Removing Any Troops
  39. How polluted is U.S. drinking water?
  40. 'Hot News' Tort Is a Triumph of Profit Over Free Speech
  41. Goldman Sachs Emails: Firm Had 'The Big Short' As Economy Fell
  42. Man charged with aiding suicides over the Internet
  43. The Permanent Bailout Bill
  44. The Economic Elite Vs. The People of the United States of America
  45. Free Online Language Courses
  46. Microwave weapon will rain pain from the sky
  47. Invisible RFID Ink Safe For Humans
  48. Laptops open to warrantless government taps
  49. Deek: Puck Earth Day
  50. Rant Guy: Fix the Government.... That's What's Broken!!!
  51. Keiser on Athens International Radio - 23 April 2010
  52. Goldman Shareholders File Lawsuit Against CEO Lloyd Blankfein
  53. MOVED: Former GIMmers with new names - care to identify yourselves?
  54. MOVED: Music Videos Thread...
  55. MOVED: The Death of High Fructose Corn Syrup
  56. If Ivins didn't do it who did?
  57. Gold-Silver.US Now has a Thunderdome!
  58. White Liberal "Malcom X scholar" raped by Black in Haiti, blames whitey
  60. Hello
  61. Truth Jihad radio: is Holocaust Revisionism legitimate?
  62. A Tale of Carriers Investing in Slide Rules
  63. SD banker saves Minn. farmer trapped in grain bin
  64. Homeless 'Hero' Ignored While Dying on Street
  65. Will Jewish Zionism bring Armageddon?
  66. Dylan Ratigan Exposes The Fed
  67. hypocrisy - felony charges for student who accessed Palin's email
  68. 10 Cities Facing a Double Whammy of Default Risks
  69. IMF chief Strauss-Kahn tries to ease Greece fears
  70. The CIA and NSA Want You to Be Their Friend on Facebook
  71. White supremacist stabbed and beaten to death by his black neighbor in Mississi
  72. Is the West Going the Soviet Way in Afghanistan?
  73. Downfall film producer explains Hitler parody crackdown
  74. Demcad Live on Blogtv
  75. Failed German Bond Auction: An Evil Portent?
  76. Food in the U.S. Is Still Tainted with Chemicals That Were Banned Decades Ago
  77. Is the Bank Tax a Major Step Toward World Government?
  78. “Frankenstein turning against his own inventor”
  79. Hyperfast missile to hit anywhere in an hour
  80. Monsanto Conquering Amerika One Stomach At a Time
  81. Chinese savings and the wealth effect
  82. Three-year-old girl caught shoplifting
  83. History of banking in early America
  84. Attention Kentucky Patriots!!! Other Patriots take a looky lou too!
  85. Bonds of Terror
  86. Thousands Of Teachers To Be Laid Off
  87. For $10 Billion of "Promises" Haiti Surrenders its Sovereignty
  88. Official Earthquake Death Toll Underreported
  89. Freemasons in Congress
  90. Unemployment for the Poor is 31%
  91. Why You’ve Never Heard of the Great Depression of 1920
  92. The Sickening Abuse Of Power At The Heart of Wall Street
  93. 67 illegal immigrants found in U-Haul truck near Arizona border
  94. 70% of Arizona Voters Favor New State Measure Cracking Down On Illegal Immigrati
  95. Body of 3-month-old thrown from bridge (by her father) believed recovered
  96. How to filter posters?
  97. Police: Teens Attack 3 Men With Bats
  98. Death and Taxes 2011
  99. Archie Comics recently announced that there will be an openly gay character
  100. Why You Should Care About The Americans Held In Iran
  101. Circle Jerk 101
  102. The Revolution Will Not Be Seasonally Adjusted
  103. The Amazing Media Habits Of 8-18 Year Olds
  104. One in Five Americans Fear Job Loss in Next 12 Months
  105. The anti-Christ, Illuminati, Freemasonry, and New World Order are they all one?
  106. Illuminati Playbook: The Phony Opposition
  107. Iraq closes secret prison
  109. Let not the right hand know what the left had is doing.
  110. Judea Declares War on America’s 44th President
  111. To me this is not "News"...........
  112. Is Google Making Us Stupid?
  113. Flea Market SCORE!
  114. Hundreds of Fugitives go Free in Phoenix
  115. "Space has been militarized for a very long time."
  116. World War III Coming in 2010?
  117. NORAD exercise involving planes crashing into the WTC 2 years before 9/11
  118. Hamas airs cartoon warning to Israel
  119. Super-rich become wealthier again
  120. 44 years old, 20 lbs heavy = Want to walk 55 miles in 18 hours within 2 months
  121. Gerald Celente on King World
  122. South Korea raises warship, finds clues on sinking
  123. Grand Canyon tribe accepts 'genetic piracy' settlement
  124. Newest member: Large Sarge
  125. 12 Nato oil tankers attacked in Pakistan
  126. Option not to send a Congressional Representative?
  127. Ok, so i got banned.
  128. Another Eminent Domain Case, this time a hotel in NY State...
  129. American Governance
  130. The accuracy of The Creature From Jekyll Island's predictions is UNCANNY....
  131. For nations living the good life, the party's over
  132. Psychologists Notes May Indicate Zubaydah Torture Experimentation
  133. Are CDOs Really Nothing More Than “Intellectual Masturbation”?
  134. Don’t Believe The Housing Data
  135. U.S. Dept of Education Partners With China
  136. And they are not even Zionist Jews OiVey Oivey.
  137. Japanese protest US plan for new base
  138. ISRAEL IS a Zionist State. Everybody knows that.
  139. UK ordered to pay $650 mn to Iran
  140. NATO helicopter 'shot down' 13 Died
  141. Cleaner, Safer Internet
  142. bRAIN dAMAGE FoR eEVERYone
  143. peaceful way to solve immigration problems
  144. From another forum........
  145. Don’t talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking
  147. U.S. Food Inflation Spiraling Out of Control
  148. Break thru in SOLAR ENERGY
  149. Visualizing Obama's budget cuts.
  150. Sunday Nite Chat!
  151. MOVED: 50 beers you have to try before you die
  152. Armed phony cop caught near prez plane
  153. Really Bright star or planet?
  154. Insiders Still Not Buying The Recovery Talk
  155. What About The Other 13 Billion?
  156. I'll Tell You When Chinese Bubble Is About to Burst
  157. National Security Advisor Jokes: Jews Are Just Greedy Merchants
  158. Autism Boom Began in 1988
  159. Police Release Video of Meteorite?
  160. Shock: General Motors did not repay loans
  161. Chinese demand fires up Russian coal
  162. The Problem with Factory Farms
  163. The Unrecovery Comes to Queens A Fairy Tale
  164. WA State Patrol Vacancies Soar Because New Candidates Can't Pass Fitness Test
  165. China, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.
  166. Derivatives To Be Spun Off?
  167. Economic Contemplations
  168. Hungary's center-right party wins majority
  169. Caption this pic!
  170. Appleseed Project teaches marksmanship and history, hopes to improve the country
  171. Stage being set for dirty bomb false flag
  172. Yoav Shamir's 'Defamation'
  173. Former credit-rating firm executives say they were told to cut corners
  174. A Short Philosophy of History
  175. Vote looms over US finance reform
  176. Fight to Maintain Fed for Small Banks
  177. 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Gaining Momentum
  178. Weakness Begets Weakness:from Banks to Sovereigns to Banks
  179. s510 the most dangerous bill on the planet
  180. DC knows Obama is ineligible
  181. Has Chuck Schumer EVER Criticized Israel or its Leadership
  182. 'Nuclear Tipping Point' Trailer
  183. Gerald Celente on Barbara Simpson KSFO 23 April 2010
  184. Is 103 Months to Clear Housing Inventory Too Optimistic?
  185. 6.6 Strikes Off Taiwan Coast 4/26/2010
  186. The Greeks Are About To Be Sacrificed At Europe's Altar
  187. Expect Contagion in Europe to Spread
  188. Japanese Scientists Create Touchable Holograms
  189. Big Dog Robot Runs 5 mph
  190. Immigration Law Polarizes Arizonans
  191. Arrests of Criminal Illegals Climbs
  192. Gulf on Tonkin Part II?
  193. Portugal Credit Default Swaps Hit Record High
  194. Credit Card offer inside: PLEASE READ!
  195. E-Mails, Investment Banking, and the Rating Agencies
  196. Thieves Circulate Keys To New York Citys Underbelly
  197. This about sums it up
  198. Radical Muslim Group harassing South Park founded and directed by zionist jew
  199. Alex Jones with Doug Stanhope
  200. Controlling your garden and food........read this......
  201. Yankee GO HOME..... Domo Arigato.......
  202. I wonder what kind of food he will eat........
  203. From birth to grave........you are theirs.......
  204. Popes and Porn - Not a New Story
  205. U.S. Vacant Housing Hits Record 19 Million
  206. Florida Girl Had 35,463 Texts in One Month
  207. Public Employee of The Year Award, SNL
  208. Globalhawk could soon be patrolling over British cities
  209. George W Bush set to admit mistakes
  210. Whats YOUR Share of the National Debt?
  211. Higher prices for meat this summer.........
  212. We should be making cars intead of war.....
  213. A great theme song for Wall Street!
  214. Even if you are "smart" you will be working for them.
  215. The end of an era: Sony officially kills floppy disks
  216. The Devil in Goldman Sachs
  217. Afghan spy chief: 'I told MI5 that prisoners were being tortured'
  218. China's $20 Bln Loan To Venezuela To Be Paid With Oil
  219. Is the CIA behind Mexico's Bloody Drug War?
  220. Old Man Smith is now debt free!
  221. Studies Reveal Americans’ Declining Living Standards and Increasing Anger
  222. The Shadow Banking System Blew Up
  223. Will Goldman Sachs Prove Greed is God?
  224. The real intent of the show-me-your-papers law
  225. Crime So Bad Lawmakers Call for Troops on the Streets
  226. To Peg or Not to Peg?
  227. The Treasury Is Taking Online Donations To Pay Down The Debt
  228. great video about oil + world economy
  230. Police Barred From Penis Enlargement
  231. Fact: 83% of homicide warrants in Phoenix, AZ are issued for illegal aliens...
  232. Stadium executions: 150,000 watch
  233. Hahahahahahah you just must read this one........love it.
  234. The stimulus didn't help........
  235. Finding Humor in Arizona's Tough New Immigration Law
  236. More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship........
  237. And this is only what they tell us........
  239. Special army unit ready to be deployed on American soil just before Nov. electio
  240. Just How Powerful is the Tobacco Lobby?
  241. Here Come The Hypocrites!
  242. Trying to Figure out the Terms Short and Naked Short
  243. About foreign movies........
  244. "...remember, we told you so." lol
  245. Jew: Arizona law like 'Nazi Germany'
  246. The Pentagon’s War on the Internet (shills, trolls, etc)
  247. Mon., Apr. 26, 10:00 PM: South Africa Update
  248. MAGNES IS A 100% GREEK NAME !
  249. Photo Radar Cameras Use Satellites to Track U.K. Vehicles
  250. The Government Can!