View Full Version : General Discussion
- Police Officer Laughs About Beating Occupy Wall Street Protesters [Video]
- Refund California Visits Wells Fargo CFO's Home
- Bold thieves steal bridge in North Beaver
- Physical silver running out because its spot price does not reflect true investment d
- Railroad Doom
- Why You Should Avoid Cooking With Olive Oil!
- Feds order pot shops to close within 45 days
- MSNBC "start 2012 campaign" " if their message is heard by some candidate "
- Return to real money: China to install more than 2,000 gold ATMs
- Many 'natural' foods are loaded with GMOs
- IMF Advisor- Without plan Global Meltdown in 2 - 3 weeks
- Kosher and Halal ... Take Note
- anyone know or ever read anything by Charles Hapgood?
- Social Life Board Game Commercial
- The Money Masters and other flagship videos explaining the conspiracy
- Ed Dames coming on Coast to Coast next
- Massive quake March 21, 2012, exactly 6 months after Elenin? Not Joking. (Doom)
- Report: No evidence al-Awlaki was killed in Yemen
- Romney: Rebuild defense, add 100,000 troops
- RP- new campaing commercial?
- The Top 100 Statistics About The Collapse Of The Economy That Every American Voter Sh
- Anonymous - Manifesto Addresses Jewish Bankers & Israeli Involvement in 9-11 ?
- Hoarding listed as complex disorder
- Can you say 'President Herman Cain'?
- Venezuela expects all 200 tonnes of phys gold in 6 weeks (wow!)
- Mittens criticizes Baracula at military college, cadets cheer
- Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass on Nuclear Contamination A Must Watch
- 1,000 Popsicle Stick Chain Bomb Much more cool than the old domino style!
- Congressional Research Service Finds US Exposure To Europe At $640 Billion or more
- Virus hits Predator Drone network
- Ice Road Truckers: How These Drivers Survive
- checkout the map on occupy wall street (HOLY SHIT!)
- The Elite are like a giant TICK sucking the life force from the 99%....
- DEXIA is imploding now, derivatives fuse being lit
- the world according to americans
- Markopolis, Yamada, Hathaway interviewed at King World News
- Occupy Wall Street Organizing Nationwide Boycott Against Banks
- Capitalist gangbangs : Bankster guns4cops : Keiser report
- NAACP claims Tea Party is Racist - AGAIN
- Jim Willie "UST bonds The Monster Spleen"
- Press TV "U.S. Experiencing significant uprising"
- Selling the Air
- Mitt Romney taps foreign policy, national security advisers AKA Israelis
- Ron Paul: Against the Financial Power Elite
- Canary Island volcano about to blow
- SOLYNDRAGATE: Huge Email Dump Implicates Obama And Rahm In Bankruptcy Scandal
- Billboard flying into NYC to Occupy Wall Street.
- Occupy Cincinnati Rally
- My Experience at the AIRPORT part III
- 78 new pieces of orgonite. Made by me, given away for free. [Pics]
- Matador cheats death at festival after bull's horn blinds him in one eye and paralyse
- The great haul of China: Woman climbs 70ft wall... just to dodge £2.50 castle admissi
- Is This It? (Poll)
- Karma...
- Private pensions worth 30% less than three years ago
- UNGRIP (From the creators of Esoteric Agenda and KYMATICA)
- Values Voter straw poll organizers suggest a fix in Ron Paul's win
- Here it is "DExias funeral announced tomorrow" (derivative time bomb goes off!!)
- 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
- Chad's DVD Karma
- Some are trying to give drunken sailors a bad name
- Don't Venture Too Far Offshore Without a State
- Formula One guys, you ever watch Australian V8 Supercars?
- Brown signs California Dream Act
- The Forgotten Crisis And What Every Financial Pundit Didn't Learn From It
- Israel bars nuclear whistle-blower Vanunu from emigrating
- A deadly parasite makes its way into Central Texas
- Finland vows care for narcolepsy kids who had swine flu shot
- Tom Woods and Stefan Molyneux Take On Wall Street!
- Obama’s New Populist Fakery
- NEW VIDEO - 9/11 Masterminds - Explosive Connections
- The Attorney General is accused of being an "accomplice to murder."
- You only THINK you've got rights. If they want YOU, they'll get you.
- IMF advisor says we face a Worldwide Banking Meltdown
- Gold Confiscation
- Sunday chat 10/9/11
- Solar plant first to generate energy AT NIGHT
- Quantitative easing, or when there's nowhere left to run
- Technical Silver Market Update Clive Maund
- New UK law to change royal fortunes
- The unfuckable lardass and the Bettencourt bribe-taker save Europe! (not really)
- why are you participating in occupy san diego? (classic here)
- Salbuchi "Mossad caught in Buenos Aires", press tv interview
- Ca passes gardasil for kids bill
- China demands war in South China Sea
- Philipp Vorndran talks to James Turk (on hyperinflation)
- i though anonymous was supposed to erase the nyse today
- Did Steve Jobs hate the state?
- Time for some good old-fashioned BANK RUNS?
- How To Explain Greece To A Complete Idiot / Politician
- White looking Heebs make video to minimize white issues
- Magnitude 5.1 - SOUTHERN GREECE
- Most Fascinating Geological Wonders On Earth
- Christians being killed in Egypt
- Children to be banned from blowing up balloons, under EU safety rules
- Peak Silver Revisited
- NYTimes Sues The Federal Government For Refusing To Reveal Its Secret Interpretation
- LaRouche Warns of British Backed Obama Coup Inside U.S
- Vitamins May Increase Women's Risk of Dying, Research Finds
- The Father of Europe
- List of Media Bosses who have admitted to censoring black crime
- Bank of America offers up to $20,000 short sale
- Marine Vet at OccupyWallStreet Tells Sean Hannity to "F*** Off"
- THE MAN NOBODY KNEW: In Search of My Father, CIA Spymaster William Colby Trailer
- D.C. drivers arrested for expired licence tags
- Hedge fund manager buys $1 million in nickels
- Rain
- Fort Knox episode of "Brad Meltzer's 'Decoded'" on the History Channel
- Britain faces a mini 'ice age'
- Charlotte Iserbyt: The Secret History of Western Education & Scientific Destruction o
- g2mil
- from the golden truth.......Merkel-Sarkozy dog and pony show
- fairy stories.........
- something to think about
- Ron Paul reacts to Ben Bernanke being named TIME 'Person of the Year'
- just heard on the radio that california has banned open carry
- Moron of the Week: Congressman Keith Ellison
- How Bankrupt Governments Will Confiscate Your Gold
- what's the deal with adobe flash player??
- Gulf of Mexico Sea Floor Unstable, Fractured, Spilling Hydrocarbons
- U.S. Says Iran-Tied Terror Plot in Washington, D.C. Disrupted
- So who's behind the plot to kill the Saudi ambassador?
- Republican debate tonight @ 8 EST
- Australian Satanism – Australia’s Global Satanic Legacy And Future By Frater 616 – Al
- German officials admit using spyware on citizens, as Big Brother scandal grows
- Lindsey Williams & Chris Waltzek - Oct. 11, 2011
- Detroit goes into darkness ....contractor takes back 1400 street lamps
- Bill Still for President?
- Homegrown Terror Threat "Manufactured"
- Blacks Attack White Woman
- A world held to ransom by the buggers in the banks
- Allegiance
- New Terrist cel uncovered
- Here it comes!!!! Cant you hear the war drums on Iran beating louder and louder!
- Ron Paul Calls Out Herman Cain For Lie Over Fed Audit During GOP Debate
- Ron Paul v Herman Cain
- Grilled cheese made in a toaster? I am not sure it would work. Pictures included!
- What is moving the market?
- Family lost in corn maze call 911 LOL..
- Biden slips up, mentions troops going to Iran (?)
- What kind of terrorist are you?
- Europe’s Banks Begin to Fail......
- Another battle that saved Western Civ
- Brown nose, make me puke thread
- Hundreds of brave dentists speak out against water fluoridation
- Draining the Swamp: The British Strategy of Population Control
- Euroland & the Gold Rebound.....Jim Willie
- i heard the personal attacks against PMs start today
- Arrests in female rapists probe
- Peanut butter prices expected to rise soon after dry summer, crop crunch frustrates f
- hooting At Seal Beach: Six Believed Dead (DEVELOPING)
- EUSSR of Madness, Nigel Farage on breaking news, Slovakia !
- F#ck Daycare.......Im outter here....
- Luxury chinese boat sinks on launch
- Whoever posted info on that food matters documentary...
- Netflix people search for Despicable Me
- Overheard conversation (2 muslim women)
- Secret of super volcano unlocked
- October 15 is Square and Compasses Day - Open day in Maine
- Entire Bridge in PA Dismantled, Stolen for Scrap Metal
- louisiana passes law banning cash for sales of anything 'used'
- The Ascent of Money
- Harrisburg PA files for bankruptcy
- Green Light for WWIII!
- Imminent Occupy Wall Street showdown with NYPD
- "We can't allow ourselves to be out-communicated by our enemies"
- can anyone log on to
- Denmark taxes avocados, butter, eggs, nuts, chocolate and coconut oil
- Study: Unvaccinated children far less prone to allergies and disease than vaccinated
- John Hathaway - We’re Definitely in the End Game for US Dollar
- Jackson, Jr: Obama should ‘declare a national emergency,’ add jobs with ‘extra-consti
- "Police regularly plant drugs on innocent people"
- "Is Barack Obama a KGB Agent?"
- Phoenix Jones: Seattle's self-proclaimed superhero arrested but no charges
- Ron Paul Could Win!
- Iran Contra cover up documentary
- Near-Death Experiences: 30 Years of Research
- 60 Stunning Satellite Photos of Earth
- Occupy Wall Street protesters to take on Chase bank
- Breaking news - silver shortage - perth mint out of silver
- Derivatives: The $600 Trillion Time Bomb That's Set to Explode
- Occupy Windsor - organized by socialists
- Aftermath of a crisis
- Pat Buchanan's new book warns of the end of the USA
- Occupy Wall Street increasingly turning violent
- Judge Napolitano: Government-Generated Plots
- stop the insanity
- International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
- US Troops deployed to Africa
- BATFags/DOJ give blessing to grenade builder/machinegun maker 4 Mexican drug cartels
- The story of the 20th Century Motor Company
- Remarks by Chris Powell, Secretary/Treasurer Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc. Pi
- Stupid people own guns too
- Legalized Fraud and JPM
- woman of 23 age 50 years in a matter of days.
- Nesara?
- Summoned? How to Send 'em Packin'!!!
- NYPD does roundhouse kick on female protestor
- China: "Either WW3 or NWO"
- Hero dog saves another after it was hit in the highway.
- Funniest thing I've bought for the dogs
- GMOs & Ormus * Where To Find Ormus * How To Make Ormus
- Hitler gets angry about the iPhone 4S
- Stock Market is doing great...all is well
- 9/11 made in Israel
- Body of Christ v Body of the State
- Italy in the streets, fires and explosions LIVE
- Ron Paul - Life - Anti-abortion ad
- My latest ebay score!
- Political Systems Explained for Dummies
- You Know That Your City Has Become A Hellhole When….
- Holy SHIT!! Occupy L.A. "we need to run the zionist jews out of here"
- Was Mossad using Fox and Werritty as 'useful idiots'?
- Lindsay Williams on Jeff Rense Oct 13th, 2011
- Coins and Crowns. How awesome is this song?
- Plastic surgeon finds the ideal breast shape...
- Fun times at a Sharpton Rally
- The Universe! (sound on)
- I need some (non-mainstream) medical help...
- Un-fucking believable
- The Crazy Ones
- People Arrested for Trying to Close Citibank Accounts
- Is The Fed A Private Barter Club?
- Sunday chat 10/16/11
- Janitor finds mentally disabled people locked in basement; 3 arrested
- i'm finding i'm more chatty when i smoke resin than when i smoke grass
- Multi Vitamins / Daily Vitamins
- great new lil video from david duke
- Built in 1896, it gets a solid 40 miles to the charge — exactly the mileage Chevrolet
- Gold Signals The End…By Hubert Moolman
- Coming Money Trust
- A Day’s Work for a Slaves Wage. Capitalism: Now Cheaper than Slavery
- Grinding the Crack
- Boxer who spent 26 years in jail for a murder he didn't commit wins his first fight..
- Cell Phone Kills Little Girl
- TX High School Students Made to Recite Mexican National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance
- Russians scorn 'pornographic' glam spy Anna Chapman
- Defending babies is an anathema
- Just in case Sukhoi Fan monitors this site
- I am Gold Baby!
- First Great War of The 21st Century is Here! with Gerald Celente
- Wake up call from the mayan and hopi october 2011
- marine rants against NYPD brutality
- Milwaukee Cops replace nametags, guard Chase Bank...
- Gwen Olsen | Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher
- Holy crap, I'm tripping out on Vitamin B3
- Holy crap, I'm tripping out on Vitamin B3
- Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%
- Rush Limbaugh Endorses Ron Paul's Restore America Plan
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