View Full Version : General Discussion
- The Problem is People Who Don't Respect Property Rights
- CIA Chief Endorses Ron Paul
- South Carolina Republican Party delegate selection processes
- Known Unknowns: Unconventional "Strategic Shocks" in Defense Strategy Development
- Melonhead proposed death penalty for pot possession
- Inside an underground food storage facility
- It's my assesment that Amerikwans are getting dumber by the day
- WTF are those two liars Holder and the Communist Kenyan doing in Arizona?
- Historical Basis For Trial by Jury
- Readings in Money and Banking
- Signs Of The Times
- Rise of the Peking Pound: China buys 10% stake in Britain's biggest water company.
- Federal Court Upholds Obama/Holder Gun Registration Scheme; Congressional Action Need
- Subordination 101: A Walk Thru For Sovereign Bond Markets In A Post-Greek Default Wor
- SC recap & potential delegate count - Melonhead and Frothy unelectable?
- Joe Paterno dies at 85
- How far into the Deep Web have you travelled?
- Welcome to the Plan
- Iran Signs Own Death Warrant
- Sunday chat 01/22/2012
- RNC Agenda 21 resolution
- The Vatican-Led Illuminati Matrix and U.S. Constitution
- Senate shelves Internet piracy bill following Web protest
- SOFT KILLING American girls being poisoned, told it is psycological. Vaccine Injury?
- Walmart logo has six pointed Star of David?
- RON PAUL RIDES THE BULL Why the Revolution is Inevitable
- Newt gets ripped on...
- Obama Gets Lucky in South Carolina Primary Results
- United Welfare States of America
- Josh Williams and little bird do a Duet on stage at the Bluegrass Festival in NC
- Does Fed pay tax on national-debt interest earnings?
- Sand
- proof that the iran business is not bout nuclear anything, it's about banking
- Kestone Pipleline: Looking for Truth
- Currency Wars - Iran Banned From Trading Gold and Silver
- 1965 shots of Hells Angels by photographer who infiltrated
- We Killed Your Daughter; You're Under Arrest
- The noose keeps tightening around our necks
- The Earth is our Mother - Words of Wisdom
- Senator Rand Paul is being detained at the Nashville Airport by the TSA
- Who got the last laugh
- Euro rising high- WTF?
- Outdated Current Topics
- US High Court: Warrant Needed For GPS Tracking
- the Communist Kenyan: "Get an abortion so your dreams can come true."
- dancing frog legs
- for those with a $1.33/month RBN subscription, great new show
- DBSmith: Adrian Salbuchi audio
- Aluminum + Fluoride = Alzheimer’s and Dementia
- Croatia says "yes" to EU membership
- This is on the way tomorrow
- Doomed if we do, Doomed if we don't
- Iowa vote fraud official
- Boston Bruins Goaltender Releases Statement Explaining Absence From Obama Meeting
- FL Debate Thread
- WTF is this???
- The Scale of the Universe
- Things guys don't say
- Non-Doom Story
- Soros, " Occupy to turn violent " says the control master.
- Cops Shoot Man With Metal Bar 10 times Killing Him
- Northern Lights...... in the skies above YORKSHIRE!
- Army: Suicides set record, binge alcohol abuse up 54%
- The Ron Paul FIX is in: a SGT micro-doc
- Gold for Oil: India and Iran Ditch Dollar
- Ron Paul Highlights in Florida GOP Debate - 1/23/12
- Santorum launches C.U.M.... Conservatives Unite Moneybomb...No joke..I swear
- Interesting thoughts on Romney
- Melonhead the entertainer/spoiled brat will not participate in debates unless...
- End the tsa now
- jewish newspaper publisher says israel should assissinate obama
- more guns purchased last year than the world’s fourteen largest armies combined
- SOPA and PIPA Fully Alive — And a New Bill Joins Them
- My head hurts
- John Stossel - Difference Between Streamlining the Military and Isolationism
- USS Enterprise
- My last post ................
- Paul Craig Roberts Advice to Ron Paul
- Military pending number crunching
- That Satanist Creep
- Magic mushrooms’ seen to be effective in treating depression
- Where to move?
- Google announces privacy settings change across products; users can’t opt out
- Elitists Are Planning on Taking Down Capitalism
- Silver Eagle & Maple Leaf sales will surpass domestic silver production in the U.S.
- Ron Paul & Mike Maloney Hit It Out Of The Park
- Jeb Bush for President 2012!
- The Wicked Witch Schemes For 2012
- Just great - Los Angeles Military Exercises
- Bollyn, The Zionist Plot to Stop Ron Paul , INCREDIBLE !
- MegaUpload taken down because................
- Anyone watching Obongo and his speech tonight?
- a John Brown Moment
- The rhetoric....bankrupting America.
- David Adair - AREA 51 scientist speaks out
- The Libertytree 2012 composter
- ORGANIC and GMO cannot co-exist. Lateral Transference = why.
- Craigslist 8x8x16 Cement Block - $1
- Ron Paul react to Obama State of the Union
- Fed pushes back rate increase
- Jewish soccer player
- Something out of a horror movie
- WTF happened? PMs just exploded!
- Venezuela leaving World Bank's arbitration body
- Jim Sinclair - Mainstream Entities Will Now Enter Gold Market
- little timmy is out!
- 2012 Equation Solved - Pane Andov
- MERS - One of the biggest financial frauds in history
- Online Vendors, Meet The 1099-K
- The booming business of American slavery
- The REAL State of the Union | THE PLAIN TRUTH by Judge Napolitano 1/24/12
- Familiar Rhetoric, Failed Record
- Mitt’s Income vs. Your Income
- Iranian parliament looking to cut oil exports to Europe
- EEK!!! White flash mob descends on local hardware store!!!
- Dark Side of the Moon Space Alien Nazi's
- JT Ready
- Burns Day
- Obama Signs Global Internet Treaty Worse Than SOPA
- Downloading?
- Brewer v Soetoro
- Taxpayers Lose Another $118.5 Million As Next Obama Stimulus Pet Project Bankrupt
- Republican Debate Tonight 1/26 on CNN 8PM EST
- Max Keiser Virtually Shuts David Cameron Up
- Give males HPV vaccine: Report ( Canada )
- My Jury Duty experience
- Decentralization Is The Only Plausible Economic Solution Left
- Now these are 3 scary pictures
- George Soros Admits He's a Traitorous Billionaire
- Hillary Clinton says she’s done with ‘high wire of American politics’
- Ron Paul Revolution (The Joe Rogan Experience)
- Iran's Press TV on Obongo's SOTU speech
- This is why the US is toast.
- Ron Paul Highlights from 1/26/2012 Debate
- Why did they have to defile my birthday with this?
- Some Ron Paul quotes
- Jon Stewart on Gingrich
- Truth as the ultimate intrinsic value
- Mel Gibson should pay Reparations for Jew failure
- Muffin Tops Survival Kit
- never gotten ANYTHING even remotely similar to this from a bank
- Navy converting ship into floating commando base in Middle East (The USS Ponce)
- You know what, this is my last post
- Omg, omg, omg
- Doom and Spam
- Endorse Liberty Broadcasts Half Hour Ron Paul TV Special in Florida
- Romney Backed by Goldman Sucks, Bailout Banks
- If You Thought SOPA Was Bad, Just Wait Until You Meet ACTA
- What It Is About RON PAUL.....
- 70 should be the new 65 to ease pension crunch: study ( Canada )
- Return of the Gold Standard Imminent
- Topless Protesters fighting for the poor ~
- Iowa vote fraud official
- Is the United States in a Liquidity Trap?
- Funeral For A Bond
- Israel warns time is running out before it launches strike on Iran
- Eric margolis: 9/11. The mother of all coincidences
- Obama for President of Israel?
- Arkancide
- Parasite Capitalism: Human Awakening Calling Time On the Beast
- Walmart Greeters Will No Longer Greet At The Door
- What Exactly is a "Chief of State"
- My day today
- The Peacmaker
- Police Use Tear Gas on Occupy Oakland Protesters
- Mishko sad, Liberals put up billboard calling all white people racist
- Latest Duke
- NBC asks Romney campaign to remove its content from new ad
- California Police, try to arrest, the kill fellow officer.
- US bunker-buster 'not powerful enough' against Iran
- We Come From The Future
- My last post ................
- Ron Paul on CNN State of the Union 01/29/12
- My Tram (bus) experience. Crazy Jewess loses the plot!
- The zombies are getting restless everywhere
- Porn That Women Like:
- Sorting Out Possible Scenarios For The Future, By Sharon Astyk
- OK, I'm fricken sick and tired of being sprayed and I'm going to do something
- Branding Cattle or Notching a Sows Ear ... Little Difference
- Why Newty & Insanitorium can't win nomination and are only in to block Ron Paul
- Audit: U.S. Defense Department can't account for billions for Iraq
- Worn-out machines as leading indicator
- Redbox DVD rental, being sued by blind people.
- Goldman's Tom Stolper Conducts Sunday Hitfest On The USD
- IQ's
- i just realized this morning that a nintendo wii can play game cube games
- Oakland to assess damage to city hall after Occupy protests
- Looking for a new pocket knife / multitool
- Sunday chat 01/29/2012
- 20 Africans stomp Aussie teen in Perth
- Great home made RP vid...I Am An Individual
- The Price of Your Soul: How the Brain Decides Whether to 'Sell Out'
- $1.2 Billion (or more) in MF Global customer funds vaporised.
- Soros Employs and Empowers Communists Forbes April 1997 hard to find article
- I Don't Like The Sound of This
- Now this is a tat I'd get!
- Drew Carey For President
- (click here to return to "mass extinction underway")
- Astonishing Toothpick Sculpture
- Freddie Mac Betting Against Homeowners Is Latest GSE Outrage
- Now we know what the NDAA was for: Police get help with vets who are ticking bombs
- Gingrich rips Romney for cutting kosher meals at nursing homes
- She Dialed 911. The Cop who came to help, RAPED HER.
- Reactor shuts down, releases steam at Illinois nuclear plant after losing outside pow
- Interesting video/Rick Steves on Iran
- Free (cabin) p0rn
- British pair arrested in U.S. on terror charges over Twitter jokes
- High School Dropouts Cost $192 Billion
- Sarkozy's Ottoman Jewish Roots
- The time we're living in right now I view as is "The Suck"
- WTF - Ranger zaps off-leash dog walker with shock weapon
- Silver Surges 21% in January - Silver Demand Is “Diminishing A Supply Surplus”
- Keller Crockett's Famous Gun Classes Radio Ad
- Impending Undeclared Default Of 5 Major US Banks
- FDA hacked into private Gmail accounts of its own whistleblower scientist.
- Rothschild The 8th Beast
- Effects Of Bath Salts
- Breaking News - Jim Sinclair
- Latest Congressional Budget Outlook For 2012-2022 Released
- Binary Option Trading
- Welcome to the world’s first bunker state: room for Jews only in Israel’s “villa in
- Letting Israel off the hook on nuclear weapons
- Zionists being swept away by the changing tide
- Senate clears way for vote on insider-trading ban
- One small blow against tryranny and......
- S&P Warns of Cuts; Another US Downgrade Coming?
- Big Shotgun!
- The Fine Art of Negotiation
- Syria
- Ron Paul 4th place in Florida
- Pay-Pal Founders Supporting Ron Paul...
- 'Dress your age' mum says younger girls get special treatment
- In bug out location=paradise
- Virginia AG Launches Investigation Into Gingrich Campaign
- God Bless America
- Russia Issues International Arrest Warrant for George Soros
- The American Economy is "Dead" The Illusion of Economic Recovery - Paul Craig Roberts
- Outdoor Fun
- Free PDF - "The Official Counterfeiter" comic book
- Virginia Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Nullify NDAA
- Breaking News - Two Soccer Riots in Egypt
- FDA’s New Claim: “Your Body Is a Drug and We Have the Authority to Regulate It!”
- Don Cornelius is dead
- HFCS as harmful as tobacco, alcohol, experts say
- Images on the moon
- Rick "frothy" Santorum PLEASED with HIGH cost of prescription drugs
- I've filed bankruptcy 4 times backs Nafta Newt
- " Anonymous " Hackers going after Ron Paul now !
- Ponce sighting
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