View Full Version : General Discussion
- 22 Red Flags That Indicate That Very Serious Economic Doom Is Coming
- When Bankers Were Good
- Casey Research: Oil’s role in US $ as reserve currency breaking down
- Tale of Two Stalkers
- Discount Subways to Tanning Salons ...
- Rubio: The newest Teleprompter reading monkey with a shirt (Politician)
- Dedicated to ALL Federal Judges....
- EPAs "philosophy" is to "crucify" and "make examples" of US energy producers
- Hey GoD is this your cousin?
- CISPA, the new bill that will be used to censor the internet
- So Long US Dollar
- The Ancient Secret of the Swastika & The Hidden History of the White Race
- Anyone tried Hand Sanitizer?
- confronted the tsa last night
- Any Star Trek Fans?
- Romney Nomination in doubt – Brokered Convention likely
- Got my primary election official voter info guide, but this is odd
- Are your YT's working?
- Spanish Company Associated w/Geo. Soros Will “Count” America's Votes Overseas In Nove
- Red Cross Told To Prep For Chicago Evacuation During NATO Summit
- Blogging About the Paleo Diet Can Get You Shut Down in North Carolina
- Worrying about Trayvon will get you killed
- RED ALERT!! Rockefeller Foundations "Hypothetic Scenario" - 13K Dead In London Olympi
- 18 Venn diagrams showing how corrupted American ‘democracy’ really is
- Rural Kids' Parents Angry About Labor Dept Rule Banning Farm Chores
- Somebody gots to pay my FOURTEEN dollar electcric bill.
- RP Picks Up Missouri Delegates After Caucus Chairman Arrested For Strong Arm Tactics
- Any Ron Paul folks from Louisianna? Or know amyone? Help needed pronto!
- PG&E and Edison smart meter opt out.
- OK, where's the next false that's going to happen?
- Life's a beach: The Seychelles island bought for £8,000 in 1962
- Squidworth - "The Prospective Collapse of the Euro" with François Heisbourg
- 2012 Social Security annual report.
- Dershowitz goes pro pedophilia
- What Ever Happened to the Constitution? | Andrew Napolitano
- SPAIN for Ron Paul
- Ron Paul’s Secret Plan to Win The GOP Nomination
- Florida Woman To Cops, "You Can’t Tell Me What To Do. Obama Owns This Muther Fucker"
- Magnes Compiled Old Schoool GIM Movie List
- Government: Let’s Screw More Homebuyers!
- Cash for Gold ripoff artist.
- Ron Paul 2012 Wins Majority Of Washington Delegates To Convention, Other States Expec
- Ron Paul Still Outraising Romney in at Least 10 States
- NORAD running 9/11 drills ON and DURING 9/11
- Ron Paul / Reality Check 10:10pm EST Tonight
- George Zimmerman had $200,000 support fund, attorney acknowledges
- And I thought it was an anti Obama commercial
- Al Qaeda could be hiding in her underpants?
- Hey Solid I found something for you to read - "It's a Wonderful Race"
- podcast w J.B. Campbell- militia movement founder
- Laws are Created Equal
- Corporate Media: Millions From Political Ads, Then Cover Ad Driven Horse Race As News
- Kowloon Walled City
- 60 Minutes: Israeli Persecution of Christians in the Holy Land
- Obama administration to suspend thousands of deportations of illegal immigrants 'who
- This place may really be a PRISON PLANET................
- SS bodygaurds will now have chaperones when out and about.
- MP3- Jay Weidner on Kubrick, Apollo, clues in his movies
- it's garage sale season
- Priceless! Ron Paul Mass. caucuses today! Spin this biacthes!
- Traitors In the Ron Paul Camp ! Sibel Edmonds blows the whistle !
- How to be a Crook....Youtube vid
- Need a new dictionary
- President Obama Overrides Congress to Send $192M to Palestinian Authority: ‘Important
- Great Message from Henry Rollins
- Bill C-26: The Citizen's Arrest and Self Defence Act
- Will The Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up
- Video, Adan Kokesh: Fuck the troops...
- WTF - Breitbart's coroner poisoned to death?
- 22 Red Flags That Indicate That Very Serious Doom Is Coming For Global Markets
- The Truth About Hair - Covered Up Since The Vietnam War
- A Hobby?
- chat time?
- Why You Will Never Pay Off Your Credit Card
- Why Did Russia Ban The Use of Microwave Ovens?
- Does This Explain How Congress Acts?
- What the World Eats
- FOX NEWS: Breaking Story !!!
- We're About To Have One Of The Biggest Weeks That Anyone Can Remember
- Money As Debt 3
- I thought Amerikwans are brainwashed, the British are even worse
- What is Zionism ....err I mean Communisim? Youtube video
- Mittens can't even get it right in his home state.
- Obama's Plan To Seize Control Of Our Economy And Our Lives
- Zimmerman's Lawsuit Against Al Sharpton, NBC, and the Martin Family Attorneys
- Proposed Crackdown on Bad Behaviour in House of Commons
- US not reporting all Afghan attacks
- Hulu viewers will have to prove they have cable.
- “They Live”, the Weird Movie With a Powerful Message
- Original McDonalds Menu...
- 'Supermoon' Alert: Biggest Full Moon of 2012 Occurs This Week
- Octomom, mom of 14, today files Chapter 7
- 1st or 2nd degree burn sucks
- Ron Paul vs Paul Krugman debate, you're gonna love this!! + RP interview (2 parts)
- Dentist removes all ex-boyfriend's teeth after breakup
- Calif. Man Sues BMW For Persistent Erection
- 100 black teens beat white couple in Norfolk
- Mark Zuckerberg announces tool to help find organ donors.
- YouTube Removes RonPaul2008dotcom- CENSORSHIP IN ACTION!
- Ben Swann of Reality Check Half Hour Special - Delegates
- 5 arrested for allegedly trying to blow up Ohio bridge
- New York Times: All Foiled Terrorist Plots Were Actually Hatched By The FBI
- Bin Laden in hiding: Hatching horrific plots despite crippling attacks on al-Qaida
- Vatican accepted one billion lire' to bury crime boss in basilica next to former pope
- Obama Adminisration Caught Money Laundering via FDIC
- 'Red Deer Cave people' may be new species of human
- Amazon's army of retired temp workers.
- Obama makes surprise visit to Afghanistan to sign security agreement
- Two good questions for Ron Paul
- Yuri Bezmenov: Deception Was My Job
- seriously infected, with some very, very serious anti-Semitic views
- CIA Plane Crash Lands With Four Tons Of Cocaine
- Dr. James Oschman Discusses Earthing or Grounding
- And you thought YOUR family is weird...
- NO DOOM - Best street performance ever.
- The End - Remote Viewing Predictions
- If Obama Had A Son He Would Look Like This
- 10 Ancient Electricity
- Seattle Attorney Andrew Basiago Claims U.S. Sent Him On Time Travels
- DEA Ignored All My Cries: Student
- 97% Owned - Positive Money Directors Cut
- Something about a missing nuc
- India Falters? Global Depression On Tap?
- Austerity Staggers, Germany Blows Up?
- Chile Worries About Potential Argentine Military Provocations
- Spain's Collapse Is No Little Thing
- Crime Is Up Worldwide, UN Intends to Provide a Solution
- It Is Not The Manner of the Romans
- U.S. Troops In Neighboorhood Streets Fully Armed
- Woman Arrested for Taking 6 year old to Tanning Booth
- Man left crying in the street after being trapped by German nymphomaniac
- Iron Sky Official Theatrical Trailer
- Gold chart oddity
- Man arrested for using an old $50
- Gilbert mass killing: Border militia leader identified as shooter
- Calling all legaleese, sovereign brains.
- Robert Menard - Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception
- Ron Paul Live Stream, Cal State Fullerton
- US citizen vs the People explained
- White Teacher in an LA School
- No-Fly Zone To Be Enforced By Shoot-To-Kill Order During NATO Summit
- Woman drives worlds fastest Dunny to New World Record!!
- Need the dirt on the dancing Israelis
- Red Dawn, Chicago Spring and ACT of WAR
- Monkeys Get Autism-like Reactions to MMR & Other Vaccines In University Study
- Human genes engineered into experimental GMO rice being grown in Kansas
- CISPA passes the House; epic privacy battle moves to the Senate
- Occupy Oakland Scott Olson, Here is a follow up
- Pentagon admits it has no photo evidence of Bin Laden's death
- "If I Wanted America To Be A Dictatorship"
- RNC to NV GOP: Don’t let RP delegates take over national convention slots or else
- 16 Signs That People Are Becoming Stupider
- Canada Introduces Plastic Cash
- Heads up:Ben Swann, Reality Check tonight, could be huge!
- YouTube War on Ron Paul !
- 13-year-old killed in Birmingham robbery attempt identified
- Use vinegar to kill weeds naturally and give Monsanto's Roundup the heave ho.......
- Chemist declares fluoride to be 'one of the greatest public health threats of modern
- MK Occupy Minnesota: Drugs & the DRE Program at Peavey Plaza
- Leaked U.S. Army Document Outlines Plan For Re-Education Camps In AmericaA leaked U.S
- Sungate..........
- I see said the blind man..........
- All yours for £1.75millon: Entire village for sale
- We are Preparing for Massive Civil War,” Says DHS Informant
- David Icke - The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum!
- Why a reduction in gov't spending won't do any good
- Are these guys wearing gold boots?
- Hungry Lion at zoo eyes Baby through glass
- So... where do you ladies and fellers get your *non-GMO*, heirloom seeds?
- Johnny Liberty - Reclaiming Your Sovereign Citizenship
- Excited to see Ron Paul!
- Hawaii Court puts dismisses case against foreclosed homeowner vs Deutsche Bank
- Hawaii Court puts dismisses case against foreclosed homeowner vs Deutsche Bank
- just "did" my whole property for the first time ever
- Cat vs fish
- Lao Tzu Quotes
- Civil Law References to Birth Certificates
- Wave of black mobs brutalizing whites
- Salmonella in dog food sickens 14 people in US
- David Morgan: The Silver Suppression Scheme Is Ending
- MF Global 2.0 - Another Commodities Clearing Firm Crashes - Barnhardt Rant 3.0
- Send Food To Canada
- What Kind of Fool Are White People?
- Charlie Munger: Gold Is For Holocaust-Era Jewish Families To Sew Into Their Garments;
- Hmmpf
- Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other '9/11 plotters' back in court
- The Best Reason in the World to Buy Gold
- Student suspended for wearing 'offensive' Jesus T-shirt
- Sovereign Solutions Michael Badnarik
- How Roman women got around the banking system
- Ontario police keeping track of gun sales
- Here's one I made earlier: Making organ donation a thing of the past
- Hot Summer in Illinois
- On Birth Certificates...
- Illegal Immigrant Tax Loophole that will blow you away
- 9/11 Defendants Charged at Guantanamo Arraignment Hearing
- Biggest Study of Prostate Cancer Has Found Standard Surgical Treatment Ineffective
- Colorado wants to give illegals drivers licenses
- FBI: We need wiretap-ready Web sites - now
- US Miltary Protecting The Poppy Fields
- Eu plot to scrap britain
- Infectious disease researcher, 25, dies from rare bacteria in San Francisco
- Jim Sinclair: China Paying for Iranian Oil in Gold is Most Important Event in Modern
- Americans Are Losing Trust In All U.S. Institutions
- Who are the Largest Private Gold & Silver Holders in the World ?
- Porch Monkey Report
- The History of Modern Healthcare
- Do You Think Social Security Is a Good Deal?
- Is there any monetary post in the world not run by Goldman Sachs?
- Dr. Torture John Woo Granted Qualified Immunity by Circuit Court
- Clashes erupt at Moscow oppostion rally
- Freedom Rises! Ron Paul takes Maine and Nevada delegates in majority :)
- CIA Officer (22 yrs exp) Warns USA and Israel of a Romney or Obama Presidency
- Julia lives the socialistic life, thanks to Papa Obama
- How Americans see the rest of the world...
- Golden Dawn Party wins seats in Greece's parliament.
- U.S. bridge projects going to the Chinese.... NOT Americans.
- Another overlooked problem with paper money..............
- The Easter Island Heads Have Full Bodies!
- Minn Police Picking up Occupy Protesters, Getting Them High then Dropping them off!
- Take Your Money Out Of The Bank Now!
- Malawi devalues kwacha currency by 50% after IMF calls
- Truth or Consequences?
- Pilot lied about experience
- His Name is STEVE ... STEVE DUNHAM
- 'Civilized People Don't Buy Gold'
- Canada: Disguise could bring 5-year term
- Lights back on for N.B. man who lived without power
- France's new president: 'My real enemy is world of finance'...
- President Paul
- pills filled with powdered human baby flesh
- Time for a full invading of Yemen
- Fabulous Mogambo Essay (FME)
- All the gold and silver roads now leading to China
- Romney Operatives Caught Handing Out Fake Ballots in NV AND MN
- Poor girl see's world first time in her life... Video
- cops sink to new lows to give you a ticket...HOBO-COPS
- The absolute PINNACLE of Propaganda
- Destroy A Country One City At A Time
- Irish Holocaust ("famine") discussion podcast
- Badass Granny
- No news from Iceland - Why?
- OJ is innocent, and this author can prove it!
- Still in the Race, and Plotting a Path to the Convention
- Judeo-Fascist Leader Rahm Emanuel Sells Chicago Infrastructure to Bankster Buddies
- Mother's Day Paradox - Legit Commemoration AND Madison Avenue Scam ?!
- Important: For everyone voting in Indiana today!
- Charlize Theron steps out with adopted son Jackson
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