View Full Version : General Discussion
- So WTF is up with Tide laundry detergent thefts???
- Bitcoin: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cryptocurrency
- GATA's Bill Murphy on the JP Morgan Silver Shortage
- NYPD opens branch in Israel.
- Where would you move to?
- The R3EVOLution That Wasn't
- The War on Terror is a Hoax
- 40 Clint Eastwood quotes about Obama and 'em
- 14 reasons to buy silver
- jim willie "no solution, insolvency versus liquidity"
- LEO gets no jail time for felony sexual abuse conviction, judge scolds victim
- bond king Bill Gross "gold is the best investment"
- 52 Shades of Greed An Illustrated Education
- Macho-man Putin vs. sissy-boy Barry
- Earl Jones speaks about recent killing of intruder
- Mike Maloney in Horrible Car Crash with Tesla
- Judge Says 10 Rare Gold Coins Worth $80 Million Belong to Uncle Sam
- Bulldozergeddon!
- Escape from Genocide in South Africa!
- Gay Old Perverts suing to keep 3rd parties off the ballot in November
- DNC Overrules Vote To Add Israel Amendment
- 150 survival books, over 36,000 pages for $9.99.......
- GFC bites the lucky country - Oz
- A Taste of things to come: Police Vs Riot Police
- turkey imports 84 tons of silver in the first 8 months of 2012
- Bracken: When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence
- Silvio Gesell or The natural economic Order
- london reporting massive silver squeeze in progress
- Canada cuts diplomatic relations with Iran!
- this made me want to puke...
- Moneybomb to send Silver to $150 within 12-18months
- Jew Joel Stein makes fun of dead fetus'
- No More 'Runs on the Banks'
- Democrats: Let's Ban Profits!
- U.S. mint sells 74 times more silver than gold for Aug
- jim willie interview
- Dudley Brown: Update on the UN Programme Against Small Arms
- Concord Mass makes the sale of single-serving plastic water bottles illegal
- Catherine Austine fitts "bankers kill with impunity"
- Ben Bernanke as a Child…
- List of Mass Animal Die off
- Bitcoin Miner...
- Lifeguards Make $200,000 and Retire at Age 50
- Vaccine [BioWeapon] Awareness Week - Deanna Spingola podcasts
- Cryptojew Palin talks Christianity and wears The Star of Satan
- NYPD strikes again.
- F-35 JSF "clubbed like baby seals" by Su-35 in simulation
- Doom Watch for Tomorrow
- 11 year anniversary of 9/11 looms
- the top secret super food...
- this made me think of you guys
- Work Those Greeks! Advent of Modern Slavery?
- Has your brain changed?
- VIDEO: In the 20th Century, Pillsbury Made Astronaut Energy Snacks, Playtex Made Spac
- Experts warn of 'perfect storm' for global economy
- Aurora theater shooting court documents blows inside job conspiracy wide open
- Illuminati Clock Counting Down Sept 9th, 2012
- Rob Kirby on the LIBOR scandal (good listen here)
- Just when I'm thinking that 'US citizens' could not be more stupid...
- Studies show microwaves drastically reduce nutrients in food
- Larry Flynt offering $1 million for Romney's financial records
- "It was God who kept us afloat"
- James Dines interview
- $1 billion face recognition system across America
- Stefan Molyneux and Larkin Rose - Self Defense
- Obama To Soldiers Overseas: No Voting For You!
- ZOMBIE ALERT issued by Homeland Security......
- Obamanation
- MOPE will be flowing like crap down the sewer, as $75 silver is passed
- Dem platform calls for more gun control
- You only THINK you know when your transaction became a 'loan'
- Money powers using Arab 'dominoes' to aggravate Islam vs. west dialectic
- Silver Shield "Its finally here" (Wow!!)
- Chickens - The Greatest Story NEVER Told!
- The Greatest Silver Chart Of All-Time
- [IMG] The Incredible Shrinking Dollar - $1's worth of silver at today's prices
- Indiana Judge approves motion to remove Obama from the ballot
- Get off your butts about your Land Patent to be.......
- The greatest smile
- Nigel Farage great speech sept 2012 in Holland
- Sunday Night Chat, Y'all!
- Dept of Defense's Cheetah Robot
- Dead deer in my field
- Print Your Own Gun?
- Judge Napolitano on the Virtues of Private Justice
- Almost got myself two cats and another dog........
- Buying som ammo? Your on a list!
- putin goes double down on Gold!
- gold sets another record
- AP Exclusive: Memos show US hushed up Soviet crime
- GoDaddy Offline
- Romney: I will not repeal Obamacare....
- Modern wheat a "perfect, chronic poison," doctor says
- Florida man accidentally shoots penis while cleaning gun
- If there is such a thing as God and i seriously have my doubts.
- One lucky guy wins the Lottery and finds the love of his life
- Drone wars , Amateur drone builders
- motorbike showroom workers fight off six raiders as they try to walk out with two £25
- And They Put Madoff in Jail!!!
- drone killing on foreign “in full accordance with the law."
- 16 y.o. student has discussion with teacher about illuminaughty, gets FBI visit
- WellFUCKYOU banksters 'foreclose' on home w/ NO mortgage, couple loses everything
- Who carried out 9/11?
- Bill Murphy "$100 silver very very soon"
- Protesters storm US Embassy in Cairo, take down US flag, raise their own
- Morgan Stanley Gains Access to $48 Billion in Former Smith Barney Deposits
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accuses the West of destroying Iran's rain clouds
- Obama Administration Passes New Order Making it easier to seize guns without due proc
- China And Russia Are Ruthlessly Cutting The Legs Out From Under The U.S. Dollar
- IRS: Agents Won't Be Enforcers of Obamacare Mandate
- One official killed as U.S. missions in Libya, Egypt stormed over anti-Islam film
- UK banks could be shut down or forced into bail-outs by Brussels
- Why the Illuminati killed Michael Jackson
- Will the bernanke give us QE3 tomorrow?
- The giraffe at the end of the rainbow... and other spectacular wildlife images
- Both Italy and Sweden Aiming to Be Cashless Societies
- my usual border crossing update
- john williams "sell off in the dollar, will lead to hyper inlfation"
- Obama Announces Letterman Appearance on Day He Snubbed Netanyahu
- Sheryl Crow blames brain tumor on cell phone use
- SGT report "my 911 awakening"
- MSNBC host: ‘Who’s More Dangerous, the Supreme Leader in Tehran or Netanyahu?’
- Brave Loyal American Prevents a USS Liberty Type False Flag Attack on Iran in 2007
- Massive Tax Increases If Obama Re-Elected- Be warned!
- Presidential candidate Roseanne Barr warns of 'Jewish mind control'
- Bill gross Dumped $30 billion in treasuries in August alone (Mr Bond became Mr. Gold)
- Baraka
- 911 FOX reports Flight 93 shot down by an F-16 from the US National Air Guard
- Gawker Asks the DNC: Is Romney Ready for the Kill List
- The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khaza
- Robin Hood visits Los Angeles
- RIP to the First Responders of 9/11
- Hitlery Clinton: How could this happen?
- Bob Marley - Is This Love (Metal version)
- Electrons Are Late Starters moved from the Atheism thread that was
- We are a hell of a bunch !
- The Fringes of Energy Science
- Buddhism's Diamond Sutra: The Extraordinary Discovery Of The World's Oldest Book .
- Land Patent is now on "Board Communication".....
- Bernanke Sighting? Bank Robbers Dump Cash from Speeding Volvo in LA Chase
- Illuminati: Origins Of Secret Government
- US Totalitarianism Loses Major Battle As Judge Permanently Blocks NDAA's Military Det
- third U.S. Embassy stormed, Yemen
- on Sunday, All S. African mining stops (Gold positive)
- Casey Research interviews Ed Griffin
- Self-righteous Blowhards Mock Muslim Rage
- TOTAL FALSE FLAG - REPORTS: No Live Ammo for Marines
- QE3 is on! Open ended stimulus to infinity! Gold pops higher!!!
- Silver Short Squeeze, $100 silver hits CNBC (WOW)
- Bernanke's live speech - on now, 2:15pm est
- Fed Pulls Trigger, to Buy Mortgages in Effort to Lower Rates
- Rand Paul has a new book. Government Bullies: How Everyday Americans Are Being Harass
- Volcano in Guatemala Blows
- When Money Dies
- Tom Woods: "My memories of Jesse Benton"
- Test for becoming a cop designed to weed out IQs over room temperature
- 75 Percent of all ‘Honey’ Sold in Stores Contains no Honey at All Just because thos
- A fistfull of dollars............................
- Life from my perspecive is truely fucked
- Disgusting! Terrifying way to discipline children...
- The ONLY reason you need NOT to have a lawyer (even court appointed)
- China starts selling oin in Yuan (russian Oil, and others)
- wynter Benton is back "silver will be over $50 before year end"
- Attacks on US embassy overseas.....ALJAZEERA
- Default, not Hyperinflation
- We Are Change confronts Gen. Wesley Clark on 9-11
- New York approves tougher legislation on circumcision
- Zeus
- You MUST be Selfish NOW to SURVIVE!
- Landing on Mars
- WWIII coming
- Gov’t Guarantees 90% Occupancy Rate In Private Prisons
- Man pays ticket with 137 Origami Pigs....In a donunt box!
- German lawmaker: no majority for 3rd Greek bailout
- Rising Middle East Violence a Precursor for US-Based Internal Combustion
- Elites Promote Pure Fiat Currencies – Mutual and Social Credit – for Traceability?
- 4,333% rally in silver? What silver by-products need to be laid by?
- Ponce and the white van.......
- Teen charged with trying to blow up Chicago bar
- Gov’t to Raid Retirement Accounts to Fund Shortfall of Treasury Purchases
- Rumor mill - Marines from Pendelton(sp.) gearing up for Sudan and Yemen
- What is Society Coming to?
- How High Will Silver Go? - Office Series 17
- A Story That Ends Happily For All
- Gallup: 70% of U.S. Jews support Obama - Proof jews are commies to the core
- rosh hashana
- America, WAKE UP
- Think you can shoot some stick?
- The New 2012 Ford
- For me to add $12,000 in inprovements to my truck the .gov makes $32,000 in taxes
- Sunday night international cali and associates dooom chat night
- Anti-Japanese Demonstrations in China
- During hyperinflation your assets can become your liabilities
- U.N. Small Arms Treaty Passes – What Is Next?
- Historic Silver Panic In Progress, Says GATA Sources
- CIA Mormons, Zionists behind anti-Islam film: Analyst
- Armada From 25 Nations Amassing in Strait of Hormuz
- No Marines for Libyan Ambassador, Full Security Detail for Valerie Jarrett Vacation
- Aaron Russo - Mad as Hell
- Astrology is real
- Microsoft wants immigration reform to bring in foreign workers
- Woman who has spent TWELVE YEARS in prison for 'sexually assaulting niece in orgy wi
- Dollar Vigilante interview
- Chemicals in American flag kills protester.......
- The Seeds of Conflict: Anglo-American & Chinese History
- Dollar no longer primary oil currency – China begins to sell oil using Yuan
- Monroe Doctrine
- Latest from Nigeria...women gives birth to a horse........
- silver update, escape America
- BASELINE: Econ Stats when QEIII was announced: 9.13.2012
- Jim Willie: Exposure of Allocated Gold Account Raids Will DEVASTATE the Major Banks
- GM wants out of Gov't clutches, Obama says NO
- TV Networks to boost 'ObamCare' in plots of top shows
- HOW TO: Remove yourself from ALL background check websites
- Your cell is ready, sorry no internet there!
- American Gulag - oh the irony!
- George Washington's Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation
- Mosquito spy drone
- Luck of the Concordia Kids !
- 8-Year-Old Girl Battles Ovarian Cancer
- Today's scripture for the shameless forum Death Cult Kool-Aid drinking Rombot shill
- "Russia Today" is an Illuminati Proxy
- Sylvania, Michigania, Cherronesus, Assenisipia...
- Why I am willing to fight for America......
- Holy Shit, something I can agree with Romney on
- 7 million in gold?
- SIBEL EDMONDS, Resurrecting the Neocons
- Six Harrier fighter jets destroyed
- Time to dedicate a few songs
- Ghost warehouse stocks haunt China's steel sector
- Spain: Banks' bad debts at new record
- Doug Wead on WAN
- Mark Faber: The Fed Will Take Away Your Gold
- Gordon Duff "UFO War, Chinese Navy Joins U.S. Navy off Cali"
- Ambassador Stevens = sacrifical lamb
- GAO audits our Federal Reserve and finds that $16 trillion has been stolen...
- Jesse Ventura on CNN: EVERY War starts with a False Flag
- NOAA indefinite detention reinstated
- Russia reveals its awash in Diamonds
- Israel to start WW3 on Yom Kippur (next week)
- Obama 1998: "I actually believe in Redistribution"
- David Morgan "Silver moving to par with Gold"
- C4L and SPAM emails.....
- SOLA 0.1 My Awakening Part 1....sons of liberty academy
- $7 million in Gold, Guns and Conspiracy Books found in Dead Man's Home
- 10 ounce gold tungsten bar found in nyc
- My emergency trip to the VA........
- Little hope for the future
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