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  1. So WTF is up with Tide laundry detergent thefts???
  2. Bitcoin: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cryptocurrency
  3. GATA's Bill Murphy on the JP Morgan Silver Shortage
  4. NYPD opens branch in Israel.
  5. Where would you move to?
  6. The R3EVOLution That Wasn't
  7. The War on Terror is a Hoax
  8. 40 Clint Eastwood quotes about Obama and 'em
  9. 14 reasons to buy silver
  10. jim willie "no solution, insolvency versus liquidity"
  11. LEO gets no jail time for felony sexual abuse conviction, judge scolds victim
  12. bond king Bill Gross "gold is the best investment"
  13. 52 Shades of Greed An Illustrated Education
  14. Macho-man Putin vs. sissy-boy Barry
  15. Earl Jones speaks about recent killing of intruder
  16. Mike Maloney in Horrible Car Crash with Tesla
  17. Judge Says 10 Rare Gold Coins Worth $80 Million Belong to Uncle Sam
  18. Bulldozergeddon!
  19. Escape from Genocide in South Africa!
  20. Gay Old Perverts suing to keep 3rd parties off the ballot in November
  21. DNC Overrules Vote To Add Israel Amendment
  22. 150 survival books, over 36,000 pages for $9.99.......
  23. GFC bites the lucky country - Oz
  24. A Taste of things to come: Police Vs Riot Police
  26. turkey imports 84 tons of silver in the first 8 months of 2012
  27. Bracken: When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence
  28. Silvio Gesell or The natural economic Order
  29. london reporting massive silver squeeze in progress
  30. Canada cuts diplomatic relations with Iran!
  31. this made me want to puke...
  32. Moneybomb to send Silver to $150 within 12-18months
  33. Jew Joel Stein makes fun of dead fetus'
  34. No More 'Runs on the Banks'
  35. Democrats: Let's Ban Profits!
  36. U.S. mint sells 74 times more silver than gold for Aug
  37. jim willie interview
  38. Dudley Brown: Update on the UN Programme Against Small Arms
  39. Concord Mass makes the sale of single-serving plastic water bottles illegal
  40. Catherine Austine fitts "bankers kill with impunity"
  41. Ben Bernanke as a Child…
  42. List of Mass Animal Die off
  43. Bitcoin Miner...
  44. Lifeguards Make $200,000 and Retire at Age 50
  45. Vaccine [BioWeapon] Awareness Week - Deanna Spingola podcasts
  46. Cryptojew Palin talks Christianity and wears The Star of Satan
  47. NYPD strikes again.
  48. F-35 JSF "clubbed like baby seals" by Su-35 in simulation
  49. Doom Watch for Tomorrow
  50. 11 year anniversary of 9/11 looms
  51. the top secret super food...
  52. this made me think of you guys
  53. Work Those Greeks! Advent of Modern Slavery?
  54. Has your brain changed?
  55. VIDEO: In the 20th Century, Pillsbury Made Astronaut Energy Snacks, Playtex Made Spac
  56. Experts warn of 'perfect storm' for global economy
  57. Aurora theater shooting court documents blows inside job conspiracy wide open
  58. Illuminati Clock Counting Down Sept 9th, 2012
  59. Rob Kirby on the LIBOR scandal (good listen here)
  60. Just when I'm thinking that 'US citizens' could not be more stupid...
  61. Studies show microwaves drastically reduce nutrients in food
  62. Larry Flynt offering $1 million for Romney's financial records
  63. "It was God who kept us afloat"
  64. James Dines interview
  65. $1 billion face recognition system across America
  66. Stefan Molyneux and Larkin Rose - Self Defense
  67. Obama To Soldiers Overseas: No Voting For You!
  68. ZOMBIE ALERT issued by Homeland Security......
  69. Obamanation
  70. MOPE will be flowing like crap down the sewer, as $75 silver is passed
  71. Dem platform calls for more gun control
  72. You only THINK you know when your transaction became a 'loan'
  73. Money powers using Arab 'dominoes' to aggravate Islam vs. west dialectic
  74. Silver Shield "Its finally here" (Wow!!)
  75. Chickens - The Greatest Story NEVER Told!
  76. The Greatest Silver Chart Of All-Time
  77. [IMG] The Incredible Shrinking Dollar - $1's worth of silver at today's prices
  78. Indiana Judge approves motion to remove Obama from the ballot
  79. Get off your butts about your Land Patent to be.......
  80. The greatest smile
  81. Nigel Farage great speech sept 2012 in Holland
  82. Sunday Night Chat, Y'all!
  83. Dept of Defense's Cheetah Robot
  84. Dead deer in my field
  85. Print Your Own Gun?
  86. Judge Napolitano on the Virtues of Private Justice
  87. Almost got myself two cats and another dog........
  88. Buying som ammo? Your on a list!
  89. putin goes double down on Gold!
  90. gold sets another record
  91. AP Exclusive: Memos show US hushed up Soviet crime
  92. GoDaddy Offline
  93. Romney: I will not repeal Obamacare....
  94. Modern wheat a "perfect, chronic poison," doctor says
  95. Florida man accidentally shoots penis while cleaning gun
  96. If there is such a thing as God and i seriously have my doubts.
  97. One lucky guy wins the Lottery and finds the love of his life
  98. Drone wars , Amateur drone builders
  99. motorbike showroom workers fight off six raiders as they try to walk out with two £25
  100. And They Put Madoff in Jail!!!
  101. drone killing on foreign soil...is “in full accordance with the law."
  102. 16 y.o. student has discussion with teacher about illuminaughty, gets FBI visit
  103. WellFUCKYOU banksters 'foreclose' on home w/ NO mortgage, couple loses everything
  104. Who carried out 9/11?
  105. Bill Murphy "$100 silver very very soon"
  106. Protesters storm US Embassy in Cairo, take down US flag, raise their own
  107. Morgan Stanley Gains Access to $48 Billion in Former Smith Barney Deposits
  108. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accuses the West of destroying Iran's rain clouds
  109. Obama Administration Passes New Order Making it easier to seize guns without due proc
  110. China And Russia Are Ruthlessly Cutting The Legs Out From Under The U.S. Dollar
  111. IRS: Agents Won't Be Enforcers of Obamacare Mandate
  112. One official killed as U.S. missions in Libya, Egypt stormed over anti-Islam film
  113. UK banks could be shut down or forced into bail-outs by Brussels
  114. Why the Illuminati killed Michael Jackson
  115. Will the bernanke give us QE3 tomorrow?
  116. The giraffe at the end of the rainbow... and other spectacular wildlife images
  117. Both Italy and Sweden Aiming to Be Cashless Societies
  118. my usual border crossing update
  119. john williams "sell off in the dollar, will lead to hyper inlfation"
  120. Obama Announces Letterman Appearance on Day He Snubbed Netanyahu
  121. Sheryl Crow blames brain tumor on cell phone use
  122. SGT report "my 911 awakening"
  123. MSNBC host: ‘Who’s More Dangerous, the Supreme Leader in Tehran or Netanyahu?’
  124. Brave Loyal American Prevents a USS Liberty Type False Flag Attack on Iran in 2007
  125. Massive Tax Increases If Obama Re-Elected- Be warned!
  126. Presidential candidate Roseanne Barr warns of 'Jewish mind control'
  127. Bill gross Dumped $30 billion in treasuries in August alone (Mr Bond became Mr. Gold)
  128. Baraka
  129. 911 FOX reports Flight 93 shot down by an F-16 from the US National Air Guard
  130. Gawker Asks the DNC: Is Romney Ready for the Kill List
  131. The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khaza
  132. Robin Hood visits Los Angeles
  133. RIP to the First Responders of 9/11
  134. Hitlery Clinton: How could this happen?
  135. Bob Marley - Is This Love (Metal version)
  136. Electrons Are Late Starters moved from the Atheism thread that was
  137. We are a hell of a bunch !
  138. The Fringes of Energy Science
  139. Buddhism's Diamond Sutra: The Extraordinary Discovery Of The World's Oldest Book .
  140. Land Patent is now on "Board Communication".....
  141. Bernanke Sighting? Bank Robbers Dump Cash from Speeding Volvo in LA Chase
  142. Illuminati: Origins Of Secret Government
  143. US Totalitarianism Loses Major Battle As Judge Permanently Blocks NDAA's Military Det
  144. third U.S. Embassy stormed, Yemen
  145. on Sunday, All S. African mining stops (Gold positive)
  146. Casey Research interviews Ed Griffin
  147. Self-righteous Blowhards Mock Muslim Rage
  148. TOTAL FALSE FLAG - REPORTS: No Live Ammo for Marines
  149. QE3 is on! Open ended stimulus to infinity! Gold pops higher!!!
  150. Silver Short Squeeze, $100 silver hits CNBC (WOW)
  151. Bernanke's live speech - on now, 2:15pm est
  152. Fed Pulls Trigger, to Buy Mortgages in Effort to Lower Rates
  153. Rand Paul has a new book. Government Bullies: How Everyday Americans Are Being Harass
  154. Volcano in Guatemala Blows
  155. When Money Dies
  156. Tom Woods: "My memories of Jesse Benton"
  157. Test for becoming a cop designed to weed out IQs over room temperature
  158. 75 Percent of all ‘Honey’ Sold in Stores Contains no Honey at All Just because thos
  159. A fistfull of dollars............................
  160. Life from my perspecive is truely fucked
  161. Disgusting! Terrifying way to discipline children...
  162. The ONLY reason you need NOT to have a lawyer (even court appointed)
  163. China starts selling oin in Yuan (russian Oil, and others)
  164. wynter Benton is back "silver will be over $50 before year end"
  165. Attacks on US embassy overseas.....ALJAZEERA
  166. Default, not Hyperinflation
  167. We Are Change confronts Gen. Wesley Clark on 9-11
  168. New York approves tougher legislation on circumcision
  169. Zeus
  170. You MUST be Selfish NOW to SURVIVE!
  171. Landing on Mars
  172. WWIII coming
  173. Gov’t Guarantees 90% Occupancy Rate In Private Prisons
  174. Man pays ticket with 137 Origami Pigs....In a donunt box!
  175. German lawmaker: no majority for 3rd Greek bailout
  176. Rising Middle East Violence a Precursor for US-Based Internal Combustion
  177. Elites Promote Pure Fiat Currencies – Mutual and Social Credit – for Traceability?
  178. 4,333% rally in silver? What silver by-products need to be laid by?
  179. Ponce and the white van.......
  180. Teen charged with trying to blow up Chicago bar
  181. Gov’t to Raid Retirement Accounts to Fund Shortfall of Treasury Purchases
  182. Rumor mill - Marines from Pendelton(sp.) gearing up for Sudan and Yemen
  183. What is Society Coming to?
  184. How High Will Silver Go? - Office Series 17
  185. A Story That Ends Happily For All
  186. Gallup: 70% of U.S. Jews support Obama - Proof jews are commies to the core
  187. rosh hashana
  188. America, WAKE UP
  189. Think you can shoot some stick?
  190. The New 2012 Ford
  191. For me to add $12,000 in inprovements to my truck the .gov makes $32,000 in taxes
  192. Sunday night international cali and associates dooom chat night
  193. Anti-Japanese Demonstrations in China
  194. During hyperinflation your assets can become your liabilities
  195. U.N. Small Arms Treaty Passes – What Is Next?
  196. Historic Silver Panic In Progress, Says GATA Sources
  197. CIA Mormons, Zionists behind anti-Islam film: Analyst
  198. Armada From 25 Nations Amassing in Strait of Hormuz
  199. No Marines for Libyan Ambassador, Full Security Detail for Valerie Jarrett Vacation
  200. Aaron Russo - Mad as Hell
  201. Astrology is real
  203. Microsoft wants immigration reform to bring in foreign workers
  204. Woman who has spent TWELVE YEARS in prison for 'sexually assaulting niece in orgy wi
  205. Dollar Vigilante interview
  206. Chemicals in American flag kills protester.......
  207. The Seeds of Conflict: Anglo-American & Chinese History
  208. Dollar no longer primary oil currency – China begins to sell oil using Yuan
  209. Monroe Doctrine
  210. Latest from Nigeria...women gives birth to a horse........
  211. silver update, escape America
  212. BASELINE: Econ Stats when QEIII was announced: 9.13.2012
  213. Jim Willie: Exposure of Allocated Gold Account Raids Will DEVASTATE the Major Banks
  214. GM wants out of Gov't clutches, Obama says NO
  215. TV Networks to boost 'ObamCare' in plots of top shows
  216. HOW TO: Remove yourself from ALL background check websites
  217. Your cell is ready, sorry no internet there!
  218. American Gulag - oh the irony!
  219. George Washington's Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation
  220. Mosquito spy drone
  221. Luck of the Concordia Kids !
  222. 8-Year-Old Girl Battles Ovarian Cancer
  223. Today's scripture for the shameless forum Death Cult Kool-Aid drinking Rombot shill
  224. "Russia Today" is an Illuminati Proxy
  225. Sylvania, Michigania, Cherronesus, Assenisipia...
  226. Why I am willing to fight for America......
  227. Holy Shit, something I can agree with Romney on
  228. 7 million in gold?
  229. SIBEL EDMONDS, Resurrecting the Neocons
  230. Six Harrier fighter jets destroyed
  231. Time to dedicate a few songs
  232. Ghost warehouse stocks haunt China's steel sector
  233. Spain: Banks' bad debts at new record
  234. Doug Wead on WAN
  235. Mark Faber: The Fed Will Take Away Your Gold
  236. Gordon Duff "UFO War, Chinese Navy Joins U.S. Navy off Cali"
  237. Ambassador Stevens = sacrifical lamb
  238. GAO audits our Federal Reserve and finds that $16 trillion has been stolen...
  239. Jesse Ventura on CNN: EVERY War starts with a False Flag
  240. NOAA indefinite detention reinstated
  241. Russia reveals its awash in Diamonds
  242. Israel to start WW3 on Yom Kippur (next week)
  243. Obama 1998: "I actually believe in Redistribution"
  244. David Morgan "Silver moving to par with Gold"
  245. C4L and SPAM emails.....
  246. SOLA 0.1 My Awakening Part 1....sons of liberty academy
  247. $7 million in Gold, Guns and Conspiracy Books found in Dead Man's Home
  248. 10 ounce gold tungsten bar found in nyc
  249. My emergency trip to the VA........
  250. Little hope for the future