View Full Version : General Discussion
- A new civilian army in the US.
- WTH is really up with GIM?
- Whistleblower Maguire audio at kingworldnews:
- So.... what is forbidden here?
- JJ in da House
- Ron Paul
- signs and indicators that TS really is HTF?!
- Keiser Report №30: Markets! Finance! Scandal!
- In War Between States and Feds, Utah Strikes Latest Blow
- Gap of doom - Mogambo Guru's latest
- Web bots tonight on C2C
- Will the Real BOOK Please Come Forward?
- The internet used to be free...
- Mongolia: Pentagon Trojan Horse Wedged Between China And Russia
- US test-fires Trident missile in drill with Saudis
- Another Militia Group Indicted by Feds
- Giordano Bruno welcomes you!
- Federal Judge Finds N.S.A. Wiretaps Were Illegal
- What I have learned from the shut down of GIM
- The information posted to GIM 1 that got several people banned
- Hello again everyone!
- CIA can withhold records on Oklahoma City bombing
- Message from JoeSixPack
- Does this sound like the real Russell Townsend?
- Heed my words.
- At least 9 people shot in D.C.
- I like this place!
- Crazychicken
- Question you should all consider.
- First Poll - Do you like this place so far?
- Two Pro-Gun Bills Need Your Help!
- Hypertiger
- Hey I wanna a Star
- Police Tase 10 year old at daycare center
- Man tased with Toddler in arms
- Anyone invite Sukhoi Fan / I am Me, I am Free?
- Requests for new sub-forums...
- First post
- Educte Me - $200+ software is needed to improve the forum?
- While we're being pissed at GIM, The khazars bombed the heck out of Gaza
- Please welcome our site's new global moderator: WebTech
- The Infamous Diatribe of a Despot
- Looks like a "Thanks" feature was just added.
- It’s April Fools’ Day all year long at the RNC
- Over $1 Million Found In PVC Pipes
- need help
- Had to join the fun
- CNN Fails to Stop Fall in Ratings
- Thorgrim, Hey Everyone!
- Immigration Amnesty...coming up
- Somali Muslims Changing Small Town
- Let's get back to basics, please watch "Mr. Smith goes to Washington"
- Tomorrow, we enter the town of my birth.
- Music Videos
- Hitler's War with the Masons
- Mr. Hu, Tear Down This Wall!
- National Debt up 89 Billion today weee!
- geez guys...
- G-S ESSENTIALS: "Don't Talk to the Police" by Professor James Duane
- Honeyville Farms
- White "Supremacist" Radio Ads Cause Stir
- Congratulations to dysgenic!!!!
- CFTC, LBMA, JPM & silver Manipulation.......
- Greetings Commrads !
- Silver is steadily rising
- what's up kids?
- Got an error message when trying to register an account
- RTM - 4-2-2010
- Our first milestones
- Utah Govenor moves to use eminent domain to seize Fed land
- Guardians of the free Republics: Leave office or be removed
- Robert Welch, Founder of The John Birch Society
- Site ownership
- Gold, Silver, the CFTC & Conspiracy Theories
- Avatars
- Hutaree "Israel Tied" Militia - Psyop's again from our own Government?
- Kitco Quotes suck....
- Central Asian News
- Doctor Refuses to Treat Obama-care supporters
- Let's give a round of applause for...
- Third Terror Attack Strikes Russia
- Rep. Johnson gaffe: Guam might capsize
- gold and silver
- Phil Hare comment on Constitution, health bill stirs controversy on Web
- CFTC: Obey Your Plaque!
- Live Doom
- Microchip Implants
- Free, Hotlinkable Smilies
- McCain Arizona’s 24-Year Senator Ridiculously Labels All Who Disagree
- The Big Shiny may be down today...
- Happy Birthday Ponce
- The Obamanation whines about criticism
- FAA Ends Ban on Depressed Pilots in Cockpits
- little know fact about your PM (private message) privacy on forums
- Very interesting Video - Doom of Nations
- Starting a "what beer are you drinking now?" thread
- Taking on Israel
- Beginning of the END for the Bond Market...
- Time for a bud break
- China buys air defense systems from Russia
- Governors Receive Threats From Extremist Group
- Anarchists to crash tea parties April 15
- My Forum History
- Looks like the online list is growing
- Alright...Who Smite..ed Me???
- Now at 100 members
- Looting Main Street
- do we have racists here?? meet Clayton Bigsby
- It makes me smile....
- My homemade HOT spaghetti sauce receipt - Just Sharing
- Shaping up nicely!
- Failure Friday
- Hey
- A high level Coke exec spilled the beans
- Uh oh...Chavez wants nuclear...uh, energy
- The Obamanation wants your SUV
- Gaurdians Of The Free Republic
- Is the US Gold stock really there?
- Forum needs a couple of chat rooms
- Ron Paul On MSNBC 4/1/10
- More of the old GIM members coming in.......
- Great night tonight. Very productive. Could use input.
- From BeefJerky..........
- Bumpy Ride but I finally got here
- Meeting up
- Ignorance Is Bliss
- rules
- The great Reneger
- Cops & CPS Seize Child From Parents For Mistrusting Government
- Saving sites/threads from Google's cache....
- Help get the exposure it deserves
- Irony? APMEX moves into the Federal Reserve building in OKC
- Fave quotes thread (in Banjo's honor!)
- CBS wants you to grade Obama
- Like it or not there is only one way to take back America.
- New forum launched:
- To New and Existing members please read this!
- 7 more members on the the way
- Mass Depopulation, Genocide, WW3? Part 1
- What happened to the Forum Formatting?
- Graham Hancock on C2C - Entangled
- Congressman McFaddens comments on the federal reserve
- Hitler the final solution
- Former Obama Aide New Head of AIPAC
- Cool HTML to BBCode Converter
- AIPAC Spy Case Convict Alleges U.S. Anti-Semitism
- Position Statement on the U.S. Economy
- Israel fears US will withdraw support in UN
- The Genesis Of The Gold-Tungsten: The Rest Of The Story
- Dog Poet "The Convenient Media Rope-A-Dope With The Pope" (excellent)
- very cool spot ticker!
- What self-respecting community would be complete without dissing the MIC?
- I'm Back
- FLOW for the love of water
- The Zionist Elephant In The Room
- I'm a Mason
- There Were 88 Media Companies... Now There Are 6
- HELP - Did my rottie just have a stroke?
- No sexually oriented material????
- I was downvoted -10 overall for stating this was an immoral picture:
- Man defends self when sex offender attempts home invasion;
- One by one, South African far-right leader Terre'blanche murdered
- Another reason to stay out of debt
- G-S Essentials: They Live
- TV programming.
- Time to go 'off gridding'
- It's the FIRST Sat Night on GS, let me start it off
- Numismatic Forum
- Welcome to me!
- John Malkovich Seeks Bigger Madoff Return
- Regarding IP Addresses
- The Truth About Markets – Max and Stacy 03 April 2010
- Former Defense Minister: Israel will attack Iran by November
- The Landless Peasant Party
- Time out problems
- MOVED: I want EVERY single one of them over here.
- 5 charged in gang rape of girl, 7, in NJ apartment
- Glad to be part of the revived forum!
- Teen shoots classmate, self at NY station
- Gnomedex - Robert Steele
- Goodnight!
- Consumers told to gut Chinese-drywall homes
- GIM minus Zionism-aware members = ... Ron Paul Love Fest ?
- NJ residents say cops are 'worse than criminals'
- deleted
- Census Crap Driving Me Crazy Rant
- Cute Easter story about my kid
- NATO’s Afghanistan: The Champion of Drugs Production
- is this site down for everyone?
- Silver Short Squeeze Could Be Imminent
- MOVED: GIM2 is allready going down hill.......
- Setting Brother Against Brother, Nation Against Nation - Zionist Specialty
- It is Better……
- The Biggest Hustle In Human History
- Take Yur Pee-Pee Somewhere Else
- Bank of America, General Electric are Tax Exempt
- Any idea's for a chat alternative?
- Somali Muslims Changing Small Town
- $800 silver this year (webbots)
- Gold-Silver.US Thunderdome
- "I Was Only One Man"
- The Fable of the Ducks & the Hens
- WebTech aka WT needs......
- Applaud and Smite are cool, BUT
- jetgraphics: The U.S. Constitution may be flawed...
- Department Of Labor Spends $40 Billion To Create One Amazing New Job
- More new posts here than in GIM2........
- Diversity working in Ireland
- This new Forum
- Napolitano on 9/11, Census, healthcare and much more (speaking truth)
- MOVED: The "Israel did 9/11" Thread
- Gold & the New Oil Crisis
- New legislation gives Govt right to detain Americans indefinitely
- Alright...Be a man and step up...Who Smite..ed Me(again)???
- Obama a CIA Asset?
- Seattle Trash Collectors Make Average of $109,553 But Want More
- Texas case could decide health care reform suit
- I Think I Can Help With SMF
- Killer Easter Bunny?
- 'Tard Corral
- Legal and "Illegal" Comments Online
- UN: The shocking disaster of vanishing sea
- Global National Intelligence Services Confirm Israel Did 9/11 Says Gordon Duff
- In 2001, we had a recession, right? We recovered, right?
- The ethics of tax resistance
- WHO is still missing?
- Strong earthquake hits Baja California
- Bank Failure Friday April 9, 2010 ... but I don't know how to do a poll
- So what do you have to do to move up in this place?? :)
- Heavily-Armed Cartel Attacks Mexican Army;
- Man Loses Job- Police seize his guns & take him into custody
- How to spice up your profile
- New Site Logo.
- I've been on vacation for the last 10 days, WTF happened?
- Michelle Obama admits Barack is from Kenya
- Thanks for telling me about the new forum guys!
- Here is a chatroom
- 15 more to hit........
- Chatroom up and going
- Forum hosed up?
- What's the deal with funding and whatnot for this place?
- Epitaph... USA
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