View Full Version : Mnuchin calls bankers, will convene 'Plunge Protection Team'

End Times
23rd December 2018, 10:19 PM
Merry Christmas, Goyim!



24th December 2018, 02:45 AM
The .gov shutdown might just be a clever rouse to move some chest pieces around the financial sector.
The crypos are coming, like it or not, ready or not, the "new" system (Anti Christ) is being put into place under your noses!!

24th December 2018, 09:44 AM
lol this guy is having a meltdown on Christmas eve


For some reason they go insane when you even mention the fed.



26th December 2018, 05:39 PM

reminds me that back in the old days, anybody mentioning the PPT had to wear a tinfoil hat. LOL

26th December 2018, 06:23 PM
Bear market rally/dead cat bounce today in the stawks. PPT turned on the algos to buy, buy, buy. This will fizzle as confidence in these markets has been broken. Trump urging folk to buy the dip has to be the ultimate kiss of death.

26th December 2018, 08:00 PM
Bear market rally/dead cat bounce today in the stawks. PPT turned on the algos to buy, buy, buy. This will fizzle as confidence in these markets has been broken. Trump urging folk to buy the dip has to be the ultimate kiss of death.

PPT does not seem a proper acronym here.

CCT - Create a really steep Cliff Team appears better.

End Times
26th December 2018, 09:26 PM

reminds me that back in the old days, anybody mentioning the PPT had to wear a tinfoil hat. LOL

Just another conspiracy "theory" that was true.

27th December 2018, 09:42 PM
I don't call them the "PPT" anymore - instead I think I'll call them the PAC (Plunge Acceleration Commission). The PAC-men are devouring the economy piece by piece and digesting it as they go. They want a crash. In fact, they need one...

This is why I don't take the ongoing WWF wrestling match between Donald Trump and the Fed very seriously. Trump's continued associations with banking and think tank elites suggest to me that his battle with the Fed is staged theater. Consider this: If the Fed is designed to blow up our economy and possibly itself, blame needs to be redirected away from the central banks. What better way to do this than to let conservatives think they are "winning" by pursuing a shutdown of the Fed? It's an entity that the globalists were planning on sacrificing anyway.
