View Full Version : Vaccingate: Italians Uncover Vaccine Fraud

26th December 2018, 08:56 AM
December 2018 the Italian government tossed out all 30 members of their vaccine policy advisory board, saying they need a fresh look at the vaccine issue.

With the onset of government vaccine mandates, which suddenly required Italian children to be injected with 11 vaccines to attend school, the Italians are fighting back. First, they voted out the government that pushed for the mandates calling their movement #GovernmentofChange. Then on December 4, the new Italian health minister kicked out all 30 members of the health policy advisory board.

On December 13, Corvelva, a scientific research group, announced it had received €10,000 (US$11,350) from the Italian National Order of Biologists with plans to use the money to test the contents of every vaccine currently on the market. The result of their first test was released on December 16, and the report (https://www.corvelva.it/speciali-corvelva/analisi/vaccingate-initial-results-on-infanrix-hexa-chemical-composition.html) is a doozie. (And here (https://drive.google.com/file/d/128CfYaaJdMwhx5yvCGDRggl5GIKyfWrC/view))


Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HIlbbE_H5Y

You certainly won’t hear this in the MSM.

The first vaccine they thoroughly tested was Infanrix Hexa – a six-in-one vaccine manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) that is *supposed* to contain the following antigens: tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis toxoids; inactivated poliomyelitis viral strains 1-2-3; and hepatitis B surface antigen. Shockingly, Corvelva found NONE of these antigens in the vaccine, meaning, that NO antibodies to the intended antigens will be created.

And it gets worse. In addition to no vaccine antigens, they found the following:

traces of 65 chemical cross-contaminants from other manufacturing lines;
chemical toxins;
unrecognizable macromolecules; (is a very large molecule, such as protein)
various free bacterial peptides that are potential allergens and are capable of inducing autoimmune reactions.

These findings could bring justice to parents who lost their children in 2009 when 36 children died and more than 1,700 were injured in a “clinical trial” – the nice name for human experimentation.

I suspect that as they continue to test each of the vaccines in the childhood schedule, they will find metallic compounds, nanotechnology and a long list of chemical contaminants. At some point, the work previously published by the Gattis’ will be vindicated. I wrote about their shocking findings in a previous article that you can find here (https://vaxxter.com/vaccine_contaminants_nano_cancer/).

Infanrix Hexa is used widely in the international market. The vaccine is all risk and literally no benefit. Its use should be stopped immediately, pending future investigation. If their testing continues to reveal ever more inconsistencies, GSK could be in serious legal problems for inappropriate labeling, poor manufacturing processes and perhaps even charged with murder.

Infanrix Hexa – 65 Toxins Found. All Risk. No Benefit.



26th December 2018, 11:14 AM
It seems like the 6 different antigen proteins have decided to combine with each other to create a huge protein bundle, that is no use for the immune system to recognize at all. In almost all countries the pharmaceutical industry has been able to negotiate themselves immunity against any damages caused by their vaccines, but this wouldn’t qualify as a vaccine at all, and thus people could probably sue them for damages. In this case 36 deaths and 1700 injuries in Italy, probably just the tip of the iceberg...

End Times
26th December 2018, 01:43 PM
So, in other words, by my not taking the Needle, I am not denying myself any benefit, let alone the reason for my position - avoiding the detriment.

End Times
26th December 2018, 01:54 PM

Giovanni Maga, a molecular biologist at the National Research Council’s Institute of Molecular Genetics in Pavia, worries that, at a time of heated political debate on obligatory vaccinations, the ONB’s decision to fund this research could affect public opinion by increasing distrust of vaccines.

But D’Anna rejected this idea. On the contrary, he said, more people will choose to vaccinate their kids if “we could guarantee them the absolute safety of vaccines”. D’Anna said that neither he nor the ONB can be in any way defined as ‘no-vax’, a term that in Italy refers to people who are against vaccinations, and says that he has never questioned the efficacy of vaccines.

“The ONB and the biologists know well the merits of vaccines, and want to know all the rest about their safety,” he said.

He's absolutely right! I might even consider vaccines for myself if "absolute safety" could be guaranteed (it can't). WHY would anyone not want full disclosure on their product if they have nothing to hide?

midnight rambler
26th December 2018, 03:31 PM
WHY would anyone not want full disclosure on their product if they have nothing to hide?

Trust us...we're the *authorities*.

End Times
28th December 2018, 10:01 AM
Unborn baby murder = "my body, my choice"

Taking a Needle of poison = NOT your body nor your choice

Connecticut law states mandatory flu shot for Pre-K students before the new year


Connecticut state law is making flu shots for Pre-K students between the ages of 2 and 4 mandatory. Kids have until Monday to get the vaccine or they won't be able to go back to school.

End Times
28th December 2018, 10:21 AM
(((Marc Siegel))): "we all have a public health responsibility to take our shots."


28th December 2018, 10:34 AM
Unborn baby murder = "my body, my choice"

Taking a Needle of poison = NOT your body nor your choice

Connecticut law states mandatory flu shot for Pre-K students before the new year


Connecticut state law is making flu shots for Pre-K students between the ages of 2 and 4 mandatory. Kids have until Monday to get the vaccine or they won't be able to go back to school.

The choice seems clear, are there any benefits of sending your children to schools at all?

28th December 2018, 10:46 AM
(((Marc Siegel))): "we all have a public health responsibility to take our shots."


Any relation to gangster Bugsy Siegel? Apart from that it is clear that Fox News isn’t your friend at all. They want you to roll up your sleeve no matter what objections you may have.

What is ”the holiday season”? Is it jewspeak for Christmas holiday?

29th December 2018, 04:55 AM



Obviously the vaccines are not for the stated purpose. And if you want an example of snake speak, look at this report by Newsweek:
"The vaccine-skeptic Italian government has sacked every member of the country's health advisory board, raising fears that the populist administration will sideline accepted science and inflict long-lasting damage on public health.

Health minister Giulia Grillo removed all 30 members of the Higher Health Council Monday, arguing it is time to "give space to the new, " The Guardian reported.

The council is the country's most prominent body of technical-scientific experts, who advise the government on health policy."

This Newsweek report never mentions that in the VERY SHORT time after real people who were not eugenics plants and sell outs got put on Italy's top advisory board, tests have already been run on the childhood vaccine - Infanrix Hexa that is supposed to contain the following antigens: tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis toxoids; inactivated poliomyelitis viral strains 1-2-3; and hepatitis B surface antigen AND FOUND NONE of these antigens in the vaccine, meaning, that NO antibodies for anything advertised on the label will be created. So what does the "vaccine" really do? Short answer:

You can't have what is on the label get in the way of a social engineering vaccine that specifically reduces intelligence and makes a drone, and often induces autism as a side effect, so it is best to just leave it out!

Let's dissect the slithering snake speak in that Newsweek report:
"The vaccine-skeptic Italian government has sacked every member of the country's health advisory board, raising fears that the populist administration will sideline accepted science and inflict long-lasting damage on public health."

Ok, so an entire government has no credibility because it is "vaccine skeptic", cannot handle "accepted science" and is perfectly happy to inflict "long lasting damage on public health" with the sub tone being they are ignorant. Italy knows all about cars, advanced motorcycles and light aircraft engines, good food, is the home of the Vatican and is an indisputable first world country, but they are too stupid to test a vaccine and figure out what is in it. YEP. In reality, I think Italy out-classes the staff at Newsweek by a fair margin.

WEAK NEWS has the audacity to claim Italy can't handle accepted science, when Italy used science itself to prove the vaccines really were pure child sabotage that did nothing claimed, as parents everywhere have suspected all along. Use the wording Newsweek presented here as an example, when you see that kind of language you are being lied to by those who want everything about you wiped out.

Here's the real news not so "weak:"
Italy sacked it's vaccine scammers, and put in their place 100 percent new people who are not part of the global conspiracy to destroy people with vaccines, and then subsequently and practically immediately discovered that the vaccines have absolutely nothing they are advertised for, which begs the question: What the hell is really in those shots?

Vaccine advocacy group Corvelva, which is not compromised, spearheaded Italy's investigation into the vaccine scam
The Eugenicists are up in arms over Corvelva, a vaccine advocacy group appointed by the Italian government to investigate the vaccines which has now received over $50, 000 in funding to test all the vaccines and see if they are scams. And more, the Eugenicists are upset about WHERE the funding is coming from - top Italian medical science teams are funding Corvelva's efforts, unlike what this Sott article implies in it's headline and subsequently tries to state by claiming "scientists" are questioning the Italian government's actions that the Italian government is off it's rocker. That's not what the headline should be. Here is what the headline should be:

FIVE NWO approved science scammers are protesting a vaccine safety investigation being conducted by Italy's real top scientists who are rapidly and easily uncovering the truth about what the current childhood vaccines really are, and that they are not vaccines at all, they are something else entirely.

As it turns out, all it takes to find out what is really in the vaccines is to break rank, seize a sample of what is being injected into the children, put it in a real lab that is not compromised by kikes, and VOILA!!! suddenly it is known that the vaccines are not at all what they are claimed to be. You can't do that in the United States. No parent is allowed to walk out the door with a shot that has not been injected into their kids, take it to a lab, and test it. This is NOT ALLOWED. WHY? Italy just got the answer.

The MSM is holding this topic by the gills at arm's length like a diseased fish because of what Corvelva has found - that the vaccines really don't have anything they are advertised for and are instead full on scams.

You can't find a legitimate MSM report on this topic. Instead, the reports are all slander, calling Italians stupid, backwards, "conspiratorial", against "established science" and anything else they can muster, and they HAVE TO because the vaccine eugenics programs are one of their greatest treasures, with carefully placed totally compromised despicable hateful and soulless people in all key positions to keep a lid on the scam and allow the destruction of our children proceed without a hitch. Italy just blew the lid off the vaccine scam, and this one is not going away folks, Italy is NOT ZIMBABWE, they are clearly a first world country that can speak with authority. So the MSM is now trying to slander Italy because Italy uncovered one of kikedom's NWO eugenics plots.

As if we did not all know the vaccines were wrecking our kids all along, - Gee, one in 35 kids now gets autism and "nobody can figure out why??" They know damn well at Newsweek, Sott and more. The entire shadow government KNOWS IT and now that Italy broke free of their grasp they are trying to bury it. Instead, they ought to just put a fork in it. THANKS ITALY for finally putting it in print from an official level. We knew it all along, but it is nice to get real confirmation from the top ranks of a first world government.

29th December 2018, 05:03 AM
duplicate of post i missed

End Times
29th December 2018, 06:12 AM

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH) - Connecticut state law is making flu shots for Pre-K students between the ages of 2 and 4 mandatory. Kids have until Monday to get the vaccine or they won't be able to go back to school.

Connecticut state law requires them to get a flu shot by Monday before going back to the school in the new year.


8th January 2019, 03:27 PM
hundreds of kidz across america.......cdc baffled. be sure to take your (((shots)))


The stories behind children who contract acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) sound like something straight out of a nightmare.

In California, a 2-year-old collapsed like a marionette doll while running into the kitchen of her house, and a 4-year-old boy couldn't move his head days after experiencing breathing problems, according to stories in The Atlantic and the Los Angeles Times.

In Georgia, a mother put her 2-year-old daughter to bed with a fever, only to wake up with the child paralyzed from the neck down, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

The CDC defines AFM as a rare but serious condition that affects the area of the spinal cord called gray matter, which causes the muscles and reflexes in the body to become weak. It has been compared to the poliovirus and mostly affects children.

In addition to body parts going limp, the illness can also cause facial drooping, difficulty moving the eyes, slurred speech or difficulty swallowing.

AFM IN HOUSTON: Two area kids confirmed to have polio-like illness that has spread to 22 states

While the number of confirmed cases has drastically fluctuated since the agency first noted the illness in 2014, Texas recorded the highest share of AFM cases in 2018 with 25. The next-highest state, Colorado, recorded 16 cases last year.

It's still a very rare illness, but the CDC hasn't been able to nail down a definitive cause, according to its website.

More than 90 percent of AFM patients report a mild respiratory illness or fever consistent with a viral infection before they develop the illness. But the CDC notes that viral infections are common, especially in children, and most people recover.

"We don't know why a small number of people develop AFM, while most others recover," the CDC said. "We are continuing to investigate this."

The CDC has taken several steps to explore treatment options and consult with an expert to better understand the illness. Recent studies have been focused on the germ in the fluid surrounding spinal court, but that only produced results in four of the 519 confirmed cases since 2014.

"The absence of a pathogen in most AFM cases means we haven't found the definitive cause yet," the CDC said. "There could also be something else triggering the patient's AFM, such as their immune response to an infection or a genetic factor that may make them more susceptible."

End Times
8th January 2019, 09:07 PM
hundreds of kidz across america.......cdc baffled. be sure to take your (((shots)))


The stories behind children who contract acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) sound like something straight out of a nightmare.

AFM is a smoking gun against vaccines, particularly, the TDAP (or equivalent). If parents follow the horrible path, they'll find the reason their little ones are sick...or dead. The Centers for Diabolical Conspiracy & Propaganda are doing their damnedest to keep a lid on all this. "We haven't found the definitive cause yet." FUCK YOU...you know damn well what's causing it.

8th January 2019, 09:19 PM
AFM is a smoking gun against vaccines, most likely, the TDAP (or equivalent). If parents follow the horrible path, they'll find the reason their little ones are sick...or dead. The Centers for Diabolical Conspiracy & Propaganda are doing their damnedest to keep a lid on all this.

Absolutely they are pretty much giving it away in this sentence...

"There could also be something else triggering the patient's AFM, such as their immune response to an infection

This is what you are after when you give a vaccine. You actually put in the mercury or the aluminum in the shot to strengthen the immune response to the weakened antigen.

End Times
8th January 2019, 11:06 PM
Absolutely they are pretty much giving it away in this sentence...

"There could also be something else triggering the patient's AFM, such as their immune response to an infection

This is what you are after when you give a vaccine. You actually put in the mercury or the aluminum in the shot to strengthen the immune response to the weakened antigen.

The Italian report is intensely disturbing. No actual infectious disease antigens found...but some "unknown" components were found. WTF?!

"In Infanrix Hexa we found...insoluble and indigestible macromolecule that reacts to the protein assay, but cannot be recognized by any protein databases."

Cliff Carnicom and others stated they found similar "unknown proteins" and organic molecules in the residue that descends from chemtrails.

These vaccines do not have "side-effects." I say again, these vaccines do not have "side-effects." What they do is deliberate, by design. Poisoning us is intentional. The Italian report proves this. The shit they spray us with proves it. The deployment of 5G proves it. Some of us are canaries, reacting much more readily to the poisons, and get acutely, chronically, or fatally sick from them, overtly. The rest have varying degrees of injury that may not show up for years. And God knows what else these "special ingredients" may do.

midnight rambler
8th January 2019, 11:17 PM
Cliff Carnicom and others alleged they found similar "unknown proteins" and organic molecules in the residue that descends from chemtrails.

So how do you suppose (((they))) manage to not succumb to the effects of these unknown proteins seeing as how they've pretty much the same exposure in areas being chemtrailed (which just about everywhere)?

9th January 2019, 02:02 AM
The Italian report is intensely disturbing. No actual infectious disease antigens found...but some "unknown" components were found. WTF?!

"In Infanrix Hexa we found...insoluble and indigestible macromolecule that reacts to the protein assay, but cannot be recognized by any protein databases."

Cliff Carnicom and others stated they found similar "unknown proteins" and organic molecules in the residue that descends from chemtrails.

These vaccines do not have "side-effects." I say again, these vaccines do not have "side-effects." What they do is deliberate, by design. Poisoning us is intentional. The Italian report proves this. The shit they spray us with proves it. The deployment of 5G proves it. Some of us are canaries, reacting much more readily to the poisons, and get acutely, chronically, or fatally sick from them, overtly. The rest have varying degrees of injury that may not show up for years. And God knows what else these "special ingredients" may do.
I think what may have happened in the hexavalent vaccine, was that the protein antigens of the six different diseases it was supposed to protect against got combined into the observed macromolecules.

I have pretty much known for a fact that vaccine manufacturers and regulators (CDC) and editors at medical journals have been aware that the vaccines does indeed cause damages, for at least the last 20 years. I came across a paper where they compared vaccinated children with unvaccinated children in England and the incidence of asthma, allergies and excema, the data of the paper showed clearly that vaccinated children had about 10x greater risk of getting either of these conditions vs unvaccinated children. However the researchers decided to subdivide the children in groups based on how many times they had been to the Dr, and in that subdivision the findings failed to reach statistical significance. Essentially they massaged the numbers to get to that conclusion. According to the abstract which is what 99.9% of medical professionals only reads who search the subject on Medline, it said there were no statistical relationship between vaccination and immune related disorders.

So how do I know that the medical journal editors are in cahoots on this, well this paper was rejected for publishing several times, so it was only after the numbers were massaged enough not to show statistical significance that it was approved for publishing, and the only one that wins on medical doctors, journal editors and regulators looks away from this information is the pharmaceutical industry.

Of course it is entirely possible the pharmaceutical industry only does this because they earn a lot of money on vaccinations, right? Wrong, they earn almost nothing on the vaccines. But they do earn a lot on the chronic diseases the vaccine injured children get. But I doubt very much that is the whole story. The synergy effects with having a dumbed down population who are not capable of seeing their crimes for what they are, at our expense are to great to just dedicate yourself to pharma profiteering. The actual treatment of the vaccine injured dumbs down the children even more.

Attacking the most vulnerable of us, our babies, suggest that the purpose is far greater than just profiteering, it is pure evil, they are trying to take away our human spirit.

9th January 2019, 02:26 AM
I just managed to find the paper from 2004 that shows the association between vaccination and allergic disease:


Our univariate analysis showed that exposure to DPPT was associated with an increased risk of developing asthma (hazard ratio [HR] = 14.0; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 7.3, 26.9) and eczema (HR = 9.40; 95% CI = 5.92, 14.92) (Tables 2 ▶ and 3 ▶).

Hazard ratio means that this many times greater risk are you to get the problem if you are vaccinated, IOW 14 times greater risk of getting asthma, and 9.4 times greater risk of excema.

Interesting thing is if you go back 50-60 years (prior to multiple mass vaccinations) and look at prevalence of asthma and allergies, you’ll find that they are about a tenth or less of what they are today.

Now the entire article is available for reading free of charge, this was not the case when I read it around 2006. I had to order it at a cost.

9th January 2019, 02:36 AM
So how do you suppose (((they))) manage to not succumb to the effects of these unknown proteins seeing as how they've pretty much the same exposure in areas being chemtrailed (which just about everywhere)?

This remains THE question that needs a believable answer.


9th January 2019, 02:54 AM
This remains THE question that needs a believable answer.


Most likely the macroprotein molecule in the vaccine is not dangerous. Mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde (the adjuvants in the vaccine) definitely are. The macroprotein is most likely just a chance combination of the 6 antigens the vaccine was supposed to react against. Protection against those isn’t difficult, just don’t roll up the sleeve.

Besides 2 large unidentied molecules doesn’t make them the same, most likely they aren’t.

Spreading a toxin in the atmosphere seems like a very wasteful way of distribution, when you can get the vast majority to bring in their babies to have it injected directly into their bloodstream.

9th January 2019, 04:05 AM
Spreading a toxin in the atmosphere seems like a very wasteful way of distribution, when you can get the vast majority to bring in their babies to have it injected directly into their bloodstream.

Agreed. Why the chemtrails then?


9th January 2019, 04:40 AM
Agreed. Why the chemtrails then?


Perhaps to enhance radio waves or to reflect sun away? Sure those things could have a toxic effect as well, but it seems stupid if this is the primary purpose of chem trails...

9th January 2019, 05:28 AM
I think what may have happened in the hexavalent vaccine, was that the protein antigens of the six different diseases it was supposed to protect against got combined into the observed macromolecules.

I have pretty much known for a fact that vaccine manufacturers and regulators (CDC) and editors at medical journals have been aware that the vaccines does indeed cause damages, for at least the last 20 years. I came across a paper where they compared vaccinated children with unvaccinated children in England and the incidence of asthma, allergies and excema, the data of the paper showed clearly that vaccinated children had about 10x greater risk of getting either of these conditions vs unvaccinated children. However the researchers decided to subdivide the children in groups based on how many times they had been to the Dr, and in that subdivision the findings failed to reach statistical significance. Essentially they massaged the numbers to get to that conclusion. According to the abstract which is what 99.9% of medical professionals only reads who search the subject on Medline, it said there were no statistical relationship between vaccination and immune related disorders.

So how do I know that the medical journal editors are in cahoots on this, well this paper was rejected for publishing several times, so it was only after the numbers were massaged enough not to show statistical significance that it was approved for publishing, and the only one that wins on medical doctors, journal editors and regulators looks away from this information is the pharmaceutical industry.

Of course it is entirely possible the pharmaceutical industry only does this because they earn a lot of money on vaccinations, right? Wrong, they earn almost nothing on the vaccines. But they do earn a lot on the chronic diseases the vaccine injured children get. But I doubt very much that is the whole story. The synergy effects with having a dumbed down population who are not capable of seeing their crimes for what they are, at our expense are to great to just dedicate yourself to pharma profiteering. The actual treatment of the vaccine injured dumbs down the children even more.

Attacking the most vulnerable of us, our babies, suggest that the purpose is far greater than just profiteering, it is pure evil, they are trying to take away our human spirit.

Your acuity is astounding. Good work. Have you read 'Murder By Injection'?

9th January 2019, 06:30 AM
Your acuity is astounding. Good work. Have you read 'Murder By Injection'?

Thank you! Not yet...

End Times
9th January 2019, 06:44 AM
So how do you suppose (((they))) manage to not succumb to the effects of these unknown proteins seeing as how they've pretty much the same exposure in areas being chemtrailed (which just about everywhere)?

Immunization, natural immunity, a counteractant? I don't know. Is Icke really insane when he calls "them" reptiles?

Or do "they" just not care, and accept the consequences for themselves and their own, as well?

The Jews are not "parasites." They are parasitoids. The difference lies in the fact the former does not destroy the host. The latter sucks the host dry to the point both host and parasitoid die together.

9th January 2019, 06:46 AM
Thank you! Not yet...

Lots of names and statistics but worth reading. It is the starting point in understanding the rot that comprises the 'Medical Mafia'. The origins of the AMA are elucidated. The names and the methods are exposed. Largely boring, it is well worth the drudgery of reading just for the gems it contains.

Mullins has been denigrated for his failure to cite sources and provide bibliographies but the man was a giant. I found no errors but I am no professional debunker either.

End Times
9th January 2019, 06:48 AM
This remains THE question that needs a believable answer.

See my previous post, and focus on this:


The Rosenfeld regime refused to accept Jewish refugees from the Reich when the SS St. Louis arrived.

The Jews flood Mooslims into Europe, understanding that little Jews suffer from this, including direct criminal action, up to death, from this "cultural enrichment."

Could it be they just don't care? They are driven to destroy...at any cost.

9th January 2019, 06:55 AM
Immunization, natural immunity, a counteractant? I don't know. Is Icke really insane when he calls "them" reptiles?

Or do "they" just not care, and accept the consequences for themselves and their own, as well?

The Jews are not "parasites." They are parasitoids. The difference lies in the fact the former does not destroy the host. The latter sucks the host dry to the point both host and parasitoid die together.

I have often pondered this exact distinction. An intelligent organism would not so degrade the host as to deny further nutrition. When one studies fungi a fascinating correlation is seen. The difference between saprophyte and parasite is maybe no difference at all. The Matrix (fungal) is also an interesting analogy but I will not delve into that here. What about the crocodile that drags it's victim into the depths in order to properly soften it up for later feeding? Makes you wonder about the term Goyim. Are we really cattle? Literally?

End Times
9th January 2019, 06:59 AM
Spreading a toxin in the atmosphere seems like a very wasteful way of distribution, when you can get the vast majority to bring in their babies to have it injected directly into their bloodstream.

The chemtrails are composed of inorganic compounds, including barium and aluminum. Both are toxic to organisms, from humans to trees. California Skywatch kept track of the effects on regional vegetation around here for quite some time. "Other ingredients" are not wasteful, if they are self-replicating. Namely, bacterial, natural, or "enhanced" via genetic engineering.

Spraying germs over the United States population has been going on for nearly 70 years:




Those were primitive tests using naturally-occurring, and, at the time, "considered harmless" microbes. Some of this stuff was not declassified until decades later. God knows what else they've been doing that is still TS/SCI. If they still won't declassify the Kennedy Assassination documents, you can be certain there are piles of documents about even more "sensitive" things.

End Times
9th January 2019, 07:03 AM
Perhaps to enhance radio waves or to reflect sun away? Sure those things could have a toxic effect as well, but it seems stupid if this is the primary purpose of chem trails...

A researcher friend has postulated that we are on the verge of seeing public admission of the "climatic geoengineering" (chemtrails) being admitted openly, as "responsible efforts by forward-looking scientists to abate the drastic effects of anthropogenic climate change." She's detected a recent shift in government and academic circles about the topic.

I'm not convinced the heavy-metal chemtrails are solely for solar radiation reflection and/or radio wave reflection (e.g., for military communications or "ionospheric heating").

End Times
9th January 2019, 07:06 AM
Lots of names and statistics but worth reading. It is the starting point in understanding the rot that comprises the 'Medical Mafia'. The origins of the AMA are elucidated. The names and the methods are exposed. Largely boring, it is well worth the drudgery of reading just for the gems it contains.

Mullins has been denigrated for his failure to cite sources and provide bibliographies but the man was a giant. I found no errors but I am no professional debunker either.

Mullins' works were not "scholarly," but they served the same useful purposes as did Frank Britton's "non-scholarly" Behind Communism. It apprised the reader of who, what, where, when, why, and how of Jewish manipulation of life on this planet. The majority of folks who will read such books don't need or care about "academic citations."

End Times
9th January 2019, 07:09 AM
I have often pondered this exact distinction. An intelligent organism would not so degrade the host as to deny further nutrition. When one studies fungi a fascinating correlation is seen. The difference between saprophyte and parasite is maybe no difference at all. The Matrix (fungal) is also an interesting analogy but I will not delve into that here. What about the crocodile that drags it's victim into the depths in order to properly soften it up for later feeding? Makes you wonder about the term Goyim. Are we really cattle? Literally?

Evolutionary theory explains the parasitoid phenomenon.

Theology - namely, Christian - explains the Jewish Problem in spiritual terms.

They are consistent with each other. The Devil employs the Jews to destroy God's Work.

9th January 2019, 07:46 AM
See my previous post, and focus on this:


The Rosenfeld regime refused to accept Jewish refugees from the Reich when the SS St. Louis arrived.

The Jews flood Mooslims into Europe, understanding that little Jews suffer from this, including direct criminal action, up to death, from this "cultural enrichment."

Could it be they just don't care? They are driven to destroy...at any cost.

The object of WWII was to move the little Jews out of Europe into Palestine. The more educated ones with good English language skills were allowed in to go straight to US govt and University positions.

9th January 2019, 10:28 AM
The object of WWII was to move the little Jews out of Europe into Palestine. The more educated ones with good English language skills were allowed in to go straight to US govt and University positions.

......Just one of the objectives. They rarely mobilize enormous efforts without furthering many goals at once. I know we all know this, I just figured I'd clarify it. They killed a whole flock of birds with one stone. Goyish birds at that.

End Times
9th January 2019, 05:36 PM
The object of WWII was to move the little Jews out of Europe into Palestine. The more educated ones with good English language skills were allowed in to go straight to US govt and University positions.

That would have been absurd, since unloading Europe's Jews into Palestine would have been far easier in peacetime.

Yeah, yeah, I know you think Hitler was a "Rothschild" or whatever, but in reality World War II came about because Germany would not and could not bow to (((Western))) demands. And without World War II, neither you nor I would be here today, since Stalin would have taken ALL of Europe before 1945.

9th January 2019, 07:15 PM
That would have been absurd, since unloading Europe's Jews into Palestine would have been far easier in peacetime.

Yeah, yeah, I know you think Hitler was a "Rothschild" or whatever, but in reality World War II came about because Germany would not and could not bow to (((Western))) demands. And without World War II, neither you nor I would be here today, since Stalin would have taken ALL of Europe before 1945.

Wrong. Most of the Jews didn't want to go to that shitty country in the middle of an Arab filled backwater. They felt fine where they were. History is quite clear on this. Most American Jews don't want to go there. Out of guilt, they throw money at Israel. Even now that money has been thrown at Israel for decades, they don't want to live there. Would you? I wouldn't, even if I were a Jew. Many of the Jews wanted to integrate into European society. History as it turns out, is stranger than the fiction we have been fed for so long. The Jewish ghettos were Levitical in making. It was their own fanatical religious leaders who kept the Jewish people captive all these millenia.

9th January 2019, 07:27 PM
...Could it be they just don't care? They are driven to destroy...at any cost.

No. Jews are famous for collectively rescuing a single jew in trouble at great expense. That's how the ADL got created. They mobilize for even a single jew hostage or dead body.

No way would they chemtrail even one of their own...


9th January 2019, 08:07 PM
Evolutionary theory explains the parasitoid phenomenon.

Theology - namely, Christian - explains the Jewish Problem in spiritual terms.

They are consistent with each other. The Devil employs the Jews to destroy God's Work.

The devious brilliance of the 'Devil' to destroy God's work, was to convince those responsible to conflate the Old Testament with the new. The teachings of Christ are at complete odds with the words and acts of the people and the God of the Old Testament. The God of the Old Testament is a petty, jealous, vindictive, nasty, tribal Deity, if we are to believe accounts in that book, responsible for the horrible murders of untold innocent people, merely to prove the racial and ideological superiority of those who kept his petty rituals. Unsurprisingly they were commanded to keep the virgin women and girls for themselves, time after time. Jesus was at odds with the Pharisees and they killed him for it. Jesus was at odds with the Old Testament teachings. "Love Thy Enemy."