View Full Version : Chuckie Todd: Debate on "climate change" not allowed

End Times
30th December 2018, 08:57 PM
The Gospel of St. Albert is proclaimed...

No pretense of "objectivity" any more...


NBC's Chuck Todd at the beginning of "Meet the Press" on Sunday said that his show is "not going to give time to climate deniers" before hosting an hourlong panel with lawmakers and experts about the consequences of climate change.

"This morning, we’re going to do something that we don’t often get to do: dive in on one topic,” Todd said after showing video clips of dramatic weather incidents in the last year. He continued that climate change is “a literally earth-changing subject that doesn’t get talked about this thoroughly, at least on television news."

"Just as important as what we are going to do is what we’re not going to do," Todd said. "We’re not going to debate climate change, the existence of it. The earth is getting hotter and human activity is a major cause, period."

"We’re not going to give time to climate deniers," Todd added. "The science is settled even if political opinion is not."

midnight rambler
30th December 2018, 09:02 PM
Fred, the implication of your post is that you're a climate (change) denier...are you truly a heretic?

End Times
30th December 2018, 09:10 PM
Fred, the implication of your post is that you're a climate (change) denier...are you truly a heretic?

Yes! Yes! I confess! I consort with Satan to turn Earth into global warming Hell. BURN me! Oh, wait, that would result in carbon emissions...LOL.

midnight rambler
30th December 2018, 09:18 PM
Be careful what you wish for, the Bolsheviks are subject to granting your wish.

End Times
30th December 2018, 09:38 PM
Be careful what you wish for, the Bolsheviks are subject to granting your wish.

That's fine, I'm willing to send them to their boss before they "get" me.

30th December 2018, 11:22 PM
That's fine, I'm willing to send them to their boss before they "get" me.

Courage. :)