View Full Version : Russia's new Crimea border fence

midnight rambler
30th December 2018, 09:06 PM
Trump could learn something here. At the rate the Russians built their fence the USA could build the same thing (a length of roughly 2,000 miles) for ~$150 million.

My thoughts have always been along the same lines, something not so difficult to defeat yet extremely heavily monitored with all manner of sensors, drones, helicopters and fixed wing, and fast strike personnel enabled to use deadly force as necessary.


midnight rambler
30th December 2018, 09:52 PM
It should go without saying that there would also need to be a fast strike fence repair team at the ready at all times, with armed personnel in an overwatch position until the fence breach is eliminated.

18th January 2019, 06:04 PM
...fast strike personnel enabled to use deadly force as necessary.


Would not even need a fence...just post warning signs.

18th January 2019, 06:46 PM

Would not even need a fence...just post warning signs.

Indeed, potential trespassers would learn quickly when a few comrades get shot trying to invade. Suddenly waiting a couple of months on a legal hearing won’t seem that long, and life in Mexico ain’t that bad either coming to think of it... ;)

End Times
18th January 2019, 07:46 PM
The biggest obstacle to securing America was and is the legion of Fifth Columnists known as "judges." Even if Trump gets his money for the wall "Mexico will pay for, no meaningful construction will occur because several of the black dress priests will issue "injunctions" to prevent it. Even were a wall necessary, it won't be built. Snipers won't be "allowed" to be used. The dictatorship over what remains of "America" you must "rise" for whenever it enters its temple sanctuary.

Unfortunately, this will apparently remain fantasy in our dying society:


(that's not rope he's tied up with...)


BTW, our enemies really don't like the recent movie, Peppermint: "Considering the culture and world we live in, it’s just really reckless to make a movie that dehumanizes and stereotypes Mexican/Latino characters in a film that frames them as these savage brown people destroying the lives of white people. It’s a problem with the vigilante trope that is as old as cinema." - https://www.themarysue.com/peppermint-racial-coding-vigilante/ - hence, it's worth your watch.

midnight rambler
18th January 2019, 07:54 PM
(that's not rope he's tied up with...)

What is it? Det cord?

"God-given civil rights."

Wrong. 'Civil rights' come from the state; NATURAL rights come from God.

midnight rambler
18th January 2019, 08:11 PM
Det cord -


End Times
18th January 2019, 08:41 PM
Wrong. 'Civil rights' come from the state; NATURAL rights come from God.

Who are you responding to?

(and yes, you figured out the "cord" - I looked for a clip that had the conclusion of that situation - BOOM!)

midnight rambler
18th January 2019, 09:03 PM
Who are you responding to?

Not you Fred, the (((Hollyweird asshats))) who wrote the script for that (((judge))). Of course that's entirely what (((they))) would like the rubes to believe.

Det cord has a velocity of >21,000 ft/sec. :o

18th January 2019, 09:29 PM
Trump could learn something here. At the rate the Russians built their fence the USA could build the same thing (a length of roughly 2,000 miles) for ~$150 million.

My thoughts have always been along the same lines, something not so difficult to defeat yet extremely heavily monitored with all manner of sensors, drones, helicopters and fixed wing, and fast strike personnel enabled to use deadly force as necessary.


oil refineries often use chain link with barbed wire on top...coupled with motion sensors that shoot parallel with the fence line. intruder approaches fence = alarm in the security control room. cheap and effective...can only imagine what dc/dhs/military could come up with and afford

End Times
18th January 2019, 10:12 PM
oil refineries often use chain link with barbed wire on top...coupled with motion sensors that shoot parallel with the fence line. intruder approaches fence = alarm in the security control room. cheap and effective...can only imagine what dc/dhs/military could come up with and afford


19th January 2019, 07:54 PM
A simple fence, something that county inmates could put up backed up by some landmines and snipers. Works for me.

midnight rambler
19th January 2019, 08:04 PM
A simple fence, something that county inmates could put up backed up by some landmines and snipers. Works for me.

And leave the dead bodies on the fence or set the heads on pikes on the fence. That would get the message through.