View Full Version : Secrets contained in the second server at Benghazi w/nuke stuff.

old steel
1st January 2019, 05:55 PM
Recovered by the Benghazi team, wasn't suppose to happen. One tech guy got a look at it. Debriefed and confiscated. Here it comes in 6 tweets
Take a deep breath.... 1/6


1st January 2019, 06:09 PM
This reads late 2016. Posted three months ago.

1st January 2019, 06:15 PM
Damn (((International Bankers))) funding both sides - what else is new? (((They))) give tactical nukes and cash to Iran, supposed arch enemy of Saudi Arabia. And (((They))) sell weapons to the Saudis and give military aid via Israel. (((Bastards))) will try to start WWIII and destroy us all before they will relinquish control to the people of the world. (((Their))) international money scam is collapsing - the (((parasite))) has so weakened the host that the host can no longer sustain the (((parasite))).

1st January 2019, 06:25 PM
Damn (((International Bankers))) funding both sides - what else is new? (((They))) give tactical nukes and cash to Iran, supposed arch enemy of Saudi Arabia. And (((They))) sell weapons to the Saudis and give military aid via Israel. (((Bastards))) will try to start WWIII and destroy us all before they will relinquish control to the people of the world. (((Their))) international money scam is collapsing - the (((parasite))) has so weakened the host that the host can no longer sustain the (((parasite))).

Yes, and we are seeing the destruction of the middle class because it is required to keep their corrupt system going. Just as we 'offshored' our inflation to China, the middle class is being cannibalized in order to keep the elite and their spawn living in luxury. Of course it serves their agenda well as we progress into the neo-feudal era.