View Full Version : China Travel Advisory

End Times
3rd January 2019, 02:18 PM

Exercise increased caution in China due to arbitrary enforcement of local laws as well as special restrictions on dual U.S.-Chinese nationals.

Chinese authorities have asserted broad authority to prohibit U.S. citizens from leaving China by using ‘exit bans,’ sometimes keeping U.S. citizens in China for years. China uses exit bans coercively:

to compel U.S. citizens to participate in Chinese government investigations,
to lure individuals back to China from abroad, and
to aid Chinese authorities in resolving civil disputes in favor of Chinese parties.

In most cases, U.S. citizens only become aware of the exit ban when they attempt to depart China, and there is no method to find out how long the ban may continue. U.S. citizens under exit bans have been harassed and threatened.

U.S. citizens may be detained without access to U.S. consular services or information about their alleged crime. U.S. citizens may be subjected to prolonged interrogations and extended detention for reasons related to “state security.” Security personnel may detain and/or deport U.S. citizens for sending private electronic messages critical of the Chinese government.

4th January 2019, 05:26 AM
There's really no doubt that China's motto is China First. Honestly, the way the American government treats foreigners as if they're first class citizens above its own citizens, well maybe we could learn a thing or two from China.