View Full Version : Good Jews or bad joos?

midnight rambler
3rd January 2019, 09:45 PM
Good, I'm thinking.


3rd January 2019, 09:52 PM
Hard to say one way or the other. Part of the problem with Jews is that they owe no allegiance to any country and they refuse to assimilate. This makes them an enemy culture within any country they inhabit. It does not sound like these Jews are intending to assimilate any time soon. I think Madagascar would have been the best destination for Jewry. They can only stay in the Middle East by destroying their neighbors and stealing money from Christians.

4th January 2019, 03:42 AM
Good, I'm thinking.


Did they accept Jesus Christ?

End Times
4th January 2019, 03:56 AM
Good, I'm thinking.


LIE: "Judaism is the faith of the Jewish people. It is predicated upon G-d's existence and His revelation at Sinai."

No, Judaism is predicated on the "wisdom" of the "sages" of the Babylonian Talmud (previously, the "traditions of the elders").

And as Neuro points out...apply the Biblical standard: 1 John 2:22-23

This outfit FAILS.

"The best way to control 'the opposition' is to the lead it ourselves."

4th January 2019, 06:54 AM
If they are good Jews they expose bad Jews. They are in a position to be acutely aware of all the bad Jews transgressions and they either expose them of remain silent....or disinegenuous.