View Full Version : Government Shutdown and the IRS

4th January 2019, 06:49 AM
This is awesome:


The IRS has furloughed all but 12% of its employees across the country. Essential employees such as IRS law enforcement agents and IT staff to maintain the computer systems are still reporting to work. Should the shutdown continue into the tax filing season, more employees will be considered ‘essential’ and will be called back to work without pay.

...The IRS will not:

-Issue any refunds
-Process paper returns without payments
-Process amended returns
-Process non-disaster relief transcripts or Income Verification Service requests
-Perform audits or process returns requiring further examination
-Provide taxpayer services such as phone support and online functions

I hope this shutdown lasts as long as possible!

4th January 2019, 06:54 AM
Kind of unrelated, but interesting nonetheless: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2018-04-17/the-irs-computer-system-is-the-oldest-in-the-government

End Times
4th January 2019, 09:15 AM
This is awesome:


I hope this shutdown lasts as long as possible!

Note that they continue accepting payments.

4th January 2019, 10:16 AM
Elsewhere I read someone comment that for each week the IRS is on furlough, it will take them two subsequent weeks to catch up. So, if the IRS is furloughed for a month, it'll take them an additional two months just to catch up, and so on. I would love this government shutdown to last 3+ months, effectively crippling the IRS for the rest of the year. That would be funny.

End Times
4th January 2019, 10:37 AM
Elsewhere I read someone comment that for each week the IRS is on furlough, it will take them two subsequent weeks to catch up. So, if the IRS is furloughed for a month, it'll take them an additional two months just to catch up, and so on. I would love this government shutdown to last 3+ months, effectively crippling the IRS for the rest of the year. That would be funny.

I'm sure all the people who've been robbed by the IRS and are awaiting "refunds" will be laughing, too.

Only the little people suffer during these "shutdowns."

4th January 2019, 11:32 AM
I'm sure all the people who've been robbed by the IRS and are awaiting "refunds" will be laughing, too.

Only the little people suffer during these "shutdowns."

Obviously it's not a fair deal for any net tax payer to have to wait longer for their legitimate refund to be paid back (at 0% interest of course), but for the 40% of the population who are net tax receivers, it's going to be part of the fun to see all of them bitch and complain about their "refunds" not being paid!

4th January 2019, 11:53 AM
Obviously it's not a fair deal for any net tax payer to have to wait longer for their legitimate refund to be paid back (at 0% interest of course), but for the 40% of the population who are net tax receivers, it's going to be part of the fun to see all of them bitch and complain about their "refunds" not being paid!

I'm sure the president will take that opportunity to remind them that the Democrats do not want to fund the said taxpayers security and want to keep letting illegals across the border without hindrance.

midnight rambler
4th January 2019, 11:53 AM
Upchuck Schumer says shutdown could last for months. Good, that means the Demoncraps won't be getting much of their agenda done.


4th January 2019, 11:55 AM
Upchuck Schumer says shutdown could last for months. Good, that means the Demoncraps won't be getting much of their agenda done.


That my friend is the net positive in this. The new house majority can't do a damn thing when the government is shut down. Its a very beautiful irony if you ask me.

4th January 2019, 02:52 PM
This is awesome:


I hope this shutdown lasts as long as possible!

You still need to file.

4th January 2019, 03:01 PM
You still need to file.My accountant is on furlough.

End Times
4th January 2019, 03:12 PM
Obviously it's not a fair deal for any net tax payer to have to wait longer for their legitimate refund to be paid back (at 0% interest of course), but for the 40% of the population who are net tax receivers, it's going to be part of the fun to see all of them bitch and complain about their "refunds" not being paid!

If you're thinking EIC "refunds," yeah, not many purchases of the iPhone Xs next month...

End Times
4th January 2019, 03:13 PM
I'm sure the president will take that opportunity to remind them that the Democrats do not want to fund the said taxpayers security and want to keep letting illegals across the border without hindrance.


Trouble is, Trump is just as much a liar and fraud as Schumer and Pelosi.

End Times
4th January 2019, 03:15 PM
Upchuck Schumer says shutdown could last for months. Good, that means the Demoncraps won't be getting much of their agenda done.


Riots begin next month when USDA FNS doesn't fund SNAP (formerly: Food Stamps), WIC, and NSLP (school lunches).

4th January 2019, 03:27 PM
My accountant is on furlough.

You need a better accountant.

4th January 2019, 03:37 PM
If you're thinking EIC "refunds," yeah, not many purchases of the iPhone Xs next month...

Obviously it's not a fair deal for any net tax payer to have to wait longer for their legitimate refund to be paid back (at 0% interest of course), but for the 40% of the population who are net tax receivers, it's going to be part of the fun to see all of them bitch and complain about their "refunds" not being paid!

Walmart, Dollar General, and every other retailer will blame their lower 1st, if not 2nd, quarter numbers due to the shutdown.

End Times
4th January 2019, 04:24 PM
Walmart, Dollar General, and every other retailer will blame their lower 1st, if not 2nd, quarter numbers due to the shutdown.

You give the EIC Army too much credit. Walmart, maybe. Dollar General...oh, noes, $3500+ for simply having kids deserves luxury purchases.

Now, let's see what happens if the shutdown lasts months...several grocers' earnings will tank due to the lack of SNAP and WIC spending.

4th January 2019, 04:37 PM
You give the EIC Army too much credit. Walmart, maybe. Dollar General...oh, noes, $3500+ for simply having kids deserves luxury purchases.

Now, let's see what happens if the shutdown lasts months...several grocers' earnings will tank due to the lack of SNAP and WIC spending.

They will pass something for the "womens and childrens" to keep getting the free shite. They always have.

End Times
4th January 2019, 04:40 PM
They will pass something for the "womens and childrens" to keep getting the free shite. They always have.

There are two choices to do that:

1) override a Trump veto.
2) impeach and convict and remove Trump from office.

I don't see the Senate approving of either. They might, barely, pass a stop-gap for USDA and EIC, but neither a veto override nor a conviction.

This could easily become the catalyst for Big Time.

However, Trump can easily pussy out yet again, and sign off on whatever is passed. In two years, Trump has not vetoed a single bill sent to him.

4th January 2019, 05:09 PM
There are two choices to do that:

1) override a Trump veto.
2) impeach and convict and remove Trump from office.

I don't see the Senate approving of either. They might, barely, pass a stop-gap for USDA and EIC, but neither a veto override nor a conviction.

This could easily become the catalyst for Big Time.

However, Trump can easily pussy out yet again, and sign off on whatever is passed. In two years, Trump has not vetoed a single bill sent to him.

They will approve a special funding bill for the destitute. They will probably do something about refunds by February.

4th January 2019, 06:03 PM
Trouble is, Trump is just as much a liar and fraud as Schumer and Pelosi.


Him or Hilary. What a choice we were given.

:rolleyes: Oy

7th January 2019, 03:03 PM
IRS will pay tax refunds during shutdown, official says (https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-tax-refunds-shutdown-20190107-story.html#nt=oft12aH-2li3)

7th January 2019, 06:35 PM
IRS will pay tax refunds during shutdown, official says (https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-tax-refunds-shutdown-20190107-story.html#nt=oft12aH-2li3)

Here's a quote from that article:

"In previous shutdown contingency plans, the IRS would accept tax returns during the filing season, but refunds would be delayed until the government was funded. Vought said the administration is fixing what he called a problem faced by past administrations."

The only way to fix that problem is by printing money...debasing the currency.

This should be Bullish for Gold and Silver.

8th January 2019, 06:35 AM
Here's a quote from that article:

"In previous shutdown contingency plans, the IRS would accept tax returns during the filing season, but refunds would be delayed until the government was funded. Vought said the administration is fixing what he called a problem faced by past administrations."

The only way to fix that problem is by printing money...debasing the currency.

This should be Bullish for Gold and Silver.

But the IRS doesn't have authority to print money, only the Federal Reserve can order notes to be printed and issued.

8th January 2019, 02:59 PM
But the IRS doesn't have authority to print money, only the Federal Reserve can order notes to be printed and issued.

Congress. This should be a good subject to bring up tomorrow.

12th January 2019, 04:12 AM
Looks like the lowly cattle are receiving their payoffs early for February.

Now "officials" are worried that the proles will spend it too quickly. Retailers have to stock up for the mad rush of spending the bigger than normal allotment. They want retailers to "counsel" shoppers that this is February money too.

Food stamps funded through February despite shutdown, but early issuance has retailers bracing for mass confusion (https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-government-shutdown-food-assistance-snap-20190111-story.html#nt=oft06a-3li2)

End Times
12th January 2019, 06:16 AM
Looks like the lowly cattle are receiving their payoffs early for February.

Now "officials" are worried that the proles will spend it too quickly. Retailers have to stock up for the mad rush of spending the bigger than normal allotment. They want retailers to "counsel" shoppers that this is February money too.

Food stamps funded through February despite shutdown, but early issuance has retailers bracing for mass confusion (https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-government-shutdown-food-assistance-snap-20190111-story.html#nt=oft06a-3li2)
