View Full Version : they bring their proclivities with them

5th January 2019, 12:55 PM
south texas - aka mexico norte


Over 20 officials arrested or convicted in 2018 in the Rio Grande Valley

Of the 21 arrests, six were charged with DWI or public intoxication.

Other charges include human smuggling, trafficking and transporting drugs such as cocaine and running an illegal game room.

"It seems like it's a reoccurring situation in the Valley, seems like you hear it on the news every other day or so," said Bruce Vannoy, a Valley native who is concerned about the number of law enforcement personnel arrested.

"It seems like all along, they've been catching one after another, after another, after another," said John Underwood, another concerned RGV resident.

5th January 2019, 12:58 PM
the surnames..


List of city officials/public servants arrested or convicted in 2018

Here is a list of city officials or public servants that were arrested or convicted in 2018:



































5th January 2019, 02:13 PM
We used to live in a free country like Mexico is now. I remember getting to-go cups to take my drink along with me on the way to the next bar. It was standard practice before the coppers started being assholes somewhere in the 1970's.

Common law says no injured party equals no crime.

5th January 2019, 02:32 PM
We used to live in a free country like Mexico is now. I remember getting to-go cups to take my drink along with me on the way to the next bar. It was standard practice before the coppers started being assholes somewhere in the 1970's.

Common law says no injured party equals no crime.

It was legal at one time in many states, to drink while a passenger. This will now get you arrested. Time was, you could cruise the roads in Montana and drink a beer. No longer. The problem is that some people cannot handle the responsibility of acting right. If my family was killed by a drunk driver, I would probably be a rabid activist to stop it. The problem is that the solution always goes too far and liberty is lost.

I miss cruising the backroads in Michigan, sipping a beer. It was a good time. So many people these days. Now if a deputy finds you on a lonely dirt road sipping a beer, you are done for. In years gone by, they would know you by name most of the time and just send you on your way.

Once when I was a lad of 18, my soon to be wife and I were parked in a field drinking Budweiser and smoking a bowl. A cop pulled behind me and had me dead-to-rights. I rolled the window down and pot smoke drifted out. He looked in at me and my fiancée and said, "Young lady, are you here of your own free will?" She replied "Yes Sir". He said, "You kids have a good evening and be careful." Walked away. Whew!

End Times
5th January 2019, 04:25 PM
It was legal at one time in many states, to drink while a passenger. This will now get you arrested. Time was, you could cruise the roads in Montana and drink a beer. No longer. The problem is that some people cannot handle the responsibility of acting right. If my family was killed by a drunk driver, I would probably be a rabid activist to stop it. The problem is that the solution always goes too far and liberty is lost.

I miss cruising the backroads in Michigan, sipping a beer. It was a good time. So many people these days. Now if a deputy finds you on a lonely dirt road sipping a beer, you are done for. In years gone by, they would know you by name most of the time and just send you on your way.

Once when I was a lad of 18, my soon to be wife and I were parked in a field drinking Budweiser and smoking a bowl. A cop pulled behind me and had me dead-to-rights. I rolled the window down and pot smoke drifted out. He looked in at me and my fiancée and said, "Young lady, are you here of your own free will?" She replied "Yes Sir". He said, "You kids have a good evening and be careful." Walked away. Whew!

That was when cops were peace officers...maintaining the peace, assuring that people weren't going to breach the peace, and not themselves destroying peace. Now we have "enforcers" who are rabid about punishing someone for transgressing the will of a corrupt shyster or a pervert in a black dress. They themselves destroy the peace when they create wrong where there was no wrong, assault someone where there was no victim before.

Unfortunately, we got to this current point through a variety of factors. Sure, the Jews sowed degeneracy, but Goyim embraced that degeneracy. And then they took advantage of the increasing degeneracy, where Goyimkind no longer acted with the responsibility their ancestors did...giving us a Police State. A minority of us are responsibly self-governed, but more and more descend farther into a cesspool of "what can I get away with?" These latter only help make "enforcement" upon all of us ever worse.

5th January 2019, 04:52 PM
I miss cruising the backroads in Michigan, sipping a beer.

I miss my best friend (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/64281416/gaines-davidson). Killed by a drunk driver ten years ago.

5th January 2019, 05:09 PM
No speed limit in Montana until 1974.

the surnames..That's just the ones that got caught, and just in one year! What percentage gets caught??

5th January 2019, 05:28 PM
I miss my best friend (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/64281416/gaines-davidson). Killed by a drunk driver ten years ago.

I understand you. Did you understand my post? The way you quoted me makes me wonder. Cruising a dirt road and drinking a beer isn't drunk driving and killing your friend.

End Times
5th January 2019, 05:52 PM
I miss my best friend (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/64281416/gaines-davidson). Killed by a drunk driver ten years ago.

A tragedy that is the reason we can't just do away with drunk driver statutes. At least not in this current society.

Even when younger, I always held to the FAA standard of "Eight hours bottle to throttle." Even if I had only one drink, I didn't drive for 8+ hours. Ever. No excuse otherwise.

I don't drink anymore.

5th January 2019, 05:56 PM
I understand you. Did you understand my post? The way you quoted me makes me wonder. Cruising a dirt road and drinking a beer isn't drunk driving and killing your friend.

Jewboo can't wait for arresting people who are thinking about committing a crime. Arrest for pre-crime.

End Times
5th January 2019, 06:07 PM
Jewboo can't wait for arresting people who are thinking about committing a crime. Arrest for pre-crime.

I've had classmates who died from drunk driving. "Muh freedom" doesn't cut it. Want to be a drunk? Please, be my guest, in your own home, a friend's home, even a bar...if that barkeep will tolerate it. Our ancestors had always frowned upon drunks, at the least, mocking them, at the worst, excluding them from society. If you can't handle your alcohol enough to know you shouldn't drive, you're a drunk. This society is far freer than you'd ever get in the past about being a drunk...not driving drunk is a small restriction.

"I have a right to drink and drive" is a non-existent "right," like the "right" to an abortion or a "right" to sodomy.

For those who think there should be no prohibitions on driving drunk, how about this? We go back to the way things once were: you drive drunk, kill someone, then the victim's family gets to slaughter your family? Obviously, that's facetious, but if you want things "the way they were"...

5th January 2019, 06:23 PM
Jewboo can't wait for arresting people who are thinking about committing a crime. Arrest for pre-crime.

I think he jumped the gun and didn't read my post in it's entirety. Of course he may have gone rabid after the death of his friend and equates drinking a beer and driving with killing a person. Maybe he did not make the association of a beer or two being essentially sober, especially when on a back road scouting fire wood. Of course he may have gone mad from the grief and thinks all drinkers should be killed forthwith.

I should note here that many people who are completely sober are really shitty drivers and cause untold deaths. Chinks and blacks are far worse than the typical redneck with 6 beers in him.

Do you drink Book? Have you ever drank and driven?

You fellows are not likely to see any virtue signaling with me. I no longer drink a beer while driving. I no longer drink and then drive. Not because I can't. Not because I think I am dangerous to others. I am simply afraid of the law bringing down punishment upon me. I suppose some of you may feel secure in the fact that the state has put the fear into an old, cantankerous reprobate such as myself. I just think it's sad that people have died because of drunk driving and I think it's sad that I can no longer enjoy a beer on a back road because others have caused injury through irresponsibility. I suppose to be honest, I must say that it is better to have the laws as severe as they are in light of the injury that has been done. Oh well.

midnight rambler
5th January 2019, 06:23 PM
Jewboo can't wait for arresting people who are thinking about committing a crime. Arrest for pre-crime.

Not to worry, Red Flag laws will soon be universal. There's some pre-crime for ya.

midnight rambler
5th January 2019, 06:28 PM
because others have caused injury through irresponsibility

Well you see, there's the problem. Ever since *limited liability* was instituted beginning in 1933 people are becoming more and more irresponsible in general.

It used to be that people were held accountable for their actions towards other people...now, as it stands, essentially one only has a responsibility to the state. Victims of others' actions are no longer made whole, everyone answers to the state.

5th January 2019, 06:29 PM
I've had classmates who died from drunk driving. "Muh freedom" doesn't cut it. Want to be a drunk? Please, be my guest, in your own home, a friend's home, even a bar...if that barkeep will tolerate it. Our ancestors had always frowned upon drunks, at the least, mocking them, at the worst, excluding them from society. If you can't handle your alcohol enough to know you shouldn't drive, you're a drunk. This society is far freer than you'd ever get in the past about being a drunk...not driving drunk is a small restriction.

"I have a right to drink and drive" is a non-existent "right," like the "right" to an abortion or a "right" to sodomy.

For those who think there should be no prohibitions on driving drunk, how about this? We go back to the way things once were: you drive drunk, kill someone, then the victim's family gets to slaughter your family? Obviously, that's facetious, but if you want things "the way they were"...

We have all had someone dear to us die from drunks on the road or from being drunk on the road. I don't think anyone on this board would argue what you postulate; that it is ok to drive drunk according to them. I will go further and state that everyone here has shown themselves to be essentially reasonable and would not condone drunk driving. There should be and I think there is, a sure way to know what your BAL is. Maybe the corporation who make alchoholic beverages should part with a few of their bucks and ensure that drinkers have access to accurate monitoring devices.

5th January 2019, 06:34 PM
Well you see, there's the problem. Ever since *limited liability* was instituted beginning in 1933 people are becoming more and more irresponsible in general.

It used to be that people were held accountable for their actions towards other people...now, as it stands, essentially one only has a responsibility to the state. Victims of others' actions are no longer made whole, everyone answers to the state.

I agree. I just heard that Michigan is putting legislation on the board to quit the 'no fault insurance' that has been in effect for many years. Since the late 60's I believe. I don't know if this is just rumour or not. I have not even given it much thought. In the end it is all an insurance game and they will have us tied up like hogs before the slaughter eventually.

End Times
5th January 2019, 06:43 PM
Not to worry, Red Flag laws will soon be universal. There's some pre-crime for ya.

Possession, carry, and use of firearms is protected by the Second Amendment and moral law of our ancestors.

Drunk driving is not.

And everyone knows Red Flag crap has nothing to do with "protecting the vulnerable." If it did, it could be applied to killer cops.

End Times
5th January 2019, 06:46 PM
We have all had someone dear to us die from drunks on the road or from being drunk on the road. I don't think anyone on this board would argue what you postulate; that it is ok to drive drunk according to them. I will go further and state that everyone here has shown themselves to be essentially reasonable and would not condone drunk driving. There should be and I think there is, a sure way to know what your BAL is. Maybe the corporation who make alchoholic beverages should part with a few of their bucks and ensure that drinkers have access to accurate monitoring devices.

I agree that you are a responsible, decent man, and don't believe drunk driving is right. However, a certain other poster here I'm not sure of.

5th January 2019, 07:03 PM
Common law says no injured party equals no crime.

Possession, carry, and use of firearms is protected by the Second Amendment and moral law of our ancestors.

Drunk driving is not.A drunk driver has not violated anyone's Constitutional rights.
DUI laws are a "preemptive strike".
The problem with blood alcohol levels is that one man can't drive at 0.2 while another drives fine at 1.2. We are not equal.
The main beneficiaries of DUI laws, especially draconian ones that define 0.2 as "drunk", are Lawyers.

End Times
5th January 2019, 08:42 PM
A drunk driver has not violated anyone's Constitutional rights.


Tell that to someone like her.

The drunk got seven years in a cage. She got a life sentence.

Explain to us how there is a "constitutional right" to be a drunk?

DUI laws are a "preemptive strike".

Explain how you would stop drunk drivers from killing people. This is not a rare occurrence.

How is a DUI charge any worse than the shunning or even banishment in the old days of drunks?

The problem with blood alcohol levels is that one man can't drive at 0.2 while another drives fine at 1.2. We are not equal.

That is probably true, but if you're capable of handling your drink, you won't be pulled over, either, right?

What in Hell is so hard about "I drink = I don't drive"? Is everyone so addicted to alcohol they have to imbibe before a journey? And please, tell us, what redeeming quality, if any, there is to inebriation? The Nigger "answer" of "muh freedom!" is not an answer. Again, our ancestors looked with great scorn on drunks, so don't dish out a bunch of crap about how this is a matter of "freedom" (which never existed).

End Times
5th January 2019, 08:47 PM

"They tried to take my freedom away. I showed them!"

5th January 2019, 09:56 PM
Do you drink Book? Have you ever drank and driven?


I don't drink anymore at the age of seventy. I drank my share when younger usually at home. Drove twice impaired to the point of noticeably not being able to keep my eyes open (see above) so pulled off the road for a snooze. Never drank in the vehicle while driving...

5th January 2019, 10:09 PM
Back in the day before I was 21, we would get 1 or 2 cases of beer and cruise the country roads, getting high as we called it. Often times we did not finish all the beer so we stashed it in a culvert. That was our big Saturday night out. Sometimes we would cruise over to a neighboring town that had a dance hall and look for girls who were thirsty for a beer. Nothing ever happened nobody got killed.

End Times
5th January 2019, 10:54 PM
Interesting history:


Many highly-notable "anti-Semites" recognized alcohol as the menace it is to the physical, mental, genetic, and spiritual health of the Aryan race. They also recognized (((who))) were the key figures to supply the vast majority of booze to Goyish lushes.

It is the Jew, through print media, radio, and Talmudvision, who has made alcohol consumption "manly," something to desire and an exercise in "freedom."

The world of today needs men, not those whose minds and will power have been weakened or destroyed by the desire and craving for alcohol and tobacco but instead men with initiative and vigor, whose mentality is untainted by ruinous habits. Every young man should aspire to take advantage oft he opportunity which at some time during his life beckons him and he should be ready with the freshness of youth and not enveloped in the fumes of an offensive and injurious cigarette.

-- Henry Ford, The Case Against the Little White Slaver

Americans have more cars, more telephones, more televisions, more household appliances and luxuries - more of almost everything than any human beings who have ever lived, or who live now.

Yet never have so many had so little inside. Never have there been so many suffering intolerable boredom. Never have people been packed so close as in our giant cities. Yet never have people been so alone, so cut off from one

There is a vast ocean of spiritual misery drowning great numbers of our people. Many of them have lost their religion, and there is nothing to fill the black numbing void which freezes the soul of modem, "emancipated" men. They
desperately seek escape from this cold hopelessness in alcohol, LSD, dope or wild, crazy living.

It is not physical lacks or hardship which bears down or our people and drives them unconsciously toward national and racial suicide.

It is a SPIRITUAL failing, a DISEASE of the spirit, which has our people down and beaten.

Our people are rotting from the inside, no matter how the outside gives the appearance of prosperity and happiness. Like a man with a diseased heart, the first time America is subjected to a real crisis, unless something changes
mighty quickly, America - and all of Western civilization with us will fold up with a whimper and die.

-- George Lincoln Rockwell, White Power

6th January 2019, 05:15 AM

Tell that to someone like her.

The drunk got seven years in a cage. She got a life sentence.

Explain to us how there is a "constitutional right" to be a drunk? His crime was crashing into her. It would be a crime even if he was sober. If he did not crash into someone else's vehicle, he would not have violated anyone's Constitutional rights.

Explain how you would stop drunk drivers from killing people. This is not a rare occurrence.I do not advocate pre emptive legal actions against people who have not violated anyone's rights. Kind of like hate crime laws. It's just a matter of principle for me because when you open the door of pre emptive law, tyranny invariably step in. Freedom has a price and it's usually worth paying.

How is a DUI charge any worse than the shunning or even banishment in the old days of drunks? Shunning is the voluntary action of free individuals.

That is probably true, but if you're capable of handling your drink, you won't be pulled over, either, right? More than half the time, that is true. But in areas where there are too many laws and too many cops, everyone gets pulled over once in a while.

What in Hell is so hard about "I drink = I don't drive"? Is everyone so addicted to alcohol they have to imbibe before a journey? And please, tell us, what redeeming quality, if any, there is to inebriation? The Nigger "answer" of "muh freedom!" is not an answer. Again, our ancestors looked with great scorn on drunks, so don't dish out a bunch of crap about how this is a matter of "freedom" (which never existed).I don't drink. I haven't been drunk in almost 20 years.

6th January 2019, 06:10 AM
This drinking thing has a multiplicity of advantages. The Jews have structured our society into two camps rich and poor, left and right, Democrats and Republicans.

Normally Republican's bitch to each other and Democrats bitch to each other, but when the opposing camps talk they confine the discussion to sports and the weather, really they talk about nothing.

Then we all meet down at the bar and have a few and then the discussion really starts, sometimes we have to take it "outside" and duke it out, but normally we agree to disagree. Down at the bar ideas are exchanged. Jews don't like free speech, they don't like ideas period, especially when the ideas are not their idea's.

Solution Jews still get to sell their liquor, but make you stay at home to drink it. That solves the Jews problem and freedumb wins and free expression loses.

6th January 2019, 06:39 AM
Then we all meet down at the bar and have a few and then the discussion really startsIf we are going to discuss things among ourselves, they would prefer we are drunk.
You know what made me quit drinking? I read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion...the part about drunken goyim.

6th January 2019, 07:16 AM
If we are going to discuss things among ourselves, they would prefer we are drunk.
You know what made me quit drinking? I read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion...the part about drunken goyim.

That is of course true, but in most places the liquor breaks down barriers that are never breached in the tea-totaling society.

Right now the British Pub is under attack with these same laws that discourage social intercourse.

What you describe is a perfect world, that does not exist.

6th January 2019, 07:55 AM
That is of course true, but in most places the liquor breaks down barriers that are never breached in the tea-totaling society.

Right now the British Pub is under attack with these same laws that discourage social intercourse.

What you describe is a perfect world, that does not exist.Good point. I quit drinking around the same time I became a "conspiracy theorist" so I never tried exposing Jews at bars. The only reason I ever went to bars was desire for female companionship, anyway.
Maybe that's why they're trying to outlaw bars by making owners liable for the drunk drivers that stopped there. I know it's law in some areas. I noticed long ago that most major bars are owned by Jews. Usually too loud to discuss conspiracy.
Jews do not like us talking among ourselves.

End Times
6th January 2019, 08:08 AM
His crime was crashing into her.

His crime was caused because he was a fucking drunk who insisted on driving.

I do not advocate pre emptive legal actions against people who have not violated anyone's rights. Kind of like hate crime laws. It's just a matter of principle for me because when you open the door of pre emptive law, tyranny invariably step in.

You refuse to address how you would prevent people being killed by drunk drivers, hiding behind the typical "it's tyranny" bullshit to deny some prick the never-existing "right" to drive drunk. You also bring up the red herring of "hate crime" laws. So-called "hate crime" laws prevent no injury. They punish thought & expression, solely, rights inarguably existing back to the time of the Bible.

I operate on principle. My principle here is innocent people are worth more than a drunk's "right" to drive drunk.

In ages past, it didn't matter that a drunk would stumble around town, or even try to ride a horse. His threat was virtually nil. Now, we have drunks taking control of machines that easily kill due to their inability to operate the machine, whether cars, aircraft, heavy machinery, or whatever. A new problem is clearly presented, and a reasonable solution is demanded. "I've always had a right to drink / get drunk" doesn't cut it anymore in such situations.

Freedom has a price and it's usually worth paying.

"I think this is a very hard choice, but the price — we think the price is worth it."

-- Madeleine Korbel Albright, responding to whether the "freedom" of Iraq was worth 500,000 dead kids

No "right" to drive drunk. Period.

I'd love to see you tell a parent of a child who just died - or was mutilated, like the girl above - because of a drunk driver that their death or injury was "worth it" for "freedom."

Hey, as a start, tell Book the death of his best friend was "worth it" for "freedom." (actually, you already did)

6th January 2019, 08:11 AM
Once when I was a lad of 18, my soon to be wife and I were parked in a field drinking Budweiser and smoking a bowl. A cop pulled behind me and had me dead-to-rights. I rolled the window down and pot smoke drifted out. He looked in at me and my fiancée and said, "Young lady, are you here of your own free will?" She replied "Yes Sir". He said, "You kids have a good evening and be careful." Walked away. Whew!

2m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-DZdZIMhAk


End Times
6th January 2019, 08:11 AM
That is of course true, but in most places the liquor breaks down barriers that are never breached in the tea-totaling society.

Right now the British Pub is under attack with these same laws that discourage social intercourse.

What you describe is a perfect world, that does not exist.

Aryans allowed the Jews to further corrupt then take over our societies. Part of this was because the Aryan accepted the Jewish wares peddled to him, including the "social liberation" that booze gives him. Lack of self-control and right living are key weapons we handed to the Jew.

6th January 2019, 08:26 AM
Aryans allowed the Jews to further corrupt then take over our societies. Part of this was because the Aryan accepted the Jewish wares peddled to him, including the "social liberation" that booze gives him. Lack of self-control and right living are key weapons we handed to the Jew.

I think we knew all about booze long before we knew any Jews. The Jews are just good at appealing to our baser instincts, sex drugs and rock & roll. That's what the Jews did to Germany, their newspapers ran ads for all kinds of perversions that were alway refused by higher minded German editors.

End Times
6th January 2019, 08:30 AM
I think we knew all about booze long before we knew any Jews. The Jews are just good at appealing to our baser instincts, sex drugs and rock & roll. That's what the Jews did to Germany, their newspapers ran ads for all kinds of perversions that were alway refused by higher minded German editors.

Yes, I know!

Our society's "immune system" is a combination of ideals, mores, and laws that combat the infections that threaten both the people and individuals. Hence, why I advocate temperance. Most young people who get into vices don't realize there is a Khazar behind them, smiling.

End Times
6th January 2019, 08:39 AM
I do not advocate pre emptive legal actions against people who have not violated anyone's rights...It's just a matter of principle for me because when you open the door of pre emptive law, tyranny invariably step in. Freedom has a price and it's usually worth paying.

Tell us how millions of Latino invaders flooding across America's border is "violating anyone's rights." After all, if "the government" can keep them out, they can keep us in, right? Isn't that the absolutist "libertarian" so-called "argument"? Poor Pedro is just seeking to exercise his ancient right to migrate and seek a "better life." He hasn't fraudulently applied for Food Stamps, he hasn't accessed Medicaid. (Yet!).

How are you, personally, injured by his invasion of America?

6th January 2019, 08:57 AM
You also bring up the red herring of "hate crime" laws. So-called "hate crime" laws prevent no injury. Their similarity lies in the fact that there is already a law in place to prevent Whites from killing Blacks, just as there are already laws in place to punish drivers, sober or not, from irresponsibly damaging other vehicles and passengers.

I operate on principle. My principle here is innocent people are worth more than a drunk's "right" to drive drunk. Principles which allow tyranny are poorly thought out. Principle which allow some risk in exchange for liberty make more sense to me.

In ages past, it didn't matter that a drunk would stumble around town, or even try to ride a horse. His threat was virtually nil. Now, we have drunks taking control of machines that easily kill due to their inability to operate the machine, whether cars, aircraft, heavy machinery, or whatever. A new problem is clearly presented, and a reasonable solution is demanded. Forcing someone to pay a lawyer ten grand because he drank two beers is not reasonable IMO. If his blood alcohol is five times that and he gets in a wreck, then give him extra punishment for being drunk while driving.

6th January 2019, 09:13 AM
Then we all meet down at the bar and have a few and then the discussion really starts, sometimes we have to take it "outside" and duke it out, but normally we agree to disagree. Down at the bar ideas are exchanged.



End Times
6th January 2019, 09:18 AM
there are already laws in place to punish drivers, sober or not, from irresponsibly damaging other vehicles and passengers.

You keep avoiding directly addressing the fact that drunk driving is not merely a case of "negligence."

Principles which allow tyranny are poorly thought out.

There has never, ever, been a "right" to be a drunk.

Principle which allow some risk in exchange for liberty make more sense to me.

The "risk" is acceptable to you only when you and your family are not the statistics.

This clearly illustrates the bankruptcy of "libertarian" ideas. Not surprisingly, these "libertarian" ideas are most often peddled by Jews who use them as sophistry to attack a stable Goyish society. Consider what I said earlier about Latino invaders (using facetious "libertarian" arguments).

Forcing someone to pay a lawyer ten grand because he drank two beers is not reasonable IMO.

This is another of your red herrings.

No one here is advocating that.

If his blood alcohol is five times that and he gets in a wreck, then give him extra punishment for being drunk while driving.

Ah, there's doublethink! This is no different than "hate crimes" statutes. You claim to oppose such enhanced punishment.

And besides, an extra year or two is certainly going to make up for the life sentence of someone severely injured or mutilated by some fuck who insisted on driving drunk. :rolleyes:

Maybe if killing someone while driving drunk meant you yourself get put to death would be a deterrent...but...actually, no, drunks are drunks, and just won't stop until stopped.

6th January 2019, 09:20 AM
... the "social liberation" that booze gives him.

Dopamine blocks a lot more than just our mind’s ability to make a somewhat responsible decision, it blocks all expressions of it. One or two drinks may help someone relax and become a bit more outgoing at a social gathering or at a party. Just add a few more drinks may prompt someone to start acting in ways that they usually would not. Just a few out of charecter actions people do when their drunk are:

Risky sexual behavior
Committing senseless crimes
Getting into fights or other types of violent behavior
Making absurdly inappropriate comments to friends, family and/or co-workers
Experimenting with other drugs and substances
Driving under the influence
Doing painfully bad versions of songs in front of people on karaoke night (https://sobernation.com/why-does-alcohol-lower-your-inhibitions/)

6th January 2019, 10:09 AM
I think we knew all about booze long before we knew any Jews. The Jews are just good at appealing to our baser instincts, sex drugs and rock & roll. That's what the Jews did to Germany, their newspapers ran ads for all kinds of perversions that were alway refused by higher minded German editors.

I recall some podcast I listened to years ago, guest was on about history of alc/industry, & "flash distilling" method of cooking up spirits, developed 100-120 years ago sometime, where it took like 1 day, rather than years of 'aging' time to produce a given whiskey/etc. BUT there was something about the chemistry of this flash-distilled alc, which would provoke the drinkers to act more 'crazy' vs drinking the same amount/proof% of the traditionally distilled alc.

So this "new whiskey/etc" flooded the market & flew off the shelves, as it was CHEAP! And the "crazy drunken behavior" problem transformed society such that by 1920s Prohibition, most non-alkee people were in favor!

& Yes, a look at the major players behind this new plague reveals... dinjoo nuffins.

6th January 2019, 10:34 AM


Jew tv shows you what to believe.

You are a believer after all.

6th January 2019, 11:16 AM
You keep avoiding directly addressing the fact that drunk driving is not merely a case of "negligence."Your position is one of those feel-good "legal solutions to problems" approach that always ends worse than the problem in the first place.

But you're forgetting something that you already understand quite well......that our Leegul Just Us System is skewed against White people. Laws are redistribution schemes as well as ways to incarcerate our people in extreme disproportion to our enemies.

Black guy pulled over for DUI, Black cop lets him off. If White or Mex cop, they arrest him. Public defender gets lesser charge and gets off for small fine.

White guy pulled over for DUI gets arrested. Pays lawyer 20K, pays huge fine, loses license and loses job. Then loses wife.

Drunk Black guy runs into someone and causes injury. If there is a financial judgement against him nothing ever becomes of it. If he does any time over it, not very long.

Drunk White guy runs into someone and causes injury.Pays lawyer 20K. Financial judgement is high and White guy pays for it. If he does time it will be longer than Black guy.

Is there any thing else you want to "fix" by empowering cops and Lawyers?

Just askin....

6th January 2019, 11:52 AM
You can get arrested for riding your horse in to town too if the cops think you've had any alcohol to drink where I live. I think I've been to the bar and steakhouse the guy in this story rode in to. It was owned by and old Jew and he had some of the best steaks I've ever eaten. That's probably because the Jews that run the meat business keep their best meat for Jews like him that own restaurants and bars.


PIERRE — A local horse trainer and jockey accused of twice riding his horse while drunk was found innocent Friday by a Hughes County jury.

Paul ”Flip” Wilson, 42, was arrested June 2 after leaving a downtown Pierre cafe shortly after midnight.

A policeman said he stopped Wilson because of worry about other motorists who would soon be leaving nearby bars. Wilson was wearing dark clothing, except for a white cowboy hat, and his horse was dark brown.

He was stopped in the middle of a block near the intersection of two alleys. After refusing to do a couple of sobriety tests, failing coordination and dexterity tests, and refusing to take a blood test, Wilson was booked.

Circuit Judge James W. Anderson ruled earlier that a horse fits the definition of a vehicle under state law, prompting the one-day trial.

Wilson testified Friday that he was not drinking June 2. He said his breath smelled like alcohol because of a combination of liniment and alcohol that he had rubbed on several horses earlier in the day. The concoction, which jockeys keep secret, was absorbed through his skin and caused an alcohol odor on his breath, Wilson said.

”You do it day after day and it gets into your system,” he said. ”It doesn't make you drunk, but you can taste it in your mouth.”

Several liniment and alcohol containers were offered as evidence, and jurors said after the trial that they could smell them from several feet away. Even if Wilson had been drinking, police should have given him a warning and allowed him to walk his horse to a place where he could ride away safely, one juror said.

Wilson, who does not have a driver's license, said he was upset about being arrested. He had ridden his horse five miles into town to get a salad at a restaurant, he said.

”I didn't think I'd done anything wrong,” he told jurors. ”My horse knew his way home. A horse can see in the dark better than I can.”

The sobriety tests were difficult because of injuries he suffered during several years as a rodeo clown and jockey, Wilson said.

”I've had both of my knees messed up over the years,” he said.

It is not against the law to ride a horse in Pierre, acknowledged Deputy State's Attorney David Siebrasse.

"You can come into town with a horse if you want, but you can't ride it drunk,” he said during the one-day trial."

The prosecutor insisted that the evidence showed Wilson was drunk.

”He was at some bar, someplace, drinking,” Siebrasse told jurors, reminding them that a policeman testified Wilson had trouble getting on his horse and swayed while standing.

”Horses may not be easy to get onto, but they're a lot tougher when you've been drinking,” Siebrasse said.

Wilson should have been able to pass sobriety tests involving standing on one leg and walking heel to toe because he has been racing horses for several years, the prosecutor said.

6th January 2019, 01:42 PM
OK, someone post pics of women and children who have been run over by a horse that had a drunk rider.