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End Times
6th January 2019, 09:30 AM
Hard to digest: Inmates eat holiday steak during shutdown while prison workers go unpaid


The partial government shutdown created a delicious irony at federal prisons — inmates dining on lavish holiday meals in front of disgruntled staffers forced to work without pay.

The striking dynamic played out at dozens of prisons across the country on Christmas and New Year's Day, several workers told NBC News, aggravating staffers who were already fretting about bills to pay and children to feed.

Inmates at FCI Pekin in Illinois enjoyed a fancy meal of steak and shrimp on Jan. 1. Cornish hen and Boston Creme pie were on the menu at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn. And the prisoners at a federal institution in Minnesota munched on heaping plates of chicken wings, according to staffers and documents obtained by NBC News.

"You're giving a gift to somebody who committed a crime, but yet you won't pay the people who are supervising them?" said Sandy Parr, a food service foreman at Federal Medical Center in Rochester, Minn. "It's frustrating and maddening."

6th January 2019, 12:52 PM
Prison Inc at its finest

7th January 2019, 07:22 AM
Inmates at FCI Pekin in Illinois enjoyed a fancy meal of steak and shrimp on Jan. 1. Cornish hen and Boston Creme pie were on the menu...is this normal for prisons? They get fancy meals at holidays? They probably ate better than I did for New Years!