View Full Version : ‘White Supremacist’ Arrested for Killing 7 Year Old Black Child in Houston

6th January 2019, 03:32 PM
Another Fake News Fail


Gonzalez said the Harris County Sheriff’s Office does not regulate rewards for tips, and that the tip that led to Black will be rewarded through Shawn King, the popular Twitter activist who collected funds.
If White guy Shawn and his peeps thought the shooter was black they never would have offered a reward, so that is a funny right there.


6th January 2019, 03:46 PM
Wow it just gets better.

Real nigger down situation.
I wonder if Texas will charge the mother with anything ?

STUNNING UPDATE: Mother of Jazmine Barnes Was Facebook Friends with her Daughter’s Killer – Lied to Police


midnight rambler
6th January 2019, 03:47 PM
Dayum...that police sketch artist nailed it!

6th January 2019, 03:56 PM
I heard "mom" got about $80, 000 on her go fund me page.

I guess even loser Whites will stop giving to that now.

7th January 2019, 08:08 AM
the black hate network went full retard. they are laying in wait for any white/black violence to go full trayvon.

shaun king, sheila jackson lee, sheriff, media, hundreds at protest rally, hate crime spew


Even After A Tip, Texas Sheriff And Shaun King Pushed False Narrative In Jazmine Barnes Murder

7th January 2019, 12:52 PM
pictures of several hundred at the get-whitey rally at link. lots of community activists from austin, etc. sheila jackson lee, all of chaimstream media, sheriff, movie stars, nfl players -- all had jumped on it

they were in full-go mode. sheriff at rally/making comments when he already knew it was not white guy

they are laying in wait.....begging for anything white on black that they can run with. this event exposed them big time


Hundreds turn out to rally for 7-year-old Jazmine

An almost weeklong manhunt for the shooter — described by the family as a white man with blue eyes driving a red four-door pickup — has captivated the nation and resulted in athletes and celebrities pledging donations to the family and a reward topping $100,000 for information leading to an arrest.

“It is going to be ‘Justice for Jazmine.’ I feel it in my heart, because there are too many people out here looking for this man,” her mother, LaPorsha Washington, said Saturday. “We’re going to find him, no matter where we got to turn and no matter what rock we got to go under. We’re going to find you.”

A crowd of several hundred encircled activist Deric Muhammad, Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez and community organizers during the two-hour rally. They often paused to chant “Justice for Jazmine,” as Muhammad called them “Jazmine’s Army.”

“This is a beautiful response to a horrific tragedy,” Muhammad said, as some onlookers stood on top of their cars in the Walmart parking lot. “We have to find out who killed this baby. We have to find out for all the little other Jazmines who are out there that could be in danger as well.”

Many who spoke said they feared the shooting was racially motivated.

“People may get angry at us for saying it, but hell, everybody is already thinking it,” Muhammad said, adding that those in attendance should be careful about using the composite sketch of the alleged killer to rush an apprehension of the wrong person.

U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Houston, called Jazmine “the nation’s child” and asked for a federal task force to investigate the fatal shooting and for the federal government to issue a manhunt.

“We have some problems in Washington, something called a shutdown,” Jackson Lee said. “But there are essential employees that never leave their desk, and that is the federal law enforcement. That is the database that covers hate crimes — legislation that is now a federal offense. It is in no one’s interest to dumb down this incident.”

Gonzalez said investigators had been working the case “every single day,” scouring over tips sent in by the public.

“I made a commitment on behalf of the sheriff’s office and myself that we would not rest until we brought the killer to justice,” Gonzalez said. “We must stop this violence against anyone. Against anyone. We will not stop until we get justice for Jazmine.”

Harris County Commissioner Adrian Garcia had a message for the killer.

“Don’t live in a life of hell. Turn yourself in,” he said. “Be a man at least. You cannot live with this in your heart and your memory.”

Rapper Paul Wall, who also spoke at Saturday’s rally, called the little girl the “angel of Houston.”

“This is our angel now. This is our angel of Houston,” Wall said. “Jazmine represents something bigger. Something that we must stand for. We cannot fold for this.”

Jazmine’s great-aunt Elizabeth Cevilla-Perez through tears said she was amazed by the outpouring of support from the community and the hundreds gathered at the Walmart parking lot Saturday.

“They don’t even know her and here they are supporting us,” she said. “I’m so proud to be a Houstonian right now.”


7th January 2019, 12:56 PM


7th January 2019, 01:01 PM

Shaq, DeAndre Hopkins join celebrities pledging support for 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes

Texans star DeAndre Hopkins has pledged his next gameday check to the family of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes to cover funeral costs and to encourage tipsters to come forward in finding her killer.

The financial boost comes as civil rights activist Shaun King upped the reward for finding Jazmine’s assailant to $100,000.

Under the NFL collective bargaining agreement, players make $29,000 for playing in the wild-card round. A check of that amount will go to paying for the memorial scheduled to take place Tuesday at the Green House International Church at 200 W. Greens Road. A viewing will start at 10 a.m.

KPRC-TV reported that Houston police officer Kenneth Miles and Shaquille O’ Neal are teaming up to help pay for Jazmine’s funeral expenses.

Actresses Gabrielle Union, Olivia Wilde and Sophia Bush have taken to Twitter to call on the public to help catch the suspect.

Union called on authorities to find the shooter: “This evil monster must be stopped!”

================================================== ==========

note the funeral location in above story. as soon as they found it was two nigs, they changed the funeral to a different location. assuming the other one was better for the big production. after killers were caught, no need for big production


Jazmine’s funeral is scheduled to be held at noon on Tuesday at the Community of Faith Church in Houston

7th January 2019, 01:28 PM
U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Houston, called Jazmine “the nation’s child” and asked for a federal task force to investigate the fatal shooting and for the federal government to issue a manhunt.


This is now "our" federal government.


We should have picked our own cotton

8th January 2019, 04:15 PM
Klansman #2 arrested

End Times
8th January 2019, 08:53 PM
Klansman #2 arrested

Klansman?! That's a Colonel in the pure Aryan Schutzstaffel!

midnight rambler
8th January 2019, 08:59 PM
Klansman #2 arrested

Yes, and the nignogs are extremely disappointed they were depraved of an opportunity to get whitey, but not for lack of trying.

Until next time!

8th January 2019, 10:36 PM
Yes, and the nignogs are extremely disappointed they were depraved of an opportunity to get whitey, but not for lack of trying.

Until next time!

There must be some white on black crime they could rally around...

The SJW’s waiting for that reminds me of this group...


8th January 2019, 10:39 PM
We should have picked our own cotton
LOL Classic book!

9th January 2019, 02:23 AM
LOL Classic book!



Where's your India beach vacation photos for our vicarious pleasure?


9th January 2019, 03:07 AM


Where's your India beach vacation photos for our vicarious pleasure?


I am back in Sweden now...

9th January 2019, 03:13 AM
Pristine beach with no shit!

Not even the cows shat on the beach!

9th January 2019, 03:18 AM
Next Christmas holiday I have booked 2 rooms here...


There is a surfschool a hundred yards away...


9th January 2019, 03:23 AM
The shopping street behind the beach...

Me in the T-shirt I bought in Ho Chi Minh city 27 years ago:

All in all we had a great stay in Goa India, and we decided to go back there next Christmas holiday. Now it’s been 3 weeks since I stopped smoking.

9th January 2019, 04:02 AM
The shopping street behind the beach...

Me in the T-shirt I bought in Ho Chi Minh city 27 years ago:

All in all we had a great stay in Goa India, and we decided to go back there next Christmas holiday. Now it’s been 3 weeks since I stopped smoking.

Thanks for the photos as promised.


9th January 2019, 09:47 AM
The shopping street behind the beach...

Me in the T-shirt I bought in Ho Chi Minh city 27 years ago:

All in all we had a great stay in Goa India, and we decided to go back there next Christmas holiday. Now it’s been 3 weeks since I stopped smoking.

Was it something you ate or is that blue puke on your shirt?

9th January 2019, 10:37 AM
Mark (((Left vs Right))) Dice got a 7 day suspension from (((FB))) for a factual post re this story.

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YWnPshEg1Dw/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEjCNACELwBSFryq4qpAxUIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJ DeAE=&rs=AOn4CLAlCEeO-z2S_S3izmSLEJ9fiTw5jw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWnPshEg1Dw) 5:26
Facebook Just Suspended Me (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWnPshEg1Dw)

1 day ago

9th January 2019, 12:28 PM
Mark (((Left vs Right))) Dice

Why insult a guy when he obviously should be down?