View Full Version : Russian Patriarch Warns ‘Antichrist’ Will Control Humans Through Gadgets

End Times
8th January 2019, 10:50 AM


The leader of the Russian Orthodox Church has said that humans’ dependence on modern technology will result in the coming of the Antichrist.

In an interview with Russian state media, Patriarch Kirill explained he does not entirely oppose gadgets, but warned against “falling into slavery” to smartphones.

Patriarch Kirill said that the collection of user data including “location, interests and fears” will make it possible for humans to be controlled by external forces.

“Control from a single point is a harbinger of the coming of the Antichrist,” Kirill told the state-run Rossia-1 TV network on Orthodox Christmas Monday.

“The Antichrist is a personality that will be at the head of the world wide web controlling the entire human race. Thus, the structure itself presents a danger,” he said.

The church leader stressed that “if we don’t want to bring the apocalypse closer, there should be no single [control and access] center.”

8th January 2019, 12:36 PM
the anti-5G-ers been saying 5G's 1mm wave, (deliberately) attuned to our bodies' central nervous systems' wavelength, is designed to "control humans."

you can throw in the theory that all the nano-particulate size aluminum we breath from the chemtrails, & now flowing through our bloodstreams, helps activate/amplify the signal/strength of the 5G, & thus its (desired) effects on our bodies/mood.

5G Wireless Technology: Millimeter Wave Health Effects (http://memoryholeblog.org/2019/01/07/5g-wireless-technology-millimeter-wave-health-effects/)

January 7, 2019

MHB Admin (http://memoryholeblog.org/author/admin/) Leave a comment (http://memoryholeblog.org/2019/01/07/5g-wireless-technology-millimeter-wave-health-effects/#respond)

A Review of Recent Public Health Literature

Joel M. Moscowitz Ph.D.
School of Public Health
UC Berkeley
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety (https://www.saferemr.com)
(November 14, 2018)

With the deployment of fifth generation wireless infrastructure (aka 5G), much of the nation will be exposed to MMWs for the first time on a continuous basis. Due to FCC guidelines, these exposures will likely be of low intensity. Hence, the health consequences of 5G exposure will be limited to non-thermal effects produced by prolonged exposure to MMWs in conjunction with exposure to low- and mid-band radiofrequency radiation.

Unfortunately, few studies have examined prolonged exposure to low-intensity MMWs, and no research that I am aware of has focused on exposure to MMWs combined with other radiofrequency radiation.

MOAR: http://memoryholeblog.org/2019/01/07/5g-wireless-technology-millimeter-wave-health-effects/

8th January 2019, 12:42 PM
I was listening to an episode of Coast to Coast the other day, and the guest (I forget his name) was talking about this exact thing, that the next few generations of tech will blend virtual and real reality into a kind of augmented reality where (if you accept the tech implants) what you see/hear/perceive will be able to be controlled by third party artificial intelligence. Remember, Elon Musk said that AI is "summoning the demon," and once you give them that (i.e. implanting "smart" devices) you will be subject to their suggestions & control.

8th January 2019, 12:44 PM
Here it is:


In the latter half, he returned to his cautionary warnings on transhumanism and the effects of new technologies on human consciousness. The idea of a "putting humanity, especially our children, on the altar of Silicon Valley technology" and virtually turning people into machines is very dangerous, he argued, and the potential benefits are outweighed by the loss of control and disconnection from natural reality. He cited how the coming of 5G wireless technology may further blur the lines between our bodies and the digital realm, with the object of the cell phone being replaced by an implant in the eye or brain. He characterized a future where people kitted out with new technological abilities to inhabit artificial digital worlds as a kind of "alien invasion."

8th January 2019, 01:07 PM
The leader of the Russian Orthodox Church has said that humans’ dependence on modern technology will result in the coming of the Antichrist.

In an interview with Russian state media, Patriarch Kirill explained he does not entirely oppose gadgets, but warned against “falling into slavery” to smartphones.

Patriarch Kirill said that the collection of user data including “location, interests and fears” will make it possible for humans to be controlled by external forces.

“Control from a single point is a harbinger of the coming of the Antichrist,” Kirill told the state-run Rossia-1 TV network on Orthodox Christmas Monday.

“The Antichrist is a personality that will be at the head of the world wide web controlling the entire human race. Thus, the structure itself presents a danger,” he said.

The church leader stressed that “if we don’t want to bring the apocalypse closer, there should be no single [control and access] center.”

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcROacuTsXgkLVjSudswTNZNvf04lxwjf YzLw3R_Fp3pWq_ihN7f
The most destructive "gadget"

Re: Russian Patriarch Warns ‘Antichrist’ Will Control Humans Through Gadgets

End Times
8th January 2019, 01:39 PM
the anti-5G-ers been saying 5G's 1mm wave, (deliberately) attuned to our bodies' central nervous systems' wavelength, is designed to "control humans."

you can throw in the theory that all the nano-particulate size aluminum we breath from the chemtrails, & now flowing through our bloodstreams, helps activate/amplify the signal/strength of the 5G, & thus its (desired) effects on our bodies/mood.

The US Government (and others) have known that microwave radiation induces anxiety and (negative) cognitive effects in humans for over 40 years.



The effects of millimeter wave energy from 5G is not fully-known, but enough is known that we can be certain nasty shit is coming our way. Musk wants to put up 20,000 small satellites in LEO for 5G Internet access planet-wide. There will be nowhere to hide. Other corporations plan similar.

What is especially concerning is that one of 5G's bands, 60GHz, is apparently the frequency for the atomic spin of Oxygen molecules. Hence, Oxygen has a strong affinity for such radiation, and we humans are, of course, made up of a great deal of Oxygen (in water).

8th January 2019, 01:50 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcROacuTsXgkLVjSudswTNZNvf04lxwjf YzLw3R_Fp3pWq_ihN7f
The most destructive "gadget"

Re: Russian Patriarch Warns ‘Antichrist’ Will Control Humans Through Gadgets

Maybe to date. Just wait until augmented virtual reality chips get implanted in your head, for the "convenience" of being able to watch all your TV, make all your phone calls, do all your social media, use all your smartphone apps, etc., without any external hardware and with everything projected into your retinas.

8th January 2019, 01:57 PM
Patriarch Kirill explained he does not entirely oppose gadgets, but warned against “falling into slavery” to smartphones.A little late on the heads-up there, Kirill...

End Times
8th January 2019, 02:29 PM
Maybe to date. Just wait until augmented virtual reality chips get implanted in your head, for the "convenience" of being able to watch all your TV, make all your phone calls, do all your social media, use all your smartphone apps, etc., without any external hardware and with everything projected into your retinas.

Yes, Talmudvision will look like stone tablets once VR is widespread. People will no longer be able to grasp reality, not merely be presented an alternative reality via the TV.