View Full Version : (((American Psychological Association))): "Traditional Maculinity" is "harmful"

End Times
9th January 2019, 08:58 AM

It's all your fault, men.

For the first time in its history, the American Psychological Association (APA) released guidelines concerning men and boys, saying that so-called “traditional masculinity” not only is “harmful” but also could lead to homophobia and sexual harassment.

“The main thrust of the subsequent research is that traditional masculinity – marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression – is, on the whole, harmful,” reads the news release by the famed association.

It notes that research shows “traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful and that socializing boys to suppress their emotions causes damage that echoes both inwardly and outwardly.”

The 36-page document goes on to coin “masculinity ideology,” which stems from traditional masculinity, and claims that it harms boys and men.

“Traditional masculinity ideology has been shown to limit males’ psychological development, constrain their behavior, result in gender role strain and gender role conflict and negatively influence mental health and physical health,” the report warns.

The “masculinity ideology” is defined by the APA as “a particular constellation of standards that have held sway over large segments of the population, including: anti-femininity, achievement, eschewal of the appearance of weakness, and adventure, risk, and violence.”

The research goes on to suggest that masculine boys may put their energy toward disruptive behaviors such as homophobia, bullying and even sexual harassment rather than strive for academic excellence.

“Though men benefit from patriarchy, they are also impinged upon by patriarchy,” said (((Ronald F. Levant, EdD))), a professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Akron and co-editor of the APA volume “The Psychology of Men and Masculinities.”

The new paper also advises clinicians how to address the problems of their own bias when treating boys and men, and urges to address how “power, privilege, and sexism work both by conferring benefits to men and by trapping them in narrow roles.”

End Times
9th January 2019, 09:05 AM
It's only a matter of time before being a man is added to the DSM as a "delusional disorder" and/or "personality disorder."


midnight rambler
9th January 2019, 09:37 AM
Who didn’t see this coming??

9th January 2019, 09:41 AM
It is the “traditional masculinity” that have created the economic condition for a large proportion of the population to essentially just sit on their ass and formulate insane theories on how the world is working, without ever contributing anything of value.

9th January 2019, 09:55 AM
It is the “traditional masculinity” that have created the economic condition for a large proportion of the population to essentially just sit on their ass and formulate insane theories on how the world is working, without ever contributing anything of value.

Yes - traditional masculinity built the world we live in now. This is no less than an attack on one of the very foundations of civilization.

9th January 2019, 10:05 AM
Social engineers market all their bad ideas as a "great new wisdom, scientifically proven".

Race mixing, homosexuality, transexualism, you name it.

9th January 2019, 10:53 AM
It notes that research shows “traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful....”


Jew (((psychology))) research after WWII tried inventing a negative connotation of Patriarchy called "Authoritarian" parenting to undermine the role of Father:


Jew (((television))) then created the buffoon father figures we see today:

https://media.tenor.com/images/cbe1670057f8d9551c23202232303e17/tenor.gif https://media3.giphy.com/media/Ms3ybgCq8NvdC/giphy.gif https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ThisAmazingCrab-small.gif

End Times
9th January 2019, 05:39 PM
Yes - traditional masculinity built the world we live in now. This is no less than an attack on one of the very foundations of civilization.

That was, is, and will remain the primary purpose of Bolshevism: to destroy civilization. And yes, if "masculinity" is destroyed, civilization comes to an abrupt end.

End Times
9th January 2019, 05:40 PM
Social engineers market all their bad ideas as a "great new wisdom, scientifically proven".

Race mixing, homosexuality, transexualism, you name it.

(((Social engineers))). Yeah, they always claim it's "scientific." Scientific socialism is what (((they))) long called Marxism.

End Times
9th January 2019, 05:43 PM
Jew (((psychology))) research after WWII tried inventing a negative connotation of Patriarchy called "Authoritarian" parenting to undermine the role of Father:

Without leaders, no group can survive. "Authority" is the foundation for leadership. Either earned or rightly assumed...usually both.

This is why our enemies have always denounced "authoritarianism" in favor of what they call "democracy."

And yes, the father is the leader of the home and family. It is his natural role and right, revoked only for serious cause. "I'm offended"/"I'm not fulfilled" do not count.

9th January 2019, 06:39 PM
Without leaders, no group can survive. "Authority" is the foundation for leadership. Either earned or rightly assumed...usually both.

This is why our enemies have always denounced "authoritarianism" in favor of what they call "democracy."

And yes, the father is the leader of the home and family. It is his natural role and right, revoked only for serious cause. "I'm offended"/"I'm not fulfilled" do not count.
I think the even greater danger in letting children growing up without the natural controlling authority that the parents are, they will have a longing for authority and direction later in life, and that they may fall for an extremist fanatic instead. It doesn’t matter to them what his ideology is as long as he promise structure and leadership. They have been prepared for the Antichrist...

9th January 2019, 07:02 PM
... have a longing for authority...as long as he promises structure and leadership.

https://static.politico.com/dims4/default/a141263/2147483647/resize/1160x%3E/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fs3-origin-images.politico.com%2F2015%2F08%2F07%2F150807_gop_ debate_gty_1160.jpg

The "choices" us goyim were given by our (((Owners))).

9th January 2019, 07:02 PM
I think the even greater danger in letting children growing up without the natural controlling authority that the parents are, they will have a longing for authority and direction later in life, and that they may fall for an extremist fanatic instead. It doesn’t matter to them what his ideology is as long as he promise structure and leadership. They have been prepared for the Antichrist...And we know who is planning to fill that void in their lives....which may be the reason they created it.