View Full Version : Women's Suffrage

11th January 2019, 08:06 AM
From 1920.

midnight rambler
11th January 2019, 08:12 AM
"Organized female nagging forever" lol

11th January 2019, 11:29 AM
From 1920.
http://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1546790687026.jpgDamn, how prophetic! This poster predicted the future, exactly.

11th January 2019, 11:49 AM
"Organized female nagging forever" lol



Fat Camel Toe Cop


13th January 2019, 12:53 PM
Damn, how prophetic! This poster predicted the future, exactly.

100 years down the line. Lets agree its been a giant failure! Lets close the trial, before we start getting some real damage.

14th January 2019, 07:46 AM
100 years down the line. Lets agree its been a giant failure! Lets close the trial, before we start getting some real damage.

Yeah, we'll call it a 100 year pilot program, and the results are bad so we're cancelling the program, ha!

End Times
14th January 2019, 08:25 AM
If giving women the vote was the means to end civilization, what caused the American "Civil" War?

14th January 2019, 06:50 PM
If giving women the vote was the means to end civilization, what caused the American "Civil" War?

That is a very poor arguement. Are you saying that the civil war would not have happened if women had the vote? The Twentieth century was the most violent ever. This, after the women got the vote. Women are not kinder and gentler. They are just as brutal as men and easier to sway in mass because they are even more gullible. They tend to be swayed by sentiment and not as much by reason as are men. Not that men are any paragon of reasoning.

End Times
14th January 2019, 08:52 PM
That is a very poor arguement. Are you saying that the civil war would not have happened if women had the vote?

My "argument" is that giving women the vote was not this monstrous assault on civilization the closet cases make it out to be. The "Civil" War was all men...voting for fratricide.

The Twentieth century was the most violent ever. This, after the women got the vote.

The Twentieth Century was the most violent (to date!) because of technology, not women marking ballots.

Women are not kinder and gentler. They are just as brutal as men and easier to sway in mass because they are even more gullible. They tend to be swayed by sentiment and not as much by reason as are men. Not that men are any paragon of reasoning.

Natural women are kinder and gentler. They're designed that way. But yes, Jewish media (think: Edward Bernays) corrupted them into rejecting their natural femininity (which includes that nurturing power). And no, men en masse are no paragons of reasoning...hence my point about the "Civil" War, and just about every war of non-defensive character.

It irks me to see "women" being painted as particularly "evil." They are not evil, they are not unnecessary, and for real men, they are essential companions. I understand all too well that the mass of females have been turned into enemy combatants against humanity, but so have males. I perceive this "movement" as much less an actual valid complaint against women, and much more a revelation of revulsion for women (latent faggotry or asexuality).

24th January 2019, 09:39 PM
If giving women the vote was the means to end civilization, what caused the American "Civil" War?

Americans (North and South) had to put their differences aside to stop the greater enemy, Great Britain. After this threat was gone they turned on their brothers and hashed out their differences.

This is similar to how during WW2 America and the Sovient Union put aside their differences to defeat Germany. After the this threat was gone then you had the Cold War.

The only downside to Patriarchy is constant warfare typically. It's that or InfiniNiggers. This is why I advocate for Transhumanism to change our biology once and for all.

25th January 2019, 12:09 AM
The only downside to Patriarchy is constant warfare typically. This is why I advocate for Transhumanism to change our biology once and for all.

All life that we know of has to struggle to survive.

Either we're fighting the elements for food and shelter, or we're fighting each other in wars, or we're struggling to out compete our neighbors economically as population increases and living expenses grow.

When we have achieved all our needs like in our present age, half of us will get sick and try to destroy the other half. This is what liberalism is.

Transhumanism won't stop the fundamental principle of the struggle to survive. It will just change the battleground into some other venue.

My suggestion is that the only solution is religion, specifically a new religion is needed that is based on DNA.

The reason DNA is sacred is because the only way you get it is through pure suffering. Think about it, how many had to die, and under what horrible conditions, did it take for us to get to where we are today? You can't simulate it on a computer and come up with your own DNA, because there are so many variables that only something that is actually alive can create it. Its nearly impossible to even simulate a couple hundred neurons, much less a brain, much less the DNA that created the brain as a mere tool to propagate itself.

The nice thing about religion is that it takes the struggle that is necessary for life, and it turns it into a personal struggle against sin. So it makes the battleground inside your own mind, and the entire religion is designed to give you training on how to take it on.

That way, you can have life while at the same time reducing the need for as much physical death and suffering (be it from the elements, wars, or self inflicted destruction via lefism) that would normally be required, since you paid it forward and fought the war internally on your own terms.

So my only caution to you with the transhumanism stuff is that there is literally no example of life without suffering that we know of, and you'd need pretty strong reasoning or evidence as to why you can have life without that element before simply assuming its possible.

Btw, I know you hate big chunks of text, sorry about this.

25th January 2019, 12:32 AM
Btw, I know you hate big chunks of text, sorry about this.
I shortened it fyi Shalomi!

25th January 2019, 08:50 AM
All life that we know of has to struggle to survive.


All real "FOOD" is literally another living being.


25th January 2019, 09:22 AM
All real "FOOD" is literally another living being.


The universe is hostile, so impersonal.
Devour to survive.
So it is. So it's always been.

We all feed on tragedy.
It's like blood to a vampire.

Vicariously I live while the whole world dies.
Much better you than I.


24th February 2019, 04:24 AM
Cato the Elder
Born 234 BC
Died 149 BC



24th February 2019, 07:41 AM
From 1920.



24th February 2019, 07:51 AM

I followed this link Madfranks and it is very relevant.
