View Full Version : "States should ensure households understand this is not an additional benefit"

End Times
12th January 2019, 12:49 AM
Oh, golly, what could go wrong?

http://www.cdss.ca.gov/Portals/9/ACWDL/2019/CalFreshACWDLFederalShutdownEarlyIssuanceFebruaryB enefits.pdf

USDA FNS memo to "Western Region" State Welfare Agencies:

Due to the current lapse in fiscal year 2019 appropriations, SNAP is providing a
blanket waiver to States to allow for early issuance of February SNAP benefits.

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is waiving 7 CFR 274.2(d) to the extent that it
requires that ongoing households receive their benefits on or about the same date each
month. States will be allowed to issue February benefits early in order to minimize
the potential impact of the lapse in appropriations on SNAP clients.

States normally make benefits available in accordance with their issuance schedules
each month. With this waiver, States may instead issue all February benefits on
or before January 20, 2019.

States must:

• Inform FNS of their intent to utilize this waiver;
• Provide FNS with the issuance file transmission date(s); and
• Provide FNS with the issuance availability date(s) on or before January
20, 2019, so that the stakeholders can be informed.

States should then ensure that SNAP households understand that this issuance is their
February issuance and not an additional benefit. <--- LOL!

12th January 2019, 08:23 AM

Here in Idaho just last year the State had to stagger the refill date from the traditional First Of The Month to the 1st through 9th because it overwhelmed the grocery stores.

Many recipients WILL spend this extra month early then cry hunger in March.

12th January 2019, 02:58 PM
Oh, golly, what could go wrong?

http://www.cdss.ca.gov/Portals/9/ACWDL/2019/CalFreshACWDLFederalShutdownEarlyIssuanceFebruaryB enefits.pdf

USDA FNS memo to "Western Region" State Welfare Agencies:

Due to the current lapse in fiscal year 2019 appropriations, SNAP is providing a
blanket waiver to States to allow for early issuance of February SNAP benefits.

The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is waiving 7 CFR 274.2(d) to the extent that it
requires that ongoing households receive their benefits on or about the same date each
month. States will be allowed to issue February benefits early in order to minimize
the potential impact of the lapse in appropriations on SNAP clients.

States normally make benefits available in accordance with their issuance schedules
each month. With this waiver, States may instead issue all February benefits on
or before January 20, 2019.

States must:

• Inform FNS of their intent to utilize this waiver;
• Provide FNS with the issuance file transmission date(s); and
• Provide FNS with the issuance availability date(s) on or before January
20, 2019, so that the stakeholders can be informed.

States should then ensure that SNAP households understand that this issuance is their
February issuance and not an additional benefit. <--- LOL!
Let’s say there is no debt ceiling agreement until when the March food stamps are supppsed to be issued. Then you’ll see nationwide looting. I have no doubt Trump would be prepared to take it there, the Democrats seems 100% intent on stopping the financing on the wall too...

What happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object? We are about too see, but I’ll bet it involves heat, sparks, fire, destruction, screams, gnashing of teeth and pyroclastic smokeflows...

12th January 2019, 03:35 PM
Let’s say there is no debt ceiling agreement until when the March food stamps are supppsed to be issued. Then you’ll see nationwide looting. I have no doubt Trump would be prepared to take it there, the Democrats seems 100% intent on stopping the financing on the wall too...

What happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object? We are about too see, but I’ll bet it involves heat, sparks, fire, destruction, screams, gnashing of teeth and pyroclastic smokeflows...

Get down with that doom boner.

They will pass a stop gap funding bill.

12th January 2019, 05:16 PM
They will pass a stop gap funding bill.


Trump can't kick this can down the road anymore. His base won't accept another stop gap anything. He knows it.


End Times
12th January 2019, 07:37 PM
Trump can't kick this can down the road anymore. His base won't accept another stop gap anything. He knows it.

His base swallowed so many whoppers, what's another?




14th January 2019, 07:42 AM
Many recipients WILL spend this extra month early then cry hunger in March.No, they'll cry hunger about mid-February when they've exhausted their month's worth of "benefits" two weeks early.

On another note, I'm absolutely disgusted by the fact that the USDA needs to hold the hands of the poor "down on their luck" welfare recipients and try to reason with them not to squander their early February money. It's like a parent warning their kids not to blow their allowance at the candy store, to save some for later.

End Times
14th January 2019, 08:27 AM
No, they'll cry hunger about mid-February when they've exhausted their month's worth of "benefits" two weeks early.

On another note, I'm absolutely disgusted by the fact that the USDA needs to hold the hands of the poor "down on their luck" welfare recipients and try to reason with them not to squander their early February money. It's like a parent warning their kids not to blow their allowance at the candy store, to save some for later.

A majority of SNAP recipients have IQs less than 100, and many have IQs less than room temperature.

midnight rambler
14th January 2019, 08:33 AM
A majority of SNAP recipients have IQs less than 100, and many have IQs less than room temperature.

Without the artificial support, in nature such creatures would not survive and reproduce, however our overlords consider them worthwhile pets with which to torment the rest of us with.

14th January 2019, 05:42 PM
Without the artificial support, in nature such creatures would not survive and reproduce, however our overlords consider them worthwhile pets with which to torment the rest of us with.

My contention is that never in the history of mankind have we ever had as rapid devolution as we have right now, due to the ungodly social security systems we have constructed, that encourages freaks of nature to multiply and allows them to survive...

14th January 2019, 06:11 PM
No, they'll cry hunger about mid-February when they've exhausted their month's worth of "benefits" two weeks early.

https://morganrants.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/angelica-hernandez_gloria-nunez1.jpg http://kidfocused.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/black-woman-attitude3.jpg https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2WIA_ElAN6k/UC1pyf1pKOI/AAAAAAAAucE/7phqmrFSo-w/s1600/fat1.jpg

End Times
14th January 2019, 08:55 PM
My contention is that never in the history of mankind have we ever had as rapid devolution as we have right now, due to the ungodly social security systems we have constructed, that encourages freaks of nature to multiply and allows them to survive...


14th January 2019, 10:34 PM
My contention is that never in the history of mankind have we ever had as rapid devolution as we have right now, due to the ungodly social security systems we have constructed, that encourages freaks of nature to multiply and allows them to survive...

Costa Rica has got at least one part of governance correct, their key is to raise taxes while also not providing anything more whatsoever. (with the exception of those governing)