View Full Version : Mexico pipeline thefts at record high, 10,363 illegal taps

19th January 2019, 07:04 AM
Over 66 thieving Mexicans killed in just one pipeline tap explosion in todays news (https://www.apnews.com/1c106a2272dc413db4e11db6fc2361c2). here's the background facts:


Mexico pipeline thefts at record high, 10,363 illegal taps

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Fuel thieves in Mexico drilled 10,363 illegal taps into state-owned pipelines in 2017, or an average of about 28 every day. The government-owned oil company Pemex reported Wednesday that illegal taps rose about 50 percent last year, from 6,873 in 2016. Those are just the taps that have been found. Many others are believed to be still working surreptitiously, drawing off gasoline or diesel that is sold illegally by vendors or even through established gas stations.

Pemex said in a statement that authorities have closed 70 gas stations for selling presumably stolen fuel to drivers. The company said patrol and technological surveillance were increased and almost 4 million gallons (15 million liters) of stolen fuel had been recovered. Last year, Mexico’s government estimated the 2016 thefts cost Pemex about $1 billion for the year, but the company provided no monetary estimate of the losses in 2017. Just five years ago, authorities found only about 1,635 illegal taps annually.

The thefts are carried out by drug cartels and other heavily armed criminal gangs. In the northern border state of Tamaulipas, for example, the army reported Wednesday that soldiers found several stashes of stolen fuel, drugs and weapons this week. Raids near the border city of Reynosa turned up about 5,500 gallons (21,000 liters) of presumably stolen fuel, cocaine, 17 assault rifles, two .50-caliber sniper rifles and two claymore mines. Three people were detained.

Fuel thefts were once largely confined to two or three states in Mexico, but have since spread across the country, including the suburbs of Mexico City. “We face a great challenge, and all together, the public and the government, we should work in a grand alliance to face this criminal activity that affects the property of all Mexicans,” Pemex said. Thieves use hand drills to make a hole in pipelines and quickly screw valves and hoses into place. They then fill everything from 275-gallon (1,064 liter) portable tanks to entire tanker trucks. The illegal taps are usually discovered either because they leak, cause pipeline pressure to drop or catch fire.

19th January 2019, 07:29 AM
Enterprising little bastards, aren't they?

19th January 2019, 09:37 AM
I read a piece about an epidemic of trail derailments too -- vibrants are derailing them and stealing the cargoes

19th January 2019, 12:10 PM
Mexico is an Oligarchy, where a small group of families own and run most of the country, this is the result, and what is coming to America.

midnight rambler
19th January 2019, 12:15 PM
Mexico is an Oligarchy, where a small group of families own and run most of the country, this is the result, and what is coming to America.

Isn't that the situation in the entire world?

19th January 2019, 12:23 PM
Not really, not yet in America anyway, but it is why you see all these people crashing the border, in their countries the Oligarchy won years ago.

midnight rambler
19th January 2019, 12:27 PM
No, you're apparently referring to what you see as the end result, I'm referring to the process, the trend of the (((have-mores))) beating down and sucking the substance out of everyone else, which has been going on forever at least to some degree. IMO a wholly connected high tech world has made (((their))) process of debasing everything and vacuuming up everyone's substance much more efficient.

19th January 2019, 03:52 PM
Refried Beaners.


19th January 2019, 03:59 PM
Hummus or bean-dip. neither go well with gasoline. Ron White has the right idea...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=na2NQxDUMaY

midnight rambler
19th January 2019, 04:02 PM
Refried Beaners.


I gather that those up close on the periphery of the fire were futilely trying to locate their lost family members and friends.

19th January 2019, 04:08 PM
I gather that those up close on the periphery of the fire were futilely trying to locate their lost family members and friends.

Most definitely.

midnight rambler
19th January 2019, 04:14 PM
BTW, based on the liveleak video that wasn't a 'tap'. lol

19th January 2019, 04:50 PM
BTW, based on the liveleak video that wasn't a 'tap'. lol

A fine example of Mexican maintenance.

midnight rambler
19th January 2019, 04:51 PM
A fine example of Mexican maintenance.

I don't think maintenance came into play there, strictly a matter of "Hey, let's get some FREE* petrol! Just like everyone else in Meeheco!" IOW sabotage.

*there is no such thing as something for nothing

19th January 2019, 04:54 PM
I don't think maintenance came into play there, strictly a matter of "let's get some FREE* petrol!" IOW sabotage.

*there is no such thing as something for nothing


The FSA did all that digging to break open just one spot?

End Times
19th January 2019, 05:01 PM

The FSA did all that digging to break open just one spot?

I always struggle with understanding how people could be so fucking dumb. I'm just too smart to be able to fathom how anyone could ever think it is a good idea to go near SPEWING gasoline like that, no matter how desperate you are.

midnight rambler
19th January 2019, 05:13 PM
I always struggle with understanding how people could be so fucking dumb. I'm just too smart to be able to fathom how anyone could ever think it is a good idea to go near SPEWING gasoline like that, no matter how desperate you are.

Amigo! Check it out! I just made off with ONE THOUSAND PESOS of gasolina! FOR FREE! You should go get some yourself!

midnight rambler
19th January 2019, 05:15 PM

The FSA did all that digging to break open just one spot?

Accomplished with what's known as a 'Mexican steamshovel'. That's why and how all that dirt was moved.

19th January 2019, 06:10 PM
Accomplished with what's known as a 'Mexican steamshovel'. That's why and how all that dirt was moved.

I am unable to find anything regarding a 'Mexican steamshovel'. Could you provide an example?

I did come across this during my searching. NSFW!

Texas Steam Shovel (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Texas%20Steam%20Shovel)

midnight rambler
19th January 2019, 06:16 PM
I am unable to find anything regarding a 'Mexican steamshovel'. Could you provide an example?

Perhaps they were thinking they could dig a pit to contain the gasolina.


19th January 2019, 06:49 PM
Right out of a horror movie.


19th January 2019, 10:19 PM
Right out of a horror movie.


Stop, drop and roll

Stop, drop and roll is a simple fire safety technique taught to children, emergency services personnel and industrial workers as a component of health and safety training in English-speaking North America, and most other English-speaking countries. It involves three steps a fire victim should follow to minimize injury in the event their clothing catches fire.

I was wondering why they were all running while on fire. Now I know.

20th January 2019, 02:47 AM
Perhaps they were thinking they could dig a pit to contain the gasolina.

That looks like a trencher or backhoe was used. The earthwork is too neat to be created by lazy opportunists.

midnight rambler
20th January 2019, 06:39 AM
That looks like a trencher or backhoe was used. The earthwork is too neat to be created by lazy opportunists.

Perhaps the ‘tap’ was made with a backhoe.

20th January 2019, 07:34 AM
That video makes me cringe because of something I experienced quite a few years ago. We were fighting a prairie fire that was moving about 35 mph. My nephew and I got caught where we couldn't get out of the way of it and it went over the top of us in my pickup. A short distance away it went over some others that were fighting it along a creek where there was a lot of trees, brush and thick tall grass. One of the guys riding in the back of a pickup running a pump and sprayer fell off the back of the pickup. The smoke was so thick you couldn't see where you were going. He survived the fall but he couldn't see where he was going and they couldn't find him in the thick smoke. He ran the wrong way and ran in to the fire. When the fire had passed and they found him he was burned over most of his body and had also breathed in the flames and burned his lungs but he was still alive, conscious and talking to them. They life flighted him in a helicopter about a hundred miles away to a hospital. He died a couple of days later.

20th January 2019, 08:07 AM
I was wondering why they were all running while on fire. Now I know.

I don't think stop drop and roll works when you're soaked with fuel.

20th January 2019, 11:22 AM

Fire is instinctively the most feared way to die. Several of the World Trade Center 9-11 victims jumped out of windows rather then be burned.

20th January 2019, 11:50 AM
I don't think stop drop and roll works when you're soaked with fuel.

I imagine it's a whole lot more effective than running!

End Times
20th January 2019, 07:15 PM
I imagine it's a whole lot more effective than running!

If you run fast enough, the wind will put the fire out.


midnight rambler
20th January 2019, 08:00 PM
If you run fast enough, the wind will put the fire out.

Yeah, eventually.

21st January 2019, 06:36 PM
Because gasoline is so extremely flammable if your clothing is soaked with gasoline the only way to extiguish the fire is to completely off the air supply by rolling up in a canvas, a carpet, or submersing in water, none of which were available to los mexicanos que robaron la gasolina.

22nd January 2019, 11:31 AM
Sounds like they were asking for trouble and nothing was going to stop them.


An excerpt from the article below.

"TLAHUELILPAN, Mexico – People in the town where a gasoline explosion killed at least 85 people say the section of pipeline that gushed fuel has been a habitual gathering site for thieves, repeatedly damaged and patched like a trusty pair of jeans.“It was the popular tap,” said Enrique Cerron, 22, who lives near the field. “You could pass by at 11 or 12 in the morning and see people filling up here.”

On Friday, amid countrywide fuel shortages at gas stations as the government attempts to stem widespread fuel theft, this particular section of pipeline had come back into service after being offline for nearly four weeks when somebody punctured the line again. Word quickly spread through the community of 20,000 people that gas was flowing. Come one, come all.

Hundreds showed up at the spigot, carrying plastic jugs and covering their faces with bandanas. A few threw rocks and swung sticks at soldiers who tried to shoo them away. Some fuel collectors brought their children along."

22nd January 2019, 12:14 PM
Because gasoline is so extremely flammable if your clothing is soaked with gasoline the only way to extiguish the fire is to completely off the air supply by rolling up in a canvas, a carpet, or submersing in water, none of which were available to los mexicanos que robaron la gasolina.

When I was young... lol. I threw some gas into a fire and it splashed back onto the lower legs of my pants. No one would help until I kept telling them to wipe the fire off, there was no way I was fast enough by myself. They did help put it out, seemed like forever. There is a reason I will not wear anything but 100% cotton socks now.