View Full Version : Yeahoo comment section set to auto-censor/auto-delete on entering of 'holohoax'

midnight rambler
27th January 2019, 05:14 PM
I had to put spaces in holohoax for my comment to get past the algorithm set to *gas* any comment with 'holohoax'.

Isn't that fascinating?

27th January 2019, 05:21 PM
I had to put spaces in holohoax for my comment to get past the algorithm set to boot any comment with 'holohoax'.

Isn't that fascinating?(((They))) are engaging in blatant censorship like the good Nazis they are. The opposition will ut-til-ize wha-tev-er me_ans are necessary to de_fe_eat (((their))) algor-ithms.

(((They))) can no longer su_pp_ress the the truth.