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6th February 2019, 05:47 AM

House members introduce bill that would fund Holocaust education programs in schools

February 5, 2019 6:51 pm

WASHINGTON (JTA) — A bipartisan slate of House members introduced a bill that would grant money to Holocaust education in schools.

The Never Again Education Act would establish the Holocaust Education Assistance Program Fund in the U.S. Treasury. The bill would combine appropriated funds and private donations.

A release from the office of Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., one of the lead sponsors said the bill would “finance grants to public and private middle and high schools to help teachers develop and improve Holocaust education programs.”

The other lead sponsor is Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y.

The lead sponsors, launching the bill Monday at the Center for Jewish History in New York City, cited reports of a rise in anti-Semitism and a decline in awareness of the Holocaust.

“Anti-Semitism is on the rise around the world and here at home, and the memory of the Holocaust is fading for far too many Americans,” said Maloney, who launched a similar initiative in the last Congress which languished. “We can combat this by making sure we teach our students, tomorrow’s leaders, about the horrors of the Holocaust.”

Also present at the bill’s launch were representatives of Jewish advocacy groups and Israeli diplomats.

more at link...

6th February 2019, 06:41 AM


We need to use more goy tax dollars to indoctrinate goy kids in goy public schools.


6th February 2019, 01:22 PM
Also present at the bill’s launch were representatives of Jewish advocacy groups and Israeli diplomats.

Hmm, isn't it problematic to have a foreign government meddle in US politics? Where's the outrage from all the Russiaphobes??

6th February 2019, 01:58 PM
Hmm, isn't it problematic to have a foreign government meddle in US politics? Where's the outrage from all the Russiaphobes??

umm, YEAAAH!

yesterday, as MAGA-KAGaholics prep'd their popcorn supply for last night's SOTU,

Adam Green "Know More News" 14m:

Senate Passes Unconstitutional Anti-BDS Bill (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgBrT2AssRw)

18 hours ago

6th February 2019, 03:50 PM
NONE of these fuckers work for us anymore, and I'm not sure they ever did in my lifetime.

6th February 2019, 09:21 PM
wtf website -- same topic


Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation

JPEF programs, articles, updates, new ideas, and conversations about teaching the history and life lessons of the Jewish partisans


and this too


7th February 2019, 02:53 AM
wtf website -- same topic


Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation

JPEF programs, articles, updates, new ideas, and conversations about teaching the history and life lessons of the Jewish partisans


and this too


It's been awhile since I read Benton L. Bradberrys book " The Myth Of German Villainy" but as I recall he points out what a bunch of blood thirsty, murderous, butchers of innocent people the partisan jew bastards were. This book can be read free online at the link below and should be required reading in all schools. Nothing has changed with these jew devils either.

https://archive.org/stream/MythOfGermanVillainyBentonL.Bradberry293/Myth%20of%20German%20Villainy%20%20Benton%20L.%20B radberry-293_djvu.txt

7th February 2019, 05:52 AM
It's been awhile since I read Benton L. Bradberrys book " The Myth Of German Villainy" but as I recall he points out what a bunch or blood thirsty, murderous, butchers of innocent people the partisan jew bastards were. This book can be read free online at the link below and should be required reading in all schools. Nothing has changed with these jew devils either.

https://archive.org/stream/MythOfGermanVillainyBentonL.Bradberry293/Myth%20of%20German%20Villainy%20%20Benton%20L.%20B radberry-293_djvu.txt

Thanks Tumbleweed. I just downloaded the .pdf version from https://ia800600.us.archive.org/24/items/MythOfGermanVillainyBentonL.Bradberry293/Myth%20of%20German%20Villainy%20%20Benton%20L.%20B radberry-293.pdf

7th February 2019, 08:19 AM
Thanks Tumbleweed. I just downloaded the .pdf version from https://ia800600.us.archive.org/24/items/MythOfGermanVillainyBentonL.Bradberry293/Myth%20of%20German%20Villainy%20%20Benton%20L.%20B radberry-293.pdf

I downloaded also. Thanks Tumbleweed and Monty!

7th February 2019, 11:58 AM
Thanks Tumbleweed. I just downloaded the .pdf version from https://ia800600.us.archive.org/24/items/MythOfGermanVillainyBentonL.Bradberry293/Myth%20of%20German%20Villainy%20%20Benton%20L.%20B radberry-293.pdf

Thanks monty! That is a much better link to the book than I posted.

8th February 2019, 06:15 PM
umm, YEAAAH!

yesterday, as MAGA-KAGaholics prep'd their popcorn supply for last night's SOTU,

Adam Green "Know More News" 14m:

Senate Passes Unconstitutional Anti-BDS Bill (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgBrT2AssRw)

18 hours ago

Been impressed with the couple vids I've seen from this TRU News YT channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/TRUNEWSofficial/videos). Christian, & anti-zio

this is their general news show yesterday; jump to 19:30 through the end for their analysis of the anti BDS legislation, moving on to wider izzy/dinjoo hypocrisies & injustices.

1h 15m: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijXczhR6da0
