View Full Version : $1,000/month to 'struggling Chicagoans' no strings attached

midnight rambler
8th February 2019, 03:47 PM
$1,000/month is a good start, eventually it will be $1,500, then $2,000, then...

What could go wrong??


8th February 2019, 04:08 PM
Perfect. As if food stamps and welfare not enough this should surely break the poverty cycle. Just imagine if someone wanted to work this would all instantly disappear. Genius.

8th February 2019, 06:25 PM
The Banker boys want an increase in the money velocity for some reason, rich people don't spend it fast enough...

8th February 2019, 06:48 PM
Quote from the article..

"CHICAGO (WLS) -- Some Chicago families could start collecting a $1,000 check every month with no strings attached. That's the new proposal from a task force created by Mayor Emanuel.

The idea is to break the cycle of poverty. The pilot program would give 1,000 struggling Chicagoans $1,000 a month"

I bolded the important part. I doubt "some Chicago families" include unemployed homeless white men.

If anyone on this forum can show me proof that I am wrong, I will send you a silver eagle.

midnight rambler
8th February 2019, 07:34 PM
Quote from the article..

"CHICAGO (WLS) -- Some Chicago families could start collecting a $1,000 check every month with no strings attached. That's the new proposal from a task force created by Mayor Emanuel.

The idea is to break the cycle of poverty. The pilot program would give 1,000 struggling Chicagoans $1,000 a month"

I bolded the important part. I doubt "some Chicago families" include unemployed homeless white men.

If anyone on this forum can show me proof that I am wrong, I will send you a silver eagle.

Decades ago when I was seriously injured and unable to work I was desperate so I went and applied for food stamps. The nice black lady (I sincerely mean that) handling my application told me: "Your skin is the wrong color (to receive food stamps)." Yes, she literally said exactly that.

8th February 2019, 08:47 PM
Decades ago when I was seriously injured and unable to work I was desperate so I went and applied for food stamps. The nice black lady (I sincerely mean that) handling my application told me: "Your skin is the wrong color (to receive food stamps)." Yes, she literally said exactly that.

My dad was pretty much told the same thing back in the early 80s. My parents were struggling financially, and needed assistance. They applied for food stamps and I remember my dad coming home pissed off saying "We're not getting help because we're white."

8th February 2019, 08:52 PM
The Welfare game is a game and you have to know the rules, but unless you are born into it, your screwed. Its like you need an adviser to get help.

8th February 2019, 09:02 PM
we used to laugh at jokes about this. baltimore moving towards discriminatory pricing for water


Council President Young’s income-based water billing legislation

The legislation uses a formula, Credit = Bill Total—Income x Affordability Threshold, for drawing up a household’s “Water-for-All Credit,” tied to how close they are to the federal poverty level. If they make 50 percent or less of the poverty limit, the affordability threshold in that equation is 1 percent; for those making between 50 and 100 percent of the threshold, it’s 2 percent; and for households making more than 100 percent, but less than 200 percent of the poverty level, it’s 3 percent.

We realize that’s not that clear, so let’s plug this into some examples. For a family of four, the federal poverty limit is $25,100. If they earn 50 percent of that amount, or $12,550, and have an annual water bill total of $860 (the average for 2018, Young’s office said in a legislative analysis report), they would receive a yearly credit of $734.50, or $61.20 off of their monthly water and sewer bill.

If they make 75 percent of the federal poverty level, or $18,825, they would get a credit of $483.50, or $40.29 per month.

And if they make just over 100 percent of the limit—let’s say $25,200—they would receive an annual credit of $104, or $8.67 per month.

And what’s more: Each monthly payment under the plan would be double-counted to help cut down a customer’s outstanding debt. So, if a household paid $100 for their monthly bill, $100 would also be knocked off of the total they owe to the city.

9th February 2019, 07:29 AM
Some Chicago families

It's always been this way, the whites HAVE to help out the blacks, they can't make it on their own without "WHITEY'S" help and deep down inside they know it and some resent it.

9th February 2019, 08:04 AM
I thought the Illinois Gov was in extreme financial disrepair?

9th February 2019, 08:52 AM
My dad was pretty much told the same thing back in the early 80s. My parents were struggling financially, and needed assistance. They applied for food stamps and I remember my dad coming home pissed off saying "We're not getting help because we're white."

My family had a tough time in the mid-80's too, My single-Mom was able to get Food Stamps & welfare for a short duration [we liked working and earning a living, so we were off it asap].

Maybe because your parents were married?

9th February 2019, 02:44 PM
Perfect. As if food stamps and welfare not enough this should surely break the poverty cycle. Just imagine if someone wanted to work this would all instantly disappear. Genius.

Not just if they "want" to work, but needed to work. Right now the minimum wage in Chicago is $12/hr. So a full time worker on minimum wage would make less than $2k/month. How many of them would trade not working at all, gaining 160 extra hours of free time a month, in exchange for a pay cut of less than 50%? I bet lots of them. Many people working at that bottom margin will find their lives are better not working at all and just collecting benefits. And once they're used to that lifestyle, what's the chances of them ever wanting to work again? Breaking the cycle of poverty? My ass, this'll lock even more people into it!

midnight rambler
9th February 2019, 02:47 PM
I look at it as subsidizing the drug dealers and others who 'earn a living' via criminal activity.

9th February 2019, 03:39 PM
If I was an Israeli, would you bitch about my welfare pay...

9th February 2019, 05:36 PM
If I was an Israeli, would you bitch about my welfare pay...

That's antisemitic and could end up in jail.

9th February 2019, 07:44 PM
My family had a tough time in the mid-80's too, My single-Mom was able to get Food Stamps & welfare for a short duration [we liked working and earning a living, so we were off it asap].

Maybe because your parents were married?

It's possible. Dad worked 2 jobs after that for a couple of years to make ends meet.

10th February 2019, 03:03 AM
Some 13 years ago while living in Sweden in the winter I wasn’t able to pay the electric bill so after two months the utility cut it off. The house was heated with electricity so it got cold pretty quickly. I called the welfare office and asked for assistance, they told me I wasn’t eligible because I was a small business owner. Fortunately I was able to borrow the money from my parents so the electric bill was payed and electric was turned on, meanwhile we stayed at my parents house.

At the time my children were 6 and 2.

Since then Sweden has taken in aproximately 1.5 million immigrants out of which 6% has a real job (if you take out the fake government jobs created to give the illusion of employment) the rest lives on government welfare. Sweden’s population is now 10 million.

13th February 2019, 12:14 PM
My goodness is everyone onboard from Chicago, I've never been so entitled.

13th February 2019, 01:56 PM
this is impossible to do good with money... it may work for a while though but failure will be the conclusion

13th February 2019, 02:36 PM
It's always been this way, the whites HAVE to help out the blacks, they can't make it on their own without "WHITEY'S" help and deep down inside they know it and some resent it.

It used to be called "the White man's burden" and it was universally understood that Whitey and Western Civilization was the only thing that could take care of the browns and blacks. I disagree with your last statement though, I don't think most of them are smart enough to know it deep down; I'm convinced that they're convinced that they're just as smart and good as Whitey, but they're poor because of racism and slavery and whatever else.

13th February 2019, 05:35 PM
I'm waiting for the "Earn a dollar, get an extra dollar" program, whereby a low wage earner gets matching dollar grants.