View Full Version : lol...captain marvel down in flames

26th February 2019, 11:40 AM
female lead + 'diverse' supporting characters = epic dud


Rotten Tomatoes REMOVES Captain Marvel Scores


26th February 2019, 01:42 PM
This aught to get the SJW feminazi's in a tither.

edit to add

Because of Trolls. Probably Russian Trolls at that.

Rotten Tomatoes Is Changing Its Audience Rating System Because of Trolls (https://io9.gizmodo.com/rotten-tomatoes-is-changing-its-audience-rating-system-1832896451)

26th February 2019, 04:54 PM
They pulled the same shit with the SJW Ghostbusters movie and it tanked at the box office.

I suspect this will likely tank as well.

As the saying goes. Get woke, go broke.

Fuck em.

27th February 2019, 07:30 AM
They pulled the same shit with the SJW Ghostbusters movie and it tanked at the box office.

I suspect this will likely tank as well.

As the saying goes. Get woke, go broke.

Fuck em.

I think one big difference is the fact that the original ghostbusters were all men, and they turned them into women in a feminist protest. Capt. Marvel has always been a woman, so they're not switching up the character's gender in this one. I think the big turn off is the actress who plays Captain Marvel, her absolute disdain and open disgust for white men. She's so upset that most of the fans of her comic book movie are white men. She apparently doesn't realize that comic books and super heroes are pretty much exclusively white male culture. White males invented the genre and remain its most dedicated fans. No matter how much the actress wishes her fan base was brown moslem females, it's never going to happen.

27th February 2019, 07:40 AM
the original capt marvel. here boys, read about the holycost...


27th February 2019, 08:39 AM
I guess I stand corrected.


it wasn't until July of 2012 that Danvers officially assumed the position of Captain Marvel.

27th February 2019, 08:59 AM
I "marvel" anyone pays one iota of attention to this worthless shit!
Comic books are one of the MANY replacements Satan has for God's word.

Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by (comic books?!) every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

27th February 2019, 09:39 AM
the original capt marvel. here boys, read about the holycost...


So captain marvel is an ovendodger tranny.

27th February 2019, 09:52 AM
Those ratings systems are heavily weighted to Hollywood only titles.

I've seen a ton of Australian/Euro Independent flicks that have been slighted thru them while the movie were excellent.

1st March 2019, 03:38 PM
Looks like the actress is in need of a butt double. Horn it looks as though you are excluded from consideration. So does a flat ass equate flat movie reviews?


Is Marvel Hiring A Butt Double For Brie Larson? (https://society-reviews.com/2018/08/17/is-marvel-hiring-a-butt-double-for-brie-larson/)

The Casting Call states…

****FEATURE FILM – Mary Lou****
Working multiple dates starting September
Location: Fayetteville, GA
Rate: $125/10
Central Casting is looking for a Photo Double to work on this exciting project. Filming will likely begin in early September; you should have a flexible schedule and ability to work multiple days a week through October. An interview and fitting will be required within the next 2 weeks. Filming will mostly take place in Fayetteville & the Greater Atlanta Area. Experience is preferred. You MUST fit these size requirements:
-Woman #1: Looking for a female who appears to be Caucasian, 20’s-30’s. Height 5’2 – 5’4, Bust 32B – 32D, waist 25 – 27, hips 36 – 38, dress size 0-4. Hair color: BLONDE
ONLY SUBMIT IF YOU FIT THIS DESCRIPTION! And follow the instructions carefully or you will NOT be considered! To submit, send an email to MaryLou@CentralCasting.com and include: your name, phone number, height, weight, sizes, current photo(s) and a resume of any relevant experience. For photos, you MUST include:
1. a headshot
2. full body shot of your front side, head to toe
3. full body shot of your back side (wearing ALL BLACK, leggings or yoga pants- must be form fitting).

Please put “BODY DOUBLE” in the subject line.

1st March 2019, 05:45 PM
Which brings us to conclude that the popular maxim "its all about the money" is false. The REAL maxim is " its all about the PROPAGANDA, money be damned"!

1st March 2019, 08:37 PM
Which brings us to conclude that the popular maxim "its all about the money" is false. The REAL maxim is " its all about the PROPAGANDA, money be damned"!

spot on. idiots that claim that media content has anything to do with competing for money/viewers are clueless.

to expand on your point --- the alleged competing 'news' channels all run the same shit. if it were really about the money they would work to distinguish themselves. they do the exact opposite of that. 'news' is run out of a central control room. there is ZERO competition.

2nd March 2019, 04:00 AM
spot on. idiots that claim that media content has anything to do with competing for money/viewers are clueless.

to expand on your point --- the alleged competing 'news' channels all run the same shit. if it were really about the money they would work to distinguish themselves. they do the exact opposite of that. 'news' is run out of a central control room. there is ZERO competition.
I do agree with you, however, in the eyes of the media, it is still about the money. The consumers of media isn’t their customers. They get their revenue from the globalist corporations, who is owned by the individuals, whose primary purpose is total world domination. Media gets payed by (((them))) to get their consumers in line with that objective. But the primary objective of (((media))) is still not to earn money, easily demonstrated by the fact that these corporations hasn’t earned any money at all as long as I can remember (about 35 years since age 15 when I started paying attention to such things), still these corporations has only increased their stock market valuations. Their value is solely in their ability to brainwash its consumers...

6th March 2019, 03:27 PM
She's got nasty feet.


midnight rambler
6th March 2019, 04:02 PM
She's got nasty feet.


I like how she tries to stuff those super gross feet into sandals a couple of sizes too small.

7th March 2019, 11:07 AM
She's got nasty feet.


Jesus....... You can be a millionaire and not get common toe fungus cured?

Twisted Titan
7th March 2019, 11:19 AM
Jesus....... You can be a millionaire and not get common toe fungus cured?

Best comment

wordsToTheSkyWeRideAtDawn·4 months1*REPLY

SweetZombieJesus, just soak your toes in Listerine a few times and the fungus will clear up. WTF kinda message is this?, "fungus is normal"?

7th March 2019, 01:50 PM
Captain Foot Fungus (https://dailystormer.name/wapo-female-kike-outraged-people-dont-want-to-watch-captain-foot-fungus/)
Both Dailystormer and 4chan are roasting her...lol.


7th March 2019, 11:00 PM
She's got nasty feet.


Says she were raised on the streets of San Francisco

9th March 2019, 04:06 AM
I watched a stream of this yesterday.

Only three white males with any dialog. Only one white male was significant in the plot and was the antagonist.

Only remember about three shots of her ass. One was a fade away shot with no view of the face. The ass did look bigger than the other two shots. No bare feet shots.
Seemed like most shots of nasty feet cut to the middle of the breasts to highlight the bulge. There were no cleavage shots.

Girl power all throughout and it was poorly applied. Lowest IQ viewer pandering. Most of the music was all girl crap from early to mid 90's. I wonder how much they paid to add Nirvana's song?

If it wasn't for SLJ, the movie would have fallen flat. I really don't want to give any credit to the foul mouthed pos SLJ.

Story line was week and jumbled. It must be really for comic nerds and clueless women. If that was the case, the broad should have done the bathing suit.

Edit to add the Rotten tomatoes review link.

Also, SLJ's character goes from "on point" to "supper silly/cuddly" once the cat shows up. It's really weird how it is portrayed. SLJ just focuses on baby talk with the cat. Is it a play of going crazy over pussy? I don't see a clip of the scenes on jewtube yet.

9th March 2019, 12:31 PM
After Rotten Tomates Removes 93% Of Reviews, Captain Marvel Still Sucks (https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-03-09/after-rotten-tomates-removes-93-reviews-captain-marvel-still-sucks)

9th March 2019, 02:40 PM
I watched a stream of this yesterday.

Only three white males with any dialog. Only one white male was significant in the plot and was the antagonist.

Only remember about three shots of her ass. One was a fade away shot with no view of the face. The ass did look bigger than the other two shots. No bare feet shots.
Seemed like most shots of nasty feet cut to the middle of the breasts to highlight the bulge. There were no cleavage shots.

Girl power all throughout and it was poorly applied. Lowest IQ viewer pandering. Most of the music was all girl crap from early to mid 90's. I wonder how much they paid to add Nirvana's song?

If it wasn't for SLJ, the movie would have fallen flat. I really don't want to give any credit to the foul mouthed pos SLJ.

Story line was week and jumbled. It must be really for comic nerds and clueless women. If that was the case, the broad should have done the bathing suit.

Edit to add the Rotten tomatoes review link.

Also, SLJ's character goes from "on point" to "supper silly/cuddly" once the cat shows up. It's really weird how it is portrayed. SLJ just focuses on baby talk with the cat. Is it a play of going crazy over pussy? I don't see a clip of the scenes on jewtube yet.

any camel toe?

9th March 2019, 04:38 PM
any camel toe?

Not that I recall. Most of Nasty Feet's shots are with the outfit on.

9th March 2019, 06:05 PM
not that ctoe :)

this ctoe


9th March 2019, 06:13 PM
not that ctoe :)

this ctoe


No shots what's so ever. I thought you were specifically asking about Nasty Feet's ctoe. I don't recall any ctoes in a shot.

10th March 2019, 11:40 PM
Jesus....... You can be a millionaire and not get common toe fungus cured?

Borax, water and a brush.