View Full Version : what happened to poster 'glass'

1st March 2019, 10:28 PM
was an active member, then poof ???

glass, if you are lurking.....what's up?


1st March 2019, 11:47 PM
He were a man from down under Australia.

Did they start monitoring all internet activity there, like China?

Glass is fragile

2nd March 2019, 05:53 AM
Glass http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/statusicon/user-offline.png


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Join Date3rd April 2010Last Activity29th June 2017 02:19 AM

2nd March 2019, 07:18 AM
I fear we may have lost Glass... I hope I am wrong.

2nd March 2019, 10:00 AM
It's been almost a year since Jerrylynb posted and I think he was getting to be an old guy. Might have lost him too.

2nd March 2019, 03:27 PM
It's been almost a year since Jerrylynb posted and I think he was getting to be an old guy. Might have lost him too.

I remember him saying he was about my age. I will be 77 next month.

2nd March 2019, 04:07 PM
I posted maybe last year sometime asking about Glass; no one knew. Was in a existing thread; maybe the Ponce RIP thread? Was interesting coz IIRC Glass did some internet work searching for Ponce's details, when his disappearance was still a mystery. So, some 'irony' there, now that Glass is MIA.

also "IIRC" Glass mentioned having Morgellons, & maybe some other affliction like EMF-sensitivity, so he was quite expert in avoiding that shit. Plus seemed expert in hiding his internet footprints.

2nd March 2019, 07:11 PM
I remember him saying he was about my age. I will be 77 next month.

Were all getting there, just do the best you can and enjoy the ride. There has been many points of supplements and doctors advice. I heed much of it.

2nd March 2019, 10:02 PM
Were all getting there, just do the best you can and enjoy the ride. There has been many points of supplements and doctors advice. I heed much of it.

mamboni did a great service to me by mentioning copper in the andy gause thread. i've since started adding it to my diet and have seen good results with a particular problem of mine.

also learned elsewhere that iron is key to some itchy skin conditions. it has 100 percent solved two family members' afflictions

3rd March 2019, 07:49 AM
I remember him saying he was about my age. I will be 77 next month.

Older than me by about 7 months. I started my 77'th trip around Sol in November. According to family history I'm due for about 10 to 15 more trips.
Graduated from high school in 1960.

3rd March 2019, 09:19 AM
Yeah -- Glass, Jerrylynb, OldHerbLady, SirGonzo420.......*poof* gone. That being said, I thought BrewTech was out too, but he popped back in. I take a break from the gloom and doom every now and then.

I see couple guys are in their 70's. Wonder what the average age is for the group. I'm 51.

Good Lord, I hope there's some younger guys.... Like under 40.

3rd March 2019, 09:57 AM
Yeah -- Glass, Jerrylynb, OldHerbLady, SirGonzo420.......*poof* gone. That being said, I thought BrewTech was out too, but he popped back in. I take a break from the gloom and doom every now and then.

I see couple guys are in their 70's. Wonder what the average age is for the group. I'm 51.

Good Lord, I hope there's some younger guys.... Like under 40.

Hatha also *poof* and gone.

3rd March 2019, 10:37 AM
Hatha also *poof* and gone.

Hm, yeah. He's another...

3rd March 2019, 10:39 AM
Yeah -- Glass, Jerrylynb, OldHerbLady, SirGonzo420.......*poof* gone. That being said, I thought BrewTech was out too, but he popped back in. I take a break from the gloom and doom every now and then.

I see couple guys are in their 70's. Wonder what the average age is for the group. I'm 51.

Good Lord, I hope there's some younger guys.... Like under 40.

I will be 61 soon. We here seem to be mostly older than 40. Not many of us left. I see Fred has stopped posting. Hopefully he will be back.

3rd March 2019, 10:40 AM
Hatha also *poof* and gone.

Hatha was a great poster; Very keen intellect. Makes you wonder. They just walking other roads?

3rd March 2019, 03:14 PM
Hatha was a great poster; Very keen intellect. Makes you wonder. They just walking other roads?

I'd hope so. When I get busy with projects or helping people out I don't have much time to even read here let alone post.

3rd March 2019, 03:26 PM
I'd hope so. When I get busy with projects or helping people out I don't have much time to even read here let alone post.

Same here. I see threads come up that are years old and pages long and they are completely new to me. I have retired from my business now, but I will be helping my soms off and on.

3rd March 2019, 03:35 PM


GIM2 is also a ghost town...


3rd March 2019, 06:20 PM
GIM2 is also a ghost town...

I went back to check that maybe 3 times since I moved here. I didn't care for the heavy ban days from opinions. Hiding from the bosses shit.

3rd March 2019, 06:28 PM
Yeah -- Glass, Jerrylynb, OldHerbLady, SirGonzo420.......*poof* gone. That being said, I thought BrewTech was out too, but he popped back in. I take a break from the gloom and doom every now and then.

I see couple guys are in their 70's. Wonder what the average age is for the group. I'm 51.

Good Lord, I hope there's some younger guys.... Like under 40.

Madfranks is a younger guy, I will be big 50 this May.

3rd March 2019, 06:47 PM
I went back to check that maybe 3 times since I moved here. I didn't care for the heavy ban days from opinions. Hiding from the bosses shit.

Fuck GIM2. They let their little pet searcher rave and get totally out of line belittling myself and another member. Not one comment even from the mods to let him know he was out of line and chill out. If it was one of us, we would have been banned forever.

3rd March 2019, 08:32 PM
I will be 61 soon. We here seem to be mostly older than 40. Not many of us left. I see Fred has stopped posting. Hopefully he will be back.

Fred? I'm not on a 1st name basis with most here. I have met BrewTech in the flesh, and still don't remember his real name. Great guy, btw.

Hope we get some newer/younger members. As much as I shake my head over Millennials, I would appreciate their opinions.

3rd March 2019, 08:53 PM
Fred? I'm not on a 1st name basis with most here. I have met BrewTech in the flesh, and still don't remember his real name. Great guy, btw.

Hope we get some newer/younger members. As much as I shake my head over Millennials, I would appreciate their opinions.

Fred is (was?) End Times...

...and Thanks! Look forward to meeting again in the future if it's possible!

3rd March 2019, 09:18 PM
Fred is (was?) End Times...

...and Thanks! Look forward to meeting again in the future if it's possible!

GSUS get-together/camp/BBQ/shoot?

3rd March 2019, 09:30 PM
in my 50's too...

i resurrected my gim2 action a few months ago....from a long boycott. most of gim2 conversations are inane claptrap. i drop truth nuggets to that bigger audience (than here) -- trying to influence more people to fully wake up. missionary work...

the owner of gim2 has started to threaten me again - the exact reason i boycotted last time. my stint on there is likely coming to an end in the near future

3rd March 2019, 10:09 PM
GSUS get-together/camp/BBQ/shoot?

It will be a couple of months before I can do it, but I would certainly be down for that...

4th March 2019, 03:14 AM
Man...its sobering to consider that our anonymous compatriots who no longer post here could have passed away.

Imagine in the future, where you can look back at archives of communities (like this one) where all the people are no longer alive.


This forum is 9 years old. Thats about 10% of a human lifespan. Its very reasonable to assume a portion of us have died during this time.

4th March 2019, 11:15 AM
GSUS get-together/camp/BBQ/shoot?

I am flying into LA and will be around in end of July beginning of August, 2 weeks total. Staying first for 4 days in Laurel canyon at an air b’n’b then probably heading north to San Francisco. Was thinking of renting an RV, but wife read it was complicated and expensive... Can I rent yours Hitch, if you still have it? Would be great to meet up with some of you guys!

4th March 2019, 12:06 PM
... then probably heading north to San Francisco.

https://storiescdn.hornet.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/13203022/san-francisco-poop-map.png https://thenypost.files.wordpress.com/2018/10/san-francisco-poop-problem-doo-doo-capital.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=618&h=410&crop=1
Here's your sight-seeing map Neuro

What’s That Smell? San Francisco Has a Serious Problem With People Pooping in Public (https://hornet.com/stories/san-francisco-poop-map-ew/)


midnight rambler
4th March 2019, 12:09 PM
Wouldn't that be a scent-smelling map??

Here's your sight-seeing map Neuro

What’s That Smell? San Francisco Has a Serious Problem With People Pooping in Public (https://hornet.com/stories/san-francisco-poop-map-ew/)


4th March 2019, 12:13 PM
I am flying into LA and will be around in end of July beginning of August, 2 weeks total. Staying first for 4 days in Laurel canyon at an air b’n’b then probably heading north to San Francisco. Was thinking of renting an RV, but wife read it was complicated and expensive... Can I rent yours Hitch, if you still have it? Would be great to meet up with some of you guys!

We are long over do for a GSUS meetup. Depending upon how you plan your trip, you'll likely pass right by my area. Maybe we can plan to get a bunch of us together when you are going to be visiting.

As far as renting an RV, yes it is expensive, also gas is expensive here....and even RV parks are expensive as well. The park in my little town, charges $65 a night, for an RV spot.

I'd recommend planning on what you'd like to see and do, where you'd like to stay. If you plan on driving up from LA to SF on highway 1, I'd suggest a little roadster sports car. Good on gas, fun to drive the coastal roads. If you wanted to head more inland and see the mountains, than an RV makes more sense for camping.

4th March 2019, 12:22 PM
https://storiescdn.hornet.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/13203022/san-francisco-poop-map.png https://thenypost.files.wordpress.com/2018/10/san-francisco-poop-problem-doo-doo-capital.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=618&h=410&crop=1
Here's your sight-seeing map Neuro

What’s That Smell? San Francisco Has a Serious Problem With People Pooping in Public (https://hornet.com/stories/san-francisco-poop-map-ew/)


I'd like to add a little brown turd mark to that map, spotting my place of employment. Some asshole managed to break into our warehouse in the middle of night, and leave a big turd next to our lockers. Unfortunately, it was near our lockers and not outside Junior's office.

midnight rambler
4th March 2019, 12:24 PM
I'd like to add a little brown turd mark to that map, spotting my place of employment. Some asshole managed to break into our warehouse in the middle of night, and leave a big turd next to our lockers. Unfortunately, it was near our lockers and not outside Junior's office.

Lemme get this straight, this asshole broke into your warehouse and was only a few feet from a working toilet and it still took a shit on the floor??

When in the turd world do as the turd worlders.

4th March 2019, 12:28 PM
We are long over do for a GSUS meetup. Depending upon how you plan your trip, you'll likely pass right by my area. Maybe we can plan to get a bunch of us together when you are going to be visiting.

As far as renting an RV, yes it is expensive, also gas is expensive here....and even RV parks are expensive as well. The park in my little town, charges $65 a night, for an RV spot.

I'd recommend planning on what you'd like to see and do, where you'd like to stay. If you plan on driving up from LA to SF on highway 1, I'd suggest a little roadster sports car. Good on gas, fun to drive the coastal roads. If you wanted to head more inland and see the mountains, than an RV makes more sense for camping.

Maybe you and I could go fishing while wife and children navigate the shits o frisco...

4th March 2019, 12:54 PM
Maybe you and I could go fishing while wife and children navigate the shits o frisco...

I was born in San Francisco and calling it "Frisco" is ignorant. Frisco (https://friscostyle.com/about/frisco-texas/) is actually a city in Texas.


4th March 2019, 01:09 PM
Maybe you and I could go fishing while wife and children navigate the shits o frisco...

:) Sounds good to me. Late last year I partnered up with a neighbor on a small fishing boat, which turned into a big project. But, the boat is all ready now, and fishing season starts in April for most species. I plan on doing a lot of fishing this year, so we should make a trip happen while you are out here.

4th March 2019, 01:11 PM
I was born in San Francisco and calling it "Frisco" is ignorant. Frisco (https://friscostyle.com/about/frisco-texas/) is actually a city in Texas.


Sorry I had no intention of denegrating your birthplace. I was merely spinning your suggestion it was full of shit...

4th March 2019, 03:05 PM
I was born in San Francisco and calling it "Frisco" is ignorant. Frisco (https://friscostyle.com/about/frisco-texas/) is actually a city in Texas.

:)Years ago a worked with a native San Franciscan. He also got bent if anyone referred to the city as “Frisco“.

4th March 2019, 05:23 PM
Years ago a worked with a native San Franciscan. He also got bent if anyone referred to the city as “Frisco“.


I remember my mom once taking offense...lol.


4th March 2019, 05:32 PM
I remember my mom once taking offense...lol.


San Francisco has changed a lot over the years. From a seagoing gold rush cowboy town, to a liberal shithole.

I like this video of Market Street. April 14, 1906. The great quake hit the city 4 days later, April 18, 1906.


old steel
4th March 2019, 06:03 PM
in my 50's too...

i resurrected my gim2 action a few months ago....from a long boycott. most of gim2 conversations are inane claptrap. i drop truth nuggets to that bigger audience (than here) -- trying to influence more people to fully wake up. missionary work...

the owner of gim2 has started to threaten me again - the exact reason i boycotted last time. my stint on there is likely coming to an end in the near future

It was such a travesty of justice to have the wealth of information stored up on GIM to all be deleted with a keystroke.

When i read it i couldn't believe it, being it was April 1st and all.

I could never forgive them for that alone.

4th March 2019, 07:40 PM
I was born in San Francisco and calling it "Frisco" is ignorant. Frisco (https://friscostyle.com/about/frisco-texas/) is actually a city in Texas.


Like calling David, Dave huh?
I think at this point it would be a blessing to have another quake like the one in 1906. With any luck an attendant tsunami would come and wash all the shit away.

Hopefully Hitch could ride it out.

I used to have a job delivering high end foods, caviar and stuff around the Dallas area. Delivered a lot to Frisco. Nice place back then. It has grown tremendously.


4th March 2019, 08:02 PM
San Francisco has changed a lot over the years. From a seagoing gold rush cowboy town, to a liberal shithole.


https://cdn.onlyinyourstate.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/4914322598_83c1b1280e_o-700x443.jpg https://cdn.onlyinyourstate.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/4061824394_1fa1572a0e_o-700x471.jpg

Me and my two older brothers...ages 10, 11, and 13...would spend all day roaming Golden Gate Park, Market Street, Cliff House, Chinatown etc. on a Saturday in 1958. Sixty years ago. My oldest brother would crab off Fisherman' Wharf. Took the twenty-five cent Greyhound bus from San Bruno.

:) sniff

4th March 2019, 08:19 PM

https://cdn.onlyinyourstate.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/4914322598_83c1b1280e_o-700x443.jpg https://cdn.onlyinyourstate.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/4061824394_1fa1572a0e_o-700x471.jpg

Me and my two older brothers...ages 10, 11, and 13...would spend all day roaming Golden Gate Park, Market Street, Cliff House, Chinatown etc. on a Saturday in 1958. Sixty years ago. My oldest brother would crab off Fisherman' Wharf. Took the twenty-five cent Greyhound from San Bruno.

:) sniff

My Father worked for Transamerica. In the Pyramid building. As a child,during summer off school, I'd take bart into the city to visit. Back then, as a kid you could just walk right into the pyramid, the guard would smile and off you go. Now it's like fort knox.

Back then, all the windows opened on all the buildings. I guess they didn't worry about banksters jumping. Book, you might remember this.

Everyone in SF would just throw out their calender's come the first of the year. New Years. This was before phones, computers, folks had day calenders, one small sheet for each day, where you'd write your meetings, etc. . The city looked like it snowed.

4th March 2019, 09:44 PM
My Father worked for Transamerica. In the Pyramid building. As a child,during summer off school, I'd take bart into the city to visit. Back then, as a kid you could just walk right into the pyramid, the guard would smile and off you go. Now it's like fort knox.

Back then, all the windows opened on all the buildings. I guess they didn't worry about banksters jumping. Book, you might remember this.

Everyone in SF would just throw out their calender's come the first of the year. New Years. This was before phones, computers, folks had day calenders, one small sheet for each day, where you'd write your meetings, etc. . The city looked like it snowed.

Transamerica Building

I remember those calendar paper storms Pete. I worked swing shift corner of 4th & Market Streets 1968-1972 and watched your dad's Pyramid go up.

An Examiner (http://archives.sfexaminer.com/sanfrancisco/new-years-tradition-of-calendar-snowfall-melts-away-in-sf/Content?oid=2156756) article in 2007 reported that "the DPW would spend more than $100,000 to clean up roughly 30 tons of calendar pages and garbage left over from New Year's Eve revelers, said Tim Hines, the assistant superintendent of the department's street-cleaning bureau. "It looked like [Lake] Tahoe in a snowstorm, 'Hines said of the paper a foot deep throughout the Financial District after employees took to their calendars.'"


4th March 2019, 09:58 PM
Lemme get this straight, this asshole broke into your warehouse and was only a few feet from a working toilet and it still took a shit on the floor??

When in the turd world do as the turd worlders.

Inside job!

7th March 2019, 05:57 PM
It will be a couple of months before I can do it, but I would certainly be down for that...

I would fully be up for it.

Any other GSUS'ers? Esp. if you live in the CA/AZ/NV area, should be easy....

7th March 2019, 07:35 PM
It was such a travesty of justice to have the wealth of information stored up on GIM to all be deleted with a keystroke.

When i read it i couldn't believe it, being it was April 1st and all.

I could never forgive them for that alone.

Yeah, that was a huge WTF moment. I was at GIM2 for like....... a second. After I found out about all the BS, drama, and how it all happed with the demise of GIM -- I was out of there.

I could never forget about that either. Holy Hell, Twisted Avatar had --I dunno, 20k posts.

10th March 2019, 11:11 AM
I have a steel-walled office where I use black foamcore and rare earth magnets on the back---this works very well, and is much lower cost. The foamcore can warp a bit, so I don't consider this anything approaching archival.

Bluestacks (https://bluestacks.vip/) Kodi (https://kodi.software/) Lucky Patcher (https://luckypatcher.pro/)

10th March 2019, 11:44 AM
I have a steel-walled office where I use black foamcore and rare earth magnets on the back---this works very well, and is much lower cost. The foamcore can warp a bit, so I don't consider this anything approaching archival.

Go away spammmer.

10th March 2019, 12:06 PM
I have a steel-walled office where I use black foamcore..The foamcore can warp a bit....

Does the foamcore block screams from the children completely or do you need to put a sock in their mouth?


10th March 2019, 12:08 PM
Does the foamcore block screams from the children completely or do you need to put a sock in their mouth?

ball gags