View Full Version : What happens when Chosenites pillage your country

midnight rambler
5th March 2019, 08:54 AM
Only just the beginning -

The sheriff is not the only public servant feeling the pinch.

Key county roads are rife with potholes as the road and bridges department tries to make do with rusty excavators, dump trucks and salt trucks. Six months ago, an axle fell off the county’s only grader and the heavy-duty machine now languishes in a parking lot, in pieces. The county cannot afford the $10,000 to fix it.

Water pipes across the county are crumbling (https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-kentucky-water-20180212-story.html), causing the district to lose more than two-thirds of treated water to leaks and allowing untreated groundwater to seep into the water supply. After countless boil water advisories and warnings on the backs of their bills, many residents limit their use of tap water to flushing toilets; most buy bottled water for drinking and cooking.


5th March 2019, 09:06 AM
Not really an accurate thread title. It would be more accurate to say what happens when the main employer leaves town.

From the article:

"In the last decade, Martin County’s population has dropped from about 13,000 to 11,500 as the number of workers employed by coal companies has fallen from 866 to 57. County funding from severance taxes companies pay on coal removal has plunged from $931,800 to $83,900 a year."

midnight rambler
5th March 2019, 09:16 AM
You don't see the bigger picture?

This is where the entire country is headed to thanks to our good friends who specialize in lying, cheating, and stealing.

5th March 2019, 09:39 AM
You don't see the bigger picture?

This is where the entire country is headed to thanks to our good friends who specialize in lying, cheating, and stealing.

The big picture is Mal-investment due to the Federal Reserve, and the policies driven by the revolving door between Wall Street and the Federal Government. In the grand scheme of things you are always going to have economically depressed areas as some areas are more productive than others.

There is no getting around that the Zionist is a parasite who could not, and cannot sustain on its own. It will kill its host before it ever relinquishes it's hold and control.

5th March 2019, 10:42 AM
The big picture is Mal-investment due to the Federal Reserve, and the policies driven by the revolving door between Wall Street and the Federal Government. In the grand scheme of things you are always going to have economically depressed areas as some areas are more productive than others.

There is no getting around that the Zionist is a parasite who could not, and cannot sustain on its own. It will kill its host before it ever relinquishes it's hold and control.


Yesterday I was pondering the recent lefty "eliminate all billionaires" slogan and the concept of "Mal-Allocation" popped into my mind. Let's face it...your final sentence describes this evil jew billionaire reality perfectly. In a decent goy world nobody would be allocated a billion dollars....one thousand million.

This is a jew concept


5th March 2019, 10:48 AM

Yesterday I was pondering the recent lefty "eliminate all billionaires" slogan and the concept of "Mal-Allocation" popped into my mind. Let's face it...your final sentence describes this evil jew billionaire reality perfectly. In a decent goy world nobody would be allocated a billion dollars....one thousand million.

This is a jew concept


Well more to the point you can still be extremely wealthy and not have the system gamed in your favor. Look at the Rockefellers, and how John D. Rockefeller was able to grow standard oil into an empire before it was broken up due to anti-trust issues. Capitalism does allow for that to happen. What we have now is crony capitalism where if you're large enough and donate enough to your preferred candidate you can get special treatment from the import/export bank and preferential tax exemptions for decades.

Through the last 100 years, the taxes have shifted from corporations to citizens, and now citizens are carrying most of the tax burden and this has resulted in the growth of billionaires.

5th March 2019, 03:59 PM
Well more to the point you can still be extremely wealthy and not have the system gamed in your favor...




Only a self-hating goy would tolerate this kind of (((arrogance (https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=879&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=mwd_XLLDBI-u0PEP2Z6ZIA&q=superyacht&oq=superyacht&gs_l=img.12..0l10.1041581.1041581..1043627...0.0..


5th March 2019, 05:33 PM

Yesterday I was pondering the recent lefty "eliminate all billionaires" slogan and the concept of "Mal-Allocation" popped into my mind. Let's face it...your final sentence describes this evil jew billionaire reality perfectly. In a decent goy world nobody would be allocated a billion dollars....one thousand million.

This is a jew concept


It is obscene.

5th March 2019, 07:48 PM
Not really an accurate thread title. It would be more accurate to say what happens when the main employer leaves town.

From the article:

"In the last decade, Martin County’s population has dropped from about 13,000 to 11,500 as the number of workers employed by coal companies has fallen from 866 to 57. County funding from severance taxes companies pay on coal removal has plunged from $931,800 to $83,900 a year."

this SHOULD be accurate. but no. this week's headline in houston - water rates going up because of MORE customers. (((they))) regularly defy the laws of economics to suck wealth from the m-asses