View Full Version : boeing named to prestigious Top Diversity list

13th March 2019, 04:17 PM




14th March 2019, 07:22 AM
I've never actually heard anyone explain exactly why diversity is so good. In every other context, unity is always stronger than diversity, so why is this different?

14th March 2019, 10:14 AM
I've never actually heard anyone explain exactly why diversity is so good. In every other context, unity is always stronger than diversity, so why is this different?

Because there is a Kosher agenda behind it. "Diversity is our strength" after all..... :rolleyes:

They just never explained who "OUR" referred too.

It should be read as diversity for you is (((our))) strength.......

14th March 2019, 11:35 AM
I've adopted this as a talking point when I discuss politics with both conservatives and liberals. When I honestly and genuinely ask the question, why is diversity good as opposed to a unified population, I get blank stares or talk about ethnic food and restaurants (no joke!).

14th March 2019, 11:50 AM
I've adopted this as a talking point when I discuss politics with both conservatives and liberals. When I honestly and genuinely ask the question, why is diversity good as opposed to a unified population, I get blank stares or talk about ethnic food and restaurants (no joke!).

That's the only thing they ever go to. Even Mollie Tibbets father (woman who was murdered by an Illegal Alien in Iowa) defended the Iowan Hispanic community because he likes Hispanic food... I shit you not.


So your own flesh and blood daughter is murdered by an Illegal alien, and you can't even bring yourself to question the invasion of your own country by people who broke the law to get here.

Yes ladies and gentleman some people really are that far gone.....