View Full Version : Israel’s three largest banks, collaborating with wealthy Americans in tax evasion

22nd March 2019, 10:28 PM
Mintpress: (https://www.mintpressnews.com/media-blackout-as-israel-largest-banks-fined-for-us-tax-evasion-schemes/256414/?fbclid=IwAR1FbqEyMzwMUAjyVK1wtanzwHG6bOh--5qqpFdH1egy87d7y5elUO8xOuo)

WASHINGTON — Israel’s three largest banks — Hapoalim Bank, Leumi Bank and Mizrahi Tefahot Bank — have all been ordered to pay record fines, which collectively are set to total over $1 billion, to the U.S. government after the banks were found to have actively colluded with thousands of wealthy Americans in massive tax-evasion schemes.

The scandal, though it has been reported on in Israeli media, has garnered little attention in the United States.

The media black-out has been so surprising it was even directly mentioned (https://www.timesofisrael.com/why-are-israeli-banks-asking-customers-where-their-money-comes-from/) by the Times of Israel, given that similar revelations about other banks and offshore tax-evasion schemes — such as those contained within the Panama Papers — led to global protests (https://static3.businessinsider.com/ap-the-latest-activists-stage-panama-papers-protest-in-paris-2016-4) and even the resignations (https://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/06/world/europe/panama-papers-iceland.html) of some world leaders.

The settlements are the end result of a series of Department of Justice (DOJ) probes that were related to the DOJ’s 2007 investigation targeting UBS AG, Switzerland’s largest bank.

The focus of the probe turned to Israel a few years later in 2011, when it was determined that the Swiss subsidiaries of several of Israel’s largest banks had actively aided (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-tax-swiss-israel/exclusive-u-s-tax-evasion-probe-turns-to-israeli-banks-idUSTRE78E7PU20110916) Americans seeking to launder their money.

As the probes advanced, the DOJ found that the three banks — Israel’s largest when ranked (https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/careers/companies/banks-in-israel/) by net income and total assets — had a history of collaborating with wealthy Americans in tax evasion schemes, not just in their Swiss subsidiaries but in Israel as well. Most of those wealthy Americans were Jewish Americans or dual U.S.-Israeli citizens who hid their U.S. citizenship from the Israeli banks.

A year after the probes into Leumi, Hapoalim and Mizrahi Tefahot were made public, the U.S. State Department notably listed Israel (http://www.state.gov/j/inl/rls/nrcrpt/2012/vol2/184112.htm) as a “major money laundering country… whose financial institutions engage in currency transactions involving significant amounts of proceeds from international narcotics trafficking … or other serious crime.”

Settlements reached and pending

Bank Leumi was the first to admit (https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/bank-leumi-admits-assisting-us-taxpayers-hiding-assets-offshore-bank-accounts) to wrongdoing and reached a deferred prosecution agreement with the DOJ in 2014 that eventually resulted in the bank paying $400 million (https://www.timesofisrael.com/why-is-bank-leumi-telling-foreigners-to-close-their-accounts-and-whats-the-link-to-israels-malignant-black-economy/) in fines to the U.S. government and the State of New York in order to avoid prosecution. According to the DOJ, the agreement marked “the first time an Israeli bank has admitted to such criminal conduct, which spanned over a 10 year period.”

The investigations into the other two banks, Mizrahi Tefahot and Hapoalim, continued until just last Wednesday, when Mizrahi Tefahot agreed to pay (https://www.timesofisrael.com/major-israeli-bank-to-pay-195m-for-us-tax-avoidance-scheme/) $195 million in fines for “conspiring” with U.S. clients to avoid taxes. Like Leumi Bank, Mizrahi Tefahot admitted its guilt.

A settlement with Hapoalim Bank, Israel’s largest bank, has yet to be reached. The bank had set aside $343 million (https://www.timesofisrael.com/bank-hapoalim-sets-aside-extra-75-million-over-us-investigation/) for a potential settlement as of last February, though that figure has since ballooned to $616 million (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-bank-hapoalim-results/israels-bank-hapoalim-fourth-quarter-profit-sinks-on-u-s-tax-probe-provision-idUSKCN1QZ0DW) as of this week. Hapoalim CEO Arik Pinto told reporters on Monday that he “really hopes” that the DOJ probe will be resolved by the end of the year, a sentiment likely motivated by the fact that the probe has weighed on (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-bank-hapoalim-results/israels-bank-hapoalim-fourth-quarter-profit-sinks-on-u-s-tax-probe-provision-idUSKCN1QZ0DW) the bank’s profit performance.

Top Photo | US Dollars and Israeli Shekels. Abed Abed | Flash90

Whitney Webb is a MintPress News journalist based in Chile. She has contributed to several independent media outlets including Global Research, EcoWatch, the Ron Paul Institute and 21st Century Wire, among others. She has made several radio and television appearances and is the 2019 winner of the Serena Shim Award for Uncompromised Integrity in Journalism.

19th March 2021, 02:09 PM
I will put this here, an update on Whitney Webb explaining the inactivity on her part

https://dim.mcusercontent.com/cs/c389b1c29bb75fd96cb93da89/images/6ae59f69-afa8-4de6-af64-669c81483751.png?w=564&dpr=2 (https://unlimitedhangout.com/join)

Hey everyone!

As I'm sure many of you have noticed, I haven't been as active as normal in the past few weeks. This has been for a few reasons, the biggest of which being that I had to leave Chile (more on that shortly), which has been my home for the last 6 years, and move to another country. Another issue that more of you may be aware of is the fact that I was deplatformed from Patreon, meaning that I had to find an alternative to that at the last minute so that supporters who are unable or uninterested in using Rokfin can continue to support my work and Unlimited Hangout more broadly.

In January of this year, the town in Chile I had been living in for the past 2 years or so was placed under a "Phase 1" lockdown, which has been in effect in most of that region since last March, but had avoided my town until that point. Unlike how such lockdowns have been enforced in other countries in the West, Phase 1 lockdown in Chile can means that you are only allowed out of the house 2 times a week for 2 hours each, i.e. 4 hours in total per week, in order to purchase groceries and do any other sort of errand deemed "essential." Permission to leave your home is granted by the police and you are required to show your police-approved papers before entering places of business, including grocery stores. These lockdowns can last for months at a time. Under these circumstances, I became unable to obtain childcare for my 3 year old daughter, as I could not drop her off/pick her up on the same day due to these lockdown restrictions. This left me in the unfortunate position of having to instead work while my daughter slept or not work, with either of those inevitably leading to an unsustainable work situation.

Aside from this obvious issue, the region in Chile where I was living -- called La Araucanía, is the target of a not-so-new, but currently escalating "war on terror" project by the Chilean government, which seeks to declare the region a "terror zone" due to alleged incidents of violence committed by Chile's indigenous population (the Mapuches). Those events, including the most recent, often turn out to be staged incidents where the Chilean federal police force had committed the act, which is then blamed on the Mapuches. The "terror zone" declaration has fallen out of favor after this latest "false flag" was exposed by a former police captain on national television. However, this is the 3rd attempt to make this terror declaration during the COVID era, and it is very unlikely to be the last.

As part of this "war on terror" that Chile's government is seeking to declare in the region I called home, Chile also seeks to pass new legislation that would create a new state intelligence agency focused exclusively on "domestic terror", specifically the "terror zone" they wish to declare in the Mapuche-majority region. The proposed powers of this new state intelligence agency are deeply unsettling and very much echo the secret police force of the Pinochet dictatorship, known as the "DINA". While it is possible the advance of this agenda may be halted, the militarization of this region was already clearly underway when we left a couple weeks ago, as checkpoints previously manned by police were replaced with active duty military and the airport also had heavily armed soldiers patrolling the premises in lieu of normal security guards. I even had a few friends witness regular people being arrested on the spot at bus terminals just for not having the "correct" papers now deemed necessary to travel.

While there is really no country left untouched by our current dystopian reality, the situation in Chile was notably deteriorating rapidly, particularly in the area I was living and I was uninterested in waiting to see what would happen with my young daughter as this situation progressed. Furthermore, as I have noted when I have spoken about Chile before, the country has been used as a testbed by the West ever since the coup that installed Pinochet in 1973, most notably having been the original testbed of neoliberalism. It appears that Chile, now too, has been serving as a testbed for ways to impose authoritarianism under the guise of combatting COVID-19 and I do not want my daughter and I to live within that. In addition, given how the COVID era is set to impact international travel, there is clearly a dwindling window of opportunity to travel between nations for those like myself who do not intend to interact with any future "vaccine passport" system. Thus, the need to relocate from Chile to elsewhere wasn't exactly a decision I could put off for several months, since many of these systems are set to go live and become mandatory in a matter of weeks, as opposed to months. Also, the inability to arrange childcare had made it necessary to act sooner rather than later.

Now having left Chile, my daughter and I are getting situated in the UK and I will be able to get back to a normal work schedule sometime early next week. However, unfortunately, the whole process from the lockdown declared in January and then the move did result in a lot of lost work time. As a result, I may have to delay the release of my book on the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, currently set to become available on July 4th, and I will be making a decision on whether or not that is needed with the book's publisher in April. In addition, in order to speed up the book's progress and make up for lost time, most of my content on Rokfin and Unlimited Hangout will be Epstein-related for the next few months.

Regarding the issue with Patreon, I have two Twitter threads on that situation for those who may not have heard what happened (links below). Essentially, I was deplatformed by Patreon for supposed "misinformation", examples of which they initially declined to provide, followed by the claim that "misinformation" is any report, regardless of whether or not the information within is factual, that "might dissuade" my audience from taking one of the two vaccine candidates that were critically reported on by Unlimited Hangout. My page on Patreon has since been shut down and payments made through Patreon to my former creator account can no longer be made or processed.

Patreon Twitter Thread 1: https://twitter.com/_whitneywebb/status/1369697440971042825

Thread 2: https://twitter.com/_whitneywebb/status/1370554129072934917

It took some time, but we now have several alternatives to Patreon and Rokfin that are now available directly through Unlimited Hangout, which you can access here:

https://unlimitedhangout.com/join/ (https://unlimitedhangout.com/join/)

Membership through the site will give you access to all premium (i.e. temporarily paywalled) content that is posted on Rokfin and had previously been posted on Patreon. This will be accessible via a members-only community forum through the website. The Unlimited Hangout community will stay updated with all of our new articles, videos, podcasts, and interviews on other podcasts and shows. It is somewhat similar to Patreon-Discord chat, with more ability to interact with each other. The Discord channel is also included in the membership.

That being said, for the month of March, we have been very low on content for the reasons outlined above. We will begin to work normally, if all goes well, starting next week and have lots of exciting content to put out as we move forward. We greatly appreciate everyone's support, especially during the Patreon debacle, as this is work that we cannot do without support from readers and viewers like you, and we look forward to getting you all more content as soon as we can.

We appreciate your continued support through our new membership options. It is the only way we can do this work. Thank you!

You can switch your monthly membership from Patreon to our new Unlimited Hangout community at https://unlimitedhangout.com/join. See you there!