View Full Version : Synthetic Biology Challenges What “ALIVE” Means!

29th March 2019, 02:24 AM
If you read the singularityhub article below, the latter claims that the arrival of CRISPR — a game-changing tool for cheap, easy genetic manipulation and the colossal drop in the cost of reading DNA are going to revolutionize society. What is important here to notice are the "financial/economic" aspects. Prices go down, meaning that a rush into synthetic biology is now unstoppable, driven by profits. The monetary incentive is essential for investors to fuel the drive, that and of course a better "quality of life argument" for the masses, so that they will not oppose it.

divide and rule races/cultures is now showing its true colors: it is irrelevant when understanding the BIG picture, we are all humans and if we refuse to believe that "synthetic humans" will replace us.

There also goes bunk the argument that we are not equal, all human life is.... birthrrights are birthrrights and eugenics comes various forms. In the form of darwinism also. One just cannot solve the problem with the same mindset that created it...

Researchers make alternatives to DNA and RNA
Eryn Brown, Los Angeles Times
DNA and RNA molecules are the basis for all life on Earth, but they don't necessarily have to be the basis for all life everywhere, scientists have shown.

(2019) Synthetic organisms are about to challenge what 'alive' really means.



The Synthetic Biology Era Is Here—How We Can Make the Most of It
This new mode of manufacturing will offer us unrivaled personalization and functionality. New foods. New fuels. New materials. New drugs.... The Optimists: For the optimists and dreamers amongst us, it’s tempting to believe that synthetic biology will surely usher in a fantastic world of abundance. The optimists dream of longer, healthier lives enabled by intelligent systems that diagnose our diseases before symptoms appear. They long for truly personalized medicine. They anticipate CRISPR-enabled cures for genetic diseases, cancer and beyond..... The Pessimists: The pessimists worry about how synthetic biology will affect our jobs, our sense of humanity and our ecosystems. They imagine a day when bio-terrorists can fabricate synthetic pathogens that can survive, multiply and cause deliberate harm to us. The pessimists are concerned about unintended consequences . They feel that the potential for misuse and abuse is so great that the risks of synthetic biology (synbio) outweigh the benefits. .... more: https://singularityhub.com/2016/08/19/the-synthetic-biology-era-is-here-how-we-can-make-the-most-of-it/

29th March 2019, 05:11 AM
Trivium is 1) grammar 2) logic and 3) rhetoric.

Being is the quality or state of having existence. Been is the quality or state of previously having existence. Alive is the combination of being and ability to change. Dead is an alteration of one's form and matter to the state of plant fertilizer.

Ification is the process of being (bet you didn't know that being was a process!!). Reification is the process of being AGAIN. Reification is not necessarily ALIVE. An example of reification is the birth certificate, the certificate of title (car) or the airworthiness certificate (airplane).

Grammar is a dynamic science as is rhetoric. You can chain words together and produce something called a 'word construction'. There are volumes written in the law library of compiled word constructions. They are so useful I have begun documenting my own word constructions. One example is 'you betcha' which has the meaning 'in the mind of the recipient', a negative averment.

...understanding the BIG picture, we are all humans
1st ... 'understanding' is consent while KNOWING encompasses belief
2nd ... 'human' = 'hue' + 'man' ... aka "color of man" ... not quite MAN but has the same physical appearance

MAN was not intended to survive humanism.

29th March 2019, 05:00 PM
nothing to do with humanism but coercion being anti-freedom, birthrights are birthrights, period, and darwnism stands against it.

how difficult to get that?

The understanding of the Trivium is zero without the undestanding of Natural Laws, which establish that the least bit of coercion turns all the COSMIC LAWS against us... coercion is why we are all divided and when speaking against coercion, you call it humanism.... ??? ??? ???

end coercion or deal with the extermination by synthetic humans...

moreover, synthetic biology is the evidence that individualism is just another bait to herd us to the end game... I cannot believe that I ever supported individualistic darwism for so many years, what a waste of time.

MAN was not intended to survive humanism.

29th March 2019, 05:08 PM
The understanding of the Trivium is zero without the undestanding of Natural Laws

Understanding in any form is CONSENT. Do you consent to the trivium? Do you consent to natural laws?

Or do you KNOW the trivium? Do you KNOW natural laws?

29th March 2019, 05:33 PM
I do and way better than you... because calling an anti-coercion stance humanism is ludicrous

the only problem we have is coercion causing separatedness... you do not understand the root of the disease.

So a man concerned with the totality of mankind and refusing to belong to culture/race/religion is a humanist... :) this man is FREE ... NOTHING TO DO WITH HUMANISM.

Thats the problem with darwinian-individualism, it fights wind mills... wants to get rid of ((them)) while preaching the same. LOL


Understanding in any form is CONSENT. Do you consent to the trivium? Do you consent to natural laws?

Or do you KNOW the trivium? Do you KNOW natural laws?

29th March 2019, 05:52 PM
you do not understand the root of the disease.

ich verstehe nicht

30th March 2019, 04:15 AM
I do and way better than you... because calling an anti-coercion stance humanism is ludicrous

the only problem we have is coercion causing separatedness... you do not understand the root of the disease.

So a man concerned with the totality of mankind and refusing to belong to culture/race/religion is a humanist... :) this man is FREE ... NOTHING TO DO WITH HUMANISM.

Thats the problem with darwinian-individualism, it fights wind mills... wants to get rid of ((them)) while preaching the same. LOL


Not all of us can be sages, nor enlightened. If you have no identity, you are and you are not; at the same time. You have no identity and therefore you have no borders. You can be annihilated and it will not matter to you. Survival is dependent upon identity.

30th March 2019, 03:06 PM
Ich spreche auch Deutsch

sure, keep arguing semantic while I am talking of anti-coercion which you associate with humanism... yet you play the Trivium teacher :)

The only choice we have is coercion vs non coercion... and obviously you agree with ((their)) definition, because if you did not, you'd know how to recognize humanism from volunatryism.

here is what brought society "darwinian individualism" ... working as slaves, have employers that milk us 24/7. The ineluctable outcome when thinking that darwinism applies human beings.

Actually it is stupidity to still defend individualism/darwinism when earth is being destroyed by greed. Time to take responsibility and realize that the so-called cure is as bad as the disease.

Most people are occupied with jobs


ich verstehe nicht

30th March 2019, 03:24 PM
enlightement is a choice... you want to seek it or not... but on that road you will be very alone first... and that is why people think they need a group to be associated with... unfortunately that is where the evil lurks because groups are easily subverted, inflitrated, unless we are talking of a group of voluntaryists of course

what identity if what is taught ia 90% false, hang on there... and best of luck

wrong you have an identity when God is within. You then become an earth custodian, and dedicated to creativity, the great work of protecting Life FIRST. It is a great responsibility, which I have accepted.

Not all of us can be sages, nor enlightened. If you have no identity, you are and you are not; at the same time. You have no identity and therefore you have no borders. You can be annihilated and it will not matter to you. Survival is dependent upon identity.