View Full Version : court: woman can use ex's sperm to get preg, force child support

29th March 2019, 07:24 AM


A Phoenix woman can try to get pregnant using fertilized embryos without the consent of her ex-husband, who would become a father, the Arizona Court of Appeals ruled.

In a 2-1 decision, the court found that Ruby Torres' right to procreate outweighs her ex-husband John Terrell's interest not to — a decision that leaned heavily on the couple's reasoning for preserving the embryos.

The court acknowledged its decision could make Terrell financially responsible for the child.

29th March 2019, 07:38 AM
You are responsible for what is yours. Don't want kids? Don't save your sperm.

A hillbilly was brought to court to decide who got custody of the kids. When it came time for him to speak he addressed the court on the following legal principle:

"If I put $1 into a candy machine and got a Hershey bar in exchange does the candy bar belong to me or the machine?"

29th March 2019, 08:56 AM
You are responsible for what is yours. Don't want kids? Don't save your sperm.

A hillbilly was brought to court to decide who got custody of the kids. When it came time for him to speak he addressed the court on the following legal principle:

"If I put $1 into a candy machine and got a Hershey bar in exchange does the candy bar belong to me or the machine?"

couldn't disagree more. his was declared hers

29th March 2019, 09:11 AM
his was declared hers
That doesn't make it SO!!!

29th March 2019, 03:09 PM
In a 2-1 decision, the court found that Ruby Torres' right to procreate outweighs her ex-husband John Terrell's interest not to — a decision that leaned heavily on the couple's reasoning for preserving the embryos.

Another blatant double standard, against men. What if a woman is pregnant and the father wants to keep the baby, and the mom wants to abort it? Are the courts going to force the mom to give birth because the father's right to procreate outweighs the mom's interest not to? Not a chance!

29th March 2019, 03:39 PM
The thing about redistributionist law is that it almost always hurts White men. The end result reveals the original intention.

29th March 2019, 04:14 PM
The thing about redistributionist law is that it almost always hurts White men.

I've never really met a white men.

29th March 2019, 06:13 PM
I've never really met a white men.

Stay in moms basement. Get a televits, i'm sure you will see one soon.

30th March 2019, 04:02 AM
I wonder if the tables were turned and the man had access to the woman's eggs? Let's say he finds a woman who is willing to be a surrogate and is implanted with the fertilized egg; Would it not then be appropriate to sue the woman (egg donor) for child support? It is the exact same scenario except switched around. Totally insane!

30th March 2019, 04:28 AM
I've never really met a white men.

Are you plurally challenged?

30th March 2019, 08:17 AM
Are you plurally challenged?
Even to the point where I see a sign MEN I look for someone to accompany me.

This, though it might seeme to be warranted (after 18.E.3) upon the Construction of the word Counties, used plurally in the Statute, 18.Ed.3.Stat.2.ca.2 yet was it much contrarie to the mea-ning

21 CAP 4

Ning of the former lawes (made 1.E.3.cap.15 & 3.4.E.3.cap2) where the same word is read (Everie Countie) in the Singular number. And therefore the Parliament (34.E.3.ca.I) restored ___ proper sense of these lawes, saying: In everie Countie of England there shall be assigned for the safe keeping of the Peace, one Lord, and with him, 3. or 4. of the mightiest men in that countie. And afterward it addeth, They shall have power to heare & determine (at the kings suit) al maner of Felonies & trespasses, done in the same County.

Above quote by
EIRENARCHA, Or of The Office Of the Justices of Peace, in foure Bookes. Revised, corrected, and enlarged, in the fortie and fourth yeare of the peaceable raigne of our most gracious Queene Elizabeth. By William Lambard of Lincolnes Inne Gentleman.

30th March 2019, 08:19 AM
Stay in moms basement. Get a televits, i'm sure you will see one soon.

To which I would respond:

Up your hose with a rubber nose.

1st April 2019, 07:01 AM
Even to the point where I see a sign MEN I look for someone to accompany me.

Above quote by
EIRENARCHA, Or of The Office Of the Justices of Peace, in foure Bookes. Revised, corrected, and enlarged, in the fortie and fourth yeare of the peaceable raigne of our most gracious Queene Elizabeth. By William Lambard of Lincolnes Inne Gentleman.

So you won't visit the men's room without someone to accompany you?

1st April 2019, 07:41 AM
So you won't visit the men's room without someone to accompany you?

Don't be silly. It's just that the notice on the wall (MEN) require pluralities. I suppose this is why women generally go in pairs.

By going as a singularity I am violating the notice .... a TRESPASS.

1st April 2019, 05:37 PM
Don't be silly. It's just that the notice on the wall (MEN) require pluralities. I suppose this is why women generally go in pairs.

By going as a singularity I am violating the notice .... a TRESPASS.

And I thought I missed your presence on this forum...

2nd April 2019, 11:43 AM
Don't be silly. It's just that the notice on the wall (MEN) require pluralities. I suppose this is why women generally go in pairs.

By going as a singularity I am violating the notice .... a TRESPASS.

You know who else trespasses into gender-specific bathrooms? Trannies.

2nd April 2019, 04:47 PM
You know who else trespasses into gender-specific bathrooms?

What gender is 'MEN'? What gender is 'WOMEN'?

This is not a trivial question. Is Congress male or female? If the Senate has 99 males and 1 female is it a male organization or does the lone female disqualify it from being classed masculine or feminine?

If the Boy Scouts accept even a single female do they lose the right to incorporate BOY into their name?

On the same plane by what right does a Boy Scout enter a 'MENS' room? Are they going to be scarred for life to see a well hung male organ?

3rd April 2019, 09:53 AM
What gender is 'MEN'? What gender is 'WOMEN'?

Honestly, if you don't know the answer to those questions, I don't know if there's much help for you.

3rd April 2019, 09:59 AM
Honestly, if you don't know the answer to those questions, I don't know if there's much help for you.

I'll make it simple (just for you since you asked so nicely). What gender is Microsoft? Is Microsoft a person? What gender is the State of Idaho? Is the State of Idaho a person? What gender is the judicial actor sitting 4 feet above the floor in a courtroom setting? Is that judicial actor a person?

My point is
1) corporations are persons and but have no gender
2) political organizations are persons but have no gender
3) office holders are persons but have no gender

Twisted Titan
5th April 2019, 08:59 AM
Good I'm glad.

I hope they crucify his ass.

It's only when it gets to the breaking point does shit get real

This woman practically raped this man legally and he is on the hook financially

What the hell happened to my sperm , my choice???

5th April 2019, 05:35 PM
Sad to say, but I'm leaning towards getting a vasectomy. I value my individual freedom enough to do it, as well.

8th April 2019, 08:18 PM
These are fertilized eggs, not his frozen sperm (which I would argue should belong to him), as fertilized eggs are traditionally and naturally are in possessed by women. Thus a good case can be made that a frozen fertilized egg legally should be considered the property of the woman whom it came from unless she has contracted it away. The man should have understood this when his sperm was used to artificially fertilize her egg. He could apply for custody, after birth, and if he wins have her pay child support.

9th April 2019, 07:22 AM
These are fertilized eggs, not his frozen sperm (which I would argue should belong to him), as fertilized eggs are traditionally and naturally are in possessed by women. Thus a good case can be made that a frozen fertilized egg legally should be considered the property of the woman whom it came from unless she has contracted it away. The man should have understood this when his sperm was used to artificially fertilize her egg. He could apply for custody, after birth, and if he wins have her pay child support.

this is not a 'traditionally' case. those eggs are in a freezer, not in a woman

9th April 2019, 02:03 PM
those eggs are in a freezer, not in a woman

Frigid woman?

11th April 2019, 12:12 PM
this is not a 'traditionally' case. those eggs are in a freezer, not in a woman

True, they do belong to someone though. Obviously the man can’t make use of them if in possession. But perhaps some type of consent from the father party should be required when the re-awakening of the fertilized egg/ embryo occurs, especially if the mother isn’t going to waive child support.

Twisted Titan
12th April 2019, 04:37 PM
Forget this bullshit.

This bitch is looking for a paycheck on the head of her unborn children

I hope her womb stays barren for the rest of her wicked ass life.